Brilliant Black Woman RIPS LeBitch James a new Butthole on Arbery Case


Sep 21, 2001
If they called the cops.....Who knows maybe it’s a 50/50 chance he gets a racist cop who kills him or not. That’s still way better odds than dealing with these wannabe pigs. Legit, the shooters/thugs look like legitimate pigs. Piggies.

If the police show up - u are correct - it's 50/50 whether he gets shot - if he gets on the ground and allows himself to be handcuffed - he goes to jail and deals with the breaking and entering charge - if he charges the police like he charged this guy - he's getting shot

Sep 21, 2001
“Casing a house to burglarize it” hahahahahahahah. A under construction home you mean. Even if you are a mind reader psychic and that was true, nothing was stolen.

And even if he was....that’s still not enough to shoot him.

Imagine your soon to be neighbors under construction home having a kid walk into it that you don’t know. What would you do? Get your guns and hunt him down like some thugs? Or call the cops and let them handle it. Clearly on foot, cops would question him in a second.

Mobstah, I'm gonna give u another IQ test - u knows the drill - yes's and no's only - OK, homie - was Aubery in the house scoping it out to steal shit?
Feb 6, 2007
How the fuck would I know that? Trespassing if anything from what I’ve seen and read. Nothing was stolen so how the fuck do you want me to come to the conclusion that he was stealing shit? Wtf?

And if it’s trespassing on property that isn’t yours....then you should mind your own business. The fact that it was a underdeveloped home across the street from them gives them the right to call the cops. And that’s it.

Sep 21, 2001
He was up to no good casing a house to burglarize it. Moments later when someone discovers him in the house he takes off. The father and son see him running and have reasonable cause to believe he was committing a burglary. Things spiraled from there. Manslaughter at the most with a small prison sentence. Bottom line, ahmaud put himself in a bad situation and he was up to no good. If he was simply out for a jog he would still be alive. Of course the media mob has everyone convinced he was lynched by white supremacists. That didnt happen. I want to see his running shoes, I want to know where he lived. How close it was to this neighborhood. I want to know where he usually jogs and if in fact he jogs regularly.

It's what happened to a tee - I do not know how the father can be charged with anything - he's a former cop - this is what he spent his life doing - chasing dudes like Aurbery - Mob wont wager cuz he's a talker but I would bet he is convicted of nothing - regarding the son, a defense attorney is going to break down that video and not once do you see a gun pointed at Aubery and it's crystal clear he charged the shooter and went for the gun - not saying this is unreasonable - there is a chance he felt like a cornered dog - it will be left for a jury to determine - me personally, u pull out a gun and I'm running away from u and not towards u - and when you show the jury 50 pics of Aubery all throughout the house it's going to taint their view - no one has sympathy for burglars - still waiting to see that the felony is for tracking this burglar - I haven't seen any video of a gun pointed at Aubery - maybe the guy in the car behind said they were pointing the gun at him

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Mobstah, I'm gonna give u another IQ test - u knows the drill - yes's and no's only - OK, homie - was Aubery in the house scoping it out to steal shit?

How do the white guys know Arbery doesn’t have permission to be in the house?

Sep 21, 2001
How the fuck would I know that? Trespassing if anything from what I’ve seen and read.

And if it’s trespassing on property that isn’t yours....then you should mind your own business. The fact that it was a underdeveloped home across the street from them gives them the right to call the cops. And that’s it.

Homie, u have failed the IQ test

regarding ur statement about minding ur business - like I previously told u - when I see blacks riding a bike while pushing another bike - I do not chase them - I just keep minding my own business - but I know day stealing dem bikes

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
I watched the original video - this guy looks insanely aggresissive - throwing punches - I just can't see someone having a gun and me charging at them - just can't see it - everyone reacts different though - one thing is for certain - if he get's the gun out of the son's hand - the son is is getting shot down like a dog in the street - that I know - I still think they were trying to detain him until the police came and he just wasn't having any part of that

In the video, Arbery chooses a path around the truck to avoid the guy with the shotgun. If his intent was to charge the gunman, why did he go around the truck? Why not straight at the gunman?

Sep 21, 2001
So you give a flip answer to a serious question? That’s your best explanation?

because ur question belittles my intelligence level - so u get an answer like that - now, how do they know he did not have permission? because he would not have run from these two - he sees they've caught him - if he had permission he would have said, "oh, this is my friends house , etc."

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
because ur question belittles my intelligence level - so u get an answer like that - now, how do they know he did not have permission? because he would not have run from these two - he sees they've caught him - if he had permission he would have said, "oh, this is my friends house , etc."

Your “common sense” and assumptions about behavior won’t play well in a court room when these two guys charged with murder start explaining why they grabbed guns to chase a black guy who *maybe* committed a misdemeanor trespass, because it’s really gonna sound like racism.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
because ur question belittles my intelligence level - so u get an answer like that - now, how do they know he did not have permission? because he would not have run from these two - he sees they've caught him - if he had permission he would have said, "oh, this is my friends house , etc."

Common sense and real life experience would point to the fact that people walk through houses under construction all the time with no criminal intent. Curiosity is what is common, not crime.

Sep 21, 2001
Your “common sense” and assumptions about behavior won’t play well in a court room when these two guys charged with murder start explaining why they grabbed guns to chase a black guy who *maybe* committed a misdemeanor trespass, because it’s really gonna sound like racism.

Watch that video posted above - and after watching - if you would like - I would like to make a wager - I will take the father is convicted of nothing for a nickel - I'm not sure about the son yet - but I will definitely take the son is not convicted of murder for a nickel too

Sep 20, 2017
These people keep commenting without knowing facts. This is why I said watch the video. They didn't go after him because he is black. He has a history with a gun he was convicted for. The father knew who he was. He was on video multiple times they know of. And a gun and other items just happened to be stolen from the son of the guy who was involved in investigating him. The fact he has been hanging around this neighborhood looking around and those things happened is very suspicious. Trespassing alone is a crime. They probably knew if they didn't catch him the cops would do nothing. And May have committed trespassing? He is on video

Sep 21, 2001
Common sense and real life experience would point to the fact that people walk through houses under construction all the time with no criminal intent. Curiosity is what is common, not crime.

Yeah, I agree - I've done it myself many times - but if someone get's all excited - I stay there and tell them what I'm doing - like I said. watch the video - the father knows Aubery well - he helped prosecute him
Sep 21, 2004
Arbery was committing the crime of "criminal trespass" by being in the building, and if further evidence shows he was there for (another) burglary,
it would be considered a the felony of first degree burglary.


Sep 21, 2001
that video is great - at first I'm thinking he took his clothes off - nope, he didn't change clothes - that's just a different day - there he is breaking in several other times before this time

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