Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
If brilliance is believing there was a pee tape that could have compromised Trump’s presidency like you and the rest of the activists at CNN either believed or purposely perpetuated then yes , you’re all brilliant .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
More brilliance

Disgraced television lawyer Michael Avenatti ― who was arrested Monday for a series of alleged financial crimes ― made dozens of appearances on CNN and MSNBC in a 64-day period last year, turning the anti-Trump personality into a “resistance” folk hero, according to a report.


MAGA baby !


Nov 11, 2007
If brilliance is believing there was a pee tape that could have compromised Trump’s presidency like you and the rest of the activists at CNN either believed or purposely perpetuated then yes , you’re all brilliant .

My last comments to you until at least late tonight are that in general for better or worse, you are a lot more involved in this stuff

than I am, meaning that at this juncture and as I have stated before, I look forward rather than backward and don't overly

dwell on the kind of stuff you do and/or let it dominate my life.

If you enjoy it, fine, but imo you would be better served to agree with your buddies in the Political Forum and/or take on the few over there

who don't see things the way you do.

Although I do digress at times, the main focus of this thread is sbd and exposing him for what he is.

I am very proud of the job I have done in that regard over the last 15 months and totally commend those who have done a

similar job in that regard.

If your remarks over here are directed at other people than me, than fine-I understand.

The only sure thing is that you are not going to change my mind about anything about any topic I have stated so far and vice versa.

Buy hey if it floats your boat to post here, then great-I always welcome folks who disagree with what I have to say.

That's it.

Enjoy your evening!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah an avid CNN viewer knows little about the phony dossier and the Russia hoax . :missingte

Surrender noted !

Nov 11, 2007
Yeah an avid CNN viewer knows little about the phony dossier and the Russia hoax . :missingte

Surrender noted !

As a person who won't even admit to even one Trump lie over 4 years let alone 30,000 documented ones, I take anything you say with a grain

of salt .

Back to the likes of Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, etc., to get their spot-on analysis on things while folks like you rely on the simpletons at Fox.

Bye bye until at 11:00 PM at earliest.

Jan 13, 2019
As a person who won't even admit to even one Trump lie over 4 years let alone 30,000 documented ones, I take anything you say with a grain

of salt .

Back to the likes of Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, etc., to get their spot-on analysis on things while folks like you rely on the simpletons at Fox.

Bye bye until at 11:00 PM at earliest.

LOL. I see that you are still stuck on stupid, Savage. It must really suck to be you!

Nov 11, 2007
LOL. I see that you are still stuck on stupid, Savage. It must really suck to be you!

Well, well, what do you know-a voice I haven't heard from directly in ages.

Welcome back!!

Do you still have the same shotgun you had last time we spoke to be used as needed and have you used it of late?

But why worry-as we all know, sbd will be proven right "onc again" very soon when there is an armed insurrection and coup d'eta,t

and Trump dick lickers like yourself will be in ecstasy and Trump will once ascend to the POTUS, and rightfully so as according to sbd, he won ALL

50 states, garnered over 90% of the Popular Vote, and it goes without saying won in "the biggest landslide in history." lol

ps On a more serious note, you are stupid if you listen and believe anything that sbd says/predicts about Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, etc.

or for that matter anything else-just objectively look at his track record over the last 15 months!!

You would be much better served using your own judgment or others much more qualified than him such as Paul Mampilly, who I mentioned


Jan 13, 2019
Well, well, what do you know-a voice I haven't heard from directly in ages.

Welcome back!!

Do you still have the same shotgun you had last time we spoke to be used as needed and have you used it of late?

But why worry-as we all know sbd will be proven right very soon, there will be an armed insurrection and coup d'etat and Trump dick

lickers like yourself will be in ecstasy and Trump will once ascend to the POTUS and rightfully so as according to sbd he won ALL

50 states, garnered over 90% of the Popular Vote and it goes without saying won in "the biggest landslide in history." lol

ps On a more serious note, you are stupid if you listen and believe anything that sbd says about Bitcoin or for that matter anything else.

You would be much better served using your own judgment or others much more qualified than him such as Paul Mampilly, who I mentioned


LOL. Please keep your stupidity to yourself. BTW my bitcoin dealings have been nothing but profitable. I dont base my actions on what any
one person says. BTW my shotgun is not my only gun. A pussy like you wouldnt even want to be on the other end of my right cross. It would
probably kill you!

Nov 11, 2007
LOL. Please keep your stupidity to yourself. BTW my bitcoin dealings have been nothing but profitable. I dont base my actions on what any
one person says. BTW my shotgun is not my only gun. A pussy like you wouldnt even want to be on the other end of my right cross. It would
probably kill you!

Did you understand what I said just now and earlier???

I am actually AGREEING with you about bitcoin!!!

I have a lot more reason to believe Paul Mampilly when he predicts that Bitcoin is going to 200,000, 300, 000 or even higher than sbd,

who has made nothing but failed DOCUMENTED predictions including the stock market since he started his thread in March of last year.

The other stuff about fighting, violence is just what I would expect from someone from your neck of the woods.

Perhaps you ought to consider joining the QAnons or some other violent group in some kind of capacity to overthrown the Govt. of the US and

reinstate Trump as the "rightful" POTUS.

It was a great day for me today in too many ways to count including the stock market, and I am not going to let anyone try to spoil it.

ps Just keep those guns sharp and ready to go in case someone with a Biden bumper sticker on his car dares to get within earshot of your property. lol

See ya!!!

Jan 13, 2019
Did you understand what I said just now and earlier???

I am actually AGREEING with you about bitcoin!!!

I have a lot more reason to believe Paul Mampilly when he predicts that Bitcoin is going to 200,000, 300, 000 or even higher than sbd,

who has made nothing but failed DOCUMENTED predictions including the stock market since he started his thread in March of last year.

The other stuff about fighting, violence is just what I would expect from someone from your neck of the woods.

Perhaps you ought to consider joining the QAnons or some other violent group in some kind of capacity to overthrown the Govt. of the US and

reinstate Trump as the "rightful" POTUS.

It was a great day for me today in too many ways to count including the stock market, and I am not going to let anyone try to spoil it.

ps Just keep those guns sharp and ready to go in case someone with a Biden bumper sticker on his car dares to get within earshot of your property. lol

See ya!!!

I sold all my bitcoin today. There will be a big dip before it goes back up, I believe. I am waiting to buy back in later. If it dont dip thats cool too
I am in the profit. As for the violence you mentioned, you brought up the shotgun. I hope you are armed for the BLM fuckwads running around
there in Libtardville. I dont worry about things like that around here. I would love the target practice.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
As a person who won't even admit to even one Trump lie over 4 years let alone 30,000 documented ones, I take anything you say with a grain

of salt .

Back to the likes of Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, etc., to get their spot-on analysis on things while folks like you rely on the simpletons at Fox.

Bye bye until at 11:00 PM at earliest.

CNN’s Lemon to Manchin and Sinema: ‘Don’t Hide Behind the Filibuster’ – Just Say ‘Black and Brown People’s Votes Should Be Restricted’

The dumbest man on TV strikes again .

He should join that skank Jamele Hill and just come out and call them racists .

Good job Joe and Kirsten from stopping the radical left agenda .


Nov 11, 2007
Real fast today as I have an important phone appointment with my financial investment advisor coming up.

First of all the FACT is that although several people have offered political opinions which differ from mine since I started

this thread on January6, not one single, solitary person has come forth to dispute ANYTHING which I have documented

and stated about sbd, his failed predictions nor anything else which is true and which reflects badly upon him.

Until/if/when someone comes forth and find something SPECIFIC with a post number to dispute this, I will

conclude that I am correct, and most importantly that I have been fulfilling God's Mission.

Now for today's "One Year Ago" post it is post 2004 on page 81 and goes back to 6/20/80.

I suggest that you consider in retrospect the number of fatalities and infections not only in this country but in the entire world and decide for yourself if this

statement about Covid being merely a "flu" was true then and today.

Here you go with sbd's comments from 6/8/20:

"This thread has stated and maintained the virus was nothing more than just another "flu".

REAL data and research is starting to prove it and will continue to.

This was an engineered and unnatural event driven by fear.


Nov 11, 2007
Correction-I opened the thread on Jan. 20 and not Jan. 6 as stated originally.

ps One last thing:

Paul Mampilly does a weekly video update every Tuesday.

Since Bitcoin has been a topic the last few days, if he talks about Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies, I will summarize his current thoughts.

Back later.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
<section class="pg__branding " style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 30px 0px 15px; caret-color: rgb(38, 38, 38); color: rgb(38, 38, 38); font-family: CNN, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">

</section><article class="pg-rail-tall pg-rail--align-right " itemscope="" itemtype="" style="box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254); caret-color: rgb(38, 38, 38); color: rgb(38, 38, 38); font-family: CNN, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">Joe Manchin just *totally* screwed Democrats

Cry harder Chris


Nov 11, 2007
As I am really bust today, my only comment for now is this and it is actually quite funny, and most importantly shows

what a CLUELESS DOPE sbd is.

A little while ago he just posted a photo taken last night at Fenway Park(post11455) stating that "Trump WON, and

tries to use this to "prove" that stuff like this is going on everywhere/

I would remind sbd that 1) Fenway was pretty packed yesterday and there were no similar photos.

2) Biden got around 2/3 of the popular vote in Massachusetts despite sbd's bs that Trump won Mass. along with all the other 49 states.

But to be fair, sbd is also the person who posted a video last year which I reposted a few days ago claiming that George Floyd never died and

that the whole event was staged.

Draw your own conclusions as to what all this means!!

Nov 11, 2007
One more from the desk/toilet of sbd before I hit the road again:


Imo the only thing going on "behind the scenes" at the moment is in sbd's bathroom ,it involves the toilet and the outward member from beneath

and what sbd is doing to it.

Hint-it ain't pissing. lol

Nov 11, 2007
From the desk/toilet of sbd:

“The Trump Train” isn’t just a catch phrase!

Get ready for it!"

"All aboard, "The Trump Train!"

"The final destination for the Train is Oblivion City, also referred to as Nowhere City.

Management assume no responsibility if the train should go off the tracks and/or should it crash, nor will there be any refund given if for any reason

including these if the train does not make it to its final destination.

There will be food and drinks served on the train, which will feature an unusual entree of delectable deceased human babies as well as the finest

blood of children garnered from all around the world to drink with your meal.

For those of you who desire something a little better know, we we also be offering an alternative delectable dinner comprised of Trump Bullshit, freshly ground

and seasoned with the finest ingredients known to man.

Only one way tickets will be sold for this train as it will not be returning once it reaches its final destination, meaning you will have to make other

arrangements if you wish to return home!"


Nov 11, 2007
Today's segment of "One Year Ago" was an easy one for me to pick out the most significant one for that date, which was June 9, 2020.

It was easy because there were relatively few posts on that day and most importantly because what he said and predicted to happen on that day

he predicted to happen on that day he is essentially the same as what he repeated many, many times after on other days, ALL of which

failed to come true.

The only sure thing is that if any of what predicted did come true, it would be Trump who would have been in charge of the country rather

than Biden beginning on Inauguration Day of this year.

Others have pointed out the same thing which I am pointing out.

All I ask is that you read his commentary on that day, which is post 2019 and found on page 81, look at it retrospectively for both that week and all

of the days and weeks leading up to today and decide for yourself how true his statements and predictions sbd made and who continues to

make to this day:

"It's going to be another very bad week for Dems.

The Russian Hoax, the Flynn set up, FIASAgate, OBAMAgate-- IT'S ALL REAL!

The biggest scandal in history!

Arrests are imminent.

The public will know the truth before the election.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Good afternoon . Can anyone find me this quote from the Guatemalan President in print or video from the leftist propaganda network known as CNN ?

“We asked the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving,” Giammattei said.

When Biden took office, “The message changed too: ‘We’re going to reunite families, we’re going to reunite children,’” he said. “The very next day, the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”


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