Just because someone has a job doesn’t mean they pay attention or even vote. It also doesn’t mean they aren’t on some kind of Government assistance.
The labor partition rate hasn’t been this low since 1977.
62% are working. That includes under employed and part time.
This report from Forbes claims that 52% of U.S. households now receive benefits from the government.
So when I said there are more Pauls then Peters I wasn’t just using a cool sound bite.
I have very little to say about who the next POTUS will be.
I’m one vote in a State that accounts for 6 electoral votes.
You do the math.
Oh and by the way, reality is I can’t fix stupid.
Yeah makes sense, if you think retirees who are on SS/medicare are "Paul's", or people that work full-time and get food assistance because of wage stagnation/cost of living increases. As if some dude at McDonald's 2nd shift caused that problem.
I personally don't classify those people that way but you're entitled to that opinion I suppose.
It’s not that all of those Americans are “takers,” as former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney suggested. Some 42 million are seniors receiving Social Security and Medicare. They aren’t getting something for free; they faithfully paid into the system for decades with the expectation that they would be getting it back at retirement. And they deserve every penny they get—or may not get if Social Security or Medicare has to cut benefits.
You have a point there are a lot of losers out there that aren't buying in right now, but people really do overrate the number substantially.