Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Before I go to lunch and enjoy the afternoon, I am going to beseech all of you out there to pray for me and others who enjoy a daily

Coke that I will be able to get one today, rather than being shut out because sbd was right "as always" and predicted that there were in fact enough

people in Georgia, the US and the world who would and did boycott the company's products to the point where it forced them

to file for bankruptcy because they dared to agree with the decision to move Baseball All Star Game out of Atlanta!!:pointer:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Fauci Calls Baseless Republican Attacks on Him Anti-Science Nonsense

“It’s really very much an attack on science,” the doctor said in response to false accusations from political bomb-throwers on the right

Pretty funny coming from the runt who’s e mails say non professional grade masks are useless and preaches the total opposite in public .



Nov 11, 2007
On the way out of the door, my final remarks until much later in this beautiful day are my prayers that self-imposed shut-ins like sbd find a way to enjoy

the day also by IMAGINING such things that Trump will be reinstated as POTUS by July 4th or August, that Dr. Fauci will

shortly be arrested, sent to GITMO, convicted and then executed, that Trump NEVER got the vaccine he took 100% credit for

and NEVER advocated that everyone get it, and of course that folks like myself are only pretending/lying when we say that we are going

out to grab a burger and Coke at some fast food restaurant, but rather that we going to

eat the remains of some abducted baby for lunch and wash it down with his/her or some other abducted child's blood!! lol

See ya!!!

Apr 14, 2006
Glad you enjoyed your day!

I went to a Geocaching event today, was a good time.

Beats sitting in front a computer typing nonsense about the return that will never happen, lol.

Typical nerd shit
Feb 20, 2002
Fauci Calls Baseless Republican Attacks on Him Anti-Science Nonsense

“It’s really very much an attack on science,” the doctor said in response to false accusations from political bomb-throwers on the right

Pretty funny coming from the runt who’s e mails say non professional grade masks are useless and preaches the total opposite in public .


You're busted.


Nov 11, 2007
One quick comment before resuming outdoor activities:

From the desk/toilet of sbd ib 11395 quoting what he said last May and then some commentary:

Remember, any Executive Order issued by an IMPOSTER (a "Never-President") is NULL & VOID.

If Barry Soetoro (aka "Obama") was NOT born in the USA, and he wasn't (he was born in Kenya), then he is a "Never-President".

Therefore, anything he "sealed" can be unsealed now.

The "unmasking" you are watching is the beginning of the end for him.

His trial will be on a global stage for the world to watch.

"This was posted 5/21/20 ^^^^^^

Didn't want to think "we" forgot about him.

He has always been the target.

"We" are over the target.

It won't be long before he will claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.

It won't work."

Apparently in sbd's one way twisted mind, he fails to see that what he is responding to in his quote on 5/21/20 and most importantly the date.

he is making a complete jackass out of himself.

He states that on that date(5/12,20) that "it was the beginning of the end for him" and yet over a year later, in retrospect we see no evidence that that

did mark the beginning of the Obama for him.

Why should we believe him now???

The point is that the dolt is trying to use a prediction which FAILED to come true over a year ago as a Plus rather than a rightful MINUS. lol

It is the same scenario that fan of a baseball team which is always buried in the cellar saying for the season at hand, "this time it will be different!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Now that I am back in the house for good today, I have a few comments and questions for everyone to consider re: sbd's alleged good news

list in post 11396.

First of all there are lots of things mentioned in that list which are HIS OPINIONS ONLY and/or are based on SCATTERD SELECTIVE events which

statistically speaking are NOT statistically valid or reliable and certainly not ones where someone can draw any conclusions

One glaring example is that in #12 once again he talks about one country in Georgia outlawing Coca Cola to be dispensed in Coke or soda machines

because they agreed with the decision to move the All Star Game out of Atlanta Colorado.

He has also made the absurd allegation that because of this political statement boycotts will take all over the country and world so that Coke

eventually goes Chapter 11.

To keep it simple, I will ley you decide whether it is likely that say counties in Mass, New York, California and for that matter just about any country

in the country is going to follow suit because one isolated country in Georgia chose to do so.

Above is a perfect example of what sbd has done too many times to count over the 15 months since he opened his thread, namely to pick

ONE source of information, doctor, etc. and to claim that because something which is said and/or done, that it must be believed and that

all sources which disagree with this notion are wrong.

Also there is one other matter which need to be considered here:

Can it be assumed that all of the alleged good things which are happening are simply because of the repercussions of Trump and/or do you think that some of these

things may have happened anyways.

Take for example the Coronavirus and the dramatic drop in infections and deaths of late some of which has happened on its own volition, some of

which may have happened because people word masks and practiced social distancing and/or because of the overall effect on the vaccine?

Do you think that some of that may be at least one of the reasons why things are getting better, confidence is being restored, etc?

Let me give you one small example from my home state of Massachusetts.

As anyone who follows politics knows, Governor Charlie Baker, who is a Republican has been extremely conservative in fully opening up the state,

which occurred about a week ago.

If Mass. isn't the last state to open up fully, lets just say that it is near the top.

My point is that since he did open up the state, the changes in the number of people going shopping, eating in restaurants, and the lines have for just about

anything you can name have gone up dramatically as evidenced by everyone including me.

Again though the question is how much of this is because Trump's doing, Biden's doing and or just because of the natural flow of events which one

would expect under the circumstances?

I am not going to try to ram an of my opinions down your throat, which is sbd's modus operandi, but am just tossing this out as something

to think about.

Nov 11, 2007
I got one more to add of folks/ things which should be added to list of executions cited by sbd in post 11400-it is Matt Gaetz's penis

IF it is apprehended for high crimes such as sexually abusing underaged children, escaping from GITMO, robbing a

convenience store in GITMO of some condoms and in general being a traitor to the main purpose of procreation for which

it was created and designed by GOD HIMSELF!!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more thing to thing about regarding Gaetz's AWOL penis from GITMO:

Just about all educated adults and children know what the Declaration of Independence is all about historically speaking.

Since Matt Gaetz's dick has been on its own for a while and not attached to its host's body(that of Matt),

perhaps if Matt's manhood is captured someday and brought to trial, it and/or its attorney should as a basis of argument for its case on wanting
to stay on its own and detached from Matt as its "Dick"laration of Independence.:pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
I originally posted this erroneously in sbd's thread.

Perhaps it was a prelude warmup exercise to what I am going to do over there on July 4th.

Anyways this is what I said about what he posted.

Here is the quote:

"Brian Coates: 2/3rds of States now shielding themselves from Biden's agenda for the country

The Harris-Biden Administration is not growing stronger.

It's growing weaker.

They have no popular support and 2/3rds of the states are throwing up firewalls to shield themselves from Biden's agenda for the country.

What's Biden gonna do?

Sue them all in court?

He'd have started already.



Anyways what is at issue here is that the way his post is written, it looks like his mind is flipping the switch and fluctuating between one of reality and one of fantasy.

What stands out for me is the confusing and contradicting way sbd on one hand can bash Biden as the acting POTUS and imply that country

in general disapproves of him, but on the other hand state that Biden never has been POTUS and never will be.

That for me and any other intelligent and objective person makes no sense whatsoever and is a massive contradiction of terms and creates

a paradox which cannot be explained or rationalized away.

If on the other hand, if this is something that only "superior" folks like sbd and his QAnon brethren can understand, and that the minds of mere mortals

of regular folks have not yet evolved to in order to understand, then well it makes "more sense." lol

Perhaps sbd and/or someone acting on his behalf can explain stuff like above.

Nov 11, 2007
For today's "One Year Later" segment I decided to choose a post which was directed at me.

It is post 2001, found on page 81 of IVU Thread and was written 6/7/20.

What is evident to me are several noteworthy things:

1) He tries to project all of the hate and Satanic qualities HE and his QAnons are guilty of onto me, while claiming/implying that he is a manifestation

of Godlike qualities.

I could go on here with lots of reasons why this is a lie, but to keep it simple, just ask yourself that if what he said is true, it means that God like

sbd must be racists and anti-Semitic because that is part of their doctrine.

In addition not once in this post does he challenge any of my documentation of the lies, failed predictions, unproven accusation theories and his lack of

accountability for any of these.

In short it is sweeping generalization of nothing which doesn't address why I opened the thread in the first place.

Also and this makes me feel good is the fact that the tone in which the post is written shows that sbd feels very frustrated and angry that I and folks

like me are around to call him out on his lies, bullshit and lack of accountability.

And oh yes the post ends with the usual lie and/or delusion on his part to try to vent his frustration and try to taunt me, namely that Trump wins in "the biggest

landslide in history."

We all know how that turned out. lol

Anyways here you go:

"It is safe to assume that advocates of Satan (aka savage-Anons) will reject this message as having any significance despite coming from one of the most respected men in the Catholic community.

This is because they are blinded by so much hate for POTUS.

This is also because they reject God and God's works.

But they will try to convince you they are messengers of God.

Messengers of God do not set up threads in forums for the sole purpose of clicking refresh all day to stalk someone else, only to spew hate and false information.

Satan does.

God is LOVE, not hate.

God is NON-JUDGEMENT, not judgement.

God is UNCONDITIONAL, not conditional.

God represents TRUTH, Satan distorts it.

Savage-Anons and Satan followers alike are in for a very rude awakening.

Everything shared in this thread is happening as we speak.

From COVID to Gen. Flynn's final dismissal to Obamagate and more.

It will materialize into the ultimate truth for all to see.

It's all happening before the election.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

<header class="entry-header" style="margin-top: 0px;">Would An Actual Potato Be Better At Hosting ‘Reliable Sources’ Than Brian Stelter?

MAY 14, 2021 By Kylee Zempel


CNN’s Brian Stelter interviewed White House press secretary Jen Psaki and started things off by asking what the media “gets wrong” in covering the Biden administration.

How about asking about the lack of tough questions in the daily briefings you partisan hack .


Nov 11, 2007
CNN’s Brian Stelter interviewed White House press secretary Jen Psaki and started things off by asking what the media “gets wrong” in covering the Biden administration.

How about asking about the lack of tough questions in the daily briefings you partisan hack .


I will take your word for it, because as I have stated before, Stelter is a complete bore and puts me to sleep when I try to watch and listen to him.

Nov 11, 2007
And yet another moronic post from the desk/toilet of sbd, which makes no sense:


Trump will be invoking Military tribunals.

Obama will be facing treason charges.


Get ready for the "return".

Yes of course-Trump "remains" POTUS when all sbd does is bash Biden, who by definition cannot be POTUS if Trump has remained the POTUS since

Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.

Re: "Trump's Return," and getting ready for it, as I have said before, July 4th is the deadline for that-if no Trump by then, I will unmercifully "request"

that either sbd admit he was wrong or give an explanation as to what happened.

My best guess is that either on July 4th or before it sbd will claim that Trump has returned, but because of the possible panic

implications it could have for the population, it will not be announced until a later date-"Hey Joe-it looks like we have to

move those fucking goal posts again." lol

In short he will do the same thing with the lies and bullshit he is doing now about folks being allegedly arrested, sent to GITMO and executed.

Needless to say, that won't "exactly" fly with me when his thread is hit with a Savage"ornado" on July 4th!!

Nov 11, 2007
A spokesperson for GOD has let it be known that a poster who goes by the name of sbd in a discussion thread in at the RX Forum has officially been

placed on God's shit list until further notice.

The spokesperson stated that folks like sbd who refer to HIM as all loving and all powerful cannot at the same time practice racism, anti-Semitism,

lie thousands of times to people about his failures while not admitting them and with ZERO accountability.

Even more importantly the spokesperson stated that sbd and folks like him believe in inciting violence and armed insurrection without regard

to how many people are killed or maimed during this process.

The spokesperson did say however that God being All Loving and Forgiving, stated that there is still plenty of time for sbd to repent for his sins against

humanity and still be admitted to The Promised Land rather to burn in the Eternal Flames of Damnation, which will occur if he continues his present ways!!!

Nov 11, 2007
One comment re: crypto-I also made quite a bit of money with GBTC, a stock derivitave.

Thank God I sold it a lot higher price than it is now.

Although I made money with this stock, I REFUSE to be ordered to use it as Bookmaker recently did, and who also said that credit card funding

would no longer be allowed without even any kind of advance notice or an opportunity to at least add one last cc payment.

I told them in so many words to go fuck themselves with such a classless way to do this.

I have been a loyal client of theirs for close to 20 years, and thought that I was being treated like shit!!

I withdrew my finds and immediately opened up an account at Heritage, which does offer credit card deposits, and in any case imo is far superior

to Bookmaker in many ways as a sportsbook.

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment before lunch, and I offer this with good intentions to sbd.

Since you say the same things over and over again each day, perhaps if you are not aware of this or continually forget

that you have said something multiple times within a short period of time, perhaps you should consider seeing

a neurologist or even just your primary care physician to be sure that you arenot in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Perhaps if there is a psychiatrist who is a member of the same firm, you ought to consult him also.

If you are lucky, by using two different physicians who part of the medical practice, you could get some kind of a "package deal." lol

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