Breonna Taylor's Murder

Sep 21, 2004
Trying to have a respectful conversation here.


Of course that is what the initial POLICE report said...He fired one shot and struck the officer....LoL of course it does dipshit.

LoL keep trying though dipzits...keep trying.

May 27, 2007
I’m not sure about others but I sleep with 2 firearms within my reach...

If my front door gets busted in, in the middle of the night and I am able to get the jump whoever comes through the door first is catching it...

It is hard to blame the guy. I don’t.

Also enfugo could you please respectfully have your boy dipzit calm it down in this thread...

It is a bad look for him...and shows who is instigating what.

I know he needs help so maybe throw him a lifeline.

Trying to have a respectful conversation here.

Stock, FZ is his own man. I don't dictate to him what he should/shouldn't do.

But more important to me is why are you asking me? For the last six or so months, I'd had you on ignore meaning this site hasn't seen any communication to you from me. But you've had plenty to say to me right? Are you going to take some responsibility for acting like that despite me not answering you one time? It's time to squash stuff here. I tried with Johnny Mac...sent him a PM and apologized to him. What did I get back? Nothing. He's not a bigger man. I think you are. That's all.
Sep 21, 2004
Stock, FZ is his own man. I don't dictate to him what he should/shouldn't do.

But more important to me is why are you asking me? For the last six or so months, I'd had you on ignore meaning this site hasn't seen any communication to you from me. But you've had plenty to say to me right? Are you going to take some responsibility for acting like that despite me not answering you one time? It's time to squash stuff here. I tried with Johnny Mac...sent him a PM and apologized to him. What did I get back? Nothing. He's not a bigger man. I think you are. That's all.

The idiot calls me a dipshit twice in his initial response to my one sentence, then says he's trying to have a respectful conversation and tells me to calm down.

You can't make this shit up.

Feb 16, 2016
I will give my worthless 2 cents on this thread....

Based on what folks have posted in the last several months one could think...

1) SheepDeeper dislikes cops

2) Stock supports SheepDeeper more often than not

So when a post appears about a questionable cop shooting....

Imagine if the “klannie” group started posting threads of black on white killings ....


Search warrants go bad and cops get killed doing it by the book.

Mistakes do happen during search warrants.

Once shots are fired, all hell breaks loose and yes there are trigger happy cops and clearly bad shooters.

We need sports so we can spend more time in the sports forums and less in the Offshore/Politics forums...:103631605

Dec 21, 2007
I will give my worthless 2 cents on this thread....

Based on what folks have posted in the last several months one could think...

1) SheepDeeper dislikes cops

2) Stock supports SheepDeeper more often than not

So when a post appears about a questionable cop shooting....

Imagine if the “klannie” group started posting threads of black on white killings ....


Search warrants go bad and cops get killed doing it by the book.

Mistakes do happen during search warrants.

Once shots are fired, all hell breaks loose and yes there are trigger happy cops and clearly bad shooters.

We need sports so we can spend more time in the sports forums and less in the Offshore/Politics forums...:103631605
Timmy I can agree with this for certain. Cops have VERY difficult jobs...I respect them.

Do I think there are bad cops out there of course...but I 100% believe there are far more good cops than bad.

Serving warrants and domestic violence calls are 2 highly dangerous situations for police to be in.

More times than not in law enforcement and the military whatever your first plan of attack is it goes to shit and the situation changes quickly and you have to adjust.

I was not trying to blame this on bad cops etc...I just thought it was a tragic case and feel whether the BF shot the cop or not he should not be charged. That is the injustice I see in the situation aside from the obvious killing of the innocent Taylor.

And I 100% agree we NEED sports back...Almost as bad as we needed it after 9/11.

Like you said if not for anything but something else to discuss here than C19. It’s been beat to death.

Oct 10, 2010
Just to be Clear there is no evidence that she was Murdered, Killed yes but Murdered You sound like CNN

Dec 21, 2007
Just to be Clear there is no evidence that she was Murdered, Killed yes but Murdered You sound like CNN
CNN...LoL that’s laughable. Not a fan.

Killed or murdered I know the difference and could agree with either.

The one word that truly matters in her tragic passing is INNOCENT.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
Conflicting accounts on what happened. Who knows but an innocent person was killed, is what matters.

To me the police are negligent as they did not try to determine if the person they were looking for actually lived there or not
Usually good police policy is they scout out the house and see if that person shows up at all
Obviously they did not do that in this case, just said he lives here and the judge gave them a no knock warrant which is ridiculous
Judge dropped the ball big time here also

I do not know how you investigate this to find out what really happened when you will get multiple stories and versions
I am going to say the cops will protect each other with their story, whether they are telling the truth or have changed it some

Yes, cops do that all the time.

In the end it was very shoddy work by the police and judge.
I would expect a very large wrongful death lawsuit filed and payment without trial...

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Stock, FZ is his own man. I don't dictate to him what he should/shouldn't do.

But more important to me is why are you asking me? For the last six or so months, I'd had you on ignore meaning this site hasn't seen any communication to you from me. But you've had plenty to say to me right? Are you going to take some responsibility for acting like that despite me not answering you one time? It's time to squash stuff here. I tried with Johnny Mac...sent him a PM and apologized to him. What did I get back? Nothing. He's not a bigger man. I think you are. That's all.

I ignored your PM on purpose. Sending a PM to a total stranger is a little weird in my book, so I choose not to partake.

But as far as being a bigger man, you fail. You are already back to calling me names after you sent the PM “apologizing.” I guess you weren’t sincere! I chose correctly to ignore you because you act like a child. Carry on, but stop name-dropping me.

Dec 21, 2007
Conflicting accounts on what happened. Who knows but an innocent person was killed, is what matters.

To me the police are negligent as they did not try to determine if the person they were looking for actually lived there or not
Usually good police policy is they scout out the house and see if that person shows up at all
Obviously they did not do that in this case, just said he lives here and the judge gave them a no knock warrant which is ridiculous
Judge dropped the ball big time here also

I do not know how you investigate this to find out what really happened when you will get multiple stories and versions
I am going to say the cops will protect each other with their story, whether they are telling the truth or have changed it some

Yes, cops do that all the time.

In the end it was very shoddy work by the police and judge.
I would expect a very large wrongful death lawsuit filed and payment without trial...
The ball was absolutely dropped somewhere whether it was the detectives seeking the warrant or the judge signing the “no knock”...and it ended up costing an innocent woman her life. I can’t really fault the cops who were actually serving the warrant in a way because a lot of times they are given limited information and when shots get fired and shit hits the fan they are trained to react. But those same officers also do a lot of training for that situation where there are multiple people in front of them and some are just innocent bystanders.

This is what gets me though...You have people who are saying that the 2 white guys in GA were perfectly within their right to chase and gun down someone not being law enforcement just normal citizens...that’s ok to some and lawful.

But cops busting in your front door of your own home with guns drawn in the dead of night while you are asleep and you get arrested and charged with attempted murder because you fired a shot when the guy truly thought his life was in danger.

I am not trying to make this about race because I don’t think it matters in either case.

I just find it funny that it took months of outrage to get the 2 guys charged but the guy who thought he was defending his own life in his own home is charged and hauled to jail on the spot.

Makes you wonder if something more was in play in both cases and law enforcement is trying to cover their own in both cases.

May 27, 2007
I ignored your PM on purpose. Sending a PM to a total stranger is a little weird in my book, so I choose not to partake.

But as far as being a bigger man, you fail. You are already back to calling me names after you sent the PM “apologizing.” I guess you weren’t sincere! I chose correctly to ignore you because you act like a child. Carry on, but stop name-dropping me.

Haha, we're all strangers here guy. You only choose to engage with like minded guys here which is sad.

What name did I call you? Don't remember that.

Dec 21, 2007
Stock, Go back to sucking MobTroll's dick, you embarrass yourself every time you post.

Next week the case is expected to be turned over to the Kentucky's AG office to determine if charges will be filed against any of the officers. Along with the FBI and US attorney's office.

I honestly do not expect any charges to be filed against them...

Do some reading up on the three officers as well...All three had been cited and reprimanded in their careers from excessive force to lying in field reports...They also all three had commendations in their career.

But ALL charges need to be dropped against the BF...The three officers were in "plainclothes" when they busted in their front door in the middle of the night on a "no knock" flimsy warrant...He was scared and was 100% defending his life.

Absolutely no drugs or any evidence of any type of criminal activity was found inside the apartment...

If I am such an idiot sir...please give us what your opinion and thoughts are on this case.
Sep 21, 2004
Next week the case is expected to be turned over to the Kentucky's AG office to determine if charges will be filed against any of the officers. Along with the FBI and US attorney's office.

I honestly do not expect any charges to be filed against them...

Do some reading up on the three officers as well...All three had been cited and reprimanded in their careers from excessive force to lying in field reports...They also all three had commendations in their career.

But ALL charges need to be dropped against the BF...The three officers were in "plainclothes" when they busted in their front door in the middle of the night on a "no knock" flimsy warrant...He was scared and was 100% defending his life.

Absolutely no drugs or any evidence of any type of criminal activity was found inside the apartment...

If I am such an idiot sir...please give us what your opinion and thoughts are on this case.

I pretty much agree with everything you said in this thread. Except when you said that no officer was shot. When I pointed that out
to you, you started calling me a dipshit - while out of the other side of your mouth saying you were trying for respectful conversation.

Then when I pointed out Walker's own lawyer admitted that Walker did indeed shoot the officer, you continued
your attack on me posting stupid memes.

That pretty much sums it up. I can be civil, when people aren't attacking me in ignorance, and acting like hypocritical ass-clowns.

Dec 21, 2007
I pretty much agree with everything you said in this thread. Except when you said that no officer was shot. When I pointed that out
to you, you started calling me a dipshit - while out of the other side of your mouth saying you were trying for respectful conversation.

Then when I pointed out Walker's own lawyer admitted that Walker did indeed shoot the officer, you continued
your attack on me posting stupid memes.

That pretty much sums it up. I can be civil, when people aren't attacking me in ignorance, and acting like hypocritical ass-clowns.
Point taken I understand where you are coming from...

I think our misunderstanding was whether or not a cop got shot...I will clear what I said up.

There is no arguing that the BF unknowingly fired his weapon first at the front door...He did...I never said he "did not" shoot.

What I said was it is being investigated whether the 1 shot he took struck the officer or if the officer was struck by friendly fire.

The police initial report states the BF fired first and struck the officer and they returned fire. If the state's AG, the US Attorney's office, and the FBI all come back after their investigations and say the BF struck the officer then I can not argue that.

My whole point in this situation is 1 innocent life was taken for absolutely no reason and another person's life is being ruined because he thought he was doing the right thing when his life was in danger. It was absolutely HORRENDOUS investigative work on the part of the detectives that led to this entire tragic situation.

Why are the police being held up and backed as heroic for getting shot and were absolutely in the wrong killing an innocent woman and were about to walk if the issue was not brought to the public attention, yet the normal everyday man who was defending his life and home is being charged with attempted murder of a police officer? How is this right?

I am sure when all investigations are done more info may come to light and could change the way I view this situation...

Just curious though... You live in the great state of Texas and rightful so love their firearms...What if the local police happen to get the address wrong on a warrant and "no knock" you or your neighbors door...bust in, in plain clothes and mask with guns drawn...what happens there in Texas?
Sep 21, 2004
Point taken I understand where you are coming from...

I think our misunderstanding was whether or not a cop got shot...I will clear what I said up.

There is no arguing that the BF unknowingly fired his weapon first at the front door...He did...I never said he "did not" shoot.

What I said was it is being investigated whether the 1 shot he took struck the officer or if the officer was struck by friendly fire.

The police initial report states the BF fired first and struck the officer and they returned fire. If the state's AG, the US Attorney's office, and the FBI all come back after their investigations and say the BF struck the officer then I can not argue that.

My whole point in this situation is 1 innocent life was taken for absolutely no reason and another person's life is being ruined because he thought he was doing the right thing when his life was in danger. It was absolutely HORRENDOUS investigative work on the part of the detectives that led to this entire tragic situation.

Why are the police being held up and backed as heroic for getting shot and were absolutely in the wrong killing an innocent woman and were about to walk if the issue was not brought to the public attention, yet the normal everyday man who was defending his life and home is being charged with attempted murder of a police officer? How is this right?

I am sure when all investigations are done more info may come to light and could change the way I view this situation...

Just curious though... You live in the great state of Texas and rightful so love their firearms...What if the local police happen to get the address wrong on a warrant and "no knock" you or your neighbors door...bust in, in plain clothes and mask with guns drawn...what happens there in Texas?

Thanks for the civil response.

I agree that the this incident was a cluster-fuck from beginning to end... From what I can tell, I think the charges against Walker should be dropped. And,
punishment should be doled out to the cops that came in blazing.

Not sure how to answer your Texas question, I've never heard of it happening. These "no-knock" warrants seem like a disaster waiting to happen.

Dec 21, 2007
We need more Micah X Johnson's........
Totally disagree with that statement...

Johnson had serious mental issues...and was a coward for ambushing police...but like karma always does he got what he deserved.

Unjustified killings of civilians or police officers is just disgusting.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
In these police shooting cases, why don’t we ever have one where the police come right out and admit wrong-doing from the start? Is there never an incident where the police look back and say, “Wow, we totally fucked up and this is 100% our fault?”

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