Baby killing is a near and dear to the loony left's heart, therefore it should be a felony to perform an abortion. No exceptions.
Oklahoma got it right.
The modern loony Democrat left:
homos and trannys
anti-free market
anti-police racists
govt dressing up as Santa in exchange for more votes from soup kitchen freeloaders, welfare queens and bureaucratic trough feeders
the "climate change" cult
anti-Second Amendment nazis
illegal aliens
appeasing our enemies and undermining our allies
Yeah, sounds like a totally reasonable party open to logical debate and compromise.
There are plenty stable married women who dislike the base, what about the single non moms? Do you think they are lining up to vote trump? What about the college students. I find it funny that you think that many single moms are "abusing the system." This is the mentality and one reason the right won'twin. It's not always the candidates who influences a voter, it can be the people they know. I wouldn't talk to a group of young single women if I were you cause if they all aren't voting Hilary by now they would be.
So 20 million is a score of millions and at most 30m women voted Repub in 2012
You seriously do great math with tax bone up on your political hyperbole
There are plenty stable married women who dislike the base, what about the single non moms? Do you think they are lining up to vote trump? What about the college students. I find it funny that you think that many single moms are "abusing the system." This is the mentality and one reason the right won'twin. It's not always the candidates who influences a voter, it can be the people they know. I wouldn't talk to a group of young single women if I were you cause if they all aren't voting Hilary by now they would be.
my statement stands on it's own, complete with links to exit polling data
OK I guess should have wrote score of millions of women fear or want no part of the base. Trump's not going to get them, my point is the mentality that married women's votes should be more important than single ones. You didn't directly say it but it was implied.
You must not have followed Willie closely over the years. He always implies, or in some cases says, that certain demographics votes should count more than others. People that don't earn alot of money should be counted less in his eyes.
OK I guess should have wrote score of millions of women fear or want no part of the base. Trump's not going to get them, my point is the mentality that married women's votes should be more important than single ones. You didn't directly say it but it was implied.
I can only hope that mainstream GOP operatives share Willie's belief that the only reason Democrats have won four of the past six elections is due to the inner city nig vote and the poorly educated.
If so, they will continue to perceive those groups as Lost Causes, continue to peddle their mid 20th-century social attitudes and general xenophobia about anyone that is non-WASP to the rest of the electorate and get trampled in November as females, Hispanics, gays, Jewish and other white progressives just "don't get it"
Very well put.
I am pretty sure the United States female population aged 45 and under is pretty much over with looking to white males aged 60+ giving them life advice.
I guess there are a few who see Donald Trump and say, "there's my leader", but what's the percentage.
I still believe Trump is going to find a reason to quit before November, but if he does carry the GOP banner this fall I got to believe he pulls at most 30% of females nationwide
What percentage see Hillary and say "that's my leader"? I'm guessing less than you think. Honestly, it's astonishing that one of these two is going to take office next year.