Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 19, 2007
" As for the real world, not a( single ) person will ever care about that joke of a story, lmao!! remove single and insert Libtard lol

You are probably one of those dumbasses who never remembers the punch line to a joke. And I will bet her Bro gets something from the Foundation to boot. Oh well that is all on the accountant lol.

LMAO!!! The project they are talking about didn't even happen. He got $0 for it. You're some kind of special dude, lol.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I just find it funny how he actually finds these stories to be like serious offenses. I regretfully read that article about her brother and it is so stupid, lol. Seems like a degen sibling trying to use his sisters name and get some $$$ for it. What a shocker, never been done in the history of mankind. She should be in jail, lol! Poor dude has some Ace like problems.

Lol. You actually read it? Reading Russ bullshit is a waste of time. He uses his spam email from breitbart or drudge for all his info. Somehow he calls other people sheep while using only far right wing sources to connect his imaginary dots. The guy is seriously mental and has no idea that he is.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Lol. You actually read it? Reading Russ bullshit is a waste of time. He uses his spam email from breitbart or drudge for all his info. Somehow he calls other people sheep while using only far right wing sources to connect his imaginary dots. The guy is seriously mental and has no idea that he is.

Then quit reading and posting no one would miss you. I simply post articles and others can draw their own conclusions dumbass. You guys are a joke. You wouldn't know a dot if it was on your forehead (maybe foreskin lol). Keep trolling boys.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Russ reads breitbart, drudge, fox, Rush Limbaugh website, Michael savage website and Fox News....wonder where those dots will take him? Lol....what a sheep that guy is.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Trolls exposed - so far in this thread the troll/tards have posted around 107 times out of the 284 posts made to this point. Duh

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton Has a Family Problem—and It’s Not Bill[/h]
[h=3]The Rodham brothers have a history of embarrassing their sister.[/h]—By Tim Murphy
| Wed Apr. 8, 2015 6:15 AM EDT

Ben Margot/AP
Jeb Bush isn't the only likely presidential candidate with a brother problem.
Last month, the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general revealed that an agency official had intervened in 2014 to help longtime Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe, now the governor of Virginia, obtain EB-5 visas (a steppingstone toward a green card) for employees of his electric-car company. Also named in the report was Tony Rodham, the youngest of Hillary Clinton's two brothers, whose company McAuliffe enlisted to secure those visas.
The inspector general chided the DHS official who oversaw the visa program for pressuring his staff to process the request from Gulf Coast Funds Management, where Rodham serves as CEO, despite an "incomplete business plan, insufficient economic impact analysis, and lack of support for estimating direct employment." Watergate it wasn't—McAuliffe and Rodham had just asked for a favor. But for Hillary Clinton, the news may have evoked a familiar dread.

Hillary's campaign-in-waiting has been mulling the question of how to handle her headline-grabbing husband—whose off-the-cuff remarks occasionally brought negative attention to her 2008 campaign—but the former secretary of state and her advisers also will have to look out for her brothers, Hugh and Tony, who have a history of embarrassing their sister.
As a former Clinton White House staffer once told the New York Times, ''You never wanted to hear their name come up in any context other than playing golf."
The Rodham brothers have been involved with the Clinton political machine since the beginning. In 1974, they moved from Illinois to Fayetteville, Arkansas, to volunteer on Bill Clinton's first congressional campaign. After Clinton lost, Hugh and Tony enrolled at the University of Arkansas. Hugh went on to become a public defender in Miami and helped develop the city's first drug courts. Tony worked as a South Florida process-server. But after Bill and Hillary Clinton moved into the White House in 1993, the brothers were granted entrée to a whole different world. And they made the most of it.
In 1993, shortly before Clinton was sworn in, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Rodham brothers had been soliciting corporate donations for their own inaugural ball at the Mayflower Hotel. (Despite the controversy, they held the party.) Then, in 1994, Hugh decided to run for the Senate in Florida against Republican incumbent Connie Mack. But he struggled to defeat his Democratic primary opponent, a talk radio host who believed the government was covering up the truth about aliens and who accused Bill Clinton of pushing a Nazi agenda. Hugh got demolished in the general election.
Tony, meanwhile, landed a job as a field organizer with the Democratic National Committee and married Sen. Barbara Boxer's daughter, Nicole. But he soon struck out on his own, launching a consulting firm. In 1997, he traveled with three business partners to Cambodia, where he met with newly installed dictator Hun Sen to discuss possible investments in the country. Hun Sen, who had come to power in a bloody coup, was gearing up for the upcoming election by intimidating his political opponents, and the US government had taken a hands-off approach to the regime. Rodham suggested that his visit might help the peace process and open up the nation to American business. "We came to see what fits here in Cambodia, and there are many fits," he told reporters—speaking at a hotel, the Associated Press dryly noted, that was owned by a Cambodian businessman banned from doing business in the United States because of his alleged involvement in the drug trade.
A few years later, another embarrassing foreign adventure landed the Rodham brothers in the news. In 1999, Hugh and Tony entered into a $118 million joint venture to grow and export hazelnuts with Aslan Abashidze, a strongman in a semiautonomous region of the Republic of Georgia (who had allegedly murdered one of his top deputies in the early 1990s). Abashidze and the Rodhams weren't just partners—Tony Rodham agreed to become the godfather to Abashidze's grandsons. Abashidze interpreted his deal with the brothers as a de facto endorsement by the president himself, and he told reporters that the American branch of the hazelnut-importing business would be located "next to the White House." This was news to the Clinton White House, which was allied with Abashidze's rival, Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze. Ultimately, the Rodhams called off the deal because of the controversy. Abashidze would later flee to Russia shortly before a Georgian courtsentenced him to 15 years in prison for embezzlement.
The Rodhams continued to trade on their family connection. In 2000, Tony Rodham successfully lobbied President Clinton to pardon a Tennessee couple convicted of bank fraud, over the objections of the Justice Department. Tony insisted that he took up the couple's cause pro bono. But congressional investigators later found the couple had paid him a $244,769 salary as a consultant. And Hugh Rodham was paid $434,000 to lobby—successfully—for pardons for a cocaine trafficker and a fraudster who peddled an anti-baldness treatment. (He later gave the money back.)
Hillary Clinton would hardly be the first presidential candidate dogged by family matters. Jimmy Carter's brother, Billy, launched his own line of beer and signed on as a lobbyist for Libya. George W. Bush's brother Neil toured East Asia with a Korean cult leader promoting a tunnel between Russia and Alaska. And FDR's nephew, Tadd, became tabloid fodder after eloping with a Hungarian prostitute.
In recent years, the Rodham brothers have largely kept a low profile. But as the recent report by the inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security illustrated, their dealings could once again become a headache for their sister. The company Tony works for, Gulf Coast Funds Management, specializes in obtaining special visas for foreigners interested in doing business in the United States. The company is owned by a Virginia businessman named Charles Wang, who with Terry McAuliffe cofounded the electric-car company GreenTech automotive. According toPolitico, Tony has worked to line up investors for the car company in China. Hugh Rodham is a partner in the Florida law firm Rodham & Fine. Neither of the Rodham brothers responded to interview requests.
"The Rodham boys need to be careful, is my advice to them," another former first-family member from South Florida told the St. Petersburg Times in 1993. "Never assume that even after you've dotted every 'i' and crossed every 't' that it'll be perceived that way by friends or foe." It was sound piece of advice from Jeb Bush.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Clinton's brother landed lucrative gold-mining permit in Haiti after Bill Clinton helped country recover from earthquake devastation[/h]
  • Book due out in May describes alleged sweetheart deal that netted VCS Mining a gold concession that hadn't been issued to anyone in 50 years
  • Tony Rodham, Mrs. Clinton's brother, sat on the company's board
  • Another board member co-chaired a relief effort with former President Bill Clinton following a devastating 2010 earthquake
  • 'Clinton Cash' is the latest from Peter Schweizer, who turned heads in 2011 with an expose about insider trading by members of Congress
PUBLISHED: 13:02 EST, 6 March 2015 | UPDATED: 15:09 EST, 6 March 2015

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An unusual nexus of mining interests, relief work in Haiti, and a former U.S. first family is raising new ethics questions that could affect Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions.
Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, was a board member of a North Carolina mining company that enjoyed prime access to Haitian gold deposits in the wake of post-earthquake relief work organized in part by former president Bill Clinton through the Clinton Foundation.
Another board member of the firm, VCS Mining, was former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, who co-chaired the charitable Interim Haiti Recovery Commission with Mr. Clinton.
The revelation, smacking of cronyism and back-room government dealing, is part of a forthcoming book by Government Accountability Institute founder Peter Schweizer, whose work exposing the investment 'insider trading' habits of members of Congress caused national outrage in 2011 even though the practice was legal.
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ONE-STOP SHOP: Clinton presided over the grand opening of a Haitian industrial park in October 2012, two months before VCS Mining got a lucrative gold mining permit

'Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,' his latest book, will go on sale May 5.
At the time VCS Mining's 'gold exploitation permit' was awarded, according to a press release from the company, it was one of only two firms to get one. The Haitian government hadn't issued such a permit in more than 50 years.


Tony Rodham, brother of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, sat on the board of a company that landed a gold mining deal in Haiti after Bill and Hillary Clinton directed millions into post-earthquake relief

Breitbart News first reported on the investigative nonfiction book's coming release.
The January 2010 Haiti earthquake killed more than 100,000 people and affected more than 3 million. That disaster was followed nine months later by a cholera epidemic of historic proportions.
The Clinton Foundation raised at least $36 million to help, according to its website.
The Obama administration pledged $3.6 billion. 'Much of the U.S. assistance is provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development,' a department of the State Department that Mrs. Clinton led at the time, according to the department's website.
Rodham's company got its gold mining rights in December 2012, according to the VCS press release.
Schweizer's publisher, HarperCollins, said in a press release Thursday that it 'reveals how the Clintons went from "dead broke" on leaving the White House to being millionaires, describing in detail the way in which the Clintons habitually blur the lines between politics, philanthropy, and business.'
The Clintons' family philanthropy came under fire in February for admitting it had accepted money directly from foreign governments including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman.
Some of those donations came while Mrs. Clinton was the U.S. secretary of state.
Breitbart reported that the terms of Rodham's gold windfall upset members of Haiti's senate: The government's royalties under the deal were pegged at just 2.5 per cent, half the customary rate. And VCS mining has an option to renew the terms for 25 years.

Earnest struggles to say whether Hillary violated policy


HarperCollins executive editor Adam Bellow, son of the famed novelist Saul Bellow, said in a statement that in Schweizer's book, he 'coins a new term to describe the unique way in which Bill and Hillary tend to mingle their political, personal and philanthropic interests.'
He calls it 'the Clinton Blur.'
'Schweizer’s exhaustively researched book raises serious questions about the sources of the Clintons' sudden wealth, their ethical judgment, and Hillary's fitness for high public office,' Bellow added.
Mrs. Clinton was America's first lady and a U.S. shuhenator before losing the Democratic presidential nomination to Barack Obama in 2008 and joining his administration the following year.
In addition to howls from the political right about her foundation's role in attracting donors from among countries with whom she negotiated – $500,000 of the Clinton Foundation's Haiti donations came from the Algerian government, for example – she is under fire for using a private email address run on her own server, during her years at the State Department.
She never had a '' address. Instead she ran her professional and personal emails through her own Internet domain, ',' creating ethical and possibly legal issues because of the possibility that the State Department has not archived all her messages.


CLOSE: Clinton greeted Haitian President Michel Martelly warmly when she arrived for the indutrial ribbon cutting in 2012

Clinton got an additional black eye this week with the revelation that Scott Gration, who served as America's ambassador to Kenya for 13 months of her tenure, was ousted after he did somethign similar.
When Gration took over the Nairobi embassy, according to a 2012 inspector general report, he insisted on the installation of a private, commercial Internet connection in the bathroom attached to his office so he could communicate with the outside world beyond the reach of the State Department.
The Federal Records Act requires employees of executive branch agencies to keep their emails and make them available for permanent retention.
The law originally did not explicitly apply to electronic communications; Congress updated it after Mrs. Clinton left her job as America's top diplomat.
Stories about government higher-ups using private email addresses for government work are nothing new.
One Obama administration official, former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson, used an email address with fictitious name attached – 'Richard Windsor.'
But Clinton is widely expected to announce a run for the White House next month, putting her conduct under an unforgiving microscope.
Members of Congress typically have private email addresses, something that's not prohibited under federal law for officials in the government's legislative branch.
Federal law does, however, prohibit them from using their taxpayer-funded '' or '' addresses for fundraising and other political activity.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Trolls exposed - so far in this thread the troll/tards have posted around 107 times out of the 284 posts made to this point. Duh
Every spam article you the very definition of what a troll does. You are very stupid.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Every spam article you the very definition of what a troll does. You are very stupid.

Note this article goes back to 2012:

Hillary’s brother back in the news
By Carol Felsenthal

Hillary Clinton’s brothers, Tony and Hugh, were often entertaining, sometimes alarming White House presences, but they had largely disappeared from public view as their brother-in-law left the White House and their older sister became U.S. senator and then secretary of State.

So I took note when I read Mark Leibovich’s admiring, even loving, profile of Bill Clinton’s best buddy, the irrepressible Terry McAuliffe. (The long profile of the former president’s fundraiser/rescuer extraordinaire appears in next Sunday’s New York Times magazine but isavailable online).

McAuliffe, Leibovich reports, now has a new business, Greentech, a manufacturer of the MyCar, a tiny, two-seater electric vehicle, and that’s where Hillary’s brother Tony Rodham comes in. It’s a throwaway line — “The board of its primary investment group is led by Hillary Clinton’s brother” — and Leibovich doesn’t say which brother is helping to raise money for the venture.
A bit of research finds that the brother is Anthony “Tony” Rodham, now president and CEO of Gulf Coast Funds Management. Once married — in the Rose Garden in 1994 — now divorced from Sen. Barbara Boxer’s (D-Calif.) daughter Nicole, Tony came under fire for pushing for a presidentialpardon in 2000 for carnival operators who had been convicted of bank fraud and to whom he had a financial tie.

Greentech currently has a plant in Horn Lake, Miss., where the cars’ parts will be made — Leibovich writes that McAuliffee “purchased a company from China and moved it back to the United States” — and will have a giant plant in China where the cars will be assembled. McAuiffe, who emerges as a hyper-optimistic and energetic in Leibovich’s words, is running for governor of Virginia in 2013.

Vitard - read 'em and weep loser lol. No a troll does what you do, Alinsky up.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Lmao, Russ... no one cares if she has a degenerate brother. This is hilarious how you think this is some kind of serious issue.

Just imagine what your siblings would have to put up with if they ran for office, I don't think they'd ever be able to cover once people read some of your comments.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
One problem is you're talking to people old as dirt. Russ and dave are old miserable codgers over 70 ......Walter is in his mid 60's and you saw that purple flowers pic, he looks in his 70's.... Jdeucebag might not be as old but he is clearly psychotic. They are stuck in 50's when minorities were always 2nd class citizens......these right wing loons simply have not evolved as people....intellectually they aren't they are never gonna understand what you're telling them.

The wealth of knowledge in one of our turds that we flush every morning surpasses the total accumulation of your acquired knowledge to date and time is running out for you.

You will continue to be oblivious to the world around you till the day you die.

But look on the bright side, you’ll die happy and well rested.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The wealth of knowledge in one of our turds that we flush every morning surpasses the total accumulation of your acquired knowledge to date and time is running out for you.

You will continue to be oblivious to the world around you till the day you die.

But look on the bright side, you’ll die happy and well rested.
You and Russ are neck and neck for the dumbest rx poster award.

God is shaking his head saying I really fucked up with those two guys.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The wealth of knowledge in one of our turds that we flush every morning surpasses the total accumulation of your acquired knowledge to date and time is running out for you.

You will continue to be oblivious to the world around you till the day you die.

But look on the bright side, you’ll die happy and well rested.

Comedy gold! You guys are talking about Hillary Clinton's brother in a failed attempt to get money for a housing project in Haiti. Seriously? That's what you guys consider real world issues. The Internet was a great invention but it has its negatives. One, giving a platform to complete degens that otherwise would just be out in their trailers hoarding trash and used car parts.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Comedy gold! You guys are talking about Hillary Clinton's brother in a failed attempt to get money for a housing project in Haiti. Seriously? That's what you guys consider real world issues. The Internet was a great invention but it has its negatives. One, giving a platform to complete degens that otherwise would just be out in their trailers hoarding trash and used car parts.
Lol. Did you hear Hilary's second cousin once took a dump in the woods instead of walking 8 miles to a bathroom. This shows the clintons don't care about littering. This will be a major factor in 2016.

What a couple of retards.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Tards up to 104 posts and counting - troll city

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Between em they have over 52,000 posts and 90% of them are to each other.


your post are lies, right wing blather and little kiddie pics.

Akp should be reading and taking them might help you not look so stupid

New member
Jan 9, 2009
05-11-2015, 02:52 PM
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Back to the future lol


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
your post are lies, right wing blather and little kiddie pics.

Akp should be reading and taking them might help you not look so stupid

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Posts per day… AK 11.92


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