Boycott U.S. Products list. Stop the bloodbath.

WTF's a"bblight" is that like a bbgun ?

And dude you were dead serious in that Socrates statement !

It don't matter homes, everyone makes mistakes and we all know a man will eventually have to listen to his wife/GF if he wants his blowjob and food every day !

Nothing wrong with that ! (I don't think you're pussywhipped at all)

GL in the tourney today


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger
Hun Gover
Yo mama buddy!
You're obviously still a child. Someday when you find out about women (I assume you're hetero), you'll truely understand what pussy wipped is! If they only made a clicker for women!

P.S. I'm glad that you know I was serious - please have your mommy re-read the whole thing to you!
my mama ? great !

Guess I got under you're skin huh macho man ?

BTW my sig is meant for people like you who can't controll their anger at one point in their lives !

GL to you in the future


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Lets raise our Jack & Coke and toast to JackDee and his country: NUMBER #1 consumers of feta cheese and anal lube.

GL my friend!


Plus ça change, Plus c'est la même chose

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The conservative comments here, for the most part, look much more like scuds.
Latest poll shows 76% of Americans support the presidents actions. Obvisously we don't give a shit what you leftest think. Shit 12% of the US believe under no circumstance is military action necessary. So that leaves only 12% that just don't get it, NOT BAD.

GET it done.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
frankly jackdee your anti-americanism is so virulent, incorrect and stupid I will not debate you.

its not surprising that such an uneducated opinion has left out an important american product to be boycotted- the internet.

so sign off, *%$^ off and be gone. put your money where your incredibly wrong mouth is and do not connect to the internet again.

Saddam is a mass murdurer. Focus more on his actions past and present and you will start to see why his removal is important.

its so sad to see the state of ignorance in the world that anti-americanism can thrive in the face of all logic.
"an important american product to be boycotted- the internet."


it's very interesting how when i clearly point out how there are "many americans and american things" i like and admire but this boycott is a political stance, you resort to that old redneck adage of labelling.

first of all i was not talking or debating with you.

Secondly you ve are being spoon fed "the antiamericans so and so...", the "commies are out to get us", "the cubans will conquer miami", "bin laden will get us" etc. that any possibility of rational thought has been anihilated by hours and hours of carefully planned corporate propaganda. "Saddam is a mass murdurer", lmao, and so has the u.s. leaders have been in nicaragua, el salvador, hondura, serbia, afganistan, irak etc. etc. Who's gonna bomb them? Heh?

That's why years ago a united council of nations came to be formed so there would be some form of control and democratic procedures on "who wacks who", not bypassing it and doing whatever the fvck one likes.

But that beyond you, you are obviously a dumb fvck, excuse my (boycotted) french but i wont tolerate dumbass non arguments from ignorants, who ve never ever bothered to pick up a history book or a politics one.

You wanna go with your propaganda sheep, alright, but don't waste my time with your unintelligent shit.
you are wrong there radio,

it is as american as it gets, al gore invented it!

P.S. The technology behind the internet originated in the Swiss center for nuclear and astrophysical research, located in Servette(i think).

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I don't know about the internet, but um Thomas Edison...incandescent light bulb.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I frankly have never seen so much stupidity crammed into about 6 paragraphs.

Your attempts to sum me up based on a few words I wrote as a wrong-headed redneck are incredibly wrong and senseless.

please take your business elsewhere. the USA does not need it.

Your views of Americans are unintelligent and bizarre. Its clear who has swallowed propoganda. Have you ever spent time in a mental institution or is there some medication you need which you have not taken?

I have yet to hear any intelligent argument by any anti-war person. just silly name calling, the mark of the glazed over minds of sheep awakened temporarily from the haze of their lives.

disconnect loser. disconnect. you are using an American product to spout anti-american stupidity the likes of which marks you as one of the worlds worst usages of oxygen.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
so there are people who really don't know the internet is an american invention?

i did not know that.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
that has to suck jackdee, here you are all fired up to boycott US products of which you can easily buy around with a similiar quality substiute product which is not from the USA.

Now I've gone and rained on your parade and your left with no recourse but to call me stupid. I have pointed out an American product of which there is no alternative to.

so log off forever as part of your boycott. or everytime you connect to the internet from this day forward, every single time, realize you are using an American product. what kind of stance is it you are taking? you will support the USA when its convenient to you? wow thats an amazingingly lame protest.

your move dummy......

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Heres how I remember it.

The American Military started the original internet concept to create a devolved command and control system in the event of a nuclear attack.
It meant there was no fixed point that could be nuked, thereby beheading the command structure.

The present day microchip was a direct product, again of the US military research programs.
A sort of smart things project, for a device that could handle decision making processes.

The GPS system/s were US military too.

All these things had various inputs from other countries/people, but it was the incredible amount of money and resources the US defence people had available that made these things a reality, and they may not have happened for many years without them.

They are all cheap as chips now, but they were astronomically expensive to start with.

I read somewhere that microchips shouldn't have been invented for another 30-50 years, but the massive resources put into the originals by the military gave us the situation we have today.


It would be nice if you stopped calling each other assholes btw.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I skimmed a story in the newspaper a while back which said the inventors of the internet were a couple guys ( Americans) working for a company. they invented a system to link all of the companies computers, then began to realize the possibilities of much greater linkage.

I'm not sure what planet al gore is from, but he claimed to have invented the internet in 1972. yes, really 1972!
Sep 21, 2004
I don't know about the internet, but um Thomas Edison...incandescent light bulb.

My point exactly, kaya.
where a product is invented does not mean that all to come from it are the nationality of its inventor.

we have costa rican lightbulbs here in costa rica, they are not american products. the internet, in turn, was a creation of the US military.
It is, by no means, an American (Brand) product.

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