Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The only question left on Fraudci is how long he has left before his “early retirement “ .

Man of the Year .


Nov 11, 2007
The only question left on Fraudci is how long he has left before his “early retirement “ .

Man of the Year .


Concentrate on whatever/whoever you want.

As you and everyone else can see by my earlier posts today beginning with post 1335, my main focus of emphasis is, has been and always will be sbd.

I would love to hear commentary from you re: what I stated earlier in this regard, ie whether you agree, disagree, have no opinion, etc.

Enjoy your afternoon.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Somehow Fauci’s phone isn’t ringing off the hook anymore for those DNCNN interviews .

I wonder why .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Why did Fraudci say in an e mail dated Feb. 4 2020 that most transmissions occur in people that are symptomatic but go on record as saying asymptomaitc carriers can be as high as 50% two months later ?

Can we get somebody from the most trusted name in news to book an interview with the runt to explain ?

Oh and one more question they might ask . Why did he e mail someone telling them masks are useless unless they are professional grade .


Nov 11, 2007
Why did Fraudci say in an e mail dated Feb. 4 2020 that most transmissions occur in people that are symptomatic but go on record as saying asymptomaitc carriers can be as high as 50% two months later ?

Can we get somebody from the most trusted name in news to book an interview with the runt to explain ?

Oh and one more question they might ask . Why did he e mail someone telling them masks are useless unless they are professional grade .


Why, why, why???

That is why they have lawyers and courts for?

Why did Trump either sexually abuse Ivanka when she was a teenager or even younger and/or along with Giuliani

state that they would like to fuck her???

Dwell and get as orgasmic as much as you wish about Fauci.

I would rate the odds of his even being indicted let along convicted of anything/punished about the same as Halley's Comey

making FIFTY unexpected appearance in the night sky between now and the end of the year. lol

On a "more important" matter- I was astounded that when I grabbed my burger at Wendys and requested a Coke, I actually was able to get one

because according to sbd with all of the boycotts, bad publicity, etc. it got over their comments about the All Star Game, it should have been

out of business by now.

Just to be sure, I asked the served whether the Coke I was getting was a fresh one from fresh syrup and not one left over from the container

they received about a month ago.

When she stated it was fresh, I had a sigh of relief knowing that at least for now, it was a "rare" instance of sbd actually being wrong about a

prediction. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
So no CNN bookings in the near future ? :):)

Settle down with the dramatics . I never said anything about indictments . Just be prepared to take the L as he gets exposed for the fraud that he is .

Sen. Rand Paul once again took aim at Dr. Anthony Fauci after a Freedom of Information Act request led to the release of thousands of pages of the doctor’s emails from the early days of the pandemic.

Told you,” Paul posted on Twitter, along with the hashtag “#FireFauci.” “Can’t wait to see the media try to spin the Fauci FOIA emails.”

Paul’s comments come after more than 3,200 pages of Fauci’s emails were obtained by Buzzfeed in a Freedom of Information Act request and posted onlineTuesday.


Nov 11, 2007
So no CNN bookings in the near future ? :):)

Settle down with the dramatics . I never said anything about indictments . Just be prepared to take the L as he gets exposed for the fraud that he is .

Sen. Rand Paul once again took aim at Dr. Anthony Fauci after a Freedom of Information Act request led to the release of thousands of pages of the doctor’s emails from the early days of the pandemic.

Told you,” Paul posted on Twitter, along with the hashtag “#FireFauci.” “Can’t wait to see the media try to spin the Fauci FOIA emails.”

Paul’s comments come after more than 3,200 pages of Fauci’s emails were obtained by Buzzfeed in a Freedom of Information Act request and posted onlineTuesday.

If anyone gets an "L," it will be Trump I assure you for too many reasons to mention, some of which will be brought out in court.

On another matter, I found this article very interesting and informative as to why Trump can not be reinstated by August as POTUS under any conditions

no matter what the Powell, Flynn, Lin Woody/hard-on, etc. say.

Why Trump can't be 'reinstated' as president by August (

I predict that the Dr. Fauci issue as well as the Maricopa Audit, and overall alleged Election Fraud historically speaking and in retrospect will be regarded

as important as anonymous farts in the wind in the middle of the desert 50 years ago.

Nov 11, 2007
Regarding Matt Gaetz's AWOL penis from GITMO, there is no news as to ITS whereabouts, but the contents of this like seem to indicate that the doo doo

Matt is stuck in is only getting worse.

See attached link.

My suggestion to Matt would be if that he has any way of contacting his detached manhood, to see if he can coax it back

or better yet, get it to give itself up, and surrender to GITMO authorities.

By doing this, perhaps GITNO's attorney, which I would assume might be his dick's attorney also, could come up

with some kind of plea bargain which would lessen the sentences to Matt and/or his manhood if either or both are found guilty of charges.

Here you go with the link to what is going on with Matt-obviously we cannot provide the same for Matt's penis until/if/when the organ is captured:

Matt Gaetz: Second Amendment Speech Not About Silicon Valley (

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A video shared by Newsweek on Friday purported to exonerate Gaetz of calling on supporters to raise arms against Facebook and YouTube. A shorter clip had gone viral the night earlier, in which he’s heard railing against the tech industry, before seeming to suggest that an armed solution might be the ticket.

More left wing media propaganda as the shorter clip edited out the part about the first amendment where he mentioned free speech and Big Tech couldn’t shut down his rally . So his explanation was spot on .

Nov 11, 2007
A video shared by Newsweek on Friday purported to exonerate Gaetz of calling on supporters to raise arms against Facebook and YouTube. A shorter clip had gone viral the night earlier, in which he’s heard railing against the tech industry, before seeming to suggest that an armed solution might be the ticket.

More left wing media propaganda as the shorter clip edited out the part about the first amendment where he mentioned free speech and Big Tech couldn’t shut down his rally . So his explanation was spot on .

The big thing about folks like you is that you love it when you are able to find reasons to discredit the likes of Dr. Fauci, Governor Cuomo and lots of

other democrats, and to be honest, some of it may be justified, with Governor Cuomo's sexual abuse of women possibly being a prime example.

However when it comes to people like Trump, Gaetz, Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell for starters, when there is and kind of wrongdoing

suspected or accusations, you guys immediately go on the defense and simply assume that none of what has been alleged could even remotely be true.

I don't know how far back you go, but the way in which the ultimate "homer," the late Johnny Most called a Celtics basketball game,

is a perfect example of this.

In short if you don't know, if you listened to Most call a Celtics game on the radio, you would get the impression that all of the Celtic

players were lily white pure in the way they played the game, never did anything dirty to an opponent, and on and on and on, while the opposing

players were thugs, played dirty all of the time, etc.

As anyone knows who go back to that era and followed the Celtics objectively knows that when you listened to Johnny broadcast a game while at the same

time watching what actually went on in the game on tv, you would come away with the impression that Johnny wasn't "exactly" telling it as

it was.

For me it is essentially the same with folks like yourself.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Fauci's upcoming book scrubbed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble.


Nov 11, 2007

Fauci's upcoming book scrubbed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble.


ot One last thing-I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but it seems that just about every

time you come over here and we engage in extended conversation, I have massive five figure gains

on paper with the value of my stock portfolio including today.

The other good part of that is that there is nothing especially which can ruffle me politically speaking when I have a great day in the market.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot One last thing-I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but it seems that just about every time you come over here and we engage in extended conversation,

I have massive five figure gains on paper with the value of my stock portfolio including today.

The other good part of that is that there is nothing especially which can unruffle me politically speaking when I have a great day in the market.

Perhaps you can use some of your gains to purchase the new Fauci book ...if you can find it .


Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps you can use some of your gains to purchase the new Fauci book ...if you can find it .


Actually some day pretty soon I am going to write my own book/memoirs regarding my experiences over the years

in the various sports and political forums including this one.

For sure you will be included. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more from the desk/toilet of sbd:

"BREAKING: President Trump permanently shuts down his blog.

No coincidences here.

Timing is everything.

It's a good time to be reminded of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)."

It is just a matter of time before one of these totally laughable quotes about EBS will show up in the "One Year Ago" segment.

It goes without saying that when it does show up, it will easily be the selected post to be displayed for that day for the simple reason

that ZERO of these EBD predictions eve came true, as will be the case with sbd's latest attempt in his desperation to try to get some badly needed

attention, which is as everyone knows, is one of the characteristics of all internet TROLLS!!

Nov 11, 2007
Before going grocery shopping, here is one more of sbd's desperate broken record responses hauled out of mothballs yet once again to draw attention

to what he says.

As I have said before, provided that his weenie is of at least respectable size, he might be better served to disrobe on a street corner downtown in some big city,

and hang all of his crazy quotes like this one hanging and dropped all over his body including his manhood while at the same time bellowing all of this

bullshit and lies out with a big bullhorn so that anyone within the sound of his body can partake of his warnings and "words of wisdom"

With that said here you go straight from sbd's desk/toilet:


No lawyer,

no judge,

no Secretary of State,

no governor,

no crooked poll worker,

no mockingbird media,

no censorship,

no illegitimate president.



When one falls, they all fall!"


"Remember this ^^^^^^^^^^"

ps Perhaps he means that nothing can stop what is "cumming" in his underwear-it is referred to as premature ejaculation. lol

Nov 11, 2007
On my way out the door-just remember, folks, that it sure looks like savage1 will be appearing many times daily daily in an IVU Thread

near you offering his views beginning on July 4th

And quoting sbd, "Nothing can stop what is coming" to that thread unless of course Trump is OFFICIALLY designated the POTUS on or before that date!!

Stay tuned, folks, and mark your calendar as this something you DO NOT want to miss!!!

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