Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
It was really difficult to find anything to post for today's segment of "One Year Ago" because sbd's posts on that day are the same hackeyed/boring lies

we have heard over and over again.

I decided to choose post 1901 on page 77 from 6/1/20 for the simple reason that what he actually says is true but NOT the group he is targeting but rather

his own QAnon Whackos:

Pay particular attention to the first two lines as it fits sbd and the QAnons to a tee:

"You are witnessing the greatest coordinated disinformation campaign to ever be launched against the american people.
Information warfare.
Irregular warfare.
Democrats efforts to regain power.

Use discernment.

Trust your intuition more than ever.


Nov 11, 2007

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This Maggie Haberman ?

Enter the NYT’s weapon of Trump destruction –
former tabloid queen and the unending treasure trove of “anonymous sources” Maggie Haberman. In the last four years, she’s done more than a story a day on Donald Trump.

and now ...

  • Former President Donald Trump is reportedly floating another idea about unlawfully taking power.

President Trump said New York Times<block style="box-sizing: border-box;"> White House correspondent Maggie Haberman should give back her Pulitzer Prize for her reports on Russia.


Nov 11, 2007
This Maggie Haberman ?

Enter the NYT’s weapon of Trump destruction –
former tabloid queen and the unending treasure trove of “anonymous sources” Maggie Haberman. In the last four years, she’s done more than a story a day on Donald Trump.

and now ...

  • Former President Donald Trump is reportedly floating another idea about unlawfully taking power.

President Trump said New York Times<block style="box-sizing: border-box;"> White House correspondent Maggie Haberman should give back her Pulitzer Prize for her reports on Russia.


Maggie is the same brilliant special class of journalist as is Thomas Friedman.

The thoughts and ideas of folks like this are only for those with deep minds and whose opinions and thought processes go way

beyond those of shallow folks who bash them, and whose opinions and commentary are at best skin deep and overall amount to at best a bucket of piss!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Grandma what is this ?

It’s an award I received called the Pulitzer for perpetuating what will go down as the greatest political witch hunt in history known as the Russia hoax . :):)

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said in a Tuesday interview with CNN’s John Berman that former President Donald Trump and his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, were partially to blame for members of the media discounting the idea that Covid-19 may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory.

Brilliance !


Nov 11, 2007
New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said in a Tuesday interview with CNN’s John Berman that former President Donald Trump and his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, were partially to blame for members of the media discounting the idea that Covid-19 may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory.

Brilliance !


Your post served as a perfect example of what skin deep people are about and of folks who do not have what it takes to rise to the level of the folks

I cited and lots of others.

Thanks for proving my point!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Your post served as a perfect example of what skin deep people are about and of folks who do not have what it takes to rise to the level of the folks

I cited and lots of others.

Thanks for proving my point!

The only point proven is the level of TDS by these hacks reaches a new high every day . Let’s not wipe the egg off our faces and say it sounds like Trump was right , instead let’s some how manage to blame him simply because a guy named Trump said it and most likely it wasn’t believable .

But that pee pee tape story bought and paid for by the DNC who’s info provided was by an admitted Trump hater had some legs to it .

It’s just really too damn easy . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd's desk/toilet in referring to Maggie Haberman's quote Trump's alleged return in August:

"Why report about something that’s not going to happen?

After all, it’s just a 'conspiracy'.

What is there to stress about?


It goes without saying and that and this applies to sbd for sure, that the other side of the coin is to tell us folks in his thread a zillion times Trump

IS going to return on July 4th.

If it is fact going to happen, then why does he have to keep repeating the same mantra???

Does that sound like a confident person, or "maybe, just "maybe" that sbd is the REAL one who is in panic mode after 6 months when nothing has

happened at all re: the ""Return."

And to be fair, if I was in sbs's shoes at this juncture, I also would be worried and in panic mode also because of all of the failed predictions in this

regard with ZERO reason to believe that things are going to change for the better!!

Nov 11, 2007
From the desk/toilet of sbd:

"Birx is tracking it from GITMO.

Fraudci is tracking it from under his bed where he is hiding out from the Military.

The clock is ticking for Fraudci"

I reminisced and talked about the tornado which struck in my neck of the woods ten years ago.

Perhaps instead of talking about the clock ticking for Dr. Fauci, sbd should consider and worry that the "clock in ticking" is for HIMSELF

re: the predicted "Return" of Trump as POTUS by July 4, and the "tornado" which will strike his thread if this does not occur.

The guys who have been posting in his thread and exposing his lies, failed predictions and so much more about this lowlife have done a

spectacular job so far.

That said, I hope that they join me on July 4th in his thread if not Trump is not the POTUS by then and intensify their efforts to bring

even more justice than they have already have, by "suggesting" that he either admit his failure and/or explain why Trump has not emerged yet.

If he doesn't do that, imo they should really let him REALLY have it in a literal and figurative sense.

Imo lack of accountability is a no-no and it comes or should come with serious repercussions!!

ps It goes without saying that new folks can do their part also in above regard.


Nov 11, 2007
Here is a perfect quote which describes why sbd doesn't believe in accountability for himself:

  • Why do some people not hold themselves accountable?
    • They don’t want to hold themselves accountable because they are unhappy with themselves. People who aren’t proud of what they have done tend to deflect the situation. They are broken and may have hit rock bottom and blaming others is a habit. It helps them to keep ignoring the real issue.


Nov 11, 2007
Chauvin faces hearing on federal charges in Floyd's death (

But wait, wait- how can Chauvin be charged with anything because according to sbd and his imPECKERable sources

and as I posted several days ago, Floyd never died and the whole event was staged for political purposes.

Thus shouldn't Chauvin and his attorney be suing the Government for hundreds of millions of dollars for his unjust arrest, as no one was murdered,

and by inference was as staged as what you see in a pro wrestling match???

Perhaps sbd can explain all of this to us. lol

Nov 11, 2007
I am actually hoping that the likes of Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, Lin Woody(hard-on) push their luck too far with what they say, and lets just say,

that they get their just due one way or the other as the result of their actions!

Nov 11, 2007
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump is paying Powell and Flynn to say what they have been saying over the last few days to try to get people fired up

to the point that they might try to overthrow the government.

People like Stormy Davis can testify that Trump can and will pay for what he wants at least in her case if the situation DICKtates! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Lets start off today with the "One Year Ago" segment.

It is post 1911 and is found on page 77 of his IVU Thread and is from 6/2/20.

The most glaring bullshit is in second line where sbd claims that the Virus is over, well actually on 3/20/20 when he made the original call,

and lots of arrests, world unity, blah, blah, blah, were about to happen.

I will leave it up to you to decide if looking back one year from today or actually a year and several months ago from today whether The Coronavirus

and all of the other delusional shit he predicted actually occurred or not.

As the person sbd worships and fellates 24/7/365, Donald Trump, would say, "I don't think so!" lol

Here you go with the words/post from sbd's desk/toilet on 6/2/20:

"This post is from 3/24/20

As the virus ended truth began to show itself and is reaching a climax as we speak. (Floyd "false flag", ANTIFA riots)

Truth is already happening on a global stage. (COVID corruption, "unmasking", obamagate, State tyranny, etc.)

I never said it was going to be "pretty".

More is coming including shocking arrests.

The depth and scope of the truth is beyond most people's comprehension.

But it is necessary to save our country and all of humanity.

Now is not a time to cling on to old belief systems.

Now is a time to open your mind and hearts to new possibilities.

Now is a time to unite as one race, the human race.

A UNITED humanity is what the evil forces fear the most.

LOVE is the antidote to the current conflicts.

Love yourself and love each other unconditionally and without judgement.


Nov 11, 2007
What sbd just posted in post 11215 is a perfect example of what I have said about him and his thread.

Here is the quote followed by my commentary:

"You will get your wish soon.

Military tribunals happening weekly now.

Comey's started yesterday.

They are all being video recorded.

They will be released for the world to see when the timing is right.

You are watching a very controlled narrative now by the 'white hats'.

They are following a timeline.

Those who doubt what is being posted here are encouraged to prove it wrong.

I have yet to see anyone do so.

Libtards think "key dates" or "suggested dates" passing make the information "wrong".

They are sadly mistaken.

Nothing more than desperate attempts to discredit the information.

They do it because they are actually afraid.

But one thing nobody can ever question is the consistency of the "big picture narratives" that has been posted here throughout.

And by now you should be seeing it all come full circle. [covid scam, election fraud, child trafficking, etc.]

So much of it is being presented to the world now in plain sight, all part of the controlled narrative by 'white hats'."

So here are the takeaways as I see them:

1) Military tribunals and executions going on right now of evil ds members including Comey yesterday?

Really-where is the actual documentation of this-sbd's say so??

Oh wait, I forgot-they are being "video recorded" and to be released "when the timing is right," whatever the fuck that means. lol

2) Sbd alleges that no one can prove what he says wrong.



Nice try to try to project his own abject and lies and failures onto members of the thread who have exposed him for the lying slime that he is,

but it doesn't fly!

3) Then he tries to weasel his way out of what he originally stated by now using terms words "suggested dates" and "key dates," when

in fact he has arrogantly predicted ACTUAL DATES for major things to occur with the one most notably for Trump's Return

to be reinstated as on or before July 4th of this year.

4) And further then he makes a total AHole out of himself by trying to project HIS OWN FAILURES on those like myself who have called him out

on his zillion failures by stating that just because something didn't occur or will occur on or before the dates he "suggested,"

doesn't make the information wrong.

5) He then talks about Election fraud, blah, blah, blah as if they are FACTS rather than unproven allegations to try to "prove" that he is right.

Again such legal terms as begging the question, poisoning the well, non sequiturs, inconsistencies, illogic, contradictions, paradoxes, etc.

all come to mind when he has presented his material over the last 15 months.

By that kind of logic, lets all give a big shout-out to the Jehovah's Witnesses who have been predicting the end of the world since 1876.

I mean after all, we should just forgive them because their timing is a "little bit off." lol

6) And then he says that folks are actually afraid, but he doesn't say exactly what they are afraid of and why they should

be afraid of whatever they are supposed to be afraid of in the first place-BRILLIANT!!! lol

7) And then he talks about the "consistency of the big picture narratives," which he has posted right along without stating what the narrative is,

and what PRECISELY he has stated and DOCUMENTED, which doesn't include HIS opinions only and those of his sources WITHOUT ACTUAL

FACTS to back them up.

8) If sbd means the "consistency of his big picture narrative" in the sense that a number of us folks have CONSISTENTLY documented his lies,

failed predictions, unproven conspiracy theories, and to be blunt, proven that he is full of shit, then of course I agree.

And then he says all of his "truths" are in plain sight and then some kind of vague reference to the narrative being controlled by white hats???

That's my critique and OPINION, a word which sbd which he equates to "fact" when stating or predicting something.


Nov 11, 2007
One more thing this morning before running some errands:

Imo sbd shows all of the characteristics of having for lack of a better term, a split personality which varies between schizophrenia, psychosis

and actually being a rational person with who resides and thinks in the real world.

On the one hand as we have seen most of his posts revolve FAILED predictions, wild and unproven conspiracies and accusations against the alleged

ds and other "evil" democrats and just paranoia based on his QAnon fabrications.

However as we saw a few days ago, there is a part of him which we saw with an explanation to Honey Badger a few days ago,

that can and will converse and explain about a matter is an actual respectful, intelligent, down-to-earth and human manner.

For his own good, imo he should strive to be the latter and pray, get psychological help and in general do whatever is needed to remove

the evil and baseless thoughts from his mind which are clearly in control at the moment.

Perhaps finding an exorcist might be the way to go.

In short, the based on what he said to Honey Badger the other day as well as many of his posts which preach love, goodness,

etc., I do think that there is hope for sbd, but he and only he must take it upon himself to recognize this, and then

take the first steps as outlined above on the way back to the righteous path, which he and all human beings are capable doing!!

Nov 11, 2007
I forgot to mention in post 1336 when I totally dismantled what snd said, that if you read his post careful, there is

a very subtle message and implicationcontained therein which should rightfully be regarded as a forewarning/harbinger/indication

that if Trump does not return to be the POTUS on July 4th or before as he has predicted, that he is going

to try to diminish the failed prediction and divert attention away from it and/or rationalize that it was only a

"key date" and or "suggested date"(lie suggested retail price?? lol), and that therefore it is of no consequence because in the longer

term it will be shown to be correct.

And then he begs the question as well as poisoning the well, both common tactics of sbd, by then trying use a non sequitur

stating that in spite of his failed predictions, it is the other folks there who are and have exposed him right along

as the "desperate" ones because they are trying(actually have)discredited the information.

And then he to top it off, he says that the folks who are trying to discredit him are the ones who "fearful"???? lol

Back to main point of my post and to cut to the chase, sbd is trying to pave the way for yet another moving of the goal posts

when Trump is NOT/has not returned asthe POTUS by July 4th and in reality is shitting in his pants because of

what is imminent about to hit him in the courts when he is indicted in the near future!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The most trusted name in news .


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Thousands of emails from and to Dr. Fauci reveal the weight that came with his role as a rare source of frank honesty within the Trump administration's Covid-19 task force.



Nov 11, 2007

The most trusted name in news .


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Thousands of emails from and to Dr. Fauci reveal the weight that came with his role as a rare source of frank honesty within the Trump administration's Covid-19 task force.



I won't pay much attention to this stuff until/if/when Dr. Fauci is arrested, indicted and then punished, which is basically the same as your

view of Trump's legal battles which he is about to face.

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