But none of those mistakes could be made from a gambling perspective though right? This sport didn't get to be the largest gambling platform for nothing. The NFL didn't get big because of ppl just sitting back watching the game. Gambling made it what it is today. And if it did that? Then corruption is nearby.
90%+ people watching NFL games do not gamble.
The suggestion that an NFL referee who makes ~$195,000 a year
in a part time job would "fix" a game is utterly ridiculous. Because, what would be the cash amount needed for him to agree? $200,000? Where do you park that, in your basement and nobody ever finds out? Plus, all of these guys are pretty successful in other jobs, so why does a guy jeopardize a part-time job cash cow for $100,000 grand, anyway?
As has been pointed out by others, not only would the fixers need to keep quiet, but they'd have to have a ton of $ on the right side and find an outlet for it to make sense.
This is all added to the fact that the NFL has a security department staffed full of former FBI and Secret Service agents poking around at all of this, 24X7
There is a reason there has been no major pro-football gambling scandal in the last 30 years.
It has happened in college, both football and basketball, but the topic of this thread is the NFL.