Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
For me, Trump has totally lost it at this point with his comments that he thinks he is going to be reinstated.

Really ? Because anonymous sources Maggie Haberman said so ? Or maybe I missed the source who confirmed or a video has surfaced .

And you’re talking about hearsay .


As I stated yesterday, I don't put much credence into the opinions and the thoughts of folks like yourself and sbd who have a 100% Johnny Most homer

mentality when it comes to pointing fingers at other people.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
BuzzFeed on what the Fauci emails reveal: ‘The pressure that fell on one man

[FONT=&quot]As we told you earlier, CNN decided to go with this spin on the dump of emails to and from Dr. Anthony Fauci that had been uncovered via a FOIA request from BuzzFeed: above all, they revealed “his role as a rare source of frank honesty within the Trump administration’s Covid-19 task force.”[/FONT]

For its part, BuzzFeed itself went with a similar take, writing about how the emails revealed “the pressure that fell on one man.” Heck, BuzzFeed even mentions how celebrities like Morgan Fairchild reached out to Fauci.[/FONT]


Nov 11, 2007
BuzzFeed on what the Fauci emails reveal: ‘The pressure that fell on one man

As we told you earlier, CNN decided to go with this spin on the dump of emails to and from Dr. Anthony Fauci that had been uncovered via a FOIA request from BuzzFeed: above all, they revealed “his role as a rare source of frank honesty within the Trump administration’s Covid-19 task force.”

For its part, BuzzFeed itself went with a similar take, writing about how the emails revealed “the pressure that fell on one man.” Heck, BuzzFeed even mentions how celebrities like Morgan Fairchild reached out to Fauci.


Just let me know assuming that I am still alive, when they have enough "evidence" so as Dr. Fauci is arrested, indicted, convicted and either sent to

prison for the rest of his life or is executed.

My over/under date is NEVER, and I would bet "after" NEVER with every dollar I had if there was such a betting prop. lol

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I talked about Lancaster earlier and the Sight and Sound Theater.

I am not getting paid to say this, but if you don't live too far away from Lancaster and enjoy great theatrical productions, whether

you are religious or not, you won't find any better production including Broadway which is better than that at Sight and Sound.

Couple that with partaking with the Amish with all kinds of guided tours, etc. and seeing and even speaking with these folks, for me this is a great getaway

vacation for a few days.

There also some fabulous buffets and other restaurants in the area as well as many other activities.

I have attached a link to the Theater and Lancaster itself to check out for anyone who might be interested

in trying something different after for the most part being shut out of vacations last summer because of the pandemic:

Sight & Sound Theatres® in Lancaster, PA - Show Schedule, Nearby Hotels (

Nov 11, 2007
Back to business.

I don't know what sbd us talking about in this post.

It is just a lot of vague nothing with some kind of commentary that he told us sometime in the past without defining/stating what i was.

My conclusion is that whatever it is/was, the overwhelming odds are that it failed then just like what he is stating here(whatever it is) will fail also.

From the desk/toilet of sbd:

"I will never forget this presser last year when this happened.

I immediately commented on it in this thread.

President Trump dropped a bomb that neither one of them expected and neither one could visibly hide."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Just let me know assuming that I am still alive, when they have enough "evidence" so as Dr. Fauci is arrested, indicted, convicted and either sent to

prison for the rest of his life or is executed.

My over/under date is NEVER, and I would bet "after" NEVER with every dollar I had if there was such a betting prop. lol

Nah . You can keep repeating the arrested deflection . Not gonna happen .
An “early retirement “ by year end is the likely occurrence to spare him the embarrassment of being fired .
A sharp bookmaker would make the yes a favorite on that .

Nov 11, 2007
Nah . You can keep repeating the arrested deflection . Not gonna happen .
An “early retirement “ by year end is the likely occurrence to spare him the embarrassment of being fired .
A sharp bookmaker would make the yes a favorite on that .

lol-That is the way a typical Trump diehard would try to claim/rationalize he is right about Dr. Fauci's guilt.

"Early retirement" at age 80?? lol

Like I said before, if you want to dwell on the past rather than concentrate on YOUR OWN future, well go ahead-that sure isn't my mindset as you can see

about what I said earlier about vacations, etc. and moving on, etc.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
lol-That is the way a typical Trump diehard would try to claim/rationalize he is right about Dr. Fauci's guilt.

"Early retirement" at age 80?? lol

Like I said before, if you want to dwell on the past rather than concentrate on YOUR OWN future, well go ahead-that sure isn't my mindset as you can see

about what I said earlier about vacations, etc. and moving on, etc.

Yeah it would be nothing but a “pure coincidence “ if it happened by year end or earlier . Fraudci loves nothing more than the praise the liberal media has given him . Not to mention his highest paid gov’t employee salary .Let’s see what the WH next move is . The smart move would be to muzzle the runt like Trump did . I’ll put my sources against yours any day of the week and twice on Sunday .

It already sounds like you wouldn’t be surprised if he’s gone by year end . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
More stupidity just posted by sbd:

"Lawsuits and boycotts work.

NC County bans Coke.

Dershowitz $300 million lawsuit against CNN.

Atlanta $100 million lawsuit against MLB.

Mass exodus from Twitter and FB by users.

This is just the beginning.

"Woke" companies will go "broke" if they continue to try to influence politics."

Just look at the first two lines alone and the the last line.

The inference here is that because one county in Georgia banned Coca Cola because of their commentary about

moving the Baseball Star Game from Atlanta, that "boycotts work" and that therefore Coca Cola is going out of business.

He said the same thing when Coca Cola made the initial announcement.

Last I looked today, the stock price of Coca Cola is near the 52 week high. lol

Don't worry though as I am sure that sbd can and will move the goal posts once again and assure us that it is

just a matter of time before Coke goes out of business because they stated their views politically speaking

and thought it was a good idea to move the All Star Game from Georgia. lol

As we have seen and has been documented before, not only is sbd who can't pick his nose when it comes to

making political predictions, but also he doesn't know shit about the stock market, and at best is a good contrary indicator of when to buy and sell.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Cmon man ! Does this look like a guy ready to retire voluntarily . 80 is the new 70 nowadays .

Look at the fraud that the liberal media just can’t get enough of . :missingte

[FONT=&quot]<figure class="caas-figure caas-cover" style="margin: 0px 0px 40px; max-width: 940px !important;">


Nov 11, 2007
Cmon man ! Does this look like a guy ready to retire voluntarily . 80 is the new 70 nowadays .

Look at the fraud that the liberal media just can’t get enough of . :missingte

<figure class="caas-figure caas-cover" style="margin: 0px 0px 40px; max-width: 940px !important;">


80 is the new 70-says who-you??? lol

That is a matter of opinion actually.

Perhaps I can't relate to this and am biased because I retired from job while still in my fifties and have enjoyed life ever since!

I think it is a bit naive and one-sided though to conclude that if Dr. Fauci does retire at age 80, that you can simply attribute to it

to your believing he knows he is guilty of something and thus trying to escape being arrested, and tried and convicted.

Looking at the other side of the coin, I firmly believe that one of the big reasons that Trump wanted to win the Election is because he realizes

that he IS guilty of tax evasion and other crimes, which he cannot be prosecuted for as long as he is the POTUS.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing before lunch:

Don't forget the Day of Reckoning for sbd in his thread re: "Trump's Return" is July 4th, and if he is not returned by then with

no admission explanation by sbd that he was wrong about his arrogant prediction that this special day will be

remembered for generations, he will be "reminded" of it a "few times" daily by yours truly and hopefully by lots of

other PATRIOTS, some of whom have already done yeoman's work in this regard!!

Nov 11, 2007
I shouldn't even dignify this post from sbd by posting it because the chances of this happening are LESS than Zero, but suffice it to say that in order

to this, the SCOTUS had better get the Constitution changed fast.

If this latest bullshit even makes it to the SCOTUS, the most likely thing the SCOTUS will do what they did last time when some of Trump's flunky

lawyers file this absurd multiple times, namely to tell Trump and his legal team in so many words to "stop fucking bothering us with this delusional

bullshit and get lost and even more so many months later after Election Day.

If sbd and or anyone of the folks who read his thread actually believe that there is a good chance that this is going to happen with Trump being reinstated,

these same folks will also believe ads on the internet which claim they have a dick pill which will all your pecker to expand in size to 14-16

inches when "standing tall! and/or that that they can have sex a dozen times within 24 hours. lol

BREAKING: Mike Lindell Presents 'Absolutely 9-0'

"Why I have been 100% sure that when this gets before the Supreme Court it's going to be 9-0... 9-0 to pull this election down."



Remember, "WE HAVE IT ALL".

Nov 11, 2007
Since sbd has once again posted today about the "certainty" of "Trump's Return," to be reinstated as POTUS, which he has promised will happen no

later than July 4th, I decided that since this is only a month away it is time to start the celebration and in this case it will be in the form of a

"toast" which I have used before.

Thus I suggest that we all stand up straight and tall(like Matt Gaetz's penis does with 17 year old or even younger girls) and

sing the updated lyrics of this famous Civil War Song in honor of Donnie's Return:

When Donnie comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Oh, the men will cheer the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out,
And we'll all feel gay
When Donnie comes marching home.
And we'll all feel gay
When Donnie comes marching home.

Get ready for the Jubilee,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the hero three times three,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Well, the laurel wreath is ready now
To place upon his loyal brow,
And we'll all feel gay
When Donnie comes marching home.
And we'll all feel gay
When Donnie comes marching home.

In eighteen hundred and sixty-one
Hurrah! Hurrah!
That was when the war begun,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
In eighteen hundred and sixty-two,
Both sides were falling to,
And we'll all drink stone wine,
When Donnie comes marching home.
And we'll all drink stone wine,
When Donnie comes marching home.

In eighteen hundred and sixty-three,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Old Abe, he ended slavery
Hurrah! Hurrah!
In eighteen hundred and sixty-three
Old Abe, he ended slavery
And we'll all drink stone wine,
When Donnie comes marching home.
And we'll all drink stone wine,
When Donnie comes marching home.

In eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Abe called for five hundred thousand more,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
In eighteen hundred and sixty-five,
They talked rebellion--strife;
And we'll all drink stone wine
When Donnie comes marching home.
And we'll all drink stone wine
When Donnie comes marching home.

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps sbd or even someone else can answer this for him if he is unable to do so:

Snd claims that Hillary Clinton was executed at GITMO several weeks ago and Bill is set to follow.

But something seems to be out of whack in that these photos taken over the last few days show that Hillary is still alive and that Bill is doing well.

Thus the obvious question is how can this possibly be if Hillary is already dead and Bill on death's row?

Could it be that these photos are "fake" photos by MSM, or in Hillary's case and using appropriate wording, the "return" of her evil spirit.

Please, please, sbd, either answer this paradox yourself or someone do the same-I mean if no does respond to my modest request,

I fear that I am going to sleep at best and at worst commit suicide if this issue is not resolved.


Hillary Clinton responds to story about 'posh' restaurant outing with vaccine PSA (

Nov 11, 2007
Here are two notable lines from sbd post 11280 in the IVU Thread.

Since they gave me a good laugh, I decided to post them:

"I post information from a place of neutrality.

What I post comes from the most credible sources including true insiders."

Yes a "place of neutrality," one so "neutral that there hasn't even one post of his since the thread was opened 15 months which even hints at even

the slightest error/failure on the part of Trump of anything he ever did politically speaking nor anything which he said or did wrong when interacting

with other human beings

Conversely he hasn't given credit to any democrat ever for something they did right.

If that sbd's definition of "neutrality," then I hate to see what is definition is of "biased." lol

And then even more laughable than the first statement is his total lie/bullshit or whatever you want to call it from his claim of "having the best credible

sources including true insiders."

In fact his sources/true insiders over the last 15 months have been so "credible" that they have provided sbd all kind of predictions and/or

conspiracy theories which in retrospect have been DOCUMENTED by me and a number of other folks to have failed to come true or proven 99.9% of the time.

It goes without saying that when he has been questioned about these failures with documentation, until recently he referred to those

folks as being of low iq or other adjectives without of course addressing the questions/explanations asked of him.

Of late he has decided not to respond at all to these folks for the obvious reason that he finally got it through his thick and fucking arrogant skull that it made

him look bad by simply insulting folks who exposed him rather than trying to address their documentation of his failures and lies he and his "best credible

sources" provided.

I assure you that beginning on July 4th when I REALLY return to his thread(unlike Trump's non existent return), I will not let him off of the hook,

and he will find out why my posting name SAVAGE(1)!!


Nov 11, 2007
One other thing re: my comments in previous post.

I always wondered if sbd in fact really has true inside sources as he claims(lol), what has he done in his life to earn such a privileged status.

He has never told us what his alleged profession before he started the thread( and who has been obviously unemployed

since that time and who knows how long before) or exactly what he did to entitle him to such a status?

Did he work for the FBI, CIA, some high military and/or government professional position, or what?

Perhaps I am wrong and his entitlement comes from "serving" the public with posting lies, failed predictions, failed to be proven conspiracy theories

for the last 15 months.

Maybe his status comes from being a high ranking member of the QAnons or a racist/anti-Semitic group.

Maybe he means his true insider is GOD himself or more likely that he IMAGINES the Almighty has chosen sbd do let the "truth" be known by all

who tune in to his Groundhog Day Thread.

These are in fact some of the questions I intend to ask him starting on July 4 when I return to his thread on July 4th as well as a lot more.

Stay tuned as July 4th will be here before you know it(assuming of course that sbd doesn't walk the walk by that time and give us clear and indisputable

proof that Trump has indeed returned to be POTUS).

Nov 11, 2007
Back to the Matt Gaetz's AWOL penis from GITMO matter:

A thought just occurred to me.

As it appears that the doors are closing in on Matt, I am wondering if he does stand trial, if his attorney might use a line of defense that Matt's penis

has a mind of its own meaning it can and will do whatever it wants to and that therefore Matt cannot be held accountable for its actions.

This would be especially true if Matt's penis is still at large when Matt is indicted.

Thus for me it would make perfect sense for Matt's attorney to ask for a mistrial based on the contention that 1) Matt has no jurisDICKtion over his male

protrusion and thus cannot "DICK"tate to it as to what it can do and cannot do.

Also with Matt's penis still at large(if not also really large in another sense lol), his attorney should argue that since the member

cannot be questioned/cross-examined, it would be unfair to issue a "verDICK((t) which would find Matt guilty.

Along the same lines, it goes without saying that whoever Matt's attorney is, he ought to be very skilled in the art of "Dick"ion and persuasiveness

in presenting his case for a mistrial to the judge and jurors.

Nov 11, 2007
I actually couldn't decide what was more boring and predictable from sbd's desk/toilet, what he has posted so far today or what he posted exactly one year ago.

It was also very difficult to choose which post from one year ago to choose because all of them were equal in bullshit, lies, delusion and paranoia.

Anyways I decided to use post 1943 found on page 78 on 6/4/20 in our "One Year Ago" segment because it short and is exemplary of yet another

FAILED prediction which never came to pass over the last 365 days:


The biggest scandal in history!



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