Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Post 8204 in the IVU Thread just corroborates even further what sbd is about as i posted today in post 157.

All he does is try to pretend that what he says re: certain topics are "facts" rather than what they are really are, namely unsupported gossip

with no basis other than his fellow crackpots.

Nov 11, 2007
I guess I should be a little respectful of Rush's demise today.

I haven't posted this since Trump was officially declared the LOSER in the Election.

Therefore to honor Rush Limbaugh's departure from this world, I offer this song as a tribute: lol

Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
Apparently sbd doesn't realize that firing off rapid fire succession six new posts of failed posts/predictions from the past as he just did, won't change things.

This is what I term desperation, delusions and/or exhibition of already know masochism on his part.

Nov 11, 2007
One more matter for now re: Rush Limbaugh:

I am watching NBC Nighty News as I do every night from 6:30-7:00 Pm

There was nothing said about Rush Limbaugh's death until the 23 minute mark and the entire segment last one minute and thirty seconds.

The first part of the show was rightfully devoted with good reason to lots more important stuff like the Virus and related matters.

It goes without saying that Fox has been slobbering over his demise and stinking/rotten life all day long.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for tonight and this is directed especially for those of you who post in the IVU Thread and have successfully exposed sbd for what he is:

Keep in mind that while he never responds to any of his failed predictions and lies he has told which you folks post(other than weak name calling

attempts), he does not ignore them and HATES anyone who exposes him or for that matter posts anything other than to agree or even glorify this.

I speak from experience.

Going way back to near the beginning of hia thread I and another were having a rather heated argument about politics.

Sbd disliked it so much because it detracted from HIM, that he asked me to leave his thread as I was deemed to be the perpetrator(obviously

because I was not a Trump supporter and the other guy was).

Anyways to cut to the chase, I told sbd I was not going anywhere, and he had no right to ask me to leave the thread as I hadn't broken any rules.

In any event as one of the original followers of his thread, my point is for you folks to continue to bring it on and hammer him with the TRUTH

about himself and what he has said and his failed predictions.

It is quite obvious that even as an adult, he hasn't learned that he needs to stand up like a man and admit his failed predictions and other mistakes.

If he does not, he is fair game to continue to be bloodied and battered as you folks have done so well!!

Nov 11, 2007
My last comments on the day:

Fox has spent almost the entire day slobbering and heaping overly lavish praise on Rush Limbaugh and treating him like some kind of a deity.

CNN has spent most of the day commenting on the disaster engulfing Texas and the Virus.

I will leave it to you to decide what it says about the two networks and their focus of emphasis.

Nov 11, 2007
The only telling thing from the IVU Thread is that sbd has the gall to challenge wilbur to respond something he posted

about the fact checkers while he and ALL OF US have been waiting since the BEGINNING OF THE THREAD

LAST MARCH for him(sbd) to respond to the documentation of his 99.9% FAILED PREDICTIONS

which he has simply ignored 100% of the time and worse and instead, has issued new predictions in order to try to cover up

his mess in hopes folks forget the original ones. lol

Can you say HYPOCRISY!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by Town Crier/Pied Piper of Bullshit and Lies in response to comment that no one posts in his thread anymore other than Habsburger and Wilbur:

"Most of us have moved to my inbox where it's working overtime! w-thumbs!^

But rest-assured we are all laughing at you, savage1 and wilbur.

You are the clowns of the circus."


If anyone believes that obvious and laughable to the nth degree LIE, then lets just say that they need ALMOST as much psychological help as does sbd himself.

Nov 11, 2007
ot I wonder how many untold thousands of people became infested with the Coronavirus and/or even died from it because Trump lulled them into

a false sense of security by downplaying it and actually LIED to them as documented by Bob Woodward in his book very early on during this crisis.

If there was real justice in the world, that in itself (and not even considering the countless crimes he committed along with 33,000 plus

DOCUMENTED lies during his Presidency)would at best send him to Gitmo or better execution for TREASON.

However what does matter is that DIVINE JUSTICE will prevail, meaning that he will get his due during the courts

over the last year, and more importantly in THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF DAMNATION IN THE BOWELS OF HELL when he passes,

where hopefully and most likely he can "bask in the warmth of the heat provided" with the likes of Rush Limbaugh

and other satanic vermin who lived on this planet in their earthly form!

Nov 11, 2007
I strongly suggest to anyone who calls out sbd in his thread for his documented 99.9% FAILED predictions, that when he doesn't

respond to them(which is always the case)and instead issues new ones, that you continue to hammer him with the same quoted

failed prediction and request again for him to respond to it.

This will allow him and others who read the thread to let him/them know that he simply can't just ignore, run away and try to hide, and that he

will face the consequences if he does not and ben exposed even more, that is of course if it is possible. lol

While HE and the QAnons don't believe in accountability if it hurts their cause, the rest of us do and that to use his words, "there is nothing

which can change it!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go again with the latest illogical, inconsistent crap and the usual lies just posted from the incompetent and FAILED author of the IVU Thread:

"So many huge things happening behind the scenes right now! w-thumbs!^

President Trump has been busier than ever this week!

Remember, he is still the REAL and LEGITIMATE President and running the show behind the scenes.":

Once again sbd shows he has ZERO knowledge of how to put together anything which flies other than with low iq folks which define him,

and most of the QAnons.

For example he states that Trump is the "real and legitimate President" running the show behind the scenes when in fact the empirical evidence

clearly shows that Biden is the one in charge.

If Trump is running the show, by his statements and actions, it sure doesn't appear that HE realizes this himself. lol

For example, he is already talking about the 2022 Election, bashing folks like McConnell and planning revenge against those who in their own way bashed him

and/or who contributed to his defeat.

And yet by inference we are supposed to assume that this is all some kind of a ploy, and that he really is the one who is running the show-yeah right! lol

Also, once again I haven't heard the Town Crier of Bullshit and Lies mention the March 4 date anymore-rather he uses the nebulous words of "very soon,"

"over the next few weeks or so," etc. all done with the express purpose of trying to buy more time and/or to find some new suckers to believe
in what he says and predicts because virtually all of the old ones have figured out his game and have fled from the scene.

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps just perhaps if sbd spent LESS time in his thread posting meaningless drivel and predictions which will FAIL like all of the others,

and spent MORE time using his alleged "legal background" to find a job somewhere, he might find some fellow whack QAnon and/or

Trump fellator to hire him, which might in turn change for the better his current obviously low feeling of self-esteem he has for himself.

Nov 11, 2007
I Dr. Savage based on my knowledge of psychology, experience as a member of the human race for 76 years dealing withmany people,

and as a student of "sbdtology" since March of 2020, have come up with a composite opinion based on the following factors in no particular order

as to why he posts the bullshit and lies what he does in the IVU thread:

1) A total inability and refusal to accept reality as it exists in he REAL WORLD based on empirical and tangible evidence and results.

2) An insatiable psychological need to draw attention to himself and what he posts for subconscious unresolved unhappy events which

happened earlier in his life.

A corollary of this is what he does on a conscious level helps to sublimate these deep-seated negative feelings to bring him a type of short term positive relief,

although over the longer and more important time frame the fundamental and unresolved problem remains.

3) Related to #1 and #2, is the obvious fact to anyone who is not the low iq he also mentions, is that he projects all of the negative stuff about

himself, part of which he may be aware of but probably most on a subconscious level, to others in the hopes that 1) the projected negativity to others

will fly with people reading what he says and 2) that somehow that by projecting this negativity, the latter will somehow become true with those who

he is projecting it upon.

4) Some of the love affair sbd has with Trump again goes back to what I said earlier, and in essence represents he has or at least had until he was voted out

of office.

Some of the applicable words and phrases which describe sbd's longing as it regards Trumps are power, money, controlling people's lives, attention and having lots

of people bow down to him and even deifying him.

5) Lastly for now, sbd suffers from an ability to distinguish his hopes for what he WANTS to happen and what HAS happened and what WILL happen.

All one has to do is to look at his 99.9% FAILED accusation and conspiracy theories and FAILED predictions since he started his thread to see

the manifestation of this.

I could go on but sadly I will leave it above for the simple reason that Dr. Savage admits to not being a perfect human being and has to take

his mind off of things by trying to gain some short term satisfaction by earning a few dollars by winning more than losing tonight in a few

nominal wagers.

Thus in the same way that Clark Kent changes clothes to become Superman, Dr. Savage will "change his clothes" for now and become

Gambler Savage.

Rest assured though that Dr. Savage will return very soon, most likely later on tonight.

Sep 5, 2010
I Dr. Savage based on my knowledge of psychology, experience as a member of the human race for 76 years dealing withmany people,

and as a student of "sbdtology" since March of 2020, have come up with a composite opinion based on the following factors in no particular order

as to why he posts the bullshit and lies what he does in the IVU thread:

1) A total inability and refusal to accept reality as it exists in he REAL WORLD based on empirical and tangible evidence and results.

2) An insatiable psychological need to draw attention to himself and what he posts for subconscious unresolved unhappy events which

happened earlier in his life.

A corollary of this is what he does on a conscious level helps to sublimate these deep-seated negative feelings to bring him a type of short term positive relief,

although over the longer and more important time frame the fundamental and unresolved problem remains.

3) Related to #1 and #2, is the obvious fact to anyone who is not the low iq he also mentions, is that he projects all of the negative stuff about

himself, part of which he may be aware of but probably most on a subconscious level, to others in the hopes that 1) the projected negativity to others

will fly with people reading what he says and 2) that somehow that by projecting this negativity, the latter will somehow become true with those who

he is projecting it upon.

4) Some of the love affair sbd has with Trump again goes back to what I said earlier, and in essence represents he has or at least had until he was voted out

of office.

Some of the applicable words and phrases which describe sbd's longing as it regards Trumps are power, money, controlling people's lives, attention and having lots

of people bow down to him and even deifying him.

5) Lastly for now, sbd suffers from an ability to distinguish his hopes for what he WANTS to happen and what HAS happened and what WILL happen.

All one has to do is to look at his 99.9% FAILED accusation and conspiracy theories and FAILED predictions since he started his thread to see

the manifestation of this.

I could go on but sadly I will leave it above for the simple reason that Dr. Savage admits to not being a perfect human being and has to take

his mind off of things by trying to gain some short term satisfaction by earning a few dollars by winning more than losing tonight in a few

nominal wagers.

Thus in the same way that Clark Kent changes clothes to become Superman, Dr. Savage will "change his clothes" for now and become

Gambler Savage.

Rest assured though that Dr. Savage will return very soon, most likely later on tonight.

Awesome post and good luck on your bets!

Nov 11, 2007
Awesome post and good luck on your bets!

Thanks-you do a GREAT job yourself along with Habsburger, mapana et al in exposing this living, arrogant, lying and fraudulent turd!

Good luck with your bets also!

Nov 11, 2007
Once again we see in the Town Crier's Thread is that when he is hammered with ACTUAL AND DOCUMENTED FAILED PREDICTIONS, that instead of responding

DIRECTLY to the prediction and admitting to us and/or telling us why it didn't come true, he weakly tries to turn the tables on the person asking

the legitimate question by trying to disparage them/calling them delusional but with ZERO reasons as to

we should not believe what they have stated and especially since they have provided documentation, and he has not.

I will leave it to objective and intelligent folks to decide who to believe.

Nov 11, 2007
ot re:Rush Limbaugh.

What bothers me even more than his views is his arrogance and inability/refusal to admit he was wrong about something, the same as the Town Crier of the IVU Thread.

There are two instances which come to mind:

1) Rush Limbaugh smoked cigars for many years and made snide comments about doctors who warned about possible cancer and second hand smoke risks.

Even after he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Advanced Lung Cancer, and was put on a death notice, he not even once admitted that he erred

in his judgment about the perils and/or admitted that he should have heeded the warnings and expertise of highly respected doctors in

this regard.

2) The other has to do with the Corona Virus at the outset when he simply dismissed it as no more serious than a common cold.

Well we all know how that opinion turned out.

As in the first instance and even when the Covid became a world wide pandemic and even more so in this country as we now

close in on 500,000 deaths and millions others having become infected, Rush never admitted his obvious initial error in judgment.

Instead he chose to criticize various aspects of the pandemic and how it was being handled along the way.

In short and for me, all I can say is that if one cannot admit an error or mistake on his part, I don't have much respect for that person.

Along the same lines, I can see why Rush and Trump got along so well, as in above regard they are/were clones of one another.

Nov 11, 2007
From the IVU Thread today referring to Trump;

"Get ready for the "return"."

Two things come to mind:

1) The word return is in quotation marks, for me meaning that it should be taken with a grain of salt, and that is being kind!!

2) Beginning in 1870 when the group was founded 150 years ago, the Jehovas Witnesses have been saying the same thing about

the Second Coming and thus to repent before it is too late.

Well known related other phrases of bullshit are "The check is in the mail" and "I won't c m in your mouth." lol

In short just another day at the office for The Town Crier and Pied Piper of delusional bullshit and lies!

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