Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]AP’s Klapper: Hackers Tried to Access Clinton Server[/h]'The danger was present'

BY: Blake Seitz
October 1, 2015 9:33 am

Hillary Clinton’s private email server was subjected to at least five hacking attempts by individuals linked to Russia, the Associated Press reported.
Clinton received email viruses disguised as fake traffic tickets, the AP discovered from a trove of emails released by the State Department on Wednesday. Had Clinton opened the emails’ attachments, her computer would have transmitted information to servers based overseas, including one in Russia.
AP reporter Bradley Klapper said Friday that the attempted hacks were a danger to Clinton’s emails and the classified information they contained.
“Clearly, the danger was present. Clearly, hackers knew enough to target her email address, which was not public,” Klapper said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.
The phishing attempts uncovered by the AP were not sophisticated, raising doubts that the attacks were initiated by a foreign intelligence service. The emails included misspellings, and their central deceit—that the recipient had outstanding traffic tickets—was unlikely to fool Clinton, who has not driven a car in nearly 20 years.
However, Clinton has made clear her discomfort and lack of knowledge about technology, increasing the likelihood that she could have fallen victim to a hack. Clinton, 67, falls into the demographic most susceptible to email-based hacking and fraud, according to a study by the American Association of Retired Persons.
The attempted hacks refute the claim by Clinton that there was “no evidence” of attempts to compromise her server.
The Clinton camp now says that there is no smoking gun evidence that the hacking attempts were successful.
“All these emails show is that, like millions of other Americans, she received spam,” spokesman Nick Merrill said.
Clinton has tried for months to get past questions about her email arrangement, but her attempts have been thwarted by an FBI investigation and revelations of the kind published by the AP on Wednesday.
Klapper said that scrutiny of Clinton’s email is important and will continue.
“Surely, it is important. It shows she was routinely receiving or even sending in some cases information that should not be in the public domain,” Klapper said.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Some Hillary Clinton Donors Defect to Movement to Draft Joe Biden[/h][h=2]A few fundraisers go public, and others wait to see if vice president enters Democratic presidential campaign[/h]

Vice President Joe Biden, in foreground, awaits the arrival of the Chinese president at the White House last week. PHOTO: ANDREW HARNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS


Oct. 2, 2015 4:03 p.m. ET202 COMMENTS

WASHINGTON—Some Hillary Clinton donors are defecting to Joe Biden, resisting entreaties from the Democratic front-runner’s campaign to stand by her despite slipping poll numbers.
A few of the fundraisers have gone public with their presidential preference. Others have quietly decamped and signaled their intentions to the Draft Biden 2016 super PAC that is working to prod the vice president into the race for the White House.
“Instead of being ready for Hillary, we’re waiting for Joe,” said Bill Bartmann, the founder and chief executive of CFS2 Inc., and onetime donor to Mrs. Clinton’s friendly super PAC. Mr. Bartmann’s switch in allegiance prompted one Clinton campaign official to contact him and ask: “Why are you doing this?” he said.
Clinton fundraisers say they don’t expect many supporters to switch teams, should Mr. Biden enter the presidential primary race. Her campaign didn’t respond to a request for comment.
[h=4]READ MORE ON CAPITAL JOURNAL[/h]Capital Journal is’s home for politics, policy and national security news.

Mr. Biden’s growing support base demonstrates the threat he could present in chipping away at Mrs. Clinton’s donor ranks, and her campaign is taking steps to stave off high-profile defections. The increasing support for the vice president also creates additional pressure on Mr. Biden to take a third shot at the White House.
A decision may not be imminent, though, as Biden allies say he may wait until after the Oct. 13 Democratic debate to announce his plans. Some of his advisers have noted that launching a campaign and preparing for a debate simultaneously might not be the best strategy, said one Democrat familiar with the Biden team’s planning.
In the meantime, the Draft Biden organization is securing commitments as the vice president’s public standing is on the rise, while Mrs. Clinton appears more vulnerable. A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released this week shows that Mr. Biden is running stronger than Mrs. Clinton in head-to-head match-ups against leading Republican candidates.
Mr. Bartmann was an early supporter of Ready for Hillary, contributing $5,000 to the pro-Clinton super PAC, in part, he said, because it appeared inevitable that the former secretary of state would be the Democratic nominee.
Mrs. Clinton’s handling of questions about the private email server she used as secretary of state troubled Mr. Bartmann and eventually prompted him to consider his options. He now says he wants to “be as helpful as the law allows” in donating to a Biden presidential bid.
Beata Stylianos, a technology executive from Los Angeles, gave the maximum $2,700 contribution to Mrs. Clinton’s primary campaign in June. Now, she is supporting the effort to nudge Mr. Biden into the race.
As a widow, she said she has been moved by how Mr. Biden has dealt with losses in his own family, including the death in May of his son Beau Biden. “When you have someone of his stature be so honest and frank, it’s inspiring and it inspired me,” said Ms. Stylianos, who has also made contributions to the Democratic National Committee and various Senate races.

Erik Ramanathan, who raised funds for Mr. Obama’s 2012 re-election bid, said he would do the same for Mr. Biden, if he runs. Mrs. Clinton’s fundraising team has called and asked him to sign on, something Mr. Ramanathan said he would contemplate only if Mr. Biden opts out.
“I want to see this play out. I want Biden in the race,” he said.
Should Mr. Biden enter the race, his supporters believe he will have ample sums of money to mount a serious campaign.
Stephen Cozen, founder of the Philadelphia-based law firm Cozen O’Connor and a longtime friend of Mr. Biden, said he has told the Draft Biden group that he would quickly be able to raise $1 million. Mr. Cozen, who made a donation to Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential bid, said he believes at least 100 people across the country are positioned to raise the same amount for Mr. Biden.
Still, the Biden team’s mission would be uphill. Mrs. Clinton has built a formidable fundraising machine. Her campaign announced this week that she raised more than $28 million in the third quarter. That was a significant drop-off from her second-quarter tally, but Mrs. Clinton still raised more than any Democratic or GOP candidate who has announced totals so far. And Clinton fundraisers say they remain confident.
Marc Lasry, a billionaire hedge-fund manager who is raising funds for Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, said he hasn’t heard from anybody who would support Mr. Biden. “Everybody I speak to and deal with are still huge supporters of Hillary,” Mr. Lasry said.
As Biden backers have ramped up their efforts, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign also has reached out to her top donors in part to deter defections.
Robert Wolf, a Clinton fundraiser, said he has gotten lots of attention since reports revealed that he had met with Mr. Biden. Mr. Wolf has had conversations with Mrs. Clinton and two of her top advisers in recent weeks, he said.
Jon Cooper, the national finance chairman for Draft Biden, said he has secured commitments from a number of Clinton donors who don’t want to disclose their plans just yet. The list of Biden backers includes at least a half dozen Clinton bundlers who already collectively raised more than $1 million for the former secretary of state but now aim to exceed that tally for the vice president, Mr. Cooper said.
“The minute he announces, that dam is going to break, and there’s going to be a flood of donations,” Mr. Cooper said.
The Draft Biden super PAC also is considering a national TV ad buy as early as next week that would focus on Mr. Biden’s record and life story, people familiar with the matter said.
A likely delayed announcement from Mr. Biden about his presidential intentions gives Mrs. Clinton a bit more time to try to hold on to supporters.
October is shaping up to be a pivotal month for Mrs. Clinton. She has the chance to demonstrate command of the issues at the Democratic debate, and the opportunity to answer Republican critics directly when she appears before a House committee later in October. After that comes Iowa’s high-profile Jefferson-Jackson dinner.
“I think of this as an opportunity month for her,” said Geoff Garin, a Democratic polling expert who works for the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA. Given that Mr. Biden is looming, he added, that “probably makes October even more important.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Bill Clinton to Attend Dinner Named After Prominent Slaveholder, Genocide Advocate in State Where Obama Almost Lost to Convicted Felon[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
October 2, 2015 4:35 pm



Bill Clinton is scheduled to speak Friday at a Democratic Party-sponsored event named after prominent slaveholder Thomas Jefferson and genocide advocate Andrew Jackson. The controversialJefferson-Jackson Day dinner will take place in Charleston, West Virginia, a state where President Obama almost lost the 2012 nomination to Keith Judd, a convicted felon and 2012 Free Beacon Man of the Year.
Democrats have been struggling to come up with a less problematic name for the dinners, which have been a part of the party’s history for nearly a century. However, Bill Clinton might not be the best spokesman for the modern, socially conscious Democratic Party. Here he is in 1993 not only praising the Washington Redskins, but also telling a young boy that he wished he had been named after Confederate president Jefferson Davis.


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Jan 9, 2009



Joe Raedle/Getty Images

by BREITBART NEWS2 Oct 20151,400

[h=2]CNN exposes an embarrassing facet of Hillary Clinton’s campaign that further reinforces concerns about her health and her need for tightly-controlled staged appearances. “Hillary Clinton is consistently late. And voters are noticing,” the headline reads.[/h]From CNN:
At 3:30 p.m. Friday, one hour after Hillary Clinton was scheduled to take the stage at the gym at Broward College here, Vikesh Patel and three of his classmates left without catching a glimpse of the Democratic front-runner in this key Florida county. She was running late from a fundraiser.

Clinton finally did take the stage more than an hour after she was supposed to, a pattern at recent events that are meant to energize Democratic volunteers and voters in key states.
In Baton Rouge last week, Clinton ran an hour late for her organizing event. The same day in Little Rock, she appeared more than 30 minutes after the crowd in a sweltering gym expected her.
The next day in Des Moines, Iowa, she walked on stage 40 minutes late in another gym where campaign staffers had carted in fans and bottled water to cool the overheated crowd.
And at an event on substance abuse Thursday in Dorchester, Massachusetts, Clinton was 50 minutes behind schedule.
Clinton aides contend that sometimes the candidate runs late because of obvious and unavoidable reasons — spending time with voters, traffic issues and airplane technical issues — but declined to directly comment on the tardiness.
Read the rest of the story here.

New member
Jan 9, 2009



The Associated Press

by PATRICK HOWLEY2 Oct 2015427

Top donors and foreign leaders ditched this year’s annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative, run by Bill and Hillary Clinton, reportedly due to Hillary Clinton’s embattled presidential campaign.
The CGI meeting, held in New York, was even skipped by President Barack Obama, for the first time since he’s been in the White House.
The Obama and Clinton camps are rumored to be sparring, with White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett this week saying Clinton violated official private email scandal.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi both skipped the event, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Last year’s top six corporate sponsors all declined to send donations this year. They included HSBC, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Samsung, Exxon Mobil, Dow Chemical, and Deutsche Bank.
“I’ve heard a lot of companies have shied away because it is a political year,” one guest told the Journal.
“Some have characterized the turnover of a handful of CGI’s sponsors as ‘trouble’ for CGI and ‘abandoning’ the Clintons, but this is just another example of critics trying to politicize philanthropy, and the facts don’t bear out the argument,” said CGI CEO Robert Harrison.
Chelsea Clinton appeared on a panel about unleashing women’s opportunities, but she did not have the opportunity to speak to a room full of people. The “Unleashing Women’s Economic Opportunities” only filled up about two-thirds of a ballroom.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=3]WND EXCLUSIVE[/h][h=1]KATHLEEN WILLEY VOWS TO 'HAUNT' HILLARY THROUGHOUT CAMPAIGN[/h][h=2]'I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go'[/h]Published: 16 hours ago

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Kathleen Willey, one of the women caught in the crossfire of alleged sexual harassment by former President Bill Clinton and what she characterizes as acts of intimidation to silence her, announced new plans to “haunt” Hillary Clinton throughout the 2016 presidential race and beyond.
During a radio interview Sunday, Willey delivered a message to Clinton: “I am going to be shadowing you every single place you go to remind people, especially young people, young women, college-aged students who don’t remember any of this. I want them to know all about this. Because once they do they are not going to be real proud of supporting her as the first women president.”
“I am going to haunt her everywhere she goes,” Willey stated of Clinton. “So she’s not going to get rid of me ever until she disappears.”
“And I have plans already for New Hampshire,” she said, referring to the Democratic Party presidential primaries.
Willey was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM.
The Clinton sex accuser used the interview to tease the October 13 publication of a new book by bestselling author Roger Stone entitled, “The Clintons’ War on Women,” for which Willey wrote the forward.
And Willey said Stone just formed a new PAC called “Women Against Hillary,” with the author asking her to serve as the group’s national spokesperson, a role Willey will accept, she revealed to Klein.
Willey has already become somewhat of an election issue for Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign.
She has been in the news repeatedly accusing Clinton of waging a “war on women.”
Click below to hear Klein’s full interview with Willey.

In August, Willey took to Klein’s program to announce the launch of an anti-Hillary Clinton website titled “A Scandal A Day.” The site is partially aimed at recruiting other women who may have been assaulted by the former president.
And Clinton herself may have unwittingly propelled Willey to status of opposition town crier on women's issues when Clinton's campaign released an ad entitled, "Hillary's Message to Survivors of Sexual Assault."
Read the dirty secrets of the Clintons from insider Kathleen Willey: Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton; and The Clintons' War on Women found in the WND Superstore!
In the video advertisement, Clinton looks into the camera and says, "I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault. Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard. You have a right to be believed. We're with you."
On Klein's Sunday radio show, Willey said she is "kind of glad" Hillary released the ad because "she is telling me and us that we have a right to be believed. We have a right to be heard. We are with you."
Continued Willey: "Thank you Hillary. Thank you very much. Because you are going to hear from me non-stop. And you are going to hear from other women, believe me she will. I've talked to some others who want to join in with me. She's not going to get away from this this time."
"What she has done is absolutely horrible," Willey added. "And she has enabled her perverted husband to keep on doing it and that's because she doesn't care about women. She is the war on women."
Willey called the sexual harassment ad "one of the most outrageous things I've ever heard come out of her mouth and I just wonder who in the name of God is telling her to do this?"
"Who is allowing her to do this -- her handlers? I mean, do they have any brains at all? Of all people to say that?"
Regarding her anti-Hillary activism, Willey declared, "I'm not going to give up. She has hurt so many people. She has disgraced so many women. She has demeaned us. She has terrorized us."
"I just would like the opportunity, I really do, I would look to look her in the eye. She's a mother and she's a grandmother. And I would like to look her in the eye and say, 'I want you to tell me why it is that you terrorized me. That you tried to scare me into silence.
"But more importantly I want you to explain to me why your secret police threatened my children by name. By where they live. That's what I want to know. Will you give me that answer Hillary? So I can deal with that. Threatening a woman's children is a whole different ballgame.'"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

This clip has so much BS in it, you better putting on your waders.

Hillary is actually asked a good question by Today show host Savannah Guthrie, which she proceeds to dodge and claim she’s the most transparent person in American history when it comes to her email.


Nice use of a joke their to try and keep the subject changed and her lies hidden. Guthrie was right in her question but should have pressed her on it after Hillary dodged it. I mean, what’s Hillary gonna do, get up and walk out of a town hall?

Hillary keeps hiding behind this statement that her private email server was ‘allowed’, but according to Valerie Jarrett from last week, the White House told her and all other cabinet members that government business should be done on government emails (which means government servers) and if there was a private email (not email server), emails should be turned over:

We all know the truth here. Hillary didn’t want her emails subject to FOIA requests. She wanted total control of her email so she could control it all and not have the American people see what she was up to.

The press needs to press harder on this, but it’s not gonna happen as long as she keeps going to journalism free zones to get interviewed.

Read more:

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary Legal Adviser: Time to Lawyer Up.

Ed Klein writes at the New York Post that a long-time Clinton legal adviser is warning Hillary to hire a lawyer to represent her in case she is indicted for "mishandling" classified information that appeared on her home-brewed email server.

“This e-mail thing is spiraling out of control,” he said. “To paraphrase John Dean of Watergate fame, it’s a cancer on her candidacy. Frankly,” he continued, “I am used to my advice on legal matters being taken very seriously and acted upon by the Clintons. I’ve told them repeatedly that this FBI e-mail investigation could go in a very dangerous direction very quickly. I think Bill takes the matter seriously. But Hillary is still acting as though it’s a political smear job by right-wing zealots.”

The adviser spoke to both Bill and Hillary warning them the FBI investigation could end much sooner than expected, possibly at the end of the year.

“Hillary needs to secure the services of an expert legal counsel—preferably a big-league defense attorney from the Republican side of the aisle,” the adviser said. “She needs someone to find out whether the FBI and Justice Department are likely to conclude that she’s violated federal laws governing national security.”

Nothing to see here. Move along.


Sep 21, 2004
Dot Dot Dot..............

Hillary Clinton just made a Benghazi ad

Updated by Jonathan Allen on October 5, 2015, 10:00 p.m. ET

There's a school of political thought that holds you should stay out of the fray when an opponent is wounding himself. That's not Hillary Clinton's way.
The Democratic presidential front-runner has come out with a devastating new ad that plays on House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's now-famous Benghazi gaffe. In an interview on Fox News last week, McCarthy tied Clinton's sagging poll numbers to the special committee House Republicans created to investigate 2012 terrorist attacks in Libya.
It was a stunning acknowledgment of the political nature of the committee's work, and Clinton allies believe it will take the sting out of the investigation. Moreover, it couldn't have come at a better time — or on a better issue — for her. That's because she's locked in a primary against Bernie Sanders, and possibly Vice President Joe Biden, and some Democrats have been concerned about her handling of the email scandal at the center of the committee's work. Now, Democrats have a vivid reminder of just how much Republicans hate Clinton, which could help rally them to her defense.
That explains why Clinton is putting an ad on cable television to make sure voters don't forget what the GOP floor leader said. The ad contrasts McCarthy bragging about the committee's role in hindering her campaign with Clinton's push on substantive issues.
"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy says at the beginning of the 30-second spot, which will begin airing Tuesday. "But we put together a Benghazi special committee. What are her numbers today?"
Then a narrator spins the moment to Clinton's favor.
"The Republicans have spent millions attacking Hillary because she's fighting for everything they oppose. From affordable health care to equal pay, she'll never stop fighting for you, and Republican know it," the narrator says over triumphant images of Clinton.
And then the kicker: "I'm Hillary Clinton, and I approve this message."
Several House Democrats, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have called for House Republicans to dissolve the Benghazi Committee in the wake of McCarthy's remarks. But, as the ad demonstrates, Clinton thinks she'll now have the upper hand at her Oct. 22 hearing.

Jul 14, 2007
Dot Dot Dot..............

Hillary Clinton just made a Benghazi ad

Updated by Jonathan Allen on October 5, 2015, 10:00 p.m. ET

There's a school of political thought that holds you should stay out of the fray when an opponent is wounding himself. That's not Hillary Clinton's way.
The Democratic presidential front-runner has come out with a devastating new ad that plays on House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's now-famous Benghazi gaffe. In an interview on Fox News last week, McCarthy tied Clinton's sagging poll numbers to the special committee House Republicans created to investigate 2012 terrorist attacks in Libya.
It was a stunning acknowledgment of the political nature of the committee's work, and Clinton allies believe it will take the sting out of the investigation. Moreover, it couldn't have come at a better time — or on a better issue — for her. That's because she's locked in a primary against Bernie Sanders, and possibly Vice President Joe Biden, and some Democrats have been concerned about her handling of the email scandal at the center of the committee's work. Now, Democrats have a vivid reminder of just how much Republicans hate Clinton, which could help rally them to her defense.
That explains why Clinton is putting an ad on cable television to make sure voters don't forget what the GOP floor leader said. The ad contrasts McCarthy bragging about the committee's role in hindering her campaign with Clinton's push on substantive issues.
"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy says at the beginning of the 30-second spot, which will begin airing Tuesday. "But we put together a Benghazi special committee. What are her numbers today?"
Then a narrator spins the moment to Clinton's favor.
"The Republicans have spent millions attacking Hillary because she's fighting for everything they oppose. From affordable health care to equal pay, she'll never stop fighting for you, and Republican know it," the narrator says over triumphant images of Clinton.
And then the kicker: "I'm Hillary Clinton, and I approve this message."
Several House Democrats, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have called for House Republicans to dissolve the Benghazi Committee in the wake of McCarthy's remarks. But, as the ad demonstrates, Clinton thinks she'll now have the upper hand at her Oct. 22 hearing.

Yeah that guy is an idiot. Just shifts the attention away from policy and onto character which is far more subjective. Much easier for someone like that to defend their character than their policy.

If Hilary Clinton had perfect character, she would still not be a good candidate because her policies are bad.

Stuff like this issue just distracts from that and makes her more live to be the next President.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Yeah that guy is an idiot. Just shifts the attention away from policy and onto character which is far more subjective. Much easier for someone like that to defend their character than their policy.

If Hilary Clinton had perfect character, she would still not be a good candidate because her policies are bad.

Stuff like this issue just distracts from that and makes her more live to be the next President.

Funny stuff - they want to make a bigger deal out of what he said versus what she did (and did not) concerning Benghazi. You can't make this stuff up.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Report: Longtime Hillary Clinton Aide Lied About Personal Email Use[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
October 5, 2015 5:06 pm


Philippe Reines, lying snitch. (AP)

Longtime Hillary Clinton aide Philippe Reines repeatedly lied about using a personal email address to communicate with reporters, records show. Emails uncovered after Gawker successfully sued the State Department show that Reines regularly corresponded with reporters using a personal Gmail address, despite previously dismissing the suggestion as a “cockamamie theory,” saying his personal email account “is about the last place I want to be emailing reporters or conducting work.”
Gawker’s initial request under the Freedom of Information Act was initially denied after the State Department claimed to have no record of Reines’s correspondence with reporters. The emails, about 18,000 in total, are coming to light now thanks to a successful legal appeal.
The revelation is interesting given that the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email address, hosted on a private server, during her time as secretary of state, and the fact that Hillary, according to her, has been completely honest and more transparent than anyone in American history.
The emails obtained by Gawker show Reines repeatedly bashing POLITICO in correspondence withNew York Times reporter Mark Leibovich, referring to the Virginia-based gossip blog as “toilet stall graffiti.” Reines also challenged POLITICO’s Glenn Trush to take a lie-detector test, and called then-POLITICO editor Ben Smith a “MORON.”
Reines is a notorious Beltway figure for many reasons, including the fact that he is a raving sycophant who snitches on his co-workers. It’s weird that he would work for someone who is such a model of honesty and transparency.


Jul 14, 2007
Funny stuff - they want to make a bigger deal out of what he said versus what she did (and did not) concerning Benghazi. You can't make this stuff up.

That guy isn't doing the people that have to run against Hilary any favors by saying that. She really isn't the hardest candidate to beat but if your going to insinuate a tragedy was being used for political gain then someone as clever at politics as Hilary and her handlers are probably going to pounce on it.

Even if you beat Hilary by smearing her, what does it even accomplish? The ideology still exists for the next Hilry to come along.

I'd much rather see her beat on policy. Would be better for everyone in the long run.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I used to dread the old wicked hag becoming president...until Obama came along.

Even if she's elected, so what? With a GOP Congress, what exactly will she be able to do? Half the country can't stand her and if her past is any indicator, her presidency would be rife with one scandal after another. What has this woman accomplished again?

If Democrats think "President Hillary" would be great for the country, go ahead and nominate her. Then prepare yourself for the nastiest, most bitter campaign ever - just what the country needs. Don't piss and moan about "political witch hunts" and "right wing conspiracies" inhibiting her ability to govern days after she's sworn in....because we know what's coming:

"When I’m president, we’re closing the “gun-show loophole” whether Congress wants to or not" - Hillary Clinton

You have been warned.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
That guy isn't doing the people that have to run against Hilary any favors by saying that. She really isn't the hardest candidate to beat but if your going to insinuate a tragedy was being used for political gain then someone as clever at politics as Hilary and her handlers are probably going to pounce on it.

Even if you beat Hilary by smearing her, what does it even accomplish? The ideology still exists for the next Hilry to come along.

I'd much rather see her beat on policy. Would be better for everyone in the long run.

She is a liar plain and simple and an elitist to boot. How did Hope and Change work out. We are still hoping and we thought he meant change for the better. Policy in politics is just for show. Actions speak louder than words. I am not trying to smear her, just trying to connect the dots. You can come to your own conclusions. But what she has done simply cannot be ignored.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I used to dread the old wicked hag becoming president...until Obama came along.

Even if she's elected, so what? With a GOP Congress, what exactly will she be able to do? Half the country can't stand her and if her past is any indicator, her presidency would be rife with one scandal after another. What has this woman accomplished again?

If Democrats think "President Hillary" would be great for the country, go ahead and nominate her. Then prepare yourself for the nastiest, most bitter campaign ever - just what the country needs. Don't piss and moan about "political witch hunts" and "right wing conspiracies" inhibiting her ability to govern days after she's sworn in....because we know what's coming:

"When I’m president, we’re closing the “gun-show loophole” whether Congress wants to or not" - Hillary Clinton

You have been warned.

If she's elected so what?

i thought you said she had no chance and me saying she will be the next president will be worse forum prediction ever?

just Joe changing his tune again

Fred Dalton Thompson will always be worst prediction in history!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I used to dread the old wicked hag becoming president...until Obama came along.

Even if she's elected, so what? With a GOP Congress, what exactly will she be able to do? Half the country can't stand her and if her past is any indicator, her presidency would be rife with one scandal after another. What has this woman accomplished again?

If Democrats think "President Hillary" would be great for the country, go ahead and nominate her. Then prepare yourself for the nastiest, most bitter campaign ever - just what the country needs. Don't piss and moan about "political witch hunts" and "right wing conspiracies" inhibiting her ability to govern days after she's sworn in....because we know what's coming:

"When I’m president, we’re closing the “gun-show loophole” whether Congress wants to or not" - Hillary Clinton

You have been warned.

Anything she wants. With spineless Rinos calling the shots it’s like having Democratic controlled Congress.

If McCarthy wins the speaker ship it’s going to be déjà vu all over again.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Judge Orders State Department to Release Clinton Aide’s Emails With Foundation[/h]Citizens United: ‘A big win for transparency’


BY: Alana Goodman
October 6, 2015 3:30 pm

A federal judge told the Department of State on Tuesday to release correspondence between a top aide to Hillary Clinton and Clinton Foundation officials on a rolling basis over the next two weeks.
Citizens United, a film production group, has been suing the State Department to turn over official emails between Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff, and individuals associated with the Clinton Foundation.
An attorney for the State Department said officials have found 326 documents potentially related to the public records request, during a hearing at the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. The State Department said it would turn them over to Citizens United in two batches, beginning next Friday and ending on Oct. 20.
The State Department had previously asked for an extension until Dec. 6 to hand over the records, but Judge Emmet Sullivan declined to grant it last month.
Citizens United called the timetable a “big win for transparency.”
“The public has a right to inspect these important documents in a timely manner and that’s what today’s ruling provides,” said David Bossie, Citizens United’s president. “If it weren’t for our [Freedom of Information Act requests] and subsequent lawsuits these records would remain exactly where Hillary Clinton wants them—in the shadows.”
The group is asking for correspondence that was sent between June 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013. In 2013, Mills was designated a “Special Government Employee,” which allowed her to hold outside positions and to avoid certain ethics restrictions.
In addition to the Clinton Foundation emails, Citizens United has also requested correspondence from Clinton aides related to the 2012 Benghazi attack and their work for outside companies while at the State Department.


Jul 14, 2007
I used to dread the old wicked hag becoming president...until Obama came along.

Even if she's elected, so what? With a GOP Congress, what exactly will she be able to do? Half the country can't stand her and if her past is any indicator, her presidency would be rife with one scandal after another. What has this woman accomplished again?

If Democrats think "President Hillary" would be great for the country, go ahead and nominate her. Then prepare yourself for the nastiest, most bitter campaign ever - just what the country needs. Don't piss and moan about "political witch hunts" and "right wing conspiracies" inhibiting her ability to govern days after she's sworn in....because we know what's coming:

"When I’m president, we’re closing the “gun-show loophole” whether Congress wants to or not" - Hillary Clinton

You have been warned.

I agree. If she wins, it isn't the worst outcome.

Probably gonna have a gov't debt/QE bubble within the next 5yrs, let her/current admin take the blame and that ideology be defeated.

Even if she did win, it would be 1 term max and likely pave the way for a good candidate in 2020. People might be so pissed we even get a libertarian!

I think GOP in 2020 might be a Mayweather vs Pacquiao level lock under those circumstances.

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