Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for now>.
Sbd posts this:

"Sidney Powell Speaks in TX on What Happens After the Election Fraud Is Exposed

Attorney Sidney Powell spoke at the For God and Country Rally this Memorial Day Weekend in Dallas, Texas.

During her on-stage discussion, Sidney Powell was asked about what will happen if several states overturn their 2020 presidential election results.

"We’re definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned. But there’s never been one at the presidential level where everybody will jump to point out. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, though. There’s always the first case. And as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America. So, it’s going to have to be dealt with. It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day is set. (cheers) And Biden is told to move out of the White House. And President Trump should be moved back in."

The "stage" continues to be set."


This lying/repulsive cu nt who has already been exposed, should worry about the lawsuit she herself is

going to face with her obvious lies about the voting machines, etc., then trying to spread more lies

and things which have LESS than zero chance of occurring like Trump being reinstated.

It sure as hell isn't going to be the SCOTUS as they have already told Trump and his legal team in so many

words to go fuck themselves and stop bothering us multiple times right after the Election.

I assure you that six months or more later they are not going to rely on some questionable audits done by questionable and

biased people with ZERO experience to overturn the results.

If she is hinting at armed insurrection but using different terms so as not to be arrested, good luck to

her as she and her QAnon/fascist supporters will be vaporized on the spot if they should try such a stunt.

God is more powerful than Satan, meaning that this bitch and others of her ilk will ultimately get their just due, and suffice it

to say, it won't be "a day at the beach!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

<header class="entry-header" style="margin-top: 0px;">Would An Actual Potato Be Better At Hosting ‘Reliable Sources’ Than Brian Stelter?

MAY 14, 2021 By Kylee Zempel


CNN’s left-wing media pundit Brian Stelter managed to set a yearly low yet again as viewers continue to ignore "Reliable Sources." Stelter has delivered eight-straight telecasts that failed to draw one million viewers and the May 23 edition hit rock bottom when it averaged only 763,000 viewers for a 2021 low.


Nov 11, 2007
CNN’s left-wing media pundit Brian Stelter managed to set a yearly low yet again as viewers continue to ignore "Reliable Sources." Stelter has delivered eight-straight telecasts that failed to draw one million viewers and the May 23 edition hit rock bottom when it averaged only 763,000 viewers for a 2021 low.


To be honest, I don't watch him either because he is BORING, and I don't watch/listen to any show, sporting event(eg soccer), political speaker, etc.

if the person/show/material doesn't hold my interest-it is that simple!!

Nov 11, 2007
To be honest, I don't watch him either because he is BORING, and I don't watch/listen to any show, sporting event(eg soccer), political speaker, etc.

if the person/show/material doesn't hold my interest-it is that simple!!

Your post and my commentary actually reminds me of a story about somebody on the Republican side, namely Bill Buckley.

To cut to the chase, my late mom was VERY intellectual and highly educated, and pretty far to the left in her overall thinking

(a lot more than mine).

Anyways she had tremendous respect for Bill Buckley and hardly ever missed his Firing Show over the period it was on the air

and which ended in1999.

She obviously totally disagreed with him on just about everything, but listened to him because she found what he said

was very intellectually stimulating.

I also started watching on some kind of a regular basis over the last 10-15 years of his show for the same reasons my mom did.

The overall point is that you don't necessarily have to believe/agree with someone in order to listen to what that person has to say,

or in the case of some, NOT listen to him/her because you do agree with that person, which is true with Stelter.

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing re: the previous post about Bill Buckley and my mom.

My mom was quite opinionated in her views as is the case with many people.

Anyways to cut to the chase, I still vividly remember the remark made about Bill Buckley when I was a lot younger and was not into politics that much.

Her remark was referring to Bill Buckley was and I am quoting, "How can a man that brilliant be so wrong about everything!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing I am going to say here is for the poster "doctors" who are warning people about Armageddon consequences for folks who get the vaccine

based on the advice the "evil" doctors, governmental agencies, and pharmacy companies and of course the ds, is to ask themselves this question:

Did they or any other staunch Republicans criticize Rush Limbaugh for telling people NOT to worry about the dangers of perils of smoking or even

second hand smoke, and if not why not?

Also, it seems to me that after "Dr" Rush passed away, most if not all of the commentary I heard from Trump supporters and republicans what a great

person he was, blah, blah, blah, but NEVER stating that it was wrong and irresponsible for him to say what he did about smoking, and that

in fact his arrogance about this issue is what caused his death!!

All commentary either agreeing or disagreeing with me with reasons is of course welcome.

Nov 11, 2007
Several things to be added to last post:

1) Rush knowingly mocked the most opinions of some of the most highly respected physicians in the country with his commentary about smoking.

2) Since lots of posters in this forum say that folks are pushing this vaccine for monetary purposes, I ask them whether they think it is within

the realm of possibility that Rush Limbaugh said what he said at least partially to protect the interests of the big tobacco companies, some of

which may have been direct or indirect sponsors of his show!!

In short, lets get some balance into this discussion before the one way pointing of fingers!!

Nov 11, 2007
I want to add this to last post:

If as sbd claims that HCL is the only "vaccine" he has ever got, and that is what he meant when he said that everyone is getting it, then my question is

that since Trump is obviously aware that millions of people have already gotten the vaccine and NOT the HCL, then how come he doesn't clarify

what he meant so that others who are contemplating the vaccine realize that Trump means HCL only.

In essence this post and the one right before it are great examples of sbd's FAILED modus operandi over the last 15 months:

1) It is because he has been caught in a boldfaced lie hundreds of lies as documented in post 1288.

2) It is because as stated above in the beginning of post I am writing now that there is no logic and/or consistency to what he has stated

(not just here but since he started his thread), but in general a total muddled up mess which is also replete with contradictions,

and one which works as well as someone trying to mow their lawn in the middle of winter when there is a ongoing blizzard and already

a foot of snow on the ground! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
CNN Hires Trump As News Anchor To Recover Lost Viewers

ATLANTA , GA—In order to bring back the viewers it's lost since the 2020 election ended, CNN is rehiring the biggest draw for its audience: former President Trump, who will host all the news segments every night on prime time.

What we've discovered since the election is people only watched our station to see Trump, so we're hiring him to anchor our programs," said Bob CNN, owner and founder of the cable news station. "This will finally get our ratings out of the dump."

During his first night on the job, Trump simply yelled about election fraud for two hours. "Very sad, very pathetic, worst-run election in history, maybe ever! Worse than North Korea!" he said to an audience of millions, CNN's largest in many months. "Frankly, any ballot cast against me is suspect. You really believe that someone would walk into an election booth and look at me and Sleepy Joe and choose Sleepy Joe? No. Can't happen. Fake news. Not good. Sad!"

After this, the rest of the hosts for the night just yelled about Trump yelling about election fraud.

According to Trump, the deal was "the biggest deal in the history of television, maybe ever." Rumors indicate that Trump was given a majority share in the company, billions of dollars, and unlimited Diet Coke. According to insiders, the headquarters of CNN will also be moved to Mar-a-Lago as part of the deal.

After the announcement, CNN's ratings skyrocketed, and they're finally outperforming the WNBA, soccer, and Saturday Night Live.



Nov 11, 2007
CNN Hires Trump As News Anchor To Recover Lost Viewers

ATLANTA , GA—In order to bring back the viewers it's lost since the 2020 election ended, CNN is rehiring the biggest draw for its audience: former President Trump, who will host all the news segments every night on prime time.

What we've discovered since the election is people only watched our station to see Trump, so we're hiring him to anchor our programs," said Bob CNN, owner and founder of the cable news station. "This will finally get our ratings out of the dump."

During his first night on the job, Trump simply yelled about election fraud for two hours. "Very sad, very pathetic, worst-run election in history, maybe ever! Worse than North Korea!" he said to an audience of millions, CNN's largest in many months. "Frankly, any ballot cast against me is suspect. You really believe that someone would walk into an election booth and look at me and Sleepy Joe and choose Sleepy Joe? No. Can't happen. Fake news. Not good. Sad!"

After this, the rest of the hosts for the night just yelled about Trump yelling about election fraud.

According to Trump, the deal was "the biggest deal in the history of television, maybe ever." Rumors indicate that Trump was given a majority share in the company, billions of dollars, and unlimited Diet Coke. According to insiders, the headquarters of CNN will also be moved to Mar-a-Lago as part of the deal.

After the announcement, CNN's ratings skyrocketed, and they're finally outperforming the WNBA, soccer, and Saturday Night Live.


Lol-I really mean it!!

Anyone/anything which uses the Andy Borowitz type sarcasm/humor no matter who or what it reflects upon is always welcome in this thread!!

Thanks for posting!!

Nov 11, 2007
Lol-I really mean it!!

Anyone/anything which uses the Andy Borowitz type sarcasm/humor no matter who or what it reflects upon is always welcome in this thread!!

Thanks for posting!!

Speaking of Andy, hopefully this gem will bring a few smiles and chuckles to anyone out there who checks out this link:

Trump Orders Kevin McCarthy to Go to Prison in His Place | The New Yorker

ps For me the skit they do on SNL at the beginning is usually the best and funniest part of the show.

Nov 11, 2007
Trump takes credit for vaccine rollout: 'One of the greatest miracles of the ages' | TheHill

Since sbd continues to claim that the only "vaccine" which Trump has approved of HCL, and this is in fact what he got rather than the one which

is being used and the one which he is taken credit for, perhaps he(sbd) can SPECIFICALLY explain this 100% contradiction based on what Trump

himself has stated.

And sorry-simply saying that what is stated in this article is a lie contrived by the MSM doesn't fly!!

This is just one of too many to count glaring examples of sbd's trying to pull the wool over the eyes of people with insulting lies like this one.

If anyone actually believes what sbd claims about what Trump meant, then based on that alone that person qualifies as a member of Trump's Basket of

Deplorables along with choice adjectives the likes of dumb, stupid, naive, brain-dead just to name a few.

Nov 11, 2007

It has just be reported by a source who simply goes by the name sbdthat his own source have told him that Santa Claus

has been arrested and is on his way to GITMO to be arraigned and tried for broken promises to children and also because roughly a dozen women

who have video evidence that he sexually abused and/or groped them while on his annual trek to deliver presents to children all over the world.

According to sbd, his sources have stated that while the details of the part about the broken promises of children are still sketchy, word has it that a

class action suit was filed on behalf of millions of children, he latter who Santa promised all kind of goodies and toys if they behaved well prior to his visit.

The suit contends that while the kids did behave like good little boys and girls are supposed to, when they reached down into their stockings the

next day, to their dismay instead of the toys and other things they were promised, all they found was an photo of Santa Claus and Donald Trump

holding hands with a quote/caption from Trump claiming that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen from him, and until that was resolved

in his favor, there would be no further "Christmas Gifts."

According to sbd's sources, Trump also told the children in separate attached note to the photo, that they should show all this to their parents

and encourage them to take whatever action was needed including violence if neeed to restore Trump as the POTUS.

If and Wen this occurred, all of the sexual charges would be dismissed, Santa would would be released from GITMO, and that he and his reindeer

would make a special non Christmas Eve journey to kids all over the world, and would deliver to them everything which they were originally promised

and a lot more!

We will bring you more on this story as it breaks!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go on this Memorial Day Edition of "One Year Ago," which as always is a representative, "spot-on" and" brilliant" post from our

"honored" QAnon Rep. in our forum, SBD!! stated exactly one year ago to the day.

In reality the posts on that are no different from any other day including today, namely a complete bore and

compilation of lies, projections, failed predictions and conspiracy theories and sbd's hopes and desires and to be blunt, 100% bullshit.

Anyways with all of that said the one I selected has to do with Obamagate and the usual stated or

implied "its all over for them," "they are desperate," blah, blah, blah.

Looking back in retrospect from today to that day, all I can to say re: what sbd said and using sbd's hero and mentor's words/namely Donald Trump to

describe what actually has occurred over the last 365 days is "I don't think so!"

Without further adieu I give you "Chairman" sbd's noteworthy post of that day.

It is post 1876 and is found on page 76 in IVU Thread and is from the date 5/31/20.

"They know what's coming!

They will go to any extreme to try to stop it.

But nothing can stop what's coming!


Nov 11, 2007
One other thing for now:

The next major holiday after today is as you all know July 4th, Independence Day, and also a day which sbd has stated will be significant for many years

to come with the implication being that Trump will have been officially reinstated and recognized as the POTUS on that day if not before, and which

will officially mark the day of Trump's "Return" which sbd has proclaimed and predicted since Trump LOST the Election on November 3.

If you are not aware already, if Trump has NOT be reinstated and officially recognized as the POTUS by July 4th, the day will mark the Day of RETURN

of savage1 to sbd's IVU Thread to "gently" and "politely" remind sbd of his failed prediction and to "politely request" for either an admission

of a failure of this prediction and/or an explanation.

Back to being serious, if there is neither of above, lets just say that he and his thread are going to know in a figurative sense what a tornado feels like

on a daily basis.

Even if he chooses to put yours truly on ignore(if he hasn't done so already), the fact is that most others have not.

In short, it will be quite evident to him and/or anyone reading what he has to say why I chose the name of "savage" as my posting name.

Sbd has used the phrase "God wins" a number of times to try to project his overall feelings.

I am going to use the same phrase, and also that Divine Justice will be meted out beginning on July 4th, which will simply add on to

what the other REAL Patriots have done so far in his thread!!

In all fairness, if Trump is officially declared the POTUS on or before July 4th, yours truly will instead congratulate sbd for his

rightful predictions(the first EVER lol),and then move on.

Nov 11, 2007

9 Republicans not named Trump who could run in 2024 (

Lets just say that if there was a reasonable betting line on Trump vs the field of other folks cited above as to who the nominee is going to be in 2024,

and the actual naming of the nominee wasn't so far out, I would make the biggest bet in my life on the "field."

Imo it might even be someone else who hasn't emerged yet.

I have stated the many reasons before why I believe as I do, and now feel even stronger than ever that it will not be Trump, who imo gets a 5% tops

chance of getting the nomination.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The only thing stopping Trump from running in ‘24 is his health . Save your money .

He runs people ragged half his age with no signs of slowing down like the stumbling stuttering 78 year old in office now

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing stopping Trump from running in ‘24 is his health . Save your money .

He runs people ragged half his age with no signs of slowing down like the stumbling stuttering 78 year old in office now

Let me tell you something if you don't already know re: health.

It is one thing to day that there are no signs of slowing down if one is in his 20, 30's 40's 50's and even 60's.

When one gets to be in their 70's and especially mid to late 70's, things can and many times re: one's health can start to go downhill as

well as one's overall perspective in life.

Having been there/done that, I can obviously speak only for myself, but still, four years from now for someone Trump's age

is simply not the same equivalent for him in importance as it is for say someone a bit younger.

And yes to be fair, you did allude to the question of Trump's health.

However what you didn't mention and imo should have is that most of the people I included in the group I cited are quite a bit younger than

Trump, meaning that for obvious reasons that in the eyes of many voters who are also a lot younger than Trump, that these voters

will be much more likely to relate to and empathize with these younger candidates.

When you couple that with the fact that Trump is just going to fall further and further out of the limelight because he is out of office,

and imo because of his legal problems, for me it is a highly unlikely that Trump will even be a candidate let along be the chosen nominee.

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