Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The funniest thing about Fake Jake Tapper getting embarrassed by @EliseStefanik
& @abigailmarone
today is that there are apparently still a few people surprised by his hackery. They're under the false impression that Jake is a journalist and not a lifelong Democrat activist.


Donald Trump Jr.


Nov 11, 2007
The funniest thing about Fake Jake Tapper getting embarrassed by @EliseStefanik
& @abigailmarone
today is that there are apparently still a few people surprised by his hackery. They're under the false impression that Jake is a journalist and not a lifelong Democrat activist.


Donald Trump Jr.


You seem to spend quite a bit of time watching or commenting or CNN-I wonder why.

Perhaps it is because you are jealous because most of their commentators are there so much smarter and intellectual than the skin deep turds at Fox who do the same thing. lol

Then again you showed your true colors by bashing Thomas Friedman, which is not surprising because he is WAY, WAY beyond your intellect and/or like the above

folks, because you are envious of him!

Nov 11, 2007
You seem to spend quite a bit of time watching or commenting or CNN-I wonder why.

Perhaps it is because you are jealous because most of their commentators are there so much smarter and intellectual than the skin deep turds at Fox who do the same thing. lol

Then again you showed your true colors by bashing Thomas Friedman, which is not surprising because he is WAY, WAY beyond your intellect and/or like the above

folks, because you are envious of him!

ps Don't expect any responses for me for at least the next hour because I am watching one of the smartest/spot-on and political satirist folks on all tv,

Real Time with Bill Maher!!

Nov 11, 2007
You know if sbd just stuck to things like claiming the Election was stolen, etc., he would have a number of folks who would agree and respect him.

Once he goes on a tangent and starts claiming that specific thoughts have been arrested, sent to GITMO, tried

and even already executed or scheduled to be executed on specific dates, only a fellow madman/fool would give any credence to this beyond delusional shit.

Even if doesn't really believe what he posts and is merely seeking attention and/or trying to provoke violence, insurrections, etc.,

(which imo is currently at about 50%), it still takes away any possibility at all of being taken seriously by rational and intelligent person.

Nov 11, 2007
I wonder but will probably never know if sbd has a significant other, whether it be his girlfriend, boyfriend or switch hitter, what it must be like for he/she/it

to be subjected to the same shit as he posts here.

The first adjectives I can think of when trying to look at from his significant other's point of view are depressing, obsessive, compulsive, fixated, boring

no sense of humor and of course living in a world of total fantasy and delusion(unless of course the creature/significant other is a clone

of himself and/or an emotionless android).

If he attended a party, to simply refer to him merely as a party pooper would a massive understatement! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You seem to spend quite a bit of time watching or commenting or CNN-I wonder why.

Perhaps it is because you are jealous because most of their commentators are there so much smarter and intellectual than the skin deep turds at Fox who do the same thing. lol

Then again you showed your true colors by bashing Thomas Friedman, which is not surprising because he is WAY, WAY beyond your intellect and/or like the above

folks, because you are envious of him!

The smartest thing to come out of that propaganda network was Van Jones caught on video by Project Veritas saying Trump Russia was a big nothing burger and their left wing activist President Jeff Zucker continuing to program it 24/7 to boost ratings knowing dopes like you would be tuning it to daily to improve their dismal ratings .


Nov 11, 2007
The smartest thing to come out of that propaganda network was Van Jones caught on video by Project Veritas saying Trump Russia was a big nothing burger and their left wing activist President Jeff Zucker continuing to program it 24/7 to boost ratings knowing dopes like you would be tuning it to daily to improve their dismal ratings .


The only sure thing is that is it going to be a great sunny and hot summer day where I reside, and I am going to enjoy it to the fullest.

I pity sad, pathetic/skin deep and lifeless souls like yourself and sbd whose "enjoyment" consists of wallowing/dwelling about who won the Election,

Dr. Fauci, and other conspiracy theories and slapping each other on the back/congratulating each other about your "findings"/"revelations" and/or

failed predictions(in case of sbd), which YOU folks cannot do anything about in any case except of course to vote these "evil" folks out

of office at Election Time.

In your case, the fact that you dismiss some of the finest and most intellectual minds in the country speaks volumes about your overall

"intellect" and feeble sking deep responses, which are as meaningful as a bucket of piss!!

Enjoy your day! lol

Back later on today.

Nov 11, 2007
In today's segment of " One year Ago" there is a lot I could have chosen as the most significant and laughable post from sbd.

However, as i want to enjoy the great weather today, I decided to take the most obvious one.

It is from 6/6/20, and is post 1960 and is found on page 79.

I am going to supply the link to that day in case any of you want to read some of the other lies, failed predictions and bullshit spewed forth on that day.

Here you go as well as the link:

"Evil has shown itself.

These people are sick.

They will do whatever it takes to regain power.

Lucky for all of us they FAIL!


Important Virus Update - Page 79 (

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The only sure thing is that is it going to be a great sunny and hot summer day where I reside, and I am going to enjoy it to the fullest.

I pity sad, pathetic/skin deep and lifeless souls like yourself and sbd whose "enjoyment" consists of wallowing/dwelling about who won the Election,

Dr. Fauci, and other conspiracy theories and slapping each other on the back/congratulating each other about your "findings"/"revelations" and/or

failed predictions(in case of sbd), which YOU folks cannot do anything about in any case except of course to vote these "evil" folks out

of office at Election Time.

In your case, the fact that you dismiss some of the finest and most intellectual minds in the country speaks volumes about your overall

"intellect" and feeble sking deep responses, which are as meaningful as a bucket of piss!!

Enjoy your day! lol

Back later on today.

(NEW YORK) — Project Veritas’ American Pravda: CNN continues today with a video of left-leaning political commentator Van Jones caught on camera plainly stating that “the Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.”

This follows the release of a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield, who was caught touting the Russia narrative as “bullsh*t.”

Project Veritas released tapes on Tuesday of CNN’s 9 a.m. rundown calls that they have secretly been recording for months.

These tapes expose CNN president Jeff Zucker and several other CNN executives expressing their extreme political biases against the president.

This is CNN . The most trusted ...err ...BUSTED name in news !


Nov 11, 2007
All I can say is that I hope that you, sbd and your folks in Political Section had as great afternoon as I did basking in the sun, cutting the grass, going out for a jog

and a moped ride.

What a wonderful day and time of year to be alive!!!

Sep 5, 2010
All I can say is that I hope that you, sbd and your folks in Political Section had as great afternoon as I did basking in the sun, cutting the grass, going out for a jog

and a moped ride.

What a wonderful day and time of year to be alive!!!

Glad you enjoyed your day!

I went to a Geocaching event today, was a good time.

Beats sitting in front a computer typing nonsense about the return that will never happen, lol.

Nov 11, 2007
Glad you enjoyed your day!

I went to a Geocaching event today, was a good time.

Beats sitting in front a computer typing nonsense about the return that will never happen, lol.

I am glad that you also did something to enjoy your day.

Everyone has a right to do whatever makes their boat float, but really sitting by a computer on a day like this like sbd

just simply waiting for something to come across the internet to get his LESS than zero hopes than Trump is going "to return"

and be reinstated as POTUS by July 4, August, or whenever, and gossip about Dt. Fauci are symptomatic of a very

psychologically disturbed person who is badlyin need of professional treatment!!

Nov 11, 2007
If the Sox can hold on here to their lead over the Yankees making it two straight after losing I believe consecutive times to them over the last two seasons,

it will make it an even better day!!!

Nov 11, 2007
If I had to make a comparison in probabilities, I actually believe that there is a better chance of Rush Limbaugh being exhumed brought back to

life over the weekend and hosting his radio show on Monday than there is of Trump being reinstated as POTUS on July 4, in August or for that

matter any time between now and Election Day in 2024.
Feb 20, 2002
If I had to make a comparison in probabilities, I actually believe that there is a better chance of Rush Limbaugh being exhumed brought back to

life over the weekend and hosting his radio show on Monday
than there is of Trump being reinstated as POTUS on July 4, in August or for that

matter any time between now and Election Day in 2024.



Nov 11, 2007
For today's segment of "One Year Ago" we go back to June 6 of 2020.

If was actually a pretty nondescript day in his thread with nothing too eye catching.

I finally decided that post 1988 found on paged 80 was/is as good as any.

Here is the post-I will offer commentary afterwards:

"Any media outlet on this list is 100% FAKE NEWS.

The evil group owns these networks to control the narratives.

By controlling the narratives THEY CONTROL YOU!

If you believe anything from these networks is real or true YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED and are being MIND-CONTROLLED!!

If you want real news based on truth, research and facts consider alternative outlets like The Epoch Times and OANN.

Follow FOX News in MSM for the most neutral reporting in MSM. (Dark to Light)

Follow Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, Jon Solomon and Catherine Herridge for the most accurate reporting in all of MSM.

Good infiltrates evil just like evil infiltrates good.

If you believe what I am telling you is false YOU ARE BEING MIND-CONTROLLED!"

If we are being mind controlled, then where is the proof of this?

Certainly when one makes a sweeping statement like this, he needs to document this rather than just state it as fact or what we believe as "fake, news."

Just ask yourselves this using a few examples:

1) Is it we who are being mind controlled when it is sbd and his sources who stated/predicted that Trump would win in "the biggest landslide in history" and win all

fifty statements and garner over 90% of the votes in so doing?

2) Is it we who don't believe it when he and his "inside sources" stated that George Floyd's death was staged by actors for political purposes and that he is still


3) Is it we who are being mind controlled when we simply don't believe that aliens and other evil spirits rape us when we are sleeping for some

kind of undefined sinister reasons?

4) Is it we who are being mind controlled because we don't believe as he and his sources claims that Covid was/is a hoax, that hardly

anyone really died of it in thecountry or world, and that it staged strictly for political purposes.

5) Is it we who are being mind controlled when we believe that Trump really did get vaccinated with the vaccine which he took credit for, which he

stated and also that he did advocate that every one get it OR are we supposed to believe sbd's notion that Trump never got the vaccine nor advocated it,

the one which he boasted about in getting it to public in "warp speed," and instead really meant that they should only take HCL?'

I could go on all day long here with other "evidence" of the "infallibility" of his "inside sources" as opposed to the ones which he bashes,

but for now that is all I have time for on what promises to be another glorious summer day!!

ps "Perhaps" one should ask the question as to whether the few people who believe that what sbd says are the one who are being


Nov 11, 2007
Re: one more thing I just thought of re: previous post and this one applies to both sbd and his QAnons:

Are we the ones who are being "brainwashed" because we see no evidence nor believe that the alleged "evil" ds engages

in child trafficking, eats babies and drinks their blood as part of their modus operandi? lol

And oh yes, is it our sources or his which have FAILED too many times to count in their predictions that Trump would

be reinstated long before now??

Nov 11, 2007
As I see it, many years from now when history books are written, in retrospect Trump will be most remembered as the one who lost the 2020 Election

and who tried to unsuccessfully overturn the results time and time again as well as his incompetence during the Coronavirus Pandemic with the number stated

of how many people who died from it under his watch.

Nov 11, 2007


I am going to say just one thing to you and what you post, actually a comparison, and let you read between the lines and what it means.

Lets take a great baseball player going back in time and use Mickey Mantle as an example

When he stepped up to the plate in enemy ballparks and was rowdily booed, heckled, etc., what was the REAL meaning of what the fans

felt about him despite the boos, etc?

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