Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
<header class="cmsmasters_post_header entry-header" style="caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 30px;">Maxine Waters demands removal of President Trump

</header><abbr class="published" title="20 Aug 2020" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; outline: none; display: inline-block;">20 AUG 20 2020</abbr>

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Maxine got it right and was being diplomatic in what she said.

If there was poetic justice, based on what we saw occur later on January 6th and inspired by Trump, he should have been tried


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Maxine got it right and was being diplomatic in what she said.

If there was poetic justice, based on what we saw occur later on January 6th and inspired by Trump, he should have been tried


Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials

By Jamie Ehrlich, CNN

Updated 2:02 PM EDT, Mon June 25, 2018

Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.

More diplomacy

From CNN no less .

Let me know when you’re ready to step up in class you overmatched lightweight .

It’s becoming way too easy .


Nov 11, 2007
Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials

By Jamie Ehrlich, CNN

Updated 2:02 PM EDT, Mon June 25, 2018

Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.

More diplomacy

From CNN no less .

Let me know when you’re ready to step up in class you overmatched lightweight .

It’s becoming way too easy .


Just keep trying to hide from the fact that YOU OPENLY STATED THAT YOU WANT BIDEN TO FAIL AS POTUS even if it meant that the

country went into the toilet!

For me that is indicative of the lowlife scum that you are.

The more I think about it, the more I think that you should not be seeking out Matt Gaetz's penis, but rather that it and other folks should be seeking

YOU out, with the goal being to at the very least for you to be exiled out of the country at best for your unpatriotic/TREASONOUS way of looking

at things.

For the time being anyways I suggest that you continue your search for Matt Gaetz's penis and instead of apprehending it, that you stick it in

your mouth as a symbolic gesture as to what you do figuratively when speaking about your hero, Donald Trump!!

ps I detect lots of racism in your posts including the one which I am quoting-not surprising as Donnie has been proven to be one


Nov 11, 2007
Trump tells Fox News he ‘didn’t win’ election but doesn’t drop fraud lie (

I can already hear fpp/sbd's spin on this one:

"Trump knows he won the Election and said what he did only to lull Biden and the evil democrats/ds into a false sense of security, so that when

he "returns" on July 4th to be reinstated/inaugurated, he will catch them all off guard.

As usual this will be another "brilliant" part of Trump's game plan which has been so flawless from Day 1."

In fact it has been so flawless that Biden has been in charge since Inauguration day and will remain so until at least Inauguration Day

2025, while on the other hand, Trump has had an enormous rammed up his ass by Biden, which will remain for at least the next 3 1/2 years!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
How was that for diplomacy by one of the dumbest Comgresswomen in history lightweight ? I have plenty more but you’ve already been beaten to a pulp so I’ll save them for a later date .

Any identification on the Capitol Police officer that was killed by Trump supporters on Jan 6 like the mentally challenged President claimed yesterday ?

His handlers tried so hard not to let him go off script but the hot and tired cranky old man ruined it for them just before exiting the stage leaving that as a lasting impression of the summit .

Nov 11, 2007
How was that for diplomacy by one of the dumbest Comgresswomen in history lightweight ? I have plenty more but you’ve already been beaten to a pulp so I’ll save them for a later date .

Any identification on the Capitol Police officer that was killed by Trump supporters on Jan 6 like the mentally challenged President claimed yesterday ?

His handlers tried so hard not to let him go off script but the hot and tired cranky old man ruined it for them just before exiting the stage leaving that as a lasting impression of the summit .

I would have to tie both of my arms and legs as well as my dick behind my back to give you even the most remote chance of trying to debate

me, Mr RACIST/TREASON, who would sell out the entire country as long as Biden failed as POTUS.

Your only saving grace at least up until now is that you haven't given in to believe fpp/sbd's predictions.

Perhaps there is at least some faint hope for you. lol

Hopefully you will have better success in at least finding some clues for Matt Gaetz's penis than you did yesterday.

Out for lunch!!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You want one from Nadler getting caught on a phone call on Amtrak describing his plan to oust Trump lightweight or will you label me an anti semite ?

When they got nothing left they go to the race card or some form of identity politics .

Class dismissed !

Nov 11, 2007
You want one from Nadler getting caught on a phone call on Amtrak describing his plan to oust Trump lightweight or will you label me an anti semite ?

When they got nothing left they go to the race card or some form of identity politics .

Class dismissed !

Thanks for beating me to the punch.

It is not coincidence that on both your remarks and that of fpp/sbd I have noticed quite a bit of racism.

Fpp/sbd even posted something complaining about all of the Jewish People in Biden's Administration and citing names.

I brought it to the attention of Administration and it was taken down.

I would bet money that you would agree with that particular post.

As I have documented Trump has a history of racism for his entire adult life, meaning that as Trump lovers, folks like you and fpp/sbd would

follow suit.

Also, as I see it, there is a direct correlation between how successful members of these minority groups are and the degree of racism, hate and anger

you display toward them.

Individuals of minority groups who are successful in life and who have achieved a lot in their jobs and/or who have risen to highly

respected positions and especially politically speaking, particular engender your racism because you are jealous and envy them for

the simple reason that your own life(lives) are so sorely lacking of any kind of success/ achievement.

If these folks happen to be Trump supporters, your anger and animosity toward then is diminished somewhat because well at least they are

on the "right side."

ps I would like to know if you agree with what Trump about his hopes that Biden does well for the good of the country, or you still maintain as you

posted yesterday, that you hope he fails miserably and by implication, to say "fuck the country-all that matter is that Biden fails."

Look out though if they are democrats risen to power like Obama, etc., as that kind of circumstance enrages you in the same way that the color "red" does

to a bull.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
RAACIST TRUMP ! Which means most of his supporters must be too .

Trump Wins Highest Percent of Nonwhite Voters of Any Republican in 60 Years, Doubles LGBTQ Support From 2016: Exit Poll

It’s just too damn easy ! Keep looking for the name of that Capitol Police officer that Biden claimed was killed by Trump protestors on Jan 6 lightweight .


Nov 11, 2007

Trump Wins Highest Percent of Nonwhite Voters of Any Republican in 60 Years, Doubles LGBTQ Support From 2016: Exit Poll

lol-Just because he and his advisers decided to do a few token and necessary things to try to get some needed minority

votes, doesn't change ONE IOTA as to who and what Trump is, namely a RACIST.

Don't expect me to debate this article with you along with many others which say the same thing.

I choose to believe it not only because someone wrote and documented it but because I saw and heard lots of evidence with my own eyes and ears

during the four years he served as POTUS.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 (

You can have the last word if you and using fpp/sbd's pet slogan paraphrased as it fits here, which in this case is real unlike his which is bullshit and a lie,

There is NOTHING which you can say which is going to change my mind!!

Bi(den) for now.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I forgot . The dumbest man on TV Don Lemmon has been telling you Trump’s a racist since day one . It must be true .

What’s the name of that Capitol Police officer that was referenced by the hot cranky senile old fool yesterday lightweight ?


Nov 11, 2007
I have a question which has been "bugging me all day long."

Perhaps fpp/sbd and/or somebody else can answer it.

I want to know which if these statements are true, and if none are true, then please state what is true:

1) The real by birth certificate living Joe Biden attended the Geneva Summit with Putin.

2) Biden did not attend, but rather it was a "body double" who attended the Summit for reasons to be explained by fpp/sbd.

3) Biden's "evil spirit"/reincarnation attended because Biden was executed prior to the Summit.

4) Reverting back to #2, it was some kind of an android/robot which was programmed to state the wishes and policies of whoever/whatever controlled it.

5) It was Matt Gaetz's AWOL penis incognito which somehow found its way from GITMO to Geneva and somehow had the ability to transform itself

into the image/body/mind of Joe Biden, whose location at the time of Summit was unknown.

6) There actually was no summit at all, but one staged as was the case with the "fake death" of George Floyd according to QAnon folks for political purposes. lol

7) It was really God in the carnation of Joe Biden speaking to Putin and telling him that he had better watch his step or else.

8) It was a pro wrestling syndrome event where Biden and Putin had conversed secretly before the event with agreed upon commentary,

questions and responses for reasons not known at this time.

There are other possibilities of course, and it goes without saying and as stated above, anyone who can resolve this puzzling dilemma is welcome

to respond!

Nov 11, 2007
Obamacare: Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Affordable Care Act, leaving it in place - CNNPolitics

Perhaps fpp/sbd can explain how this "terrible" thing could possibly occur if Trump and the Military are really in charge and calling the shots.

On the other hand don't worry because we all know that Donny is going to come marching home by July 4th riding a white horse and

surrounded by a military entourage.

At that time Donny will immediately be reinstated and will by Executive Order simply nix the Affordable Care Act and have all of the Court justices who voted for it

immediately shipped off to GITMO to await trial, which will be quick, and which will result in execution via firing squad for treason!!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by fpp/sbd:


Yesterday at his office.

This is the early indication I'm getting from more than one very reliable sources.

Awaiting final confirmation."

And I awaiting final confirmation that Matt Gaetz's AWOL penis has grown from its normal 4-6 inch normal size to one which is 10 feet tall with Herculean

strength, and which appears to be about to wreak massive, wanton damage and destruction on anyone or anything which stands

in its way of procuring the sexual services of 17 year old and younger girls!!


Nov 11, 2007

I can't speak for everyone, but when I about to venture over to fpp/sbd's thread to read what he has to say, I get a creepy an uneasy feeling.

I would compare the the actual "trip" and initial emotions and feelings I get when I arrive to finding myself accidentally locked into a morgue full of corpses

in the dead of night with all lights turned off and no switch in sight to turn them back on.

The other thing which I know I will face/hear when entering his thread is the voice of a stiff, depressing, lifeless, humorless, repetitive, monotonous

and ominous Borglike entity delivering the essentially same ominous message, commentary, warnings and predictions day after day, week after week,

month after month which we have now heard for 16 months.

Overall the voice has a Satanic quality to it because, well to be blunt, that it is fact what it is.

Thankfully though as I and others have documented, it is all 99.9% bullshit, failed predictions and lies, which means that after I exit his thread,

the shelf life of what I have experienced over there lasts about as long as the remaining after effects of my being subjected to

someone who farts in a crowded elevator after I depart it.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for probably tonight:

Trump tells Fox News he ‘didn’t win’ election but doesn’t drop fraud lie (

It is lets just say it is interesting that fpp/sbd likes to talk about things which in his mind corroborate what he says(which in itself is nothing but his runaway


When something completely negates what he has said though and in this case from Trump himself, fpp/sbd doesn't address it all and instead tries to

hide and/or pretend he never said what he originally posted.

Nov 11, 2007

I can't speak for everyone, but when I about to venture over to fpp/sbd's thread to read what he has to say, I get a creepy an uneasy feeling.

I would compare the the actual "trip" and initial emotions and feelings I get when I arrive to finding myself accidentally locked into a morgue full of corpses

in the dead of night with all lights turned off and no switch in sight to turn them back on.

The other thing which I know I will face/hear when entering his thread is the voice of a stiff, depressing, lifeless, humorless, repetitive, monotonous

and ominous Borglike entity delivering the essentially same ominous message, commentary, warnings and predictions day after day, week after week,

month after month which we have now heard for 16 months.

Overall the voice has a Satanic quality to it because, well to be blunt, that it is fact what it is.

Thankfully though as I and others have documented, it is all 99.9% bullshit, failed predictions and lies, which means that after I exit his thread,

the shelf life of what I have experienced over there lasts about as long as the remaining after effects of my being subjected to

someone who farts in a crowded elevator after I depart it.

Not all that much new for today's segment of "One Year Ago."

This post from fpp/sbd is as good as any.

It is post 2510 found on page 101 and was posted 6/18/20.

The only thing really new here is that he uses the word "mic drop," a word he used many times out of desperation since he started the thread to try to

get people to buy into what he was saying.

Neither he nor anyone else can sight EVEN ONE INSTANCE where the term had even the slightest relevance.

It is ironic and telling though that he puts the word in mic drop in quotation marks.

Apparently the doofus/cretin never learned in school when you use quotation marks in an instance like this, it means that whatever is posted is NOT

going to occur and in many cases is is actually mocking the use of the term-like "yeah sure" "if you say so." lol

Here you go:

"Law & Order"

Divine Plan, Divine Timing

It will be a "mic drop"


Nov 11, 2007
ot With only two weeks and to days to go until the deadline of July 4th for Trump to be reinstated as POTUS(fpp/sbf claimed this not I) which will also

mark my official return to his thread on a daily basis, I sure hope has started to get his "ammunition" ready "in case" Trump has not been reinstated on or before

that date.

I have mine ready for sure and am adding to it daily whenever fpp/sbd goes off the deep end, which is happening more and more each day with

no indication of "Trump's Return" in sight.

It has disappeared off the map and was last seen bruised and battered off the Coast of Nowhere near the South Poll.

The fun begins on July 4th, but the real fun will begin on July 5th after the deadline if no Trump by that time.

I have hope and have high confidence that those who have already bloodied him against the wall in his thread will do so even more after July 4th comes and goes,

as well as some new folks who will rightfully pile on.

When all is said and done and as time passes, fpp/sbd might want to consider changing the name of his thread from the current one to

the Davy Crockett because he will become to his thread what Davy Crockett was to Santa Anna at the Alamo!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by fpp/sbd:


Yesterday at his office.

This is the early indication I'm getting from more than one very reliable sources.

Awaiting final confirmation."

And I awaiting final confirmation that Matt Gaetz's AWOL penis has grown from its normal 4-6 inch normal size to one which is 10 feet tall with Herculean

strength, and which appears to be about to wreak massive, wanton damage and destruction on anyone or anything which stands

in its way of procuring the sexual services of 17 year old and younger girls!!

Breaking News-just in:

Reliable news sources are reporting that Matt Gaetz's penis did not strike last night because law enforcement officers had gathered in the area in which

IT was seen with multiple rounds of ammunition and ready to kill IT if it could not be apprehended.

What is scary and disturbing is that the witness who had sighted the Matt's ten foot dick also witnessed it suddenly

shrink to its normal 4-6 inch length in less than a second that it couldn't be detected by the authorities, and apprehended or killed.

If what the witness said is true, then it raises grave concerns about the supernatural capabilities of Matt's penis and

how much damage and devastation it can cause if IT becomes infuriated!!!

Stay tuned for more on this story as events occur!

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing re: Matt Gaetz's awol Penis

Unlike fpp/sbd, who has made too many predictions to count since he started his thread 16 months ago, 99.9% of which have failed,

I am not going to make a fool out of myself by making any pre"DICK"ions re: as to what will be the ultimate fate of Matt Gaetz's pecker.

If and when I have what I have enough sufficient and relevant information to make a pre"dick"tion, I will of course post it here!

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