you and pocket both make solid points and its kinda nice to discuss things respectfully even though we disagree on this one. The thing I feel I need to correct you on is when you said "Big Business/Christian Conservatives rent out The White House at their pleasure". It should read ..."Big Business/Conservatives/Democrats rent out The White House at their pleasure.":toast:
I'll give ya that and raise ya the inclusion pf PACs, Special Interest Groups and Foreign Governments lol.
While I know its inconceivable, based on the length of my posts on the whole here at RX, that I do try to be mindful of keeping posts short/avoiding loooooooong posts...I actually try to make them as short as possible lmfao.
Thus the lack of inclusion of the Dems.
I'll agree that a civilized intelligent discussion on these matters would be incredible. It'd also be totally unprecedented & possibly be the only one ever. Anywhere.
I must encourage again though, a consideration of "Determinism" because the possibility exists that regardless of this discussion, any other discussions or anything else the end result may be only one possible outcome, a thing we have no control over whatsoever and "The Universe Unfolding As It Should"....the way it was "supposed to come out all along."
The only dude who would have known for sure whether this was the case died. Of course.
Natural Causes far as I know anyways.
If it was natural causes then obviously the Universe itself feels like we....I guess....need to figure this out
on our own? lol. That we don't deserve no "cheat sheet" or possibly that the answer...knowing that would bring Humanity to a screechin' fuggin halt. Which it may very well do.
Absolute Knowledge that we can have in fact no effect on the outcome of big picture stuff such as the state/condition this planet winds up in...if we were to find that we were completely powerless and just aboard a larger version of The Log Ride at Knott's Berry Farm....what would that do to the Human Psyche enMasse?
So be warned...delving into study of "Determinism" may not be all Wine & Roses lol.
I have still yet to determine how much value I place in The Philosophy of Determinism and may very well never get to a place where I know for sure because the question of whether to believe in an idea that means humans are powerless to change the eventual fate of their planet is a deep one involving very deep questions of Philosophy, Religion....and other things I may not even be aware of yet.
Easy question for 99% of humanity though. They'd be able to immediately say with confidence that we are in complete control of both the Destiny of ourselves (i.e. where we wind up...what our lives are and become) and also of the Destiny of this Planet and certainly our Country.
It may be that simple or it may be less simple than that. Each person has to decide based on so many they feel personally.
And this is an absolutely necessary step in determining if you want to battle oppression/wrong stuff or just raise your family the best you can and "pray for the best".
The only reason you wear that Tin Foil Hat and Blue Sunglasses pocket is to hide within the crowd of ExPats down there all wearing Tin Foil Hat and Blue Sunglasses. While its not the Fashion Choice you'd make, were you given the choice I approve of this strategy and feel you've made a good choice.