Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Durbin: ‘Hillary Has A Long History Of Controversy’ That Turns People Off[/h]SHARE

BY: Daniel Bassali
October 19, 2015 10:06 am

Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) on Monday cited Clinton’s “long history of controversy” as a possible reason for voters’ Clinton fatigue, as polls show she is doing worse than Joe Biden in head-to-head match-ups against Republican rivals.
“Hillary has a long history of controversy, and I think that turns some people off,” Durbin said.
Durbin said he believes many of the controversies have been created by Clinton’s opponents and that he believes she is still the Democrats’ best shot at keeping the White House. Clinton maintains a leadover Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and Vice President Joe Biden in a new national poll released Monday.
Durbin said Clinton’s email scandal is causing uncertainty among Democrats because they are unsure what the FBI investigation into her private server will reveal.
“ don’t know how that investigation will end,” Durbin said. “There’s uncertainty on our side because all our eggs are in one basket in terms of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.”
Durbin’s words for Clinton’s rivals were much warmer. He referred to Biden as the man with “the best heart in politics” and called Sanders “an appealing fellow.”
“Many Democrats are saying there’s a long trek, a lot of things going on when investigations by this committee in the house and that committee in the house,” Durbin said. “I think there is this angst, this anxiety over the race.”
Clinton has reportedly canceled her campaign events this week to prepare for her testimony to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Oct. 22.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee is calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

Oh goody! By the time the investigation is completed she’ll be in her 2nd term.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary’s State Dept. Paid Men $16,000+ More Than Women Annually[/h]Even after accounting for education and job category, men were paid more than women


BY: Ali Meyer
October 20, 2015 5:00 am

Hillary Clinton’s State Department paid men $16,000 more on average in annual salary than women, according to data from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
An OPM database called FedScope contains data on more than 2 million federal civilian employees and includes information about employment, including gender, age, education level, and pay grade.
The data, which is organized by calendar year, shows that men were paid more than women in each year that Clinton was heading the department as secretary of state.

The average annual difference in pay between men and women over the four years was $16,416, according to the OPM data.
Men were paid more, even after accounting for similar ranks in education. For example, in 2009, the average salary for women working in the State Department with a bachelor’s degree was $87,561, while men with the same qualifications were paid $98,752.
While the database doesn’t list specific job descriptions, it does include average salaries for white-collar and blue-collar workers. Male white-collar workers were paid more on average than women.
A white-collar female worker was paid an average salary of $86,099 from 2009 to 2012 while a white-collar male worker was paid $102,909. Blue-collar female workers were paid slightly more than blue-collar male workers. From 2009 to 2012, women in this category earned $48,837 while men earned $47,423.

The State Department also employed more men in higher ranks than women. According to the database, there were 152 more men listed as supervisors in 2009 than women.
According to Clinton’s campaign page, she has made it part of her platform to demand equal pay for women. “Hillary Clinton continues to argue that the deck is stacked for those at the top, making it harder for families to get ahead and stay ahead, especially women,” it reads.
While the average annual gender pay gap was $16,416 in the State Department, that difference was much less when looking across all government.
When evaluating all federal civilian employees, women earned an average salary of $70,566 from 2009 through 2012, while men received an average of $78,477. Men earned $7,911 more on average than women, less than half of the difference seen in the State Department.
Neither the Clinton campaign nor the State Department responded to requests for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Group Sues State Department to Release Clinton Schedule[/h]Citizens United has been trying to get Clinton’s schedule as secretary since March


BY: Alana Goodman
October 20, 2015 5:00 am

A conservative nonprofit group is suing the Department of State to release details about Hillary Clinton’s schedule during her tenure there, according to court documents filed on Monday.
Citizens United initially submitted a public information request for the information on the former secretary of state last March, but the State Department has yet to turn over any documents. The nonprofit group has several similar suits pending against the State Department.
The group is asking for any records related to “a schedule, appointment, event, appearance, or any other anticipated commitment of presence” from Clinton that were sent by her schedulers Lona Valmoro and Linda Dewan, according to the initial request filing.
Although the State Department said in a letter to Citizens United last April that it had “determined that [the] request does warrant expedited processing,” the department has not produced a response.
In the Monday court filing, Citizens United asked that the U.S. district court in D.C. require the State Department to conduct a search of its records and produce any responsive documents within a determined timeline.
Citizens United said it “didn’t anticipate subject matter as straight forward as Secretary Clinton’s schedule would take seven months and counting to produce,” but that the slow response from the State Department appears to be part of a pattern.
“The bottom line continues to be, you will likely not receive any public documents from the State Department unless you file a federal lawsuit and that’s what we’ve done today,” said David N. Bossie, president of Citizens United.
Citizens United is also suing the State Department for failing to respond to other public records requests, including one for correspondence between top Clinton aides and the Clinton Foundation. Earlier this month, a federal judge ordered the department to turn over responsive documents by Oct. 22.
The State Department has said it is overwhelmed with records requests. It recently said it was hiring 50 additional staffers to deal with the backlog.


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Jan 9, 2009
Lawsuit: Obama Administration Withholding Draft of Clinton Whitewater Indictment Bill and Hillary Clinton at the White House in February 2000. (Stephen Jaffe/AFP/Getty) SHARE ARTICLE ON FACEBOOKSHARE TWEET ARTICLETWEET PLUS ONE ARTICLE ON GOOGLE PLUS+1 PRINT ARTICLE EMAIL ARTICLE ADJUST FONT SIZEAA by BRENDAN BORDELON October 20, 2015 6:15 PM @BRENDANBORDELON Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch is suing the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to obtain copies of a 20-year-old draft indictment against Hillary Clinton for her role in the Whitewater scandal. In a press release sent to reporters late on Tuesday, Judicial Watch announced its intent to file a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against NARA for withholding an indictment written by Hickman Ewing, Jr., the deputy independent counsel and prosecutor investigating Whitewater, in 1996. The agency admitted it had found the records in March 2015 but is withholding the documents, claiming their release would constitute an unwarranted invasion of Clinton’s privacy. “Judicial Watch has confirmed the existence of draft indictments of Hillary Clinton for her lies and obstruction in the Whitewater bank-fraud investigation,” the group’s president Tom Fitton wrote in the statement. “The Obama administration is refusing to release these records out of concern for Hillary Clinton’s privacy. Hillary Clinton’s privacy cannot be allowed to trump the public’s interest in knowing more about whether she obstructed justice and lied to a federal grand jury.” SHARE ARTICLE ON FACEBOOKSHARE TWEET ARTICLETWEETIn the early 1990s, the current Democratic presidential front-runner and her husband, then-President Bill Clinton, were accused of being complicit in a series of illegal loans provided to the Whitewater Corporation, a failed real estate venture run by close associates of the Clintons during their time in the Arkansas governor’s mansion. As a lawyer for Whitewater’s chief creditor, Clinton herself was suspected of creating false documents to conceal an illegal $300,000 loan to the doomed corporation from federal investigators. Hillary Clinton was alleged to have concealed her role in that transaction by hiding the pertinent law-firm–billing records after she became First Lady. That, in turn, became the subject of a perjury and obstruction of justice investigation. In 1999, the New York Post reported that Ewing “had problems” with some of Clinton’s testimony to investigators in 1995, and had drafted and circulated the indictment against her — now sought by Judicial Watch — some time shortly after September 1996. Ewing ultimately declined to prosecute either of the Clintons for their role in the scandal.

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Jan 9, 2009



Jason Reed/Reuters

by PATRICK HOWLEY20 Oct 201552

As Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton prepares to testify before the House Benghazi Committee Thursday, a new poll finds that almost half of all Americans are not happy with the way she handled the Benghazi terrorist attack as Secretary of State.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that 44 percent of Americans are not satisfied with her handling of Benghazi, while 27 percent are satisfied. Fortunately for Gowdy’s committee, 28 percent still say they don’t have enough information, so his hearing Thursday will be important.
Thirty-five percent of Americans have a “very negative” view of Clinton, the highest number ever for Clinton in that category according to the polling, and 48 percent view her negatively. Only 39 percent of Americans have a positive view of her.
But Clinton is still the first choice (including Joe Biden) of 49 percent of Democratic voters, against 29 percent for
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Jesus Christ.....will you idiot righties tell Russ to give it up. Nobody cares about these made up fairy tales anymore.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
why hide the emails?

You want your emails public? The average voter will not go into the booth thinking about her hidden emails. All this garbage is a waste of time. This goes beyond emails.....this thread is filled with bullshit....all this Benghazi stuff and countless other articles with half truths and lies. She's got enough legit stuff to attack....instead the idiots in the right try to invent stuff that isn't there.

Shes gonna be the dem nominee no matter what the right tries.

Jul 4, 2012
Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

The documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government.

Remember when the left were all outraged by Iran Contra?
This is the exact same thing.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Tomorrow will be very interesting. If they catch her in any lies look out. Hillary lie? lol

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Jan 9, 2009
Emails Show Clinton Was Warned Over Security in Benghazi Ahead of Attack

Former Secretary of State was alerted to dangerous conditions in Libya in run-up to 2012 attack

The State Department released nearly 300 emails that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent and received in the aftermath of the September 2012 attacks on an American diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya. WSJ's Aaron Zitner reports. Photo: AP


Updated May 22, 2015 7:45 p.m. ET841 COMMENTS

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received emails from her top aides warning about dangerous security conditions in Benghazi, Libya, in the run-up to the terrorist attack that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans there in 2012, documents disclosed on Friday show.
The messages were part of a batch of about 300 emails involving Benghazi that were made public by the State Department. State officials already gave the emails in February to a special House committee that is looking into the Benghazi attacks and is expected to take testimony from Mrs. Clinton.
The emails, in addition to what they reveal about the Benghazi attack, offer glimpses into Mrs. Clinton’s thinking and executive style. In an exchange with aides about to testify on Capitol Hill, she wrote: “Well, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (as I have rationalized for years), so just survive and you’ll have triumphed!”
The emails shed little light on the political controversy that erupted over the Obama administration’s early assessment that the attack was touched off by an anti-Islamic video. Mrs. Clinton’s aides show no alarm in the emails over then-United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice’s appearances on talk shows in which she described the attacks as a “spontaneous” response to an anti-Islamic video. A top Clinton aide wrote that Ms. Rice “did make clear our view that this started spontaneously and then evolved.”
Critics said Ms. Rice had discounted the role of terrorism in the incidents for political purposes. As Ms. Rice’s assertion of spontaneous protests became more controversial, Mrs. Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Jake Sullivan, assured her that she hadn’t made the same error in her own initial statement.

The State Department is going through 30,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails from her time as Secretary and will release them on a rolling basis. What is the vetting process, and why will it take until January 2016 to get through them all? Photo: Getty

“You never said spontaneous or characterized the motives. In fact you were careful in your first statement to say we were just assessing motive and method,’’ Mr. Sullivan wrote in one of the emails to Mrs. Clinton.
The newly released emails show at least some of the details about the worsening security environment in Benghazi that were presented directly to her.
One cautionary email sent to her long before the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attack came from longtime aide Huma Abedin. The April 24, 2011, note cited reports that hotels in Benghazi were being targeted for attack.
The note said U.S. diplomat Christopher Stevens—who would later become ambassador and die the following year in the Benghazi attack—would be meeting with Libya’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to make “a written request for better security at the hotel and for better security-related coordination.”
About two months later, in a June 10, 2011, email from Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Clinton was told of a “credible threat…against the hotel that our team is using.” The note said security officials would be moving personnel out to alternative locations.

Mrs. Clinton has taken broad responsibility for the deadly assault on the diplomatic compound where Mr. Stevens and other Americans were killed, an episode that threatens to complicate her 2016 presidential bid. At the same time, she has said that officials lower in the State Department chain of command were the ones who made decisions about protecting diplomatic posts overseas.
In her memoir published last year, “Hard Choices,” she said that as secretary of state she wouldn’t necessarily learn about requests for beefed-up security in dangerous places where the State Department operates. “It’s just plain impossible for any secretary of any cabinet agency to take that on,” she wrote.
The emails to Mrs. Clinton were far from the only evidence of deteriorating security in Benghazi. In April, 2012, five months before the attack, a small improvised explosive device was thrown over the wall of the diplomatic compound, and two months later, a bomb “exploded near the main gate,’’ a Senate report said. Attacks were also carried out that year on a U.N. convoy, on Red Cross offices and a convoy carrying Britain’s ambassador.
Victoria Toensing, attorney for Greg Hicks, the deputy chief of the Libya mission, said on Friday that Mr. Stevens’ pleas for additional security staff went unheeded.
“The State Department repeatedly rejected the pleas of two U.S. ambassadors asking for more security in Libya,” Ms. Toensing said. “Instead, Department of State hierarchy reduced security in the summer of 2012, from 38 to nine personnel. Responsibility for the deaths of four Americans lies with the department.”

Hillary Clinton is starting to map out her positions on foreign policy. WSJ politics reporter Peter Nicholas explains where she might have trouble clarifying her record as secretary of state. Photo: AP

The Benghazi emails are part of a larger cache of about 55,000 pages of email messages which Mrs. Clinton turned over to the State Department last year and which were sent or received through a private email account linked to a server kept at her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. Mrs. Clinton’s representatives read through the emails and turned over to the department those they deemed a matter of public record, while deleting about 30,000 they judged to be personal in nature.
Republican lawmakers have sharply criticized the practice and have questioned a disclosure process in which Mrs. Clinton and her lawyers had the final say on what to release.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.), chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said in a statement: “To assume a self-selected public record is complete, when no one with a duty or responsibility to the public had the ability to take part in the selection, requires a leap in logic no impartial reviewer should be required to make and strains credibility.”
Campaigning in New Hampshire on Friday, Mrs. Clinton said that she welcomed the release of the documents and that she wanted the rest to come out soon. A federal judge this week ordered the State Department to release the full 55,000 pages of records on a rolling basis.
“I want people to be able to see all of them,” she said, speaking to reporters after a roundtable event with local business owners.
The attacks in Benghazi, occurring on Mrs. Clinton’s watch, are a point of potential vulnerability in her White House bid. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll last month showed that 51% see Mrs. Clinton as “knowledgeable and experienced enough” to be president. Republicans see the Benghazi episode as one that could darken such impressions of Mrs. Clinton, raising questions about her managerial competence.
At least eight different congressional committees have already looked into the Benghazi attack, which was also the focus of a separate review by a board appointed by Mrs. Clinton. Last year, House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) moved to create the select committee now looking into the attacks, citing frustration over what he said was the Obama administration’s lack of cooperation with congressional inquiries into the episode.
GOP lawmakershave spent months pressing for State Department emails and documents that would illuminate Mrs. Clinton’s role in safeguarding the Benghazi outpost and handling the crisis after the attacks began.
Mr. Gowdy’s committee plans to take testimony from Mrs. Clinton on Benghazi, an appearance that will focus attention on one of the most painful episodes in her four-year tenure as secretary of state and potentially distract from her core campaign message about helping struggling middle-class families.
Other emails in the year leading up to the attacks related concerns about a rising threat from Islamic militants and the dangers of rivalries among militias.
The risks of the situation were described in a Feb. 24, 2012, email from Gene Cretz, the ambassador to Libya at the time, that warned of the difficulties of disarming the militias. “There is concern here that continuing rivalries among the militias remains dangerous from the perspective of the havoc they can wreak with their firepower and their continued control of select turf,” the email said.
—Janet Hook, James Grimaldi and Rebecca Ballhaus contributed to this article.

from the above:
Mrs. Clinton has taken broad responsibility for the deadly assault on the diplomatic compound where Mr. Stevens and other Americans were killed, an episode that threatens to complicate her 2016 presidential bid. At the same time, she has said that officials lower in the State Department chain of command were the ones who made decisions about protecting diplomatic posts overseas.

Quite a leader huh.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Tomorrow will be very interesting. If they catch her in any lies look out. Hillary lie? lol

The problem she’s going to have is she’s lied so much she can’t possibly remember all of them.

Sooner or later she’ll screw the pooch.

Now that will have no affect on her base but it should have an affect on the fence sitters.

So the notion that independents actually elect presidents, which I think is a crock, should favor whomever her opponent is.

We shall see.

P.S. Keep on hammering this thread. It seems to really bothers some people.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The problem she’s going to have is she’s lied so much she can’t possibly remember all of them.

Sooner or later she’ll screw the pooch.

Now that will have no affect on her base but it should have an affect on the fence sitters.

So the notion that independents actually elect presidents, which I think is a crock, should favor whomever her opponent is.

We shall see.

P.S. Keep on hammering this thread. It seems to really bothers some people.

More clueless blather.

the lies and bullshit in this thread is how you dolts live your's why you are the loser in every room you enter.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The problem she’s going to have is she’s lied so much she can’t possibly remember all of them.

Sooner or later she’ll screw the pooch.

Now that will have no affect on her base but it should have an affect on the fence sitters.

So the notion that independents actually elect presidents, which I think is a crock, should favor whomever her opponent is.

We shall see.

P.S. Keep on hammering this thread. It seems to really bothers some people.

I second this. This thread now has the 6th highest views in forum history.

Awesome job Russ! Keep connecting the dots on this corrupt witch!


New member
Jan 9, 2009
The problem she’s going to have is she’s lied so much she can’t possibly remember all of them.

Sooner or later she’ll screw the pooch.

Now that will have no affect on her base but it should have an affect on the fence sitters.

So the notion that independents actually elect presidents, which I think is a crock, should favor whomever her opponent is.

We shall see.

P.S. Keep on hammering this thread. It seems to really bothers some people.

The nail in the coffin could come tomorrow. You are correct, she has to seperate fact from fiction tomorrow. If she was ever to get indicted it is over. Extra secruity was turned down and could have prevented that Benghazi attack. They did not send any aid ofr support on the day of the attack. And she blamed it on on a video that nobody ever saw. Oh well, what difference does it make. LOL

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Mother of Benghazi Victim Erupts at Hillary Clinton: ‘She’s Lying!’[/h]by Andrew Husband | 11:46 am, October 21st, 2015VIDEO2337

The mother of Sean Smith, one of the four Americans killed at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, exploded in response to a clip of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton‘s prior testimony on the matter.
CNN Newsroom host Carol Costello was taken aback when Patricia Smith revealed in conversation that she actually didn’t know much about what happened to her son — despite the fact that the Benghazi attack occurred three years ago. Smith responded in kind, claiming that although Clinton promised to “get back to” her following her son’s funeral ceremony in Washington, D.C., no one had since contacted her on the matter.
“She has not called me. She has not contacted me. She has not given me any information,” she said, “except to tell me that I am not a member of the immediate family and I do not need to know.”
“They told you that?” an obviously surprised Costello asked.

As alarming at Smith’s claims were, however, she really let her feelings be known when Costello played a clip from Clinton’s testimony in January 2013. At the time, Clinton said that it was their job “to figure out what happened and do everything [they could] to prevent it from happening again.”
Smith’s response? “She’s lying! She’s absolutely lying!”
The frustrated, bereaved mother of Sean Smith went on to repeat her claim that — despite being the mother of the fallen diplomat — she wasn’t told anything after the funeral ceremony because they didn’t consider her a member of the immediate family.
“I saw on TV the bloody fingerprints on the walls over there. I asked specifically, ‘Are those my son’s fingerprints crawling down the walls?'” she cried. “Somebody’s got to tell me!”
Clinton previously spoke with Smith during a town hall event in June 2014. Despite the direct address, however, the grieving mother later expressed her frustration with Clinton and demanded the truth.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Biden Scolds Democrats like Clinton, Strickland for Calling Republicans ‘Enemies’[/h]“It’s mean-spirited, it’s petty”

Joe Biden / AP

BY: Morgan Chalfant
October 21, 2015 4:33 pm

Joe Biden jabbed at Democrats who regard Republicans as their “enemies” during remarks from the White House Wednesday.
After announcing that he would not run for president in 2016, the vice president tore into Democrats who have contributed to the “partisan politics that is ripping this country apart.” Both Hillary Clinton and Ted Strickland, a Democratic candidate for Senate in Ohio, have recently cast Republicans as their “enemies.”
“It’s mean-spirited, it’s petty, and it’s gone on for much too long,” Biden said from the Rose Garden Wednesday. “I don’t believe, like some do, that it’s naïve to talk to Republicans. I don’t think we should look at Republicans as our enemies. They are our opposition, not our enemies.”
Biden’s remarks came just days after Strickland, a former governor of Ohio, described incumbent Sen. Rob Portman (R.) as the “enemy” of himself and his fellow Democrats.
“I am running for this office and I am running against Rob Portman. He is our enemy,” Strickland said Monday evening at a Democratic Party event in Cincinnati.
Less than a week before, Hillary Clinton said during the first Democratic primary debate that Republicans were some of the “enemies” she is most proud of making.
“For the sake of the country, we have to work together,” Biden continued Wednesday afternoon. “As the president has said many times, compromise is not a dirty word, but look at it this way folks: How does this country function without consensus? How can we move forward without being able to arrive at consensus? Four more years of this kind of pitched battle may be more than this country can take. We have to change it.
He echoed remarks he made the evening before at a gala in Washington, D.C.
“The other team is not the enemy,” Biden said Tuesday night. “If you treat it as the enemy there is no way we can ever solve the problems we have to.”


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