Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
"You are about to meet Mr. Lenny Lenbo, a regular political chatroom internet poster and a pretty normal guy whose life and existence were pretty

nondescript, that is up until the Presidential Election; the latter turned Lenny's life inside out, as he was unable to emotionally deal with the fact

that his candidate, whom he idolized and through whom led his entire life vicariously, lost the Election.

This event has shattered Lenny's life and sent him into a world which fluctuates between the borders of reality and one which goes way beyond

that and which exists in an alternate world of delusion and paranoia, a world in which Lenny has convinced himself that

the Election was stolen from his candidate and that those who perpetrated this crime will soon be brought to justice.

Mr/ Lenbo's world is one which is not found in our concepts of reality, time and space, and one which we refer to as The Twilight Zone.!

Now lets check in on Mr. Lenbo in his political chatroom forum to see what he is up to today."


In a totally unexpected turn of events, Mr. Len Lenbo, who we checked in with a few days ago, has decided on a career change

which will be focused on locating and apprehending Matt Gaetz's penis which is still AWOL in the GITMO area.

The story has it that one of the folks currently involved in the search for Matt's manhood happened to be reading the commentary in the RX Forum

and was very impressed with the total 100% 24/7/365 obsession Mr. Lenbo has with the 2020 Election, and how it was stolen from Trump.

The spokesperson who spoke on the condition if anonymity, stated that in turn he reported this to one of the higherups in the investigation and


The superior shared the sentiments of the other person and contacted Lenny in the RX Forum to see if he would be interested in joining the search.

The former stated "We are always looking for people who are totally devoted to what they are doing, and especially in a case like this where the stakes

are so high in finding this very important entity, which is still on the loose.

Therefore we offered him this position and we are thrilled and excited that he did, and welcome him on our team!!"

When Mr. Lenbo was contacted regarding why he accepted the position he said this:

"One of the reasons I accepted the job is that lots of folks refer to me as a "dick" for what I post in the RX Forum and even a bigger "dick" for

figuratively fellating Trump's "dick" whenever I get the chance.

"Therefore it makes logical sense forme to not only be a "dick" in a figurative sense but in a literal one also, which I can be by

actually being part of the search team which is intent on finding and bringing to justice Matt Gaetz's DICK!!

"I feel very honored to be asked to serve in this role and will pursue it to the best of my ability!!!"

The salary Mr. Lenbo will be paid, but since he has been unemployed for a long time other than being "employed" at the RX

Forum, it would seem that no matter what it is, it is better than ZERO, which is what he currently earns! lol

Nov 11, 2007

In a totally unexpected turn of events, Mr. Len Lenbo, who we checked in with a few days ago, has decided on a career change

which will be focused on locating and apprehending Matt Gaetz's penis which is still AWOL in the GITMO area.

The story has it that one of the folks currently involved in the search for Matt's manhood happened to be reading the commentary in the RX Forum

and was very impressed with the total 100% 24/7/365 obsession Mr. Lenbo has with the 2020 Election, and how it was stolen from Trump.

The spokesperson who spoke on the condition if anonymity, stated that in turn he reported this to one of the higherups in the investigation and


The superior shared the sentiments of the other person and contacted Lenny in the RX Forum to see if he would be interested in joining the search.

The former stated "We are always looking for people who are totally devoted to what they are doing, and especially in a case like this where the stakes

are so high in finding this very important entity, which is still on the loose.

Therefore we offered him this position and we are thrilled and excited that he did, and welcome him on our team!!"

When Mr. Lenbo was contacted regarding why he accepted the position he said this:

"One of the reasons I accepted the job is that lots of folks refer to me as a "dick" for what I post in the RX Forum and even a bigger "dick" for

figuratively fellating Trump's "dick" whenever I get the chance.

"Therefore it makes logical sense for me to not only be a "dick" in a figurative sense but in a literal one also, which I can be by

actually being part of the search team which is intent on finding and bringing to justice Matt Gaetz's DICK!!

"I feel very honored to be asked to serve in this role and will pursue it to the best of my ability!!!"

The salary Mr. Lenbo will be paid, but since he has been unemployed for a long time other than being "employed" at the RX

Forum, it would seem that no matter what it is, it is better than ZERO, which is what he currently earns! lol

On another note, it seems to me that fpp/sbd has some SERIOUS explaining to do inasmuch as he reported last week that Hillary

had been executed at GITMO.

Could this be a "VERY RARE" instance when something which fpp/sbd stated was not actually true??? lol

Hillary Clinton says Biden must clean up 'disaster' Trump created with Putin (

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You couldn't ko a disabled ant let alone someone like myself, who leaves you trailing badly in the dust re: intellect, education,

success in life and ability to express oneself coherently and intelligently.

You already showed how ignorant and shallow you are by bashing the likes of Thomas Friedman, etc.

This Thomas Friedman ?

Thomas Friedman of the New York Times wrote that “the biggest threat to the integrity of our democracy today is in the Oval Office”.

The column discussed the influence of Russia on US politics in light of the recent indictment in the FBI investigation into possible collusion between Mr Trump’s campaign team and Russian officials.
<aside class="sc-pRDDU ccYaAh related" style="caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></aside>
File him under the dumb as a pile of shit Trump Russia collusion truthers with Lemmon and the rest of the no talent CNN activists . Keep punching up lightweight .


Nov 11, 2007
This Thomas Friedman ?

Thomas Friedman of the New York Times wrote that “the biggest threat to the integrity of our democracy today is in the Oval Office”.

The column discussed the influence of Russia on US politics in light of the recent indictment in the FBI investigation into possible collusion between Mr Trump’s campaign team and Russian officials.
<aside class="sc-pRDDU ccYaAh related" style="caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></aside>
File him under the dumb as a pile of shit Trump Russia collusion truthers with Lemmon and the rest of the o talent CNN activists . Keep punching up lightweight .

Thanks for once again showing how stupid you are by not recognizing one of the brightest and most spot-on columnists commentators( in Thomas

Friedman) in the country and especially when it comes to analyzing what Trump is about.
ps How do you like your new chosen profession so far of joining the search party for Matt Gaetz's dick?:pointer:

In any case, I would hope that it must be rewarding and fulfilling to finally being employed again after

so many months of doing nothing other than sucking pn Trump's dick in this forum!!

There can be no dis"PUTIN" that unlike Trump, the former POTUS, who was abused and tossed around like

a rag doll by Putin, Biden won't take any shit from Putin and will stand up to him ALWAYS!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
CNN’s @jimsciutto gushes over Biden shaking hands w/ Putin: "The handshake, Biden looked in the eye of Putin with a smile and Putin looked away … These [moments] are about public posturing and about how you project strength."

More propaganda from the activists posing as journalists at CNN.



Nov 11, 2007
Out for lunch.

Lenny-please keep us all posted if you find any clueless as to where Matt Gaetz's penis is hanging out these days. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
CNN’s @jimsciutto gushes over Biden shaking hands w/ Putin: "The handshake, Biden looked in the eye of Putin with a smile and Putin looked away … These [moments] are about public posturing and about how you project strength."

More propaganda from the activists posing as journalists at CNN.



<figcaption style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(115, 115, 115); font-family: "Work Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 0.75rem; line-height: 1.67; margin-top: 0.5em; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">
It’s about how you project strength says Sciutto !

No , it’s called looking towards the press and cameras you no talent hack .



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Slow Joe was given a list of reporters to call on . Let the suck fest begin .

What an embarrassment for the world to see .


Nov 11, 2007
Here is an example for you, Lenny, of Thomas Friedman's commentary and why he is regarded by intellectuals, well read and intelligent people as one

of the most brilliant and perceptive writers in the entire country.

It was written shortly before Biden's Inauguration, and among other things bluntly tells the entire truth about Trump and his Presidency.

If you don't understand what he is saying, I will be glad to summarize it in "See Spot Run" types of words and phrases.

Thomas L. Friedman: The end for President Trump (

ps Don Lemon's analysis of Trump is just as brilliant!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Friedman, who once compared Russian meddling to both Pearl Harbor and the attacks of September 11, 2001 during an appearance on MSNBC, wrote that Trump is “unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy.” He lists Trump’s real estate empire, rumored sexual misbehavior and simply believing Russian President Vladimir Putin as possible explanations for the theory.

Brilliance ! A pee pee tape truther .

He’s nothing but red meat for low IQ liberals .


Nov 11, 2007
Friedman, who once compared Russian meddling to both Pearl Harbor and the attacks of September 11, 2001 during an appearance on MSNBC, wrote that Trump is “unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy.” He lists Trump’s real estate empire, rumored sexual misbehavior and simply believing Russian President Vladimir Putin as possible explanations for the theory.

Brilliance !


Friedman was right again as usual.

Just look at the Afghanistan issue during Trump's tenure as an example, and how Trump backed away from addressing it because

he was scared of Putin and wanted to stay in his good graces because like a baby he needs adulation and praise so badly.

I used the phrase one already today-I will use it again.

Putin was "Trump's daddy" as far as who was in control and who ruled the roost!

Putin won't get away with that with Biden, that's for sure!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Friedman was right again as usual.

Just look at the Afghanistan issue during Trump's tenure as an example, and how Trump backed away from addressing it because

he was scared of Putin and wanted to stay in his good graces because like a baby he needs adulation and praise so badly.

I used the phrase one already today-I will use it again.

Putin was "Trump's daddy" as far as who was in control and who ruled the roost!

Putin won't get away with that with Biden, that's for sure!!

You mean the fake story about bounties on U.S. soldiers by that dog shit rag NYT you clueless mental midget ?

Keep punching up and regurgitating the fake news .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
22 minutes of hand selected questions after reading off a prompter for 10 minutes or so .

LOL ! What a shame .

Nov 11, 2007
You mean the fake story about bounties on U.S. soldiers by that dog shit rag NYT you clueless mental midget ?

Keep punching up and regurgitating the fake news .

Your anger and frustration are showing through, Lenny the LOSER.

You remind me of the proverbial rat locked in a cage with no possible way to escape.

Yet the rat never give up and paces the cage all day long (except when it sleeps), hoping that he can somehow get out.

In a figurative sense you are the same thing, in that ever since the Election, you have lived in denial that Trump legitimately lost the Election

and instead of accepting it, you and frustrated folks like you continue to pace in your own "cage" hoping that you can change the fact that Biden and Harris

are in charge and will be until at least Inauguration Day, 2025.

Keep plugging though and hoping that FRAUDITS done seven months or more done after the Election will change things around and grant you your wish.

Hopefully if you can find at least a little time away from your ocd obsession, you MIGHT actually be able to find something else to do,

and believe it or not, ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Your anger and frustration are showing through, Lenny the LOSER.

You remind me of the proverbial rat locked in a cage with no possible way to escape.

Yet the rat never give up and paces the cage all day long (except when it sleeps), hoping that he can somehow get out.

In a figurative sense you are the same thing, in that ever since the Election, you have lived in denial that Trump legitimately lost the Election

and instead of accepting it, you and frustrated folks like you continue to pace in your own "cage" hoping that you can change the fact that Biden and Harris

are in charge and will be until at least Inauguration Day, 2025.

Keep plugging though and hoping that FRAUDITS done seven months or more done after the Election will change things around and grant you your wish.

Hopefully if you can find at least a little time away from your ocd obsession, you MIGHT actually be able to find something else to do,

and believe it or not, ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!

In September, NBC News interviewed General Frank McKenzie, commander of the U.S. Central Command, who said a detailed review of all of the available intelligence was not able to corroborate the existence of a Russian program offering bounties.

Contrary to The New York Times, which reported that American intelligence officials had concluded the Russian bounty allegations were true, McKenzie told NBC that the story “has not been proved to a level of certainty that satisfies me.”

“We continue to look for that evidence,” he told NBC News. “I just haven’t seen it yet.”

It’s as easy as shooting fish in a barrel . Lightweight actually mentioned the fake bounty story as credible .


Nov 11, 2007
One other thing, Lenny:

If you really want to make a name for yourself in your new job of hunting down and apprehending Matt Gaetz's pecker in the GITMO area,

you might want to request from those who hired you to allow you to bring along to GITMO at their expense

some delectable underaged pussy(no older than 17 years) as bait/trap to hang out for Matt's penis-this

is what it craves, needs and seeks no matter what the dangers involved are in procuring it.

Just think, Lenny Boy-if you capture it, you might emerge as a national hero and seek the nomination for POTUS

yourself in 2024!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Fact Check: Are $1.2K Tickets for Trump's Second Inauguration Being Sold on QAnon Sites? (

This one has me in stitches!!

Perhaps though if someone out there really believes that Donny is going to be inaugurated and wants a ticket, I suggest that they sent fpp/sbd a PM

to see if he as a QAon has any suggestions/connections for you to get one because ducats will be scarce quickly gobbled up by folks from all the

country and world!

On the other hand, one shouldn't worry too much if they are unable to procure a ticket as I am sure that all of the major tv networks will be covering

this spectacle to behold!!

There is no news yet as to how Biden will be removed as the POTUS and replaced by Donny, ie whether it will be peaceful or violent.

On the other hand, no one should really care as Donny will "rightfully" be reinstated as the POTUS, which is all that matters!!!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The hot , tired and cranky old man had his get off my lawn moment with CNNs Kaitlyn Collins . He just wanted to go to sleep .

And people wonder why his handlers are terrified of the senile old fool going off script .

<header class="collection-headline-flex loaded" role="presentation" style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">You’re in the wrong business’: Biden snaps at CNN reporter when she questions whether Putin meeting was actually constructive




Nov 11, 2007
ot:re: Matt Gaetz:

Former Matt Gaetz staffers are removing all mentions of embattled congressman from resumes, report claims (

I wonder why. lol

Actually though stuff like this just increases the urgency of apprehending Matt's penis and bringing IT to stand trial.

By so doing, Matt and his attorney just might be able to prove that the dick acted on its own accord with those underaged girls, meaning

that Matt himself would have his named cleared, and that he would be able to innocently walk away while his pecker was tossed into the slammer

at GITMO or even executed.

The question remains though that if this did come to pass, how would Matt replace his protruding entity right below the belt and especially

one which responded toMatt's wishes only rather than seeking underage girls to fuck and fulfill his sexual fantasies.

Regarding this, we all know of the zillion dating sites there are to find real relationships as well as those which are for straight fucking only.

I am not sure though if there is the kind which would fit Matt's needs for finding an obedient penis which had not independent thought.

I supposed he could put an ad on the internet or local newspaper which read along the lines of "Wanted-a loyal and devoted penis which will dutifully

serve its owner with his sexual desires and which will not act independently and will replace one which was legally punished for NOT complying with

its owner's wishes.

"A photo of the penis while desirable is not required as long as it can perform its bodily function of urinating as well as being able to sexually perform

when asked to."

As Lenny Lenbo has now been assigned as one of the folks to try to apprehend Matt's still AWOL penis,

perhaps if and when he and/or someone else apprehend the AWOL pecker, he/they ought to contact Matt's attorney and

make them aware of this post as a possible means of legal defense so that Matt can walk away free and hopefully in such a way

that Matt and his new penis will confine their sexual efforts and advances to older ladies who will consent tp whatever they have planned.

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