Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Well-sbd showed up after all.

However as I pointed out in post 139, he offers nothing nut projections about what he and the QAnons are about and most importantly, not ONE shred

of evidence that anything he has projected has come true.

Too many times to count he has called folks who have exposed him with documentation regarding his failed predictions and a lot more of "low iq."

To that my response is what is the iq of sbd, who 1) doesn't have the ability to refute even one of his documented failed predictions and 2) and

for someone who uses the same vague, boring statements over and over again to try to convince us that what he said is true without an

ounce of creativity??

By the the dictionary that we live by(not the sbd/QAnon one), he is exemplary of a person not particularly intelligent and sure as hell not

very creative.

This is in addition of course to his inability to express his views in a coherent and CONSISTENT and logical manner.

As I have shown previously, this is clearly not the case now where sbd is all over the place expressing opinions which conflict with what he said


To use a definitin from the dictionary which exists in our own time and space, the term to best describe him and for that matter QAnons in general

is LOSER(S)!!

Nov 11, 2007
Happy President's Day to the worst President/ ex President the USA has ever seen, DONALD TRUMP, and who is a shoo-in

on the first ballot to the eternal flames of damnation in the bowels of Hell for his high crimes

against humanity!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: post 8150 in the Whacko Thread:

The only relevant use of the word "term" is/will be what the TERM of incarceration for Trump/Ivanka's sexual molester for his litany of crimes

for which he will be tried and convicted this year!!

I see that Wilbur exposed this flaming/screaming/arrogant and delusional Ahole even more about his shifting and inconsistent dates to fit the moment.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I found this piece at Quora and pretty much agree with the ratings and commentary:

Which member of the Trump family is the most competent?

Ranked in order of competence, from least to most competent:
Eric the Shred is the butt of everyone’s jokes, for a reason.
Donnie Dunce Junior’s claim to fame is murdering endangered sheep in their sleep.
Tiffany the Invisible Trump proves that with the Trumps, silence is truly golden.
Melania Antoinette has enough sense to slap her hubby’s grubby hands away.
Jarring Jared Kushner looks dumber than he actually is, but is still pretty damn dumb.
ICE Princess Ivanka is “the smart one” of the kids, by default.
Donald Trump Senior, aka Don the Con, is batshit crazy and dumber than a rock, but in this ADDumbs family, he has little competition.
Maryanne Trump Barry is a retired federal judge.
Mary Trump has a PhD in psychology and didn’t need a ghostwriter for her bestselling book about her sociopathic uncle.

Nov 11, 2007
What is interesting is that I read that Trump is getting excited to do his part between now and 2022 to take back the House as the first step in the Republican's

efforts to take back the WH in 2024.

But yet sbd seems to believe that the military has a better handle on this, in that Trump is supposed to be reinstated on March 4 of this year.

I would bet if you asked sbd about this, he would say that Trump knows he will be reinstated on March of this year, but is simply playing dumb

for reasons unknown now, but on March 4 he will once again be the POTUS and it will be clear to all why he played possum until then. lol

Nov 11, 2007
From post 8161 from the whacko/racist/delusional/anti-Semitic Thread:

"Habsburger, wilbur and savage1 share nothing but links from fake news networks and fake fact checkers proving

they are 100% uninformed, brainwashed and delusional!

And they think they "killing it" and "winning" every time they post one.

They are the Larry, Curly and Moe of the LGBT community! :):)"

Not much to say other than the fact that he uses the words sarcastically "killing it" and "winning" referring to us,

actually says that HE and not us are in fact doing it.

He also use the words "uniformed," "brainwashed" and "delusional" to refer to us when in fact he has not

offered EVEN ONE SHREAD OF EVIDENCE" to refute ANYTHING which we have documented and which exposes him

for the laughable failure he is and has been with comments, FAILED to be proven accusation and conspiracy

theories and FAILED predictions from Day 1 of his thread.

What he says in post 8161 is just what one would expect from someone who has been bloodied and

battered beyond recognition and "not exactly" from someone who claims to have superior intelligence and who

refers to others who annihilate him day after day as being of "low iq."

Nov 11, 2007
To sbd re: previous post, no charge from me to you if I was instrumental in "getting your rocks off" by responding

to you-just trying to be a good samaritan.

As they say, different strokes for different folks!

Nov 11, 2007
I am not sure if sbd ordained himself to do his IV/QAnon Thread or whether he was appointed by "Q," Linn Woody/Hard-on, Simon Says "do this," or

possibly someone else in the hierarchy.

All I can say if the latter is true, then whoever appointed him should fire him and get someone else who can make a more plausible case.

All one needs to do is read his 99.9% failed predictions since Day 1 and the documentation along the way to realize that this guy is not cutting

it and doing more harm than good for the cause.

Nov 11, 2007
One more quick comment, which I have said before but which needs to be repeated.

In his last two posts once again sbd shows he wants it both ways.

In short, Biden is the acting POTUS for now until military boots him out on March 4, or he never was/is POTUS, the Inauguration was fake, and

Trump remains the POTUS-which is it???

I am not an attorney which he claims to be, but suffice it to say that based on the way he presents his material, I and lots of other

folks in this Forum would literally destroy him in a court of law and/or in a debate judged by objective and fair minded people.
Perhaps that is the reason why he is around here all day long, namely because he has no clients and for rather obvious reasons!!


Nov 11, 2007
This quote from sbd epitomizes why no INTELLIGENT AND OBJECTIVE PERSON will take him seriously:

"Myself and others laugh at you daily!" :pointer:

In short, he says that he and others laugh at us daily, but as usual will not/cannot say PRECISELY who these people are.

I haven't see anyone come forward in his thread long time to agree with anything that he says.

In fact the people who have written in his thread have supplied undisputable documented evidence that nothing he has predicted has come

true either prior to the Election of after it.

Conversely NO ONE most notably sbd has supplied any kind of actual documentation that what we folks have stated and documented is not true,

and sorry name calling and vague generalizations don't fly.

Thus in concluding this post based on my documented observations, I will leave it up to any objective person to decide who is really being laughed at

or at least to determine which of us has the most credibility at this juncture.

Nov 11, 2007
Finally at least for now, the March 4 date has not been mentioned ONCE for several days as the date when the military "officially" takes over and

declares Trump the POTUS through 2032. lol

If for whatever reason he is trying to disavow himself of that date and/or hopes that folks will forget about that day specific date, he is


The reason for apparently using more vague terminology is that he and/or the honchos above him may have come to the conclusion that

virtually no one believes what these folks say/predict anymore as they have failed so many times, meaning in essence that it is their best

interests to be as vague about the date along the same lines as they are vague about just about anything else.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is how I see the UFO bullshit which was posted earlier:

While the apparent reason for it being posted seems to be to give us knowledge and insight into alleged stuff which none of us are privy to, the real reason

is deeper.

In short, as sbd and QAnon know the heat is really on this time inasmuch as their most important failed on Jan. 20, ie that Trump would

be inaugurated rather than Biden, something is/was needed in order to divert attention and the fixation on the failure for Jan. 20 to fulfill the


This it can be argued and it makes sense to focus on UFO's which as been a hot topic of discussion for years and to bring up/make up something like

the headlines posted to act as a distraction to the main event, which is the Trump issue.

After this obvious UFO nonsense runs its course and peters out, sbd/QAnons can once again to return to talk of Trump being reinstated as POTUS with the

hopes and expectations that failed to materialize previously will be forgotten and that they can start anew.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thought for tonight:

Even if there was a modicum of truth that those of us who hammer and expose sbd day after day for what he is, are of "low iq," lets just say that even though

we folks are more intelligent than he is rather than the other way around, it really wouldn't matter.

I say that because when you come right down to it, one doesn't have to be of high intelligence to simply sit back and watch him destroy himself with

his FAILED predictions and then simply comment on them, quoting the predictions and then watching him

pretend he never made them and then make new what will turn out to be new failed predictions.

I mean if someone is going to do all of the work in hanging himself, why should we bother to really exert ourselves too much.

Granted, I do some enjoyable work in this regard because it is my instinctive nature, having done

investigative work for the government for 34 years, some of which documenting welfare

fraud, and because I enjoy it.

However in the broader sense, not much work is needed for sbd when he doesn't cover his tracks very well and that is indeed being polite!

Nov 11, 2007
Other than making the usual clueless fool out of himself by trying to diminish the severity of the Coronavirus, this is all that stands out

from sbd in his threadn today:\

"Lots of huge things happening over the next 2-6 weeks!

It's about to get very real!"

Since March 4 is no longer being mentioned as the day Trump takes over, I interpret this as a sneaky attempt to move the goal posts out for the

zillionth time because he and the likes of Lin Woody/Hard-on, The Simon Says guy, "Q" if there is actually is such a person, etc. know god damn

well that Trump is NOT going to be reinstated as the POTUS.

By using time frames instead such as this one and indefinite terminology like "very soon" instead of specific ones with their ill founded predictions,

they figure their what will become yet more new failed predictions will be easier for folks to forget.

Nov 11, 2007
Imo it may be time to replace whoever is in charge of the Lies and Deception Dept. with the QAnons with the latest example being the obvious change

of no longer using specific dates for events to occur to more indefinite ones which we see today.

Sbd and others involved with this incompetence should have noticed long before now that time driven/specific predictions which have failed over

and over again were not/are not in their best interests.

In addition the failed predictions and the obvious lies surrounding them should have given/should give those at the top clear notice that some of these

folks needed to be/need to be replaced by more competent folks in the art of lies, deception and credibility.

Then again and in a all fairness, the head honchos apparently didn't realized that there are folks like myself who are

well schooled in exposing folks like them, and speaking for myself, did similar work in bringing justice to those who
perpetrated welfare fraud for 34 years, which was an integral part of my job.:aktion033:103631605cheersgif:toast::ok:puff_>>

Nov 11, 2007
Ho hum-as usual in post 8197 when sbd has been battered to a pulp beyond recogniton by the likes of me, habsburger, wilbur and some other perceptive folks,

he resorts to what he he does "best" with his usual comments about low iq, delusion, LYING by inference about his 99.9% FAILED predictions, etc.

The one thing I do agree with him in his use of the word "low iq" is that it would take someone of VERY low iq who has read his thread to NOT

conclude that sbd has FAILED 99.9% of the time with his overall predictions, unproven conspiracy theories, etc., FAILED Election prediction that

Trump would win ALL 50 states and get over 90% of the popular vote, and so much more.

A low iq person would also NOT notice that sbd has never/not even once admitted that even one of his predictions didn't come true and that in essence

the word "accountability" does not even exist with either him or his failed, racist and anti-Semitic QAnon Trump dick licking/ fascist right wing

drug induced cult, which lives in a alternate and fake/false world of reality!

Nov 11, 2007
I decided to take an excerpt from post 8197 to show how incompetent, inconsistent sbd is as well as to show his lack of argumentative skills.

He says this:

"Of course, you are also not smart enough to understand that this thread wasn't intended to be about "right" or wrong", it was intended to help others broden their perspective through truth and the best information from the most reliable sources, many whom are on the inside of what you have witnessed this past year.

However, it was your boyfriend savage1 who made it about "right" or "wrong".

If the thread wasn't meant to be about "right or wrong," the question is why has he made umpteen zillion predictions, all of which have failed?

By definition, the outcome of a prediction is that it either turns out right or wrong and obviously his case wrong.

Thus his statement is a clear contradictions of what he has in fact done since beginning his thread.

Along the same lines, if in fact his sources are the most reliable and best information and represent the truth, then why have all of these

predictions failed to have come true, most noteworthy of late, all of the FAILED predictions both prior to the Election

( a massive Trump landslide) and after the Electionwith one failed time specific date on or by which Trump

would be reinstated and then inaugurated as the POTUS?

If snd means that stuff like this is intended to "broaden the "perspective" of people reading the thread, I agree in the sense that it "broadens"

their perspective" and enlightens them to see what a delusional individual sbd and the QAnons are as well as a total insight into

what an arrogant fraud/charlatan he is and his refusal to admit that not one of his 99.9% FAILED predictions came to pass.

Conversely we who have rightfully documented what I have stated above are the Real persons with insight and who have broadened the perspective

and insight to others above low iq as to what sbd is all about as well as the QAnons, who he represents!

Nov 11, 2007
All I am going to say re: Rush Limbaugh's death today is that while I didn't wish death upon him, I did wish that his mouth

and the divisive, racist/fascist and hateful words did die so that he could no longer poison the air waves.

Thank God that he can no longer do this.

Hopefully his replacement will be an improvement!

Nov 11, 2007
All I am going to say re: Rush Limbaugh's death today is that while I didn't wish death upon him, I did wish that his mouth

and the divisive, racist/fascist and hateful words did die so that he could no longer poison the air waves.

Thank God that he can no longer do this.

Hopefully his replacement will be an improvement!

In addition to what I said, there is a well known saying that says, "be careful what you wish for."

In this case this means that whoever replaces Rush Limbaugh might even be worse/fascist/neo Nazi and incendiary than Limbaugh himself.

Some of the names which quickly come to mind are Laura Ingraham, Lin Woody/Hard-on, the slimy Powell lady or heaven forbid, Trump

who already auditioned for the part while joint hosting a Limbaugh show prior to the Election.

On the other hand, several noteworthy people have already commented that the death of Rush Limbaugh may very mark the beginning

of the end of far right wing/HATE radio as we know it, which would be great!

Nov 11, 2007
I am very happy to see that unlike Fox, CNN and CNBC are ot fawning over Limbaugh's death and are treating it pretty much as just another


Notoriety should never be given all that much attention/publicity when the one who it is directed at passes away, which is clearly the case with Limbaugh!

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