Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Sep 21, 2004
Tards is right. Of Vtard’s last 11 posts in this thread the only person to respond was Sewerrattard.

I really hope the Granny doesn’t get indicted. The look on her face when she loses the election will be priceless.
You will have ample opportunity to back up your losing opinion, and take at least another 1 year vacay when the time comes, only this time it'll be multi years.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
The funny thing is what happens if Hillary is elected. Do the tards not realize that the Foundation is being looked at by many who have good reason to do such. Once those dots are connected what happens. Worst case scenario - Hillary gets impeached? Ouch that makes all of what is coming down now look even more convincing. All arrows point and the Clinton's and Hillary's lies will eventually do her in. It ain't over till it's over lol.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Former U.S. Secretary of State and Democrat presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton weighed in to support the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) that would make Houston businesses allow men who are dressed in female attire or otherwise say they feel like a woman to use women’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms, regardless of their biological sex. The Democrat presidential hopeful tweeted out her support to activists in Houston.

“No one should face discrimination for who they are or who they love — I support efforts for equality in Houston & beyond,” Clinton tweeted.

I can see it all now.

And the voters answered. Not on our watch.

Houston's controversial equal rights ordinance (HERO) failed by a wide margin Tuesday, with voters opting to repeal the law that offered broad non-discrimination protections, according to incomplete and unofficial returns.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
What a dolt.

It’s funny because it could come true.

Speaking at an NAACP event in Charleston, S.C. on Friday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton slipped up while discussing her proposal to allow convicted felons to avoid disclosing their criminal histories on applications for federal jobs.

“Earlier today, I announced that as president, I will take steps to ban the box, so former presidents won’t have to declare their criminal history at the very start of the hiring process,” Clinton says in video of the speech, first reported by Slate. “That way, they’ll have a chance to be seen as more than just someone who’s done time.”

While Clinton undoubtedly meant to say “prisoners” instead of “presidents,” banning the box could come in handy for the Democratic front-runner given that the FBI is investigating her private email server over the classified emails found on it.

Planning ahead I presume?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Note: this was done by NBC:

[h=2]Poll: Voters Are Not Very Excited About Hillary Clinton[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
November 3, 2015 4:29 pm



American voters are not very excited about Hillary Clinton, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Democrats still view her favorably, and she’s still leading a pathetic field by a wide margin, but on questions of character and personality, the American public gives her some pretty horrendous reviews.
Likability (33% positive)

Honesty (27% positive)*

Compassion (40% positive)

Vision (39% positive)

Inspiration/Excitement (36% positive)

Morality (36% positive)

Republicans can still screw it up, but until they do, this is bad news for Hillary.
*Worse than Donald Trump (32% positive)


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Here we go again. Polls that don't mean a thing and never translate to votes.

Remember Obama numbers before 2012 that you idiots kept posting? Don't you block heads ever learn?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]False Statements Hillary Clinton Made To The Benghazi Committee[/h]SHARE

BY: Daniel Bassali
November 4, 2015 5:00 am

The House Select Committee on Benghazi’s questioning of Hillary Clinton revealed several discrepancies between what Clinton has said and the facts.
While the mainstream media called the 11-hour briefing a tremendous success for the Democratic frontrunner for president, Clinton’s statements portray her as dishonest and untrustworthy. Rather than look at the accuracy of her answers, most media coverage focused on the style of her responses.
Clinton said that up to 95 percent of her emails were already stored on the State Department’s server because she emailed government accounts, which are automatically stored—unlike her own private account. When asked by Chairman Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) where she obtained this fact, which she mentioned numerous times in her testimony, Clinton cited the State Department. The following day, spokesman Mark Toner said the State Department did not provide that figure. An Inspector General report released in March said only 0.00006 percent of all emails were properly archived on State Department servers.
Clinton also said she turned over all of her relevant work emails from her time in Foggy Bottom, but the Benghazi Committee proved that false when Sid Blumenthal provided them 15 emails not included in the ones Clinton turned over. More emails between Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus were found later. When confronted about how she chose which emails to hand over to the State Department and which to wipe off her server, Clinton pointed to her team of lawyers.
The story of why Clinton was forced to turn her emails over to the State Department has also been refuted. She said she did so voluntarily, along with other former secretaries of state, to help “fill gaps” in the department’s records. In September, State Department press secretary John Kirby told theWashington Post that the department was made aware of Clinton’s private server by the Benghazi Committee, which requested she turn over all of her documents. They reached out to Clinton three months prior to contacting any other secretary of state.
From her first press conference to address her email scandal at the UN, Clinton said there was never any classified information contained on her private server and that no sensitive material was ever sent or received. Upon receiving her emails, inspectors general of intelligence agencies found highly classified information stored on Clinton’s server. The inspectors said the information was “classified at the time and classified now.”
Despite saying that Blumenthal’s emails to her were “unsolicited,” Clinton was rebuked by Gowdy for using her “old friend,” whom the White House forbade from working for the State Department, as a valuable source of information in Libya. In several emails, Clinton asked whether Blumenthal had more information for her, forwarded along his memos to the White House, advocated for his policy ideas, encouraged him to keep up his emails, and appeared to assist him with a business deal.
Clinton said she was only going with information she received during the early hours of September 11, 2012, when she called the Benghazi terrorist attack an act of violence as a result of an anti-Islamic video. The Benghazi Committee discovered Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea, saying that she knew it was a terrorist attack. She also told the Egyptian Prime Minister over the phone she knew the video “had nothing to do” with the attack just hours after it occurred. Republicans allege the Obama administration wanted to blame the video to avoid exposing the president’s failed policy just before his reelection.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
But, but, but...

Hillary "killed it" at the Benghazi hearings.

Lies? How can this be????

New member
Oct 29, 2010
But, but, but...

Hillary "killed it" at the Benghazi hearings.

Lies? How can this be????

It was beyond killing it. She made the committee look like the joke they are. Russ can grasps a straws for as long as he wants, he can cheer his Trey Gowdy action figure all he wants, he can dig up the few people in the world who didn't think that was a right wing bloodbath.....none of it will help. That was an amateur committee going up against someone smarter in every aspect of life.

Gowdy had a Hillary stamp across his forehead.

Aug 6, 2006
It's possible whoever emerges as the R candidate could defeat Hillary in a debate. But not by using the Benghazi issue anymore. The R candidate will lose points bringing this event up again. Perception = Reality regardless of where the truth lies. Hillary made that committee look sillary. This Benghazi thing is burnt toast.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
It's possible whoever emerges as the R candidate could defeat Hillary in a debate. But not by using the Benghazi issue anymore. The R candidate will lose points bringing this event up again. Perception = Reality regardless of where the truth lies. Hillary made that committee look sillary. This Benghazi thing is burnt toast.

I disagree, the committee caught her in several lies. Without the help of the liberal media and Dem members of the committee she had no chance and they propped her up like she was a winner, wrong. Benghazi is not over and what she told the familes when the bodies arrived after it was revealed she already knew the video had nothing to do with it tells you all you need to know about her. Like penalizing the maker of the video was going to lessen the loss of the families, right. Look at the Gov election in Kentucky, a big indication that the Dem party is losing ground going into next year's election. She is the best they can come up which is absolutely pathetic. Watch Obama go for a third term, would not surprise me at all if Hillary goes down before the election. But bringing up Benghazi will not lose points with potential voters who are yet undeceded.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
How the fuck can she look at herself in a mirror.

I guess the same way Bush does. Do you remember 9-11-2001?

only total fucking morons would hold her responsible for those deaths. This is why you idiots will lose again. Only dummies think like you

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It's possible whoever emerges as the R candidate could defeat Hillary in a debate. But not by using the Benghazi issue anymore. The R candidate will lose points bringing this event up again. Perception = Reality regardless of where the truth lies. Hillary made that committee look sillary. This Benghazi thing is burnt toast.

Of course you're correct about this. Probably not about the beating her in a debate part....but the Benghazi part you are spot on.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It's possible whoever emerges as the R candidate could defeat Hillary in a debate. But not by using the Benghazi issue anymore. The R candidate will lose points bringing this event up again. Perception = Reality regardless of where the truth lies. Hillary made that committee look sillary. This Benghazi thing is burnt toast.

Cruz would destroy Hillary...absolutely annihilate her.

"If one goes down the road of scandals with Hillary, it would consume more than a two-hour debate,” Cruz joked. “And frankly, the key to winning in 2016 is running a populist campaign of hard-working men and women against the bipartisan corruption of Washington, which Hillary embodies.”

“My dad came to America with nothing, washing dishes, making 50 cents an hour. When I was in high school, my parents went bankrupt,” Cruz said. In contrast, he noted, “Hillary and Bill Clinton have made hundreds of millions of dollars exploiting their government service.”

Cruz didn’t seem at all worried about Hillary’s power to drive the narrative in 2016. Why the confidence?

“Hillary Clinton hasn’t even driven a car since 1996.”


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