Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
The Masochostic Town Crier of Bullshit and Lies appears to want to absorb more punishment today with this:

"So many 'predictions' in this thread came true including the biggest landslide in history!

The few that haven't continue to materialize as we speak and will.

People like you just aren't smart enough to see it or understand it!

Very low IQs."

Notice how he claims once again that Trump won in the "biggest landslide in history,"(lol), claims that "so many of his predictions came true," but yet cannot

point to even one SPECIFIC one which has(namely because there haven't been), and then claims that only smart people can see that they have come true.

His sheep may believe this, although the overwhelming number of them have deserted him/jumped ship at this point for obvious reasons.

Don't worry though, folks, as March 4 is coming fast, and it will be shown that sbd was "right" all along, assuming of course that that predicted date still stands,

which seems to be up in the air at the moment.

Nov 11, 2007
Can someone tell me where one can buy a discounted price on popcorn

which will last for four years because despite the fantasy and hopes of sbd,

that is how long it is going to before the possibility of a new Administration

to replace the Biden Harris one. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Again no specific dates mentioned today(March 4) for the return of the Second "Cumming" of Trump.

It looks like sbd is not sure of the exact date at this point or is just trying to buy more time and/or string people along-how shocking!! lol

He is going to return alright but not in the way he intends ,unless one considers having one's ass dragged into court on multiple criminal

and civil lawsuits as something to look forward to!!

Nov 11, 2007
I strongly suggest before sbd starts a new thread here or in another forum, that he checks out the folks who might put him

down and expose him as has been the case in here and by folks who are clearfly his intellectual superiors as is the case in his IVU Thread and

the threads which I operate.

As the old saying goes, one should never bite off more than he can chew or to use a baseball expression, be well prepared as a career

minor leaguer, to hit big league pitching before trying to move up in class to the Show!

Nov 11, 2007
If I was Lin Wood, I would be VERY careful as to what I said or did unless of course he can accept being incarcerated at BEST!

The REAL patriots of this country will simply not stand idly by if his subversive and incendiary talk continues.

The same goes for lots of folks including those in the media who would like to see more of the violence we saw occur at the Capitol on January 6.

It goes without saying that the QAnons are also included in this group!!

As far as Trump goes, he is going to be in so much deep shit in legal matters with the courts as a civilian this year, that I don't consider

him much of a factor in all this.

Nov 11, 2007
I will make a prediction that is a lot more likely to come true than any of sbd's, which isn't saying much since 99.9% of them have failed!

Anyways my prediction that it is infinitely more likely that something VERY negative is going to happen to Lin Wood this year than Trump

being inaugurated on March 4 or for that matter during the next four years or in reality EVER!!

Nov 11, 2007
It looks like for now sbd is taking his marching orders re: what he says and his predictions from Lin/ Trump gives him a "Woody" and the Simon says guy.

Nov 11, 2007
Quick summary of the IVU Thread because that it is all it is worth.

Once again we get the usual bs about the next what will be failed prediction what is coming(the same as the Jehovas Witnesses, who have been saying

that the end of the world is imminent for zillions of years and to therefore repent for your sins).

Again and most importantly either on his own accord or order from "Q" and/or whoever is the head honcho for these whackos, there is no mention

of the date of March 4 for all of this stuff to happen.

Instead we get the term "very soon."

Why is this?

Even we "low iq" people" can see that he is doing this so that he doesn't have to make any excuses when NONE of this horseshit happens

on March 4, and so that he can simply keep using the term "soon" indefinitely.

Logical thinking

Nov 11, 2007

To any QAnon or related group including individuals like sbd if they continue to commit or incite violence to try to overthrow the Biden/Harris Administration!!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for now:

Why should anyone be shocked by the article in the IVU Thread that shows that Trump took advantage of underaged girls, when there is lots and lots

of evidence that Trump fucked and/or at least sexually abused his own daughter Ivanka when she was younger

(teenager or maybe even younger), and that by his words, indicates that he still lusts after her even as a grown and married woman with children!

Fake news??

To use Donnie's own choice of words, "I don't think so!"

Nov 11, 2007
From the IVU Thread:

"It's coming!

Get ready!"


I simply want to point out a misspelled word here, which is "cumming" rather than "coming," and that it applies in this case to sbd,

because posting in his thread and imagining that people are actually believing it, is the main means by which he "achieves" both physical

and mental orgasms(in addition of course as previously noted, imagining that he and Trump are in a room, and that he is in a compromising

position, "servicing" his perceived "deity").

Nov 11, 2007
Although Trump is going to face LOTS of lawsuits soon including tax evasion, for me the most satisfying one would be if he is found guilty

of trying to rig the Election in Georgia by that infamous phone call where he requested that they "find" him enough votes to award the state to


Anyone who looks the other way on something like this or it considers it no big deal in any event is in the same class as Trump himself, namely vermin

of the highest order who has no sense of right or wrong and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Nov 11, 2007
From the IVU Thread;

"Like the Dems you have exhausted all anti-Trump fantasies.

The fake inauguration 2.0 was their last and final card.

Like you they have nothing left.

Soon you and all your delusional friends will fade into the sunset forever!

Left to deal with the reality that "orange man wasn't bad after all"."

Notice that what he says is a projection of what SBD and the QAnons are about.

Is it we who have exhausted all of our "fantasies" or sbd who has failed at EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS PREDICTIONS SINCE MARCH WITH HIS FANTASIES, which

have been 100% documented??

What we saw with BIDEN's Inauguration was/is TRUE as he is clearly in the WH and in charge.

The "fake" Inauguration sbd talks about is not only not true-just take a look who is occupying the WS these days.

He says that we will "fade into the sunset forever" whereas in fact it is will be the other way around, as already lots of QAnons are disillusioned

that BIDEN was inaugurated on Jan. 29 and NOT TRUMP as they thought would occur.

In fact you can see it in this very thread, as right after the Election there were a number of folks who listened to sbd's prediction after November 3

that by a number of methods the Election results would be overturned and that Trump would be declared the winner.

Once these folks realized that sbd was full of shit(as well as the QAnons) and delusional, they jumped ship, and were the ones who "fled into the

sunset forever."

As far as the statement goes that "the orange man isn't bad at all," lets see how these alleged folks feel

later on this year when the REAL TRUTH comes out in the courts about this criminal, ie for those who don't know already!!!


Nov 11, 2007
Today I am going to elaborate on what I said in post 128 about the apparent disappearance of the date of March 4 for the military to officially take over and

for Trump to be reinstated as the POTUS, and in its place the use of the words "very soon" for this to occur.

As I see it, the reason for this shift is that sbd, who is a puppet/parrot of the QAnons and the likes of Lin Woody/Hard-on and Simple Simon Says Do This,

is that they realize that a lot of rank and file QAnons(not talking about the whackos who stormed the Capitol) are very disappointed that none of the

specific predicted dates after the Election culminating in Trump's return to power on Jan. 20 simply did not occur, and that many have decided to simply

go back to their everyday lives-I have seen a number of interviews on tv, internet, etc. of QAnons stating this.

Therefore sbd/QAnons have decided that the risk reward ratio is not in their favor to keep the March 4 as far as restoring/instilling

some badly confidence in these folks especially inasmuch as they know the odds are FAR from being in their favor that their

predicted events for March 4 are actually going to occur.

Therefore, as a first step it just seems logical that by not giving specific dates and just saying that the military and Trump will return very soon, little by little

they can build up some confidence in these folks and that they will simply forget that all of the predictions beginning on the Day of the Election


In a sense it is sort of like seeing the battery level in your smart phone turning red with only about 10% remaining, meaning that it needs to be recharged.

For me it is essentially the same with the rank and file QAnons, and in this case simply slowing things down as far as predictions go seems to be the

modus operandi at this point.

ps I forgot to mention above that another big reason that the QAnons are unhappy is that they were led to believe by sbd and the QAnons that Trump

would win in a massive landslide.

Also at this point, these folks will not buy into bs that Biden is nit the POTUS, that his inauguration was fake, etc.

You can string folks along only so far before they get pissed off and simply turn away!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is yet one more example of sbd's projection style of projecting what he is onto to others:

In answer to the question asked of him as to what are the odds of Trump's return, he offers this:

"It doesn't matter because you will never bet for him or against him!

Because like your other delusional friends you don't have the balls to do either!"

What is interesting and telling here and using myself as an example, I called his bluff several times wsay back when

he said repeatedly(and still does) that Trump would win the Election in "the biggest landslide in history" and also

that he would win every single state and get upwards of 90% of the popular vote in so doing.

The bet was that if this came true, I would ban myself forever from the Forum and notify that moderators to enforce it.

If Trump did not win in the biggest landslide in history, he would simply have to vanish for a month.

Needless to say for obvious reasons he did not accept my proposed bet.

What does that say about him?

Can you say HYPOCRISY and talking the talk but not walking the walk namely because he CAN'T!!

Nov 11, 2007
As usual sbd is talking in circles and makes no sense.

In post 8125 he claims that Biden is not the POTUS but in post 8126 he states that Election was rigged, which gives implication

that Biden is the POTUS.???

Perhaps we 'low iq folks" need to take a ay trip and follow the Yellow Brick Road some day to visit QAnon City for an appointment with

the "Q"uizard for an explanation of their "superior" way of looking at things. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Imo sbd must have been a movie projector in a past lifetime.

Just posted:

"Like savage1 and habsburger you are embarrassing yourself with every post.

You have no no idea how many of us are laughing at you every day!

You are the clowns of the circus and you don’t even know it!"

He says that we are embarrassing ourselves but can't point to even one specific reason why.

In fact it is quite obvious that sbd is the one who continues to embarrass himself with one failed prediction and/or lie after another.

Also, he says we have no ideas as to how many people are laughing at US.

Really-based on what-his say so?

Again if folks are laughing at us, the implication is that these folks agree with him.

When is the last time anyone agreed with anything he has said in his thread? lol

It seems to me that just about everyone who gave him the benefit of the doubt initially has deserted him, and that the only ones who remain are

making him look like the fool he is/exposing him with their documentation of his 100% bullshit.

And of course it is we who are the clowns-yeah right!!

If there is reincarnation, my best guess is that sbd was a movie projector in a past lifetime, because in his present human form all he does

is to try to PROJECT his many shortcomings and failures on the rest of us who simply speak the truth and show him to be the delusional, liar/fraud he is!


Nov 11, 2007
What gives here-nothing today so far from The Town Crier/Pied Piper of Bullshit, Lies and FAILED Predictions so far today?

Perhaps he hasn't been fed his lines yet by the likes of fellow QAnon Lin Woody/Hard-on or Simons Says "do this."

Or perhaps on this President's Day Holiday there is some kind of QAnon Convention during which the "finest minds" of this group

sit around and concoct new predictions and/or bullshit which they think will fly.

Stay tuned though as days has just begun and I am sure sbd will probably be around pretty soon to parrot back what his "superiors"

have deemed to be the message/prediction of the day. lol

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