Boycott U.S. Products list. Stop the bloodbath.

Sep 21, 2004
so there are people who really don't know the internet is an american invention?

No red herrings Mr. smith!

We are talking about american PRODUCTS, not american INVENTIONS.

big difference.
i am left speachless mr. smith.

you majored in politics?

Saddam is a mass murdurer", lmao, and so has the u.s. leaders have been in nicaragua, el salvador, hondura, serbia, afganistan, irak etc. etc. Who's gonna bomb them? Heh?

That's why years ago a united council of nations came to be formed so there would be some form of control and democratic procedures on "who wacks who", not bypassing it and doing whatever the fvck one likes.


"red herrings", that's way beyond Mr. Smith
man, simplify, simplify, simplify.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I see now... your unwilling to turn off the TV unplug the phone, avoid the internet. Coca Cola is wrong though...makes sense to some I guess. Whatever gets you thru the night. So your anti-American when it suits you, OK your position is clear. I don't see how its rational, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. ( I won't buy American items , but I will use their contributions to the world). Very brave!!! Someone should make a movie about people so half-way in a lukewarm way are committed to their ideals!!!

Jackdee how can you possibly not realize 18 UN resolutions have been passed demanding Saddam disarm? He has ignored them. The US is simply part of a coalition enforcing these resolutions. Very simple. Pay more attention to world events before spouting off
in the future.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
now that I read more of your senseless irrelevance....

you posted where is the US...etc...

afganistan- due to the US their leaders are gone
serbia- Milosivic is in prison in the Hague facing international war crime charges due to the actions of president clinton.

nicaragua- manuel noriega is in US federal prison after we physically removed the drug dealing murering tyrant.

iraq- Saddam is or will soon be dead due to the USA.

despite the non-support of people like you and many countries, the US is working to remove tyrants.

are you really going to continue to reveal your utter ignorance?

I advised to you to disconnect your TV as part of your silly " boycott". I see now you know virtually nothing about world events and clearly don't own a TV. do you at least get a newspaper?

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
its over. you cannot reply with facts because your position is wrong and I have exposed your ignorance and duality.

so buy a greek beer instead of a coke. but don't try to disrespect the intelligence of Americans any further. This war is regrettably neccessary. I don't like killing, but the day of the tyrant is past. Iraq will benefit.

you want to bypass easily avoidable american products but not others. the internet is an american product. it is the fruit of our intelligence and labor. deal with it. you are using an american product. disconnect or lose what little self respect you anti-americans in this thread have left.
alright dick,

1.the internet is a joint effort of many world scientists and the first model was originaly used in the Swiss astrophysics and nuclear lab. Period.

2."your position is wrong and I have exposed your ignorance and duality."
Duality? Wtf, i am foreign speaker and can do better than that in terms of diction.

You are obviously some 15 year old geek or some dumbass belonging to another age group.

and like i said.

my condolences mr. Smith, sleep tight.
mr smith.....don`t hold it against him...i`m 1/4 greek and it can be a profound handicap...i also lean strongly toward socialism....i fight the battle everyday....what appropriate thinking person would choose the moniker "sphincter".....

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
duality- the quality or character of being twofold.

meaning in this inference- you will avoid american products when it suits you, not when you cannot avoid it.

since english is not your first language, I will not hold against you not knowing this word.

your personal attacks ring hollow when I have already destroyed your thin, wrong and misguided attempts to discredit the USA.
microsoft, intel, cisco and dell are chinese companies. the us would be no where without greece and costa rica. i'm about to start a boycott on CR because of RFC and then what will he do for food if the books close down. i'm may start playing at australian books only.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I've already destoyed your silly comments ( they don't qualify as arguments)

I've destoyed any credibility or claim to any sort of sanity you may have once felt.

I've shown your utter ignorance of world events.

now you insist that a 14 year old has done this to you.

have you any idea how increasingly stupid you reveal yourself to be?

quit while your way, way behind. it can only get worse. this is like duke versus eastern idaho farmers a&m, except no mercy rule or end to the game. just a brutal ass-whipping.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
when you wake up in the morning, don't forget to use your PHONE line to connect to the INTERNET.

also don't forget to turn on the TV to see what progress the US has made to enforce the UN mandates and ensure FREEDOM in iraq ( another US invention and product we gave to the world)

oh and also don't forget to honor your "boycott" and don't drink a coke.

silly indeed....

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
also please throw out your computer. don't even try to tell me that it isn't made by a US company ( dell, HP, Gateway et all) or/and does not have components made by US companies on your banned list ( Microsoft, Intel).

If I were 10 years old I could still destroy your silly anti-US ravings.

The more education you have- the more you are likely to understand why the US is enforcing UN resolutions above the objections of a few countries which don't care about human rights and want to sit on their hands.

For every 1 person strongly opposed to the war in the US, 3 strongly support it.

And for Gods sake, do not drink a coke!!!! It will only enrich a US company which sends tax dollars to the US government which in turn supports the removal of murderous dictators who torture and kill millions. We incompetant morons of the world who dislike the USA can't have that!!! Please help us in our insanity!!!

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
another senseless and pointless response. are any of you USA bashers in any way capable of defending your utter stupidity? why are you using the contributions of American people to the world to have electricity, a phone, TV, computer, TV, internet access, cola et all when you despise the country so much? are you really so completely stupid and uneducated that you use these things with no understanding of where they came from and hate that same country for protecting your freedom at the same time?

that red and blue swirly thing under to your name is pretty cool though.

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