I've already answered this question but you still continue to ask it. Should I put it in all caps or something. If you believe the cop, which I don't, then you would have to say that he may have shot the cop. However, you keep living in these worlds of "if's"...but do you ask yourself what if the cop shot as his legs, what if the cop drove away, what if the cop did not pursue brown while he was running in the opposite direction, what if the cop did a lot differently?
I will answer your question a 3rd time and second time in this post. If he gets the gun from the cop he probably shoots him...does he fire 10 shots ya think? But every cop has the same story when they shoot someone unarmed "he was going for my gun"
Ok, so you admit, he would have killed the police officer.......case closed
I would just like for Shub to admit that this thug would have probably killed this cop like you did.......
I said probably but the what if world you live reall doesn't mean anything. Especially since you only ask what if's where the victim is concerned. Plus you have to believe the cop who used the george zimmerman defense of "he was going for my gun"...which I don't. So not only is your case not closed...there is not a case
Had the gentle giant stopped then the Officer would not have had to keep firing.so you 'don't believe the cop'?
Mike's living in a world of what 'ifs'? really? what if the cop IS telling the truth? BUT that what if doesn't count cause YOU don't believe the cop?
why are you hung up on the number of bullets fired? he took a violent blow to the face, fractured orbit. Disoriented and likely scared shitless. Guess he didn't WANT or THINK to drive away. And guess he just kept firing,......RIP
Ummm, how did the gentle giants blood get inside the cruiser and on the officers uniform and service weapon?
You back your arguement up with speculation and dislike (if not hatred) for Police Officers and white men in general.
Werent you saying at one point that the Officer shot the thug in the back?....weren't you also at one point claiming that the thug had his hands up?
vitterd i got to ask are you black or white, because you come off as one of these blacks on tv, that just want to make it a black and white thing.sorry but that what im getting from you.you over look the evidence and just because the kid was black, he was a easy target for a white person to kill....
who knows. Officer possibly was in panic mode.
facts were presented to the jury and they spoke. Hopefully lesson learned for shattered Ferguson-- don't go punching cops. Not a good idea.