Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Jul 14, 2007
Just because someone has a job doesn’t mean they pay attention or even vote. It also doesn’t mean they aren’t on some kind of Government assistance.

The labor partition rate hasn’t been this low since 1977.

62% are working. That includes under employed and part time.

This report from Forbes claims that 52% of U.S. households now receive benefits from the government.

So when I said there are more Pauls then Peters I wasn’t just using a cool sound bite.

I have very little to say about who the next POTUS will be.
I’m one vote in a State that accounts for 6 electoral votes.

You do the math.

Oh and by the way, reality is I can’t fix stupid.

Yeah makes sense, if you think retirees who are on SS/medicare are "Paul's", or people that work full-time and get food assistance because of wage stagnation/cost of living increases. As if some dude at McDonald's 2nd shift caused that problem.

I personally don't classify those people that way but you're entitled to that opinion I suppose.

It’s not that all of those Americans are “takers,” as former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney suggested. Some 42 million are seniors receiving Social Security and Medicare. They aren’t getting something for free; they faithfully paid into the system for decades with the expectation that they would be getting it back at retirement. And they deserve every penny they get—or may not get if Social Security or Medicare has to cut benefits.

You have a point there are a lot of losers out there that aren't buying in right now, but people really do overrate the number substantially.

Jul 14, 2007
Not to hijack even further but Rubio is in the silver state on Saturday. Rally the troops Dave....

In the past he has been in favor of banning online gambling and not passing pro-casino legislation in FL, so I dunno how that will play there. Not sure why it would matter since LV isn't going anywhere but I've seen a few pundits bring it up.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Yeah makes sense, if you think retirees who are on SS/medicare are "Paul's", or people that work full-time and get food assistance because of wage stagnation/cost of living increases. As if some dude at McDonald's 2nd shift caused that problem.

I personally don't classify those people that way but you're entitled to that opinion I suppose.

It’s not that all of those Americans are “takers,” as former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney suggested. Some 42 million are seniors receiving Social Security and Medicare. They aren’t getting something for free; they faithfully paid into the system for decades with the expectation that they would be getting it back at retirement. And they deserve every penny they get—or may not get if Social Security or Medicare has to cut benefits.

You have a point there are a lot of losers out there that aren't buying in right now, but people really do overrate the number substantially.

Where did I say retirees were Pauls? Do you have a reading deficiency? Or is it a comprehension deficiency?

I don’t consider retirees as Pauls. As Romney said they paid their dues throughout their lives and are entitled to those benefits such as they are which isn’t saying much.

My wife and I pay more for Medicare than we paid for healthcare before we retired and get considerably less coverage.

The welfare moms with 10 kids by 10 ten different fathers that are long gone and the millions of illegal aliens that are sucking off the government teat are the bulk of the Pauls and every one of them will vote for the Democratic nominee.

Lump them together with the holier-than-thou hypocritical racist Liberals and it’s a uphill battle for Conservatives to win Presidential elections.

You can keep living in your fantasy world that things aren’t as bad as the seem and I’ll continue to point out reality.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Not to hijack even further but Rubio is in the silver state on Saturday. Rally the troops Dave....

In the past he has been in favor of banning online gambling and not passing pro-casino legislation in FL, so I dunno how that will play there. Not sure why it would matter since LV isn't going anywhere but I've seen a few pundits bring it up.

What makes you think I would as you put it, rally the troops.

Rubio could be holding a rally outside of my house and I wouldn’t bother to look out my window. And what makes you think I give a shit about his stance on online gambling and Florida casino legislation?

I don’t gamble online and I don’t live in Florida. If I want to gamble I get in my car and drive 5 minutes to one of 5 casinos near me.

Rubio would make a superior president to anyone the Democrats have to offer and if he gets the nod I’ll vote for him but he comes in 4th behind Trump, Carson and Cruz as a preference, the rest are only trying to get their 15 minutes of fame and should give it up.

Just out of curiosity who’s your savior in the Presidential election?

Jul 14, 2007
Where did I say retirees were Pauls? Do you have a reading deficiency? Or is it a comprehension deficiency?

I don’t consider retirees as Pauls. As Romney said they paid their dues throughout their lives and are entitled to those benefits such as they are which isn’t saying much.

My wife and I pay more for Medicare than we paid for healthcare before we retired and get considerably less coverage.

The welfare moms with 10 kids by 10 ten different fathers that are long gone and the millions of illegal aliens that are sucking off the government teat are the bulk of the Pauls and every one of them will vote for the Democratic nominee.

Lump them together with the holier-than-thou hypocritical racist Liberals and it’s a uphill battle for Conservatives to win Presidential elections.

You can keep living in your fantasy world that things aren’t as bad as the seem and I’ll continue to point out reality.

Think you missed the point.

The majority of people on benefits don't fit this description. That is the point. So saying there are more Paul's and then including people who don't fit that description would inflate your number. Retirees don't fit it, working class people that are screwed by our messed up system don't fit it, students don't fit it....All these people are buying into America in 1 way or another I'm sure you would agree. A lot might not pay federal but they pay payroll, property, state. So we're just going into semantics now by defining how many people are Paul's or whatever.

As far as Rubio, that was just bringing up something topical to your state. I wasn't really suggesting you go visit him. More of a "Hey, I wonder how that would play in that state...." since it is a swing state. Not a huge fan of any politician that wants to crackdown but I don't put gambling legislation very high either.

That is who I support to answer your question. I'd support Rand Paul more but he has no shot which is pretty sad but that is another story for another thread. Cruz I really don't see being able to unite people and that is important right now. He's got the right idea on fiscal issues though...

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Think you missed the point.

The majority of people on benefits don't fit this description. That is the point. So saying there are more Paul's and then including people who don't fit that description would inflate your number. Retirees don't fit it, working class people that are screwed by our messed up system don't fit it, students don't fit it....All these people are buying into America in 1 way or another I'm sure you would agree. A lot might not pay federal but they pay payroll, property, state. So we're just going into semantics now by defining how many people are Paul's or whatever.

As far as Rubio, that was just bringing up something topical to your state. I wasn't really suggesting you go visit him. More of a "Hey, I wonder how that would play in that state...." since it is a swing state. Not a huge fan of any politician that wants to crackdown but I don't put gambling legislation very high either.

That is who I support to answer your question. I'd support Rand Paul more but he has no shot which is pretty sad but that is another story for another thread. Cruz I really don't see being able to unite people and that is important right now. He's got the right idea on fiscal issues though...

Fair enough. We seem to agree on the big picture just not on specifics. We’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out and hope for the best, whatever the hell that is.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Back on topic.

(Reuters) - Just days before she will take the stage in the first Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton's lead over rival Bernie Sanders has narrowed, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Clinton's support among Democratic voters fell 10 points within less than a week.

From October 4 to October 9, Clinton saw her support tumble from 51 percent of Democratic support to just 41 percent.
Her nearest competitors, Vermont Senator Sanders and Vice President of the U.S. Joe Biden, who has yet to decide whether he will run, both made gains. Support for Sanders jumped from just over 24 percent to 28 percent, and Biden rose from 16 percent to a even 20 percent in the same time period.

This is not the first time that Clinton’s support has taken a steep nosedive. Just last month, Sanders edged within eight points of the former secretary of state — Clinton at 39 percent; Sanders at 31.

I guess this isn’t the cake walk she envisioned.

Sep 21, 2004
Dot Dot Dot..................

GOP staffer fired from the House panel investigating Benghazi attacks

By Tom Hamburger and Carol D. Leonnig October 10 at 6:31 PM
A Republican staffer from the House Select Committee on Benghazi has been fired after he says he developed concerns about the politicized nature of the panel’s investigation.
The criticism from an experienced Republican intelligence investigator comes amid growing Democratic Party complaints that the special committee was on a mission to undermine former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton and her bid for the presidency.
A spokesman for the committee denied the allegations from the former staffer, Bradley Podliska, a major in the Air Force Reserve who issued a statement through his attorneys Saturday afternoon.
“My non-partisan investigative work conflicted with the interests of the Republican leadership, who focused their investigation primarily on Secretary Clinton and her aides,” Podliska said, especially after reports surfaced in March that Clinton has used a private e-mail server. “The families of the Americans who died in the Benghazi attacks deserve to find out the truth about Benghazi, but to do that a thorough, non-partisan investigation must be conducted of all agencies and officials involved in Benghazi,” the statement said.

In a news release Saturday, the committee called Podliska’s claims “transparently false,” stating that he “was terminated for cause.” The written statement, attributed to a committee spokesman, did not mention Podliska by name but said the former employee had shown poor judgement.
“The employee actually was terminated, in part, because he himself manifested improper partiality and animus in his investigative work’’ against the Obama administration, including Clinton, the statement said.
The new developments come at a difficult time for committee Republicans, who plan to question Clinton on Oct. 22 despite growing requests to shut down the inquiry.
The ranking Democrat on the Benghazi panel, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (Md.), said Saturday evening that Podliska’s allegations provide more proof of serious bias by the committee’s majority.
“Republicans have been abusing millions of taxpayer dollars for the illegitimate purpose of damaging Hillary Clinton’s bid for president,” Cummings said, pointing out that the latest complaints come from “one of Chairman [Trey] Gowdy’s own handpicked investigators.”
The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), called for an end to the committee on Saturday.

“Only by ending this expensive and politicized investigation can we begin to undo the damage already done through this unprecedented use of Congress’s power for nakedly political purposes.”
Gowdy (R-S.C.) has defended the panel’s work, insisting that he has found important new documents to be released this week involving e-mails from Clinton’s longtime adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, who offered intelligence advice on Libya.
Podliska’s attorneys, Peter Romer-Friedman and Joe Napiltonia, said they expect to file a lawsuit for wrongful termination soon that will make the case that Podliska was fired in part because he participated in required National Guard exercises. Napiltonia said his client was terminated after notifying the committee of his active-duty military obligations. Retaliation for an employee taking military leave would violate federal law protecting the rights of uniformed military personnel, the lawyers said.
They claim that Republican committee staff members questioned Podliska’s military obligations along with their client’s preference for a nonpartisan inquiry into the events in Libya.
Podliska, currently stationed in Germany, could not be reached for comment. His criticism was first reported Saturday afternoon by the New York Times.
Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Clinton’s campaign, called the former employee’s claims “explosive allegations” that “may provide the most definitive proof to date that this taxpayer-funded investigation has been a partisan sham from the start.”
In rejecting Podliska’s claims earlier, the committee said Podliska had received “repeated counseling for performance and lack of judgment.” The statement said he had shown an eagerness to push claims against the Obama administration after joining the panel in the fall of 2014.
“One reason for which the employee was terminated was his repeated efforts, of his own volition, to develop and direct Committee resources to a PowerPoint ‘hit piece’ on members of the Obama Administration — including Secretary Clinton,” the committee’s statement said. “Thus, directly contrary to his brand new assertion.”
Further, the statement said that “the former employee has violated this confidentiality requirement in a public way” and that he never previously made claims of bias.
Napiltonia said the committee’s allegations of Podliska’s poor job performance are “completely false.”
“I would note that Mr. Podliska was never reprimanded prior to his giving notice that he was going on military leave in March,” Napiltonia said Saturday after reviewing the committee’s statement. Podliska spent more than a decade as an intelligence analyst with a defense agency. “He is a proud conservative Republican,” said Napiltonia, one who always hoped the committee would investigate all agencies and individuals involved in the Benghazi tragedy.
From the outset, Republican members of the House have rebuffed complaints about bias on the Benghazi panel, insisting that the committee was examining the violence in Libya that led to the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012. Increasingly, Democrats expressed doubt about the committee’s work and the intentions of Gowdy.
The controversy deepened Tuesday when House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made comments that appeared to reinforce criticism that the committee’s primary target was Clinton. The GOP majority leader, who at the time was a candidate to succeed John A. Boehner (Ohio) as speaker, suggested in a Fox News interview that the committee had succeeded because Clinton’s poll numbers had plummeted.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Posted by soopermexican on Oct 11, 2015 at 9:51 PM in Politics | 152 Comments
By soopermexican

In an interview with Steve Kroft for 60 Minutes, Obama said that questions about Hillary’s email server are legitimate, and that she has to answer to the American public, even as he tried to tone down the scandal.

Read more:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
dot, dot, dot...

Benghazi Victim’s Mother: Investigation ‘Is About Hillary’ [VIDEO]

“First of all, it is about Hillary,” Patricia Smith, the mother of U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, told CNN’s Martin Savidge.
“This is her department. It was her area, her bailiwick, and she did all the instruction on what should be done there. Why shouldn’t they talk to Hillary about it?” Smith continued.

But Patricia Smith’s comments undermine Clinton’s argument. She said questions about Clinton’s email system loom large “because Hillary’s not answering anything.”

“If she would have opened up her email thing so we can find out what she said at that time — I understand she was talking to Obama while this was going on,” Smith said. “I want to know was she talking to Obama. I want to hear from her lips what she said.”

Smith also said that she believes Clinton “is not a wonderful person.”

She said that Clinton has made promises to get to the bottom of the Benghazi raid but has not followed through and that she instructed the State Department to not share information with her.

“All she ever did was tell me I was not a member of the immediate family,” Smith said, adding that “I don’t think that’s very nice to be talking about a mother that way.”

“So far they have treated me like dirt and have not told me anything,” she said.



That's right, keep the heat on this lying criminal hag. 3 years later and the victims and their loved ones STILL don't have any answers. Meanwhile, dinocraps want to pretend it's a "political witch hunt!"



New member
Oct 29, 2010
dot, dot, dot...

Benghazi Victim’s Mother: Investigation ‘Is About Hillary’ [VIDEO]

“First of all, it is about Hillary,” Patricia Smith, the mother of U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, told CNN’s Martin Savidge.
“This is her department. It was her area, her bailiwick, and she did all the instruction on what should be done there. Why shouldn’t they talk to Hillary about it?” Smith continued.

But Patricia Smith’s comments undermine Clinton’s argument. She said questions about Clinton’s email system loom large “because Hillary’s not answering anything.”

“If she would have opened up her email thing so we can find out what she said at that time — I understand she was talking to Obama while this was going on,” Smith said. “I want to know was she talking to Obama. I want to hear from her lips what she said.”

Smith also said that she believes Clinton “is not a wonderful person.”

She said that Clinton has made promises to get to the bottom of the Benghazi raid but has not followed through and that she instructed the State Department to not share information with her.

“All she ever did was tell me I was not a member of the immediate family,” Smith said, adding that “I don’t think that’s very nice to be talking about a mother that way.”

“So far they have treated me like dirt and have not told me anything,” she said.



That's right, keep the heat on this lying criminal hag. 3 years later and the victims and their loved ones STILL don't have any answers. Meanwhile, dinocraps want to pretend it's a "political witch hunt!"


Right wing logic

3 people die in an attack: 8 hearings and years of investigation that turn up nothing

3,000 die on sept 11th and thousands more in unnecessary war: let's re-elect Bush to keep us safe!

New member
Jan 9, 2009

[h=2]Meanwhile, the Hillary Clinton Scandal Just Got Even Worse[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
October 12, 2015 5:00 am



While everyone has been focusing on House Republicans and their inability to elect a speaker, the Hillary Clinton email scandal has been growing more troubling by the day.
A letter released by the House Benghazi Committee last week revealed that Clinton acted to promote the business interests of her “old friend” Sidney Blumenthal, the longtime Clinton loyalist who sent her numerous “unsolicited” memos while running a rogue intelligence operation and earning a hefty paycheck from the Clinton Foundation.
The letter, authored by committee chairman Trey Gowdy, makes the astonishing claim that “nearly half of all emails sent to and from Secretary Clinton regarding Benghazi and Libya prior to the Benghazi terrorist attacks involved Sindey Blumenthal.” Those email include several message sent in July 2011 in which Blumenthal mentioned the firm Osprey Global Solutions, which was seeking private security contracts from Libyan forces opposed to Muammar Gaddafi. Blumenthal hasacknowledged having a personal financial stake in the firm.
Blumenthal warned Clinton that French companies had visited Libya in an effort to secure security contracts, and suggested it would be in America’s interest if Osprey won the contracts. Emails show that Clinton promoted the idea of using private security firms to protect Libyan revolutionary leaders, and told State Department aide Jake Sullivan that “the idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered.”
Even more worrying is the evidence suggesting that an email correspondence between Clinton and Blumenthal included the name of a CIA “human source” that should have been considered highly classified information and should not have been transmitted via an unsecured private email server. Blumenthal received the information from Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA official who also had a financial stake in Osprey Global Solutions. Yahoo News reported on the seriousness of the allegation:
[W]hile there is nothing that indicates that the email from Blumenthal (who was not a government employee) was marked classified at the time Clinton received it, the sensitive nature of its contents should have been a red flag and never should have been passed along, according to a former veteran CIA officer.
“She is exposing the name of a guy who has a clandestine relationship with the CIA on her private, unprotected server,” said John Maguire, who served for years as one of the CIA’s top Mideast officers.
In addition, he noted, the email should trigger a “crimes report” by the CIA to the Justice Department seeking an investigation into who within the agency revealed the information to Drumheller.
John Rizzo, a former CIA general counsel, told Yahoo the identity of a human source is “the most sensitive kind of classified information.” Clinton “should have told Blumenthal, ‘delete this — and don’t send me that again.’ And then she should have reported it to State Department security,” Rizzo said.
Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon responded to the revelations without actually addressing any of these concerns, describing Gowdy’s letter as “one more example of the partisan approach taken throughout his thoroughly discredited investigation.”
Unfortunately for Clinton’s campaign, the FBI is also conducting an investigation.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Former CIA Lawyer: Info with Potentially Lethal Consequences Passed Through Clinton Email[/h]SHARE

BY: Blake Seitz
October 12, 2015 8:52 am

A former top lawyer to the CIA said Monday that potentially deadly intelligence information passed through Hillary Clinton’s private email system.
John Rizzo, the former acting general counsel of the CIA, responded to news that Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal disclosed the name of a CIA source in an email to then-Secretary of State Clinton, who then forwarded that information to a colleague at the State Department.
“How dangerous is that [information] going over a public server that’s held in someone’s private home in Chappaqua, New York?” Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough said.
“It could be literally lethal,” Rizzo said. “Who has access to that? Who is trying to hack into it? If this was a foreign-based source living in Libya, let’s say, if you get outed as the CIA source over there, you’re a dead man. So it couldn’t be more serious.”
Rizzo said that the names of human intelligence sources are some of the most sensitive information guarded by the CIA.
“That’s the holiest of holies inside the CIA—the true identity of a secret source,” Rizzo said. “Even inside CIA, in internal emails, in cables, you never mention or talk about the true name of a source. You use a pseudonym. So I mean, honestly, it’s quite stunning.”
Yahoo News investigative reporter Michael Isikoff said that this leak of classified information was “the single most problematic email exchange we’ve seen with Hillary Clinton yet.”
Rizzo and Isikoff’s assessments come one day after President Obama defended Clinton’s private email use. Obama assured CBS that Clinton’s email use did not endanger national security.
The FBI is carrying out a security review of Clinton’s emails. If the CIA decides to press the matter, the latest leak could trigger a new investigation.
The Washington Free Beacon previously reported that this email exchange may constitute a violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, meant to protect U.S. sources from reprisals.


Jul 4, 2012

[h=1]Clinton’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’[/h]
Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”
In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.

Oct 12, 2008

Clinton’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’

Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”
In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.

hmm, sounds like a rough patch, Big Pharma to the rescue;

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'.....are you my competition?.......'


Aug 6, 2006
Right wing logic

3 people die in an attack: 8 hearings and years of investigation that turn up nothing

3,000 die on sept 11th and thousands more in unnecessary war: let's re-elect Bush to keep us safe!

Left wing logic: 9/11 would have been prevented if Gore was the president.

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