Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
I have a question which has been "bugging me all day long."

Perhaps fpp/sbd and/or somebody else can answer it.

I want to know which if these statements are true, and if none are true, then please state what is true:

1) The real by birth certificate living Joe Biden attended the Geneva Summit with Putin.

2) Biden did not attend, but rather it was a "body double" who attended the Summit for reasons to be explained by fpp/sbd.

3) Biden's "evil spirit"/reincarnation attended because Biden was executed prior to the Summit.

4) Reverting back to #2, it was some kind of an android/robot which was programmed to state the wishes and policies of whoever/whatever controlled it.

5) It was Matt Gaetz's AWOL penis incognito which somehow found its way from GITMO to Geneva and somehow had the ability to transform itself

into the image/body/mind of Joe Biden, whose location at the time of Summit was unknown.

6) There actually was no summit at all, but one staged as was the case with the "fake death" of George Floyd according to QAnon folks for political purposes. lol

7) It was really God in the carnation of Joe Biden speaking to Putin and telling him that he had better watch his step or else.

8) It was a pro wrestling syndrome event where Biden and Putin had conversed secretly before the event with agreed upon commentary,

questions and responses for reasons not known at this time.

There are other possibilities of course, and it goes without saying and as stated above, anyone who can resolve this puzzling dilemma is welcome

to respond!

Well, well, well- what do you know-it looks like fpp/sbb read what I posted above, and decided to TRY to make hay

with it by posting #2 choice with the same kind of "reasoning, "logic" and" overall "credibility" which I

and the others have used in this thread and his to toss him around like a rag doll and as defenseless

as a punching bag.

I will let folks in the forum with an iq above 50 decide how much credence they should put in his post.

Here you go:


The actor is Arthur Roberts, an 82 year old "c" rated actor..

Roberts claim to fame was portraying 'Braden', the evil ninja, in the Revenge of the Ninja (1983).

Playing "Biden" was made possible through a Hollywood-style prosthetic mask that perfectly mimicked Biden's face and expressions.

Ahead of the meeting with Putin the DS Players were in a serious jam because their "Biden" narrative was at-risk.

They only had two choices; send a fake Biden or claim the 25th Amendment on Biden and send Harris instead.

They opted for the fake Biden because they knew that Putin would never accept Harris as a person of authority.

The DS may think they got one over on Putin BUT, remember, Putin is former KGB, so probably not a good idea for the DS to feel overconfident on this one.

The clock is running out on them.

The fake Biden narrative will be brought to light VERY soon."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The Biden White House has temporarily halted a military aid package to Ukraine that would include lethal weapons, a plan originally made in response to aggressive Russian troop movements along Ukraine’s border this spring.

Hey lightweight . What does Putin have on Biden ? I mean just days after their meeting this happens .

Sound familiar ?

Impeach 46 !

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Glenn Kirschner . Lol !

Let me know when that clown mentions anything about the Biden Administration withholding funds to Ukraine

US Catholic bishops overwhelmingly back document to DENY Biden and Democrats from receiving Communion because of their support of abortion rights

The propaganda rag known an the NYT came to Sleepy’s defense immediately .



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

<header class="entry-header" style="margin-top: 0px;">Would An Actual Potato Be Better At Hosting ‘Reliable Sources’ Than Brian Stelter?

MAY 14, 2021 By Kylee Zempel


Joe Rogan Tears Into CNN's Brian Stelter: 'Hey Motherf*cker, You're Supposed To Be A Journalist'

The market has spoken and your show is fucking terrible."


Nov 11, 2007
In today's segment of "One Year Ago" we go back to June 19, 2020.

It was the day before the June 20th rally in Tulsa which totally fizzled, about which I will comment tomorrow.

Anyways, the most significant post of the day(there were several in the running), is post 2520, and which once again shows how far out of touch

fpp/sbd was of reality then and of course for the next 365 days afterwards.

Here is the post -it is post 2520 and is found on page 101 of the IVU Thread:

"You can't make this up!

Bottom line, NOBODY cares about Biden or what he has to say!

The polls that have him leading by 13 points have been proven to be fake.

Biden has ZERO chance."


Here is the link to the entire page so that you can see some of the other mounds of lies, delusions, paranoia, what will turn out to be

failed predictions and so much more on the part of fpp/sbd:

Important Virus Update - Page 101 (

Nov 11, 2007
From fpp/sbd's desk-toilet:

I don't know if this was borne out of desperation and/or out of boredom because there is nothing better to post, but suffice it to say that this has to be one

of the dumbest, most generalized and moronic posts of his since he started his thread 16 months ago:

"Experts agree that President Trump won the 2020 election

“Trump Won” banners are showing up across the globe because Trump won and the world knows it."

I wonder who the "experts" are and what their "qualifications" are.

Could fpp/sbd "possibly mean Donald Trump, his family members, fpp/sbd himself, QAnon supporters as well

as those Trump supporters who fellate him on a daily basis? Lifeline please!! lol

And the same goes for the "Trump Won" banners.

I wonder if any of the 81 million people who voted for Biden, which resulted in his winning the Election,

are included in those which are allegedly showing up everywhere! lol

The fact that Trump HIMSELF stated he lost should also be considered a "little bit."

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing re: the last post.

In all fairness to Trump, perhaps his remarks/admission about his loss to Biden took place when he was not thinking, and his thoughts were

focused on other things such as fantasizing about "hosing" his daughter Ivanka. lol

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment before lunch:

I have always wondered and will probably never know the reasons why fpp/sbd turned to this delusion and/or lying QAnon

posting lifestyle with no accountability whatsoever.

Along the same lines, I wonder if he acquired his current mindset on his own and/or whether his parents and/other associations convinced and taught

him that this was the way to go in life in order to "achieve success!" lol

Nov 11, 2007

Who cares about the ratings?

We heard the same bullshit about the size of huge crowds at Trump rallies as opposed to the meager ones, and that was supposed

to be some kind of indication that Trump would win in massive landslide, and that according to fpp/sbd it would be

the "biggest landslide in history, and that Trump would win all 50 states and garner over 90% of the Popular Vote.

How did that kind of reasoning work out especially in the Popular Vote, where Biden won by 7.5 million votes!!!!

Along the same lines, I couldn't care less as to how many people read or listen to true intellectual giants listen to folks like Thomas Friedman.

I bet a lot of those folks who don't care what he has to say are the same folks who would rather spend their entire day playing mindless video

game, watching or attending pro wrestling matches and doing things which ae emblematic of simpletons not capable of understanding

or responding to any material expressed or written which is deeper than their skin, and if they do respond, the their response amounts to a puddle of


In short at least for me, responses like the one to which I am responding say a lot about the mentality(lack of it) of the person who wrote it than

the person to whom it is addressed and/or the folks cited in the post.

Time to cut the lawn and relax and enjoy the warm weather.

Back very late afternoon at the earliest!


Nov 11, 2007
Re:fpp/ sbd's trying to claim it was only a joke about his celebrating the death of Biden's dog, all I can say is wait until tomorrow

in the "One Year Later" when fpp/sbd was caught DELIBERATELY posting a false photo of the size of Biden's rally in Tulsa showing

the place was filled to the rafters when it is was in fact about half full, and his weak, feeble excuse about it being an "error" on his part. lol

Stay tuned for tomorrow's segment!!

Nov 11, 2007
Several observations from looking at fpp/sbd's thread:

If you read his posts today, it looks like he has decided to respond again to posters who a while back claimed he would not respond to.

There are a number or possible reasons for this:

1) Anger that what his adversaries are saying is believed a lot more than what says and will even be more so if he says nothing at all to "defend" himself.

2) A festering and growing increase amount of disappointment and fear that July 4th, the Reckoning Day, as far as his his prediction that it will

be a day to be remembered for centuries to come(with Trump's Return to being POTUS) goes, is fast approaching and if this does not occur,

when I and others get through with him and his thread on a daily basis, lets just say politely it won't be pretty-in short a need to vent rather

than let all of his satanic anger, hate and venom build up inside of him.

3) Related to #1 and #2, on some level of consciousness or unconsciousness, he is trying to project his own feelings of of inadequacy, insecurity and

low opinion of himself onto others, and believes in his imagined world that by firing back at these people, he can convince others that he is really the one

in the position of strength rather than the human and defenseless punching bag which is easy pickings presently for anyone with an iq above 50.

Nov 11, 2007
Here yo go with our blast from the past in which we goo back exactly one year from today's date and pick out one standout post in which fpp/sbd

exemplifies the lying, delusional, condescending and attention seeking parasite he has been shown to be.

First of all I erred yesterday in stating that today will be about the size of Tulsa Rally and fpp/sbd's lie about it-it will be tomorrow.

Today's segment deals with John Bolton's devastating book which was released about Trump and both Trump's and fpp's commentary and what would

allegedly happen to Biden.

Suffice it to say that unless all of the many of the media appearances we have heard from Bolton from commentary were not from him but rather from "body

doubles," a term fpp/sbd use when he cannot explain why someone who has allegedly be arrested and sent to GITMO and in many cases has been executed,

this turned out to be yet another delusional prediction which failed to get there.

That said and without further adieu, today's visit in fpp/sbd's thread takes us back to June 20, 2020, and post 2538 and is found on page 102:


"BIG COURT WIN against Bolton.

Obviously, with the book already given out and leaked to many people and the media, nothing the highly respected Judge could have done about stopping it...

BUT, strong & powerful statements & rulings on MONEY & on BREAKING CLASSIFICATION were made.

Bolton broke the law and has been called out and rebuked for so doing, with a really big price to pay.

He likes dropping bombs on people, and killing them.

Now he will have bombs dropped on him!"

11:40 AM · Jun 20, 2020


"The desperate Dems will try to turn this into a positive for their campaign.

It will fail.

Remember, POTUS and his team represent "LAW & ORDER".

They will use the Constitution and legal system the way it was always intended.

Bolton avoided the prepublication review process for political and monetary reasons.

He will now pay the ultimate price.

Justice will be served."

Nov 11, 2007
Re: this line from fpp/sbd's last post, which once again makes reference to Trump's alleged return to assume the role of POTUS of US:

"Get ready for the "return".

The REAL return which is not and will not turn out to be a FAILED prediction like all of his, is a 100% statement OF REALITY/FACT

that I WILL RETURN ON JULY 4th to fpp/sbd's IVU to initially ask him politely to explain the failure of Trump to be in reinstated by the close

of the day on July 4, 2021, 11.59 PM, and beginning on July 5th to intensify the efforts.

This all assumes of course that fpp/sbd doesn't shock the world, and that Trump does become reinstated by that date. lol

Nov 11, 2007
A bonus feature today, which I hope to post later today, will be entitled "What Makes Fpp/sbd Tick-What We Do Know and What We Don't Know."

Nov 11, 2007
Fpp/sbd's quote changed to reflect reality re: what Trump said:

"By "other WINNERS" he means savage1, wilbur, habsburger, xfiles, mapana, thejerkstorecalled and other libtards here, who have have completely exposed

fpp/sbd 1 over the last year and who have bloodied him beyond recognition in his own thread and that of savage 1, and whose efforts will only

intensify once July 4th comes and ago with Biden/Harris still fully in control while fpp/sbd and Trump contain to live in their

world of envy, jealousy and hate shithouse unable to do anything to change the situation."

It will actually be even worse for Trump as his remaining days free of incarceration for crimes against humanity quickly dwindle.

Speaking of Father's Day, I wonder if on this day Ivanka "serviced" daddy as her gift to him. lol

Nov 11, 2007
The best analogy I can think of re: what I and the REAL PATRIOTS have done in this thread and that of fpp/sbd over the past 16 months

is watching a pride of lions rip apart and devour a defenseless zebra!!

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