Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
  • Fighting BDS and Anti-Semitism: While the anti-Semites seek to fight Israel everywhere, from the battlefield to social media and economically via boycotts, divestments, and sanctions (BDS) movement, President Trump had the courage to stand up to their hatred and by Executive Order allowed the Federal government to withhold funds from colleges, universities, and other educational institutions that support anti-Semitism, including by BDS. Further, President Trump has supported Israel’s “absolute right to self-defense” whether from missile attack, terror tunnels, economic terror or any source.
Oooooh !

Nov 11, 2007
In other news of the day Matt Gaetz trying to divert attention from his accusation of sex crimes against under aged girls, spoke out and advocated killing

if necessary to forward his agenda.

Unfortunately Matt's Penis is still at large after its escape from GITMO and could not comment whether it agrees or not with its former host's statements.

Matt Gaetz Suggests Shooting People In Silicon Valley For 'Cancel' Culture | HuffPost

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Former President Donald Trumplost more than a billion dollars of his personal wealth during the four years he served in the White House,

The reported financial hit caused Trump to drop nearly 300 spots on the Forbes billionaire rankings from 1,001st to 1,299th place. Trump's estimated worth was $3.5 billion when he took office in January 2017, and it now sits at $2.4 billion, according to Forbes.

During Trump’s time in office, he did not collect a paycheck and instead donated his quarterly salary to various groups, departments, and organizations such as the National Park Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Because he was in it all for himself . We won’t even get into dealing with the greatest political witch hunt in history that every left wing Anti Trump media outlet has been kicked in the nuts for either being complicit or dumb enough to believe it . LMFAO !

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
And then there’s the story of meth mouth who along with his dopey uncles who have profited immensely off of the Biden name .

But Joe doesn’t know ANYTHING about meth mouth’s overseas business ventures .

:missingte 83k a month .

Hunter Biden’s Ukraine salary was cut two months after Joe Biden left office

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden’s son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director’s agreement and informed him “the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate.”


Nov 11, 2007
Former President Donald Trumplost more than a billion dollars of his personal wealth during the four years he served in the White House,

The reported financial hit caused Trump to drop nearly 300 spots on the Forbes billionaire rankings from 1,001st to 1,299th place. Trump's estimated worth was $3.5 billion when he took office in January 2017, and it now sits at $2.4 billion, according to Forbes.

During Trump’s time in office, he did not collect a paycheck and instead donated his quarterly salary to various groups, departments, and organizations such as the National Park Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Because he was in it all for himself . LMFAO !

You missed the point entirely, which has to do with such SELF-SERVING things he did, such as doing token things for Blacks to get their votes even

though he is a DOCUMENTED racist, the same as for Jewish People and most importantly self-serving lies to the American Public about

the severity of the Virus(Thank you Bob Woodward) and on and on and on.

What you did cite though are clear examples of of his many business failures of late and over the years.

I wonder if his daddy didn't stake him to 400 million dollars or whatever the figure was, if Donnie would have achieved the financial success

he did prior to becoming POTUS.

Off to lunch, and to use sbd's words, "there is nothing which can stop this from happening!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
GTFOH ! You’re insulting blacks by saying he used them by achieving the lowest unemployment rate ever for them pre pandemic you delusional clown .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hunter Biden brought VP Joe to dinner with shady business partners

Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together,” Pozharskyi wrote on April 17, 2015.

“It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.”

I don’t know anything about meth mouth’s business dealings .

Sleepy Joe

And they lied and they lied and they lied about the laptop saying it was Russian disinformation .


Nov 11, 2007
GTFOH ! You’re insulting blacks by saying he used them by achieving the lowest unemployment rate ever for them pre pandemic you delusional clown .

The only sure thing which will never change is that by your criterion and standards you think Trump is the greatest POTUS of all time, whereas

by mine, he is by far the WORST(which includes what he is as a "human being").

Logically this means that we will never agree on anything.

I won't be back until sometime this evening to discuss this link, as I have more important financial matters to attend to.

I leave with you with this to consider:

Fact check: Trump’s policies for Black Americans - POLITICO

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
From your trash article .

Black unemployment

In West Salem, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, the president claimed the unemployment rate for African Americans had reached the lowest level ever recorded “in a short period of time.”

Under the Trump administration, the Black unemployment rate steadily improved, dropping to 5.4 percent at its bottom in August 2019, compared to 7.5 percent when Trump took office in January 2017.
But that achievement is attributable to economic growth that was already revving when Trump took office, economists say.

It was a continuation under the community organizer’s economy .

It’s just too damn easy !


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Former House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, once a rising star of the Republican Party who lost the battle over the soul of the GOP to Donald Trump, will urge his party Thursday to end its preoccupation with the former president and revive its commitment to conservative values .


Another has been establishment Republican who thinks he’s still relevant .

Incoming fire from Trump in 3...2...1

Donald J. Trump

9:23am May 28, 2021

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue.

Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did.

It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country.

As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!



RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


A BLM flag is seen outside the US Embassy in Cambodia on Tuesday. The seven-page State Department document gave authorization to 'diplomatic and consular posts' to fly the organization's flag and use its name in messages and speeches

What a disgrace !

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors called for the “end” of Israel at a 2015 panel hosted a Harvard Law School.

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing which I can't decide is who a better example of being a pathological liar, Trump or sbd.

I am going to give the nod to Trump because 1) it is unimaginable how anyone could top 30,000 plus DOCUMENTED lies and/or misleading

statements over a four year period;2) because sbd is much younger than Trump, and is his protege (and also worships him)

and hasn't yet mastered all of the tricks of the trade.

Back much later in the evening.

Have fun! lol

7 Signs and Symptoms That Help Identify a Pathological Liar - Psychologenie

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd today in post 11120:

"This thread was started in March of 2020 based on the fact that C-19 was an UNnatural virus and biological weapon.

The evidence is now being shown to the world more and more each day.

The virus and deadly shots are the most sinister things the world has ever seen.


The most notable thing about this quote is that as usual sbd just shows that he either forgets what he has

said earlier and on multiple times(or not caring), as well as trying to poison the well along with a statement which has ZERO basis.

I am referring to this specifically:

"The virus and deadly shots are the most sinister things the world has ever seen."

The only problem with the first part is that on too many times to count sbd has dismissed the Virus as a hoax, has stated that in reality very few people(a

time fraction)have really died from it, and stated that it was contrived for political purposes.

But here he calls it and the vaccination "sinister."

Perhaps the word "sinister" has a different definition in his dictionary and/or that of QAnons, OR just as likely, and indication as I have documented

many times, that sbd really has no clue as to present a case which is consist with what he has stated before, which in many cases including

here contradicts, is illogical and creates paradoxes which need to be clarified and explained.

This is one clear example of hundreds of statements I and others have called him out on over the last 15 months with NEVER an explanation but

rather only typical name calling and insults to the person who has presented stuff like this to him

I will let you decide what this says about him.

The last part about the "deadly shots" fails because there is ZERO evidence of that statistically speaking, other than to say that it is the same with

any kind of other shot and/or medicine, the latter which also carries warnings, namely that there is always a SMALL risk.

I don't have the statistics but I assure you a FEW people became ill, had negative side effects or even died because of the Salk Vaccine.

Does that mean is should have never been approved???

The same thing applies here with the vaccine.

Back in a few minutes with today's segment of "One Year Ago."


Nov 11, 2007
Today's segment of "One Year Ago," which goes back to 5/29/20 is basically a continuation of the bullshit, delusions and lies spewed

forth yesterday by sbd re: George Floyd and posted here and about his death being "STAGED," etc for political

purposes. LOL, which is off the scale in intensity!!!

"This is starting to look more and more like a FALSE FLAG and staged event!

Define Projection

Planned. Staged. Coordinated.

Who is this #MinneapolisRiot thug talking to?


9:55 AM · May 29, 2020

Define Projection

Literally the most pathetically staged race-baiting provocation I have ever witnessed.

CNN colludes with Democrat Minnesota governor and local police to stage another racist incident, and who better than a REPORTER while on LIVE TV.


State police in Minnesota arresting Black CNN reporter ⁦while he’s on air, in mid-report.


9:57 AM · May 29, 2020

Define Projection

Attorney Mike Freeman not interested in prosecuting George Floyd killer. @AmyKlobuchar

once let him slide after another race murder.

George Soros bankrolled Ferguson protests.


I bet the dirty cop was told to kill Floyd on camera to spark a destabilizing race war.

JUST IN: Prosecutors say they won't "rush" charges against officers in George Floyd's death



1. Protesters wearing ear pieces (who are they talking to?)

2. Black CNN reporter arrested (CNN biggest fake news network in world)

3. Attorney "not interested" in prosecuting the killer

4. Governor sits back and watches

4 common themes with false flag events."


Nov 11, 2007
From the toilet, oops I mean mouth(is there really a difference? lol) of sbd's mouth:

"In 4 months the [fake] Biden Administration has destroyed America while executing their mass genocide plan.

And they did it with YOUR money.

How does this make you feel?

Are you ready to WAKE UP and RISE UP yet?"

In addition to the usual contradiction of terms on sbd's of calling Biden a "fake" POTUS while at the same time not explaining how

Biden can be "fake" when in fact he has been in charge since Inauguration Day, there is a some kind of typo or just plain error in last line.

To be politically correct and actually PERSONALLY correct in his case, sbd shouldn't be asking others whether they are "waking up" and "rising up,"

but rather to check underneath his belt and see if his male organ has "woke up" yet or has "risen up" yet.

The latter historically always has arisen when he has posted something in the past in his Walter Mitty World of imagination,

which in turn has led him to believe (using the old EF Hutton with one word changed), that when "sbd talks, people listen"( and in his case, laugh. lol).
The only question is how long does it take in his case after his "member" has arisen for the fruits of his labor to pay off in a physical manner?

ps If you are not quite sure what I mean exactly in last line, just think of Michael Jackson's song "Beat it!" lol


Nov 11, 2007
This article probably belongs to the Political Section, but since I promised never to post there again, I decided to post it here

Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, this article is directed only at those who enjoy reading, thinking about and possibly

posting about intellectual and psychological issues, etc. some of which is abstract:

Here Is Exactly Why Trump's Supporters Like Him (

Nov 11, 2007
Here is the complete source and link to the laughable bullshit just posted by sbd in 11130:

U.S. Military Arrests Dr. Deborah Birx - Real Raw News

My only comment is that if in fact she is sent to GITMO to face trial and execution if found guilty, while awaiting trial perhaps she can join

also join the cast of characters sent there to help in the search of the Matt Gaetz's penis which is still at large after escaping there several weeks ago.

This lady is extremely intelligent and may have a manner in which to either coax IT to surrender ITSELF or another manner not yet tried to capture IT.

It is too bad the Dr. Birx is elderly.

I say that if she was under 17, she might have a better chance of finding the penis because as we all know, Matt's dick has a penchant for

girls who are underaged.

Actually the more I think about it, perhaps the Government should just send a harem of young, attractive and underaged

girls to GITMO and spread out(including their legs) in the near vicinity of the GITMO area, which might Matt's

penis to "cum" out of hiding, at which time the authorities can apprehend and arrest IT!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


A BLM flag is seen outside the US Embassy in Cambodia on Tuesday. The seven-page State Department document gave authorization to 'diplomatic and consular posts' to fly the organization's flag and use its name in messages and speeches

What a disgrace !

Fly that flag proudly !

Mothers criticize BLM activists for profiting off their dead sons

They are benefiting off the blood of our loved ones, and they won’t even talk to us,” said Rice, who has also blasted activists Shaun King and Tamika Mallory, whose speech at the Grammy Awards in March called on African Americans to “demand the freedom that this land promises.”

Nov 11, 2007
My only comment on sbd's long litany of posts today, all of which simply are a broken record of the same lies, hopes, desires, delusions and paranoia

we have heard over the last 15 months, etc., is that snd realizes that the window on him and his "God," Trump, is closing fast,

meaning that he has decided to use a hockey term, to "flood the zone" out of fear and desperation, with the hopes that the more posts

and lies and bullshit he posts,

the more likely, it will both occur and the more likely folks will believe it INCLUDING HIMSELF!!

For out "One Year Ago" segment we go back to May 30 of 2020 and to post 1855, which is found on page 75.

To be blunt, to the point and in retrospect, it turned out to be just one more of the many 99.9% predictions on his part

which have failed to come true.

Among other things there is an attack on me in post 1867, which I won't dignify by posting.

I suggest that you read it to 1)to see in retrospect how much of it turned out to be :true" and who documented and accurately called things as they

occurred;2) to not the total anger, frustration and desperation even one year ago on sbd's that he had a very competent,

worthy and intelligent adversary, who exposed him for what he is, and that there was nothing he could do on his

part to continue to do what I was/doing.

With that said and without adieu, here we go with post 1855:

"AG Barr Says He Is Confident ‘Justice Will Be Served’ in George Floyd Case

Attorney General William Barr said he is confident that justice would be served in the federal investigation into the death of George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody earlier this week.

Barr added that the DOJ and FBI are “proceeding quickly” in their investigation to determine whether any federal civil rights laws were violated. He said the federal investigation is separate but parallel with the probe being led by state prosecutors who are in the process of determining whether any criminal charges are appropriate under state law.

“Both state and federal officers are working diligently and collaboratively to ensure that any available evidence relevant to these decisions is obtained as quickly as possible,” he said.

“I am confident justice will be served,” Barr said."

"When Barr, the DOJ and the Feds are sent in it's game over.



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