Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Although I wasn't expecting to get a Father's Day Card from fpp/sbd, by all right I should have, because my any

empirical and objective manner in which one wants to look at it, I have been "His Daddy" in this thread since I started it,

as of course the same with those who have destroyed him in his own thread.

Nov 11, 2007
From the desk/toilet of fpp/sbd:

"Sen. Ron Johnson brought up the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website this morning!

“They are suppressing this information and the American people are paying the price.”

I stated almost 2 months ago we were already north of 100,000 deaths.

The numbers are growing fast every day.

Deaths and other serious conditions resulting from the shot are a bigger coverup than covid itself."

I strongly suggest that before you buy into this utter lie and/or delusion, that you also consider that fpp/sbd posted a video from several of his

"reliable sources" on different occasions that the entire George Floyd murder was staged, that George Floyd was/is still alive and well and

on another, that the person who administered the murder was not Derek Chauvin in any event.

Even his own attorney didn't deny that George was the one who did it.

I will leave it to you to decide what above and so much other documented bullshit and lies spewed forth since fpp/sbd started

his thread 16 months ago says about him and his overall "credibility."

Nov 11, 2007
Yawn-we get the usual "body double" bullshit, which is exactly the same as we get the term "fake news" when fpp/sbd has

no answers to a legitimate question, this time someone inquiring hos Bill Clinton about to do an interview with Seth Meyers when he is

allegedly await execution at GITMO like "all of the others: who suffered this fate:lol

Here you go:

Poster-"Bill is scheduled this Thursday night on Seth Meyers show... What should we being looking for ?"

Response from fpp/sbd:

"SPOILER ALERT: The REAL Bill ain't gonna be on no Seth Meyers show.

Did you ask yourself WHY they fake fact-checked HRC's hanging when it's not even public knowledge yet?

And notice they did the fake fact-check the day BEFORE Bill's tribunal resumed.


You're a smart man."

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another one which is ALMOST laughable, but not because it is so sad and actually insulting to anyone above an iq above 50:

"Remember, in order for the DS narrative to continue they must try to keep "HRC" and "Bill" in public view.

They have been using body doubles/actors for months now.

Even using certain technologies to help make it look less obvious.

They even went as far as to post an article saying Bill and HRC were seen dining out recently.

It's not true because Bill and HRC haven't been together in a very long time [at least 2 years].


Lets play the game for a second and tell what the REAL story is about fpp/sbd using the same type of "logic."

Sbd is not a real person but rather is Satan's representative/human embodiment on earth, and who is being used to further HIS

agenda of racism, exterminating all Jewish people in the country, and in short doing everything he can to divide the country and the

world so as to someday destroy the planet and to ultimately send millions of folks to HIM for the Eternal Damnation in the Flames and Bowels of Hell.

There are lots of other folks who Satan has designated to do this work, many of whom are QAnons.

Thankfully there are also lots of True Believers in God, who are doing GOD's work to destroy Satan and his followers, and as we

all know in the long run, God and WE folks are much stronger than Satan and will prevail!!!

Nov 11, 2007
One more thing before dinner:

As anyone who has followed this thread knows the "One Year Ago" segment was added in order to take one of fpp/sbd's most significant posts exactly

one year ago and to be blunt, show what a dud it was both then and now 365 days later whether it be a statement, failed prediction, and in general anything

that he said.

On the other hand, if we try to look at anything at all re: to this thread stated by me and/or anything stated by the folks who have exposed him for

the psychotic and clueless idiot from HIS point of view over any 365 day period, it is anything but pleasant.

Fpp/sbd badly miscalculated what he could get away with in his thread, and never in his wildest nightmares imagine that there would be folks

who called his bluff and exposed him with documentation of the 99.9% failure/lie rate of the contents of his commentary.

In essence a 99.9% FAILURE record for him is in turn a 99.9% success and satisfaction rate for us.

His only "defense" is to hope that by posting more and more of his failed predictions, bullshit and lies, each day, that the sheer volume

of his posts will somehow bury/wipe wipe out the documented truths we have stated about him.

Needless to say, that kind of approach of slinging shit against a wall and hope it sticks, doesn't work, never has worked and never will work!!

Nov 11, 2007
A bonus feature today, which I hope to post later today, will be entitled "What Makes Fpp/sbd Tick-What We Do Know and What We Don't Know."

Here you go:

I am not sure I will finish this in one post-if not I will complete it tomorrow.

First of all keep in mind that this is all my opinion and my opinion only, meaning that it can't be proven and/or that some of you may not agree,

and may even have your own opinions re: this topic.

Anyways before any analysis can be done, it must be established what fpp/spd is actually "ticking about."

Lets keep it simple and talk about the daily and some of most obvious things which define and have defined fpp/sbd's thread since he started it

in March 2020:

Lots and lots of predictions, 99.9% of which have failed to come true.

The standouts are and have been Trump's predicted "largest landslide in history" in the Presidential Election.

Trump's Return to the POTUS and repeated over ad over again since the day after the Election.

Daily predictions that members of the "evil" Deep State will be arrested and executed soon and/or have already been arrested and executed;

Lots of chatter and unproven gossip about the severity of Covid, who started it, and the same for the Vaccination.

Total glorification of Trump like he is a deity, with the quote used multiple time, that "He(Trump) is always right."

There are lots more things of course, but let the above stand out as examples of the "ticks."

The next part of this analysis is a bit more complicated re: what makes him obsess out the topics cited above-some

of which is obvious and some not so obvious.

Well for me anyways it is quite obvious that whether fpp/sbd really believes 100% of what he posts on all levels of consciousness

or not, he craves and needs attention for whatever reasons.

In the same manner that tabloid newspapers rely on sensationalism type headlines to draw attention, fpp/sbd does the same thing here

with some of the stuff he posts with the alleged trials and executions of noted democrats and the "evil" DS being the best examples of late.

He never has any proof of what he claims, and instead as we see today, uses terms as "body double," and of course

"fake news," which has been a mainstayright along to try to give credence to some of these statements and predictions,

have ZERO basis to reality.

Anyways above are some of the outward manifestations of how fpp/sbd's modus operandi.

The rest of what I am about to say is pure conjecture on my part(but also based on being a member of this planet for almost 77 years and dealing

with thousand so people on both a personal and professional level).

Actually the more I think about it, the more I think the title of this should be What Makes Fpp/sbd Tick, and Speculation

as to Why He does What He Does.

Anyways, rather than Beg the Question and/or Poison the Well, I am simply going to lay out some of the possibilities which come to mind for me

and let you decide if they have any merit in addition of course to any thought which come to mind.

1)The most obvious one is the fpp/sbd actually believes 100% of what he posts and predicts, and for that matter might actually

believe this even when empirical evidence suggests the opposite, and truly wants to warn anyone within earshot who will listen.

2) The second possibility is that while he believes most if not all of what he posts is correct, what is much more

important that on either a conscious level or subconscious level, fpp/sbd wants needs to draw attention to himself and be noticed.

There are obviously a zillion psychological and emotional reasons/needs what he posts what he posts, but inasmuch as I/everyone else know(s)

only know a limited amount about him derived from his posts, it would be unfair for me or anyone to speculate on this publicly.

3) This one is related to #2 and suggests the other possibility that getting people to react to what he says, which is almost unanimously

negative, and for reasons not exactly known, bring some measure of satisfaction to him.

To use the vernacular, this is the type of behavior used to describe an internet troll.

4) The last possibility to consider is that compartmentalizing reasons why fpp/sbd says what he does as suggested in #1, #2, and #3,

is an oversimplification of trying to analyze sbd/fpp, and that we would all be better served to simply perceive what he says

as fpp/sbd being fpp/sbd and to accept or reject him for what he is.

That's it.

Nov 11, 2007
Today's segment of "One Year Ago" to which I referred to during the last few days was a an easy one.

It is the one where fpp/sbd DELIBERATELY posted a photo of a full house Trump Rally from someplace in

w York a few months ago from June 21 and used it to to claim it was the photo taken in the Tulsa rally, which is far from full.

He got caught by another poster in some other thread with the obvious lie, and in the post which you will see in a second

claim that it was a "human error" on his part, and that he really meant to show the real crowd size in Tulsa.

I will leave it to you to decide based on what we have seen from fpp/sbd in the way of "honesty" since he started

his thread as to whether it really was just an "error" or not.

The post is from June 21,2020-it is post 2548 and is found on page 102.


The rally, his first in months, comes amid prolonged concerns about the coronavirus pandemic and a nationwide outcry over racial injustice in the wake of George Floyd's death. Before an enthusiastic and placard-waving crowd Trump described his party as one of equality and justice but also hammered a "law and order" message in response to those protests that escalated into violence.

“Do you want to bow before the left-wing mob or do you want to stand up tall and proud as Americans?” he asked at one point.

Tulsa marked the president's first rally since early March, when both Trump and Biden canceled in-person campaign events as the seriousness of the coronavirus crisis began to set in. But Trump, who for months has been itching to get the country's economy back to normal and get himself back in front of supporters at his rallies, is the first to resume large in-person events.

Trump also claimed Saturday that the "silent majority is stronger than ever" and touted Republicans as the "party of Abraham Lincoln" and "law and order," in comments appearing to indicate how he will frame his reelection campaign as the November election approaches.



Despite the efforts by the Dems and their fake protestors to sabotage the rally it was still a smashing success.

It was electric!

And Trump rocked it!

I mistakenly uploaded the wrong image file in the original post.

Just wanted to update with the actual files.

My apologies.

I am sure at least one member here will use my very rare mistake as jerk-off material.

This member is as desperate as the dems and fake new

Nov 11, 2007
One more thing before lunch:

Before you believe fpps/sbd's made-up numbers of hundreds of thousands of people if not millions because of the Covid Vaccination,

and that this was somehow hidden from the public, I would remind you the fpp/sbd last year stated that there was a 100% cure for

Cancer which was discovered over 70 years, but that magically somehow it was kept a secret all of these years by those who knew/know

about it.

I will let you decide what that says about both the alleged cure for cancer and the alleged "secret" of hundreds of thousands of not millions having

perish from the Covid Vaccination!!

Nov 11, 2007
From the desk/toilet of fpp/sbd:


If Stacey Abrams funds Happy Faces, who funds Stacey Abrams?






Two negative racist references be fpp/sbd to Jewish folks and one to a Black.

He has done this many times before.


Nov 11, 2007
Time to go bask in the sun and shade and do some reading for a while on this beautiful day.

Come on, fpp/sbd-throw me a bone so that when I get back I can have my "dessert" with it after just enjoyed a nice lunch. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Former Republican Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum explained Saturday at a conference why he thought he was fired as a commentator from CNN.

“Once the value that I brought to the network was less because Trump wasn’t in the news very much anymore, they decided it wasn’t worth it. The juice wasn’t worth the squeeze,” Yahoo News reported.

Santorum explained that the network was looking for conservatives who would be critical of former President Donald Trump. “I felt my responsibility to the country, not to CNN, but to the country, was to call it as I saw it and hold Trump to the values that I think are important for the country … I would call him out and say, you know, this is not what I would do, and this is not how a president should behave.”

The former Senator added that whenever he defended former President Trump, it would drive CNN “crazy.”

And people wonder why nobody watches their propaganda .


Nov 11, 2007
While outside, I was listening to the new Buck Sexton show, which replaces that of Rush Limbaugh.

One of the thing they did today was to take a poll from those who listen to show as to who they want to be the Party Nominee in 2024.

The four candidates cited were Trump, DiSantis, Pence and Ted Cruz.

Get this-out of the 40,000 who have responded so far, 76% said Ron DeSantis, with Trump getting a paltry 21% and the other 3% for Pence and Ted Cruz


Yes it is just one poll, bit for me it clearly indicates for a number reasons I have cited previously, that the trend is away from Trump, and it will only get worse

as time passes.

Nov 11, 2007

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

When Jordan Conradson, of The Gateway Pundit, attempted to ask Hobbs a question she disregarded it and immediately walked away. Conradson decided to follow her and attempt to get a response.

Secretary Hobbs, why are you sending top Democrat operatives into the Arizona audit and hiding it from the officials?… Why are you working so hard to shut the audit down?… What are you hiding?… Isn’t it your job to be nonpartisan?… You called this a Republican audit, this is an audit for the people… Secretary Hobbs, do you have any comments?”

It should come as no surprise that Hobbs ran and eventually made her way into a building for authorized personnel only, without answering a single question.

Maybe she was running to yet another CNN interview .



Nov 11, 2007
From fpp/sbd's desk/toilet in post 11939.

"Savage1 continues to stalk this thread which is obvious by his immediate bump after every post I make."

There is a big difference between "stalking" and continuing to do the right thing, which document, expose and correct the utter bullshit, lies as well as to continuing

to point out what are and will be more FAILED predictions on his part, as well as of course his ZERO accountability since he started his thread over

15 plus months ago.

If he considers what I a doing in my thread to "stalking" I wonder what the term he will use when I "stalk" HIS OWN THREAD beginning on July 4th if Trump

has not been reinstated as POTUS by then!!!

If you check out his entire post, it sure looks like we the REAL PATRIOTS are taking our toll on him no matter how weakly he tries to fight back!!

ps One correction-fpp/sbd said in post that I think I am hitting home runs with my posts.

What he should have said is I am hitting GRAND SLAM home runs and reducing fpp/sbd to RUBBLE!!


Nov 11, 2007
ps Psalm 94:23 is a major reason why I started my thread and am doing my part in GOD'S WORK/MISSION as it regards fpp/sbd and others like him,

especially QAnons:

New King James Version
He has brought on them their own iniquity, And shall cut them off in their own wickedness; The LORD our God shall cut them off.

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