Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Joe you need to drop this "Gaystream media" crap. It's childish and detracts from the point you are making. Yes much of the media ihas a liberal bias. But the blowjob they give Obama is metaphoric, not physical :)

The gaystream media is run by faggots pushing a faggotized, feminist, anti-masculine, anti-rugged individualistic socialist agenda. Anything traditional American and good is attacked and ridiculed. Unlike 50 years ago, the current debasement of American values and culture emanating from Hollyweird and the gaystream media do not accurately represent flyover America.

Far from being detracting, the deliberate faggotization of America is a very real and ongoing threat.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Gaystream media:






Even today's 'straight' members of the gaystream media don't come across as traditional masculine news anchors, they sound and dress like a bunch of pansy fags and urban metrosexuals. :>(

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Every time you post that nonsense this will be my stock response:
Bush was president for 8 months. The entire security apparatus is passed from one administration to the next. What Clinton handed to Bush consisted of agencies who weren't even cooperating with each other regarding the sharing of intelligence and information. And Clinton already admitted underestimating the AQ threat, despite other attacks they had already executed. 9/11 was planned before Bush took office. Many of the proposals of the 9/11 commission were meant to shore up security flaws that persisted throughout Clinton's terms.
Well Zippy, I see you got suckered once again. Your button got pushed and you responded. What is it now 6 or 7 times?

For someone who revels in advising posters how to handle trolls you just can’t help yourself.

And what have you accomplished other than being a troll enabler? Nothing.

Yours truly,


Aug 6, 2006
The gaystream media is run by faggots pushing a faggotized, feminist, anti-masculine, anti-rugged individualistic socialist agenda. Anything traditional American and good is attacked and ridiculed. Unlike 50 years ago, the current debasement of American values and culture emanating from Hollyweird and the gaystream media do not accurately represent flyover America.

Far from being detracting, the deliberate faggotization of America is a very real and ongoing threat.


IMO your views are more dangerous than any of your imaginery boogeymen. You got a lot of hate in you man. The only"anti-ruggedness" I've seen from these people is the kids don't play dodgeball in gym as often as our generation.

Aug 6, 2006
Gaystream media:






Even today's 'straight' members of the gaystream media don't come across as traditional masculine news anchors, they sound and dress like a bunch of pansy fags and urban metrosexuals. :>(

I am sure every one of those people worked very hard to get where they are while over the same extended timespan you moaned on the internet to people who have no more power than you to change anything. God Bless Robin Roberts. I am so glad she won her battle vs cancer. She is a brave woman. God bless AC as well. If my brother threw himself out a window I'd never overcome it.

Aug 6, 2006
Well Zippy, I see you got suckered once again. Your button got pushed and you responded. What is it now 6 or 7 times?

For someone who revels in advising posters how to handle trolls you just can’t help yourself.

And what have you accomplished other than being a troll enabler? Nothing.

Yours truly,


Well I said "stock response" didn't I. Vit doesn't troll..... me :)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
IMO your views are more dangerous than any of your imaginery boogeymen. You got a lot of hate in you man. The only"anti-ruggedness" I've seen from these people is the kids don't play dodgeball in gym as often as our generation.

It is true, I am very angry watching the decline of the Western civilization, because we as free-thinking individuals have allowed VERY vocal and stupid people in large groups to shove their batshit insane agendas down our throats.

Sep 21, 2004
The gaystream media is run by faggots pushing a faggotized, feminist, anti-masculine, anti-rugged individualistic socialist agenda. Anything traditional American and good is attacked and ridiculed. Unlike 50 years ago, the current debasement of American values and culture emanating from Hollyweird and the gaystream media do not accurately represent flyover America.

Far from being detracting, the deliberate faggotization of America is a very real and ongoing threat.

The sick author of the above nonsense posts Baseball scores as 3 to 9. :):)And he talks about "faggots", and anti masculine, anti rugged individuals:ohno:, and hangs out in purple flower patches:):). Self Hating is the worst kind of hate of all. He hates what he truly is, and lashes out against it in others.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Emails: Clinton’s BlackBerry Was Vulnerable to Hackers

State officials had intelligence regarding Clinton BlackBerry’s ‘vulnerability’ during first visit abroad

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Lachlan Markay
November 9, 2015 5:00 am

Hillary Clinton’s BlackBerry was vulnerable to hackers during her first visit abroad as secretary of state, according to internal State Department documents obtained by theWashington Free Beacon.
State’s top diplomatic security official warned Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff, against using their BlackBerries in “Mahogany Row,” the suite of offices at the department’s Foggy Bottom headquarters where the secretary and her top deputies worked, in a March 2009 memo.
“I cannot stress too strongly … that any unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving emails, and exploring calendars,” wrote Eric Boswell, who led State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
Clinton’s BlackBerry was not issued by the State Department, according to former spokeswoman Jen Psaki. The Democratic presidential frontrunner received messages to her personal email address on the device. Hundreds of emails sent to that address contained information subsequently deemed classified.
According to internal emails about Boswell’s memo, released with significant redactions to the Competitive Enterprise Institute in response to an open records request, intelligence suggested that Clinton’s BlackBerry was vulnerable to monitoring or intrusion during her first trip abroad as secretary of state.
A redacted sentence in the memo “indicates [that State’s diplomatic security division] have intelligence concerning this vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia,” according to an email from Boswell’s executive assistant.
Clinton told Boswell that she “gets it,” according to that email. However, Clinton has also said that she used a personal email address instead of an official government one so that she could receive emails on her BlackBerry.
At least 300 of those emails contained information that has since been deemed classified. Clinton says they were not marked as such at the time, but the nondisclosure agreements she signed upon taking the job made her responsible for ascertaining the classification status of information in her possession.
Boswell’s memo shows that State Department cybersecurity officials were concerned from the beginning of her tenure as secretary about the use of BlackBerrys by Clinton and her senior staff.
“Our review reaffirms our belief that the vulnerabilities and risks associated with use of Blackberries in the Mahogany Row [redacted] considerably outweigh the convenience their use can add to staff that have access to the unclassified OpenNet system on their desktops,” Boswell wrote.
OpenNet is State’s computer network linking unclassified workstations in its Washington. D.C., headquarters with embassies and other offices around the world.
According to an internal email on Boswell’s memo, “the Secretary does not have an OpenNet+ terminal (because she doesn’t use computer systems).”
Despite the vulnerabilities identified in the memo, Clinton continued using her BlackBerry during her tenure as the nation’s chief diplomat. Clinton’s use of the device became an Internet meme in October 2011 after a photo of her wearing sunglasses while typing on a BlackBerry went viral.
Boswell’s memo contained guidance for Clinton should she decide to continue the use of BlackBerrys in spite of the risks, but that guidance was redacted from the version released to CEI.

Clinton’s campaign did not a return a request for comment. (what's new LOL)


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hugh Hewitt: Hillary Clinton’s NDA Signing Uncovered By Free Beacon Was An Actual Scandal This Week[/h]SHARE

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
November 8, 2015 11:56 am

Meet The Press panelist Hugh Hewitt highlighted a Washington Free Beacon report Sunday on Hillary Clinton signing a non-disclosure agreement acknowledging responsibility for determining what information shared with her should be deemed classified
Hewitt, a conservative radio talk show host, mentioned the report to showcase how the media this week has focused on two supposed scandals on Republicans rather than discuss major developments with Clinton.
“[Ben Carson’s] objection to this week is there were four scandals but two were reported,” he said. “Marco Rubio does not have a scandal. Ben Carson does not have a scandal. Hillary, however, had her non-disclosure agreement revealed by Lachlan Markay at the Washington Free Beacon and Reuters obtained a letter from the Teneo group refusing to answer any questions about Hillary Clinton. So there were four scandals, two real involving Hillary Clinton, one about Ben Carson, West Point, not a scandal, heavily media, and the one about Marco Rubio, which is all puff.”
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow ignored Hewitt’s point about Clinton’s NDA and continued to attack Carson’s biography.
Both the Free Beacon and Reuters stories are problematic for the Clinton campaign and yet the mainstream media decided not to report on them, according to Hewitt. Instead, the news cycle was dominated by accusations that Carson falsely claimed he got a West Point scholarship offer and allegations that Marco Rubio inappropriately handled the Florida GOP check card in 2005 and 2006.
Clinton signing an NDA is significant because it pushes back against the campaign’s notion that she did not mishandle sensitive information on her private email server because she never sent or received anything “marked classified at the time.” A review of emails Clinton turned over to the State Department found hundreds of emails with information deemed classified.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Russ.....give's over. Gowdy was beaten to a pulp.....your lying cut and paste jobs are garbage that nobody believes.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
At this point I think polls are useless however a trend continues…

Three out of four leading Republican presidential candidates would beat Democrat Hillary Clinton if the election for the White House were held today, a recent poll shows.

Quinnipiac’s November 4 poll measured Clinton against the four Republicans with the highest percentage of national GOP support for the nomination: Donald Trump, who in the poll has 24 percent support for the Republican nomination; Ben Carson, with 23 percent; Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)80%, with 14 percent; and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97%, with 13 percent.

The poll also included a fifth hypothetical matchup. Curiously, although former Gov. Jeb Bush comes in fifth in GOP support with 4 percent, in contrast with Gov. Chris Christie who has 3 percent and did not even qualify for the main stage for the upcoming Fox Business/Wall Street Journal debate—and despite the fact that Bush has an immensely larger war chest and campaign organization than Christie—Quinnipiac chose to poll Christie against Clinton, but not Bush.

Carson beats Clinton by the widest margin, 50 to 40 percent. This is followed by Rubio and Christie, both of whom beat her 46 to 41. Cruz would best Clinton 46 to 43. In this poll, Trump was the only major GOP contender Clinton would beat, by a margin of 46 to 43 percent (just barely outside the margin of error).

The poll shows the GOP nomination up for grabs. The leader—Trump, who at 24 percent leads Carson by one point—also has the highest percentage of Republicans who say they would definitely not support him, at 25 percent. Bush also faces a headwind, with 23 percent saying they would not support him.

On the critical question of whether a candidate is honest and trustworthy, Clinton fares the worst; 60 percent say she is not honest and cannot be trusted, while only 36 percent say she is.

The poll of 1,144 registered voters was conducted October 29–November 2, and has a margin of error of 2.9 percent.

The Granny is not the lock Liberals believe she is.

Aug 6, 2006
She's a lock to escape prosecution though - The Fix is in:

Whitewashing Hillary — step one in shutting down the FBI’s probe (NY Post editorial)

Well, whaddya know? Maybe those Hillary Clinton emails didn’t include top-secret information after all.

At least, that’s the conclusion reportedly drawn by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s office — overruling the finding of Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough that two Clinton emails (from a sample of just 40) contained highly classified info.

Hmm. Clapper answers to the president — who issued clear marching orders months ago, announcing that Clinton’s server scam was “not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

Oddly, news of Clapper’s finding got leaked to Politico soon after the Washington Free Beacon reported Clinton did indeed, right after taking over at State, acknowledge her responsibility to properly guard classified info — and that “negligent handling” of it could bring criminal penalties.

Until the Beacon broke that news, even the State Department was unclear on whether Clinton ever signed the Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement. By so doing, she promised not to put classified info at risk — by, say, storing it on a home-brewed email server.

Which she immediately turned around and did, because she didn’t want a record of her communications available to . . . the government of the United States of America.

That said, Clapper’s ruling whitewashes Clinton’s most serious known violations, and could serve as a pretext for shutting down the FBI’s probe into Clinton’s server use. But it shouldn’t.

Because her emails still include plenty of “born classified” info — stuff any top official knows must be kept safe.

“If a foreign minister just told the secretary of state something in confidence, by US rules that is classified at the moment it’s in US channels and US possession,” J. William Leonard, head of the US Information Security Oversight Office from 2002 to 2008, told Reuters in August.

And any high-ranking official knows those rules. That’s why two former CIA chiefs have faced prosecution for breaking them.

But the Obama administration is plainly bent on seeing that Hillary Clinton will skate for doing the same.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]FBI Increases Scrutiny in Hillary Clinton Email Probe[/h]Former official says it looks like ‘full-blown investigation’


BY: Morgan Chalfant
November 10, 2015 11:08 am

The FBI is making increasing inquiries into the security of Hillary Clinton’s private email system and aides’ communications, leading a former FBI official to surmise that the probe has escalated into a full-fledged investigation.
Politico reported:
The FBI around early October requested documents from a company involved in the server arrangement after Clinton left State. It also interviewed a former high-ranking policy official at State about the contents of top Clinton aides’ emails. The official, who spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity, said the questions explored whether anyone at State was concerned about classified information being put at risk by communicating over email. The source did not know of any such concerns. Confirmation of the interview and document requests is the first public indication that the agency is moving ahead with its inquiry–and possibly expanding it.
The former State Department official approached by the FBI was not involved with the set-up or approval of the personal email system Clinton used while she served as secretary of state, which indicates that the FBI may now be examining staff communications in addition to the security of Clinton’s server.
“This sounds to me like it’s more than a preliminary inquiry; it sounds like a full-blown investigation,” former assistant director of the FBI Tom Fuentes said. “When you have this amount of resources going into it …. I think it’s at the investigative level.”
When the Department of Justice seized Clinton’s server in August after the inspector general of the intelligence community concluded that multiple emails contained classified information, the probe was considered preliminary.
The FBI does not need to say publicly that it has escalated a preliminary investigation to a full-fledged one.
The news comes days after the Washington Free Beacon reported that Clinton signed a nondisclosure agreement when she took office as secretary of state that laid out the criminal penalties for “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.
“Hillary Clinton has sought to mislead the American people from day one about her secret email server, but now the FBI is expanding its investigation even further,” Michael Short, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said Tuesday.
“Amid new revelations she likely violated a legally-binding agreement to protect classified information, Hillary Clinton has shown she cannot be trusted with the presidency by putting our national security at risk all so she could skirt government transparency laws.”


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Mrs. Clinton is no beauty but she does look a lot better with that wig
than she ever looked before.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Campaign Adviser Also Advised Fast Faltering Health Care Company[/h]Theranos losing millions in partnerships

Chris Jennings (second from left) appears at a bill singing with President Bill Clinton / AP

BY: Brent Scher
November 12, 2015 5:00 am

A longtime adviser to both Bill and Hillary Clinton on health care issues that is currently advising Clinton’s presidential campaign also advised Theranos, a health care start-up that has quickly turned from an industry darling to being labeled a fraud.
Hillary Clinton claims to be the enemy of drug companies but she is no enemy of Chris Jennings, who made millions of dollarsas a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry after he served as the top health care adviser for the Clinton White House.
President Barack Obama brought him on board in 2013 to coordinate health reform for the White House despite his decade of lobbying. He was charged with heading the final implementation of Obamacare ahead of the opening of the online health exchanges.
Jennings resigned from the post after six months, citing health concerns, but it was reported later in the year by Congressional Quarterly that Jennings had “quietly reopened” his firm Jennings Policy Strategies.
Because Jennings is now doing “non-lobbying” work, he is not required to disclose his clients. The one company he admitted to advising was Theranos, a medical testing company that claimed to invent an industry-changing machine and was valued at $9 billion.
Theranos claimed to invent a blood test that could provide results for a fraction of the cost of current blood tests, one that would require only drops of blood taken via a finger-prick rather than a full vial from a needle.
The company’s founder, Elizabeth Holmes, who became the “world’s youngest female billionaire” with Theranos, said that the technology allowed for “something like a cholesterol test [for] $2.99” that could be performed at a local pharmacy.
It is unclear whether Jennings knew when he signed on as an adviser for the company that these claims were wildly optimistic, and that the technology that promised to drastically reduce health costs was not all it was made out to be.
A thorough Wall Street Journal exposé published in October based on internal Theranos emails and interviews with multiple former Theranos revealed that the technology invented by Theranos, a blood-testing machine called the “Edison,” was producing results so inaccurate that the company stopped using it for a large majority of its tests.
Due to the inaccuracy of the Edison, Theranos decided to not use the machine during federally mandated proficiency tests carried out by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services even though they were actively using the machine at the time.
Theranos admitted to reporter John Carreyrou that the Edison—the machine that got Holmes namedone of the five “visionary tech entrepreneurs who are changing the world” by the New York Times—was used for less than 10 percent of the company’s tests in 2014.
The revelations are quickly unraveling the success that Theranos had built.
Carreyrou reported on Tuesday that Safeway Inc., which spent $350 million to put Theranos clinics in its stores, has begun negotiations to dissolve its partnership with Theranos. Walgreens halted development of Theranos blood-testing stations that it was putting in its stores just a week after the initial report.
Theranos has claimed that the Wall Street Journal report on its Safeway deal is “inaccurate, misleading and defamatory.”
Theranos did not respond to a request for it to elaborate on the extent of Jennings’ involvement with the company.
Jennings worked closely with Hillary Clinton when she attempted reform the health care system at the beginning of her husband’s first term and now serves as an “informal adviser” to her presidential campaign.
Asked whether he would ever return to the White House, Jennings told Congressional Quarterly that “HRC knows” that he “always … will be on call for her wherever she decides she can best serve.”
The Clinton campaign also did not respond to a request for comment.


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