"Citizen of the world"


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
180000/11000000=0.0163636364 = negligible.
american/soviet deaths in europe

So that’s your formula for contributing to the defeat of Germany? Did it ever occur to you that they were just lousy fighters or had incompetent leaders?
In any event your logic escapes me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The German army marched to within 10 miles of the gates of Moscow thru the Ukraine and White Russia. It took the whole world to beat them, if the US didn't enter the war Germany would not have been defeated by Russia & Britain alone. 20,000,000 Russians died they suffered the most. The German army during WWII was the most powerful army ever assembled.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
First off, the UK would have collapsed in the late thirties without the lend lease act and a lot of supplies from the US - for the three years 1939 thru November, 1941, the US Merchant Marines lost about 130 ships in the North Atlantic bringing supplies to the Brits. The only thing that saved the Brits from falling to the Nazi's was the channel.

If Stalin didn't have such nasty winters, he would also have lost - The USSR was able to stop the Germans, but could mount no attack against Germany until Germany collapsed due to the US invading and rolling up from the Southwest, allowing the USSR to slide in the vacuum in nerthern and southeastern Europe.

Next, anyone who thinks the US didn't play THE major role in beating the Germans is nuts - The Brits would have collapsed if the US and Canada didn't step in and cover their asses. There would have been nothing without the US industrial might and it's ability to build ships, planes and military vehicles - all of the allies depended on the US industrial largesse.

And please rmember that the US fought the war on two front- and WON!

Next, I see someone mention occupations not lasting - pardon me, but Germany and Japan have been occupied for about 60 years now - and neither wants to see the US Armed Forces depart.

Seems to me Australia and Canada were occupoied by Britain for centuries.

Oh, and didn't the USSR occupy ALL of northern and eastern Europe until it collapsed of it's own economic weight? Seems to me the Soviet occupations would have lasted forever if the Soviet economy could have lasted.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I am a member of the human race first, a US citizen second.

Hey Judge - you're a self admitted liberal, so there's no chance you're human - have you considered maybe vampire or werewolf? :toast:

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
eekster, I'm having a tough time keeping up with your incoherent rant in this thread.

Are you giving the States credit or bashing us?

A bit tipsy chap?:grandmais

You want to remember that eek is Scotch and thinks wearing a skirt and a cute feathered bonnet is cool. The only cool Scotchman I ever knew was Mel Gibson.

Sep 21, 2004
We are loosing the tenets of our culture and this is not good in my opinion. This here election is dividing the people and this not be good.


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
BBL proclaims: Next, I see someone mention occupations not lasting - pardon me, but Germany and Japan have been occupied for about 60 years now - and neither wants to see the US Armed Forces depart.

SH: A military "occupation" is by definition a scenario where the foreign military is in complete command of the entire invaded country.

The USA has never been in command of the governments of Germany, Japan or South Korea. They are in fact quite fully in command of the country formerly known as Iraq.

Additionally, the governments of Germany, Japan and South Korea pay for their US military mercenaries - which is as it should be.

The "security forces" occupying Iraq are paid for by my and your US tax dollars in an incredible demonstration of nanny-state government (We are the USA and we know what is best for you 3rd world camel jockeys)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You want to remember that eek is Scotch and thinks wearing a skirt and a cute feathered bonnet is cool. The only cool Scotchman I ever knew was Mel Gibson.

I think Mel is a "mate", but he played a Scotchman on TV.
Dec 11, 2006
So I guess you never heard of the British Empire, eh barman?

Comparing US control in Iraq to Hitler's ability to control his conquested countries is like comparing apples to, er, rat meat. It's about the will of control.

First the rat meat. Hitler clearly demonstrated that he had the will to torture and annihalate. If you weren't a blond haired, blue eyed Arian you were expendable and in very brutal ways. There would be few dissidents in the face of such inhumane policy. Hitler clearly had the will to control.

Now the apples. Since WW II the US, thanks largely to powder puff policy makers like yourself, engages in wars of containment. They have no imperialist designs in Iraq and in fact are wasting our soldier's lives and our money in an effort to give a healthy and vibrant Iraq back to a people who are too stupid to accept the gift.

Despite eek's lack of gratitude, without our intervention, Europe would look very different today.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
We are loosing the tenets of our culture and this is not good in my opinion. This here election is dividing the people and this not be good.


I must disagree - this is what makes our nation so healthy - our history all of the way back to the founding fathers has been one of extremes battling each other for power while the center sways from one side to the other - with one loud belch for the civil war where the disagreements came to serious blows.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
The British "empire" post-1800 consisted of Great Britain and a handful of African and southeast Asian 4th world countries. As each obtained even a modest measure of "civilization", they each in turn shrugged off the British mantle and the Brits sensibly retreated knowing full well they could not maintain control through violent military reprisal.

The mid 20th century European community would not have allowed Germany to maintain any more than a vestige of control for perhaps a few years as they methodically created revolution on multiple fronts. It's perhaps fanciful to imagine the horror of a Nazi-controlled continent, but it's delusional and ignores the strength of the human spirit which has been fully exposed to democratic principles.

Sep 22, 2004
I reckon America saved western europes ass in WW2, Stalin would have rolled right up to the English channel.

Americas productive capacity and loan credits also helped hugely, although the day the war ended, the credit ended.
(Even bread was rationed in 1946, something that had not happened throughout the entire war.)

The other really big contribution by America was the atom bomb, the great post WW2 peacemaker.

As far as stopping Hitler was concerned, the Russkies get 80% of the credit.
There was never less than 75% of the German Armed forces on the eastern front, the biggest battle in human history.

Also worth remembering that the war was over in less than 12 months after D-Day.

New member
May 14, 2008
So I guess you never heard of the British Empire, eh barman?

Comparing US control in Iraq to Hitler's ability to control his conquested countries is like comparing apples to, er, rat meat. It's about the will of control.

First the rat meat. Hitler clearly demonstrated that he had the will to torture and annihalate. If you weren't a blond haired, blue eyed Arian you were expendable and in very brutal ways. There would be few dissidents in the face of such inhumane policy. Hitler clearly had the will to control.

Now the apples. Since WW II the US, thanks largely to powder puff policy makers like yourself, engages in wars of containment. They have no imperialist designs in Iraq and in fact are wasting our soldier's lives and our money in an effort to give a healthy and vibrant Iraq back to a people who are too stupid to accept the gift.

Despite eek's lack of gratitude, without our intervention, Europe would look very different today.

I lol'd.

New member
May 14, 2008
The British "empire" post-1800 consisted of Great Britain and a handful of African and southeast Asian 4th world countries. As each obtained even a modest measure of "civilization", they each in turn shrugged off the British mantle and the Brits sensibly retreated knowing full well they could not maintain control through violent military reprisal.

The mid 20th century European community would not have allowed Germany to maintain any more than a vestige of control for perhaps a few years as they methodically created revolution on multiple fronts. It's perhaps fanciful to imagine the horror of a Nazi-controlled continent, but it's delusional and ignores the strength of the human spirit which has been fully exposed to democratic principles.
Democracy is worthless...

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
<HR style="COLOR: #e1dfdf" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
From Laura Ingraham

"Make no mistake: Barack Obama's speech in Berlin's Tiergarten park was one of the most revealing and, frankly, terrifying moments of the campaign so far. We witnessed a man who may very well be the next president of the United States APOLOGIZE to a bunch of foreigners for his own country's failings! He told the crowd of 200,000 that he addressed them "as a fellow citizen of the world" and then dropped this bomb: "I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions."

Apparently lost on Obama and the crowd was the incredible irony that a Nazi flag would be flying over Berlin at this very moment if it weren't for the sacrifices made by the United States and our allies in WWII; hundreds of thousands of Americans died to liberate Europe and prevent the spread of tyranny around the world.

The crowd, of course, was enthralled with the speech. But there's a very simple reason why Obama's been received like a rock star everywhere he goes in Europe: the European people have no desire to see America remain the world's number one power!

Here's the bottom line: The United States can't afford a commander-in-chief who travels to other countries with his hat in his hand and begs for some understanding. We need a president who will stand up for America, not apologize on her behalf. And if Obama had no qualms about delivering this speech to the European public, what's to stop him from doing it in private with Ahmadinejad in Iran?

Say goodbye to America, the superpower; say hello to America, the good global citizen."

Too bad the cancer didn't finish this miserable bitch off.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The desperation is becoming comical.:missingte

Besides talking down to people
Besides considering themselves to be the intellects
Besides calling fellow Americans stupid
Besides being full of hate and anger
Besides disrespecting people who have just passed (before they're even buried)

one side also many people that actually wish harm on others

It must suck to be so fucking stupid :thumbsup:

These comments are not intended to be all inclusive boys, so just chill. It's just the angry, hating, America sucks and I hope you die crowd tends to have the same political preference.

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