You shouldn't be surprised by responses like HC's, Dr.Pugulist's, The Falls and others who see Better Value on the Opposite Side of the way you choose and've chosen to deal with this.
You could have handled this in a way that would have seen you (potentially at least) get Great Value for yourself, your Reputation and Your Bookie Service.
That Path there would have Required you to be Master of Your Ego, rather than just a Slave to that.
I don't mean this to Criticize You, just saying: Better Value was definitely on the side of Grace......the Opposite Side of the way you choose and've chosen to deal with this and if you think on that, envision what may have resulted re: potential Value for yourself, your Reputation and Your Bookie Service its real difficult to believe that you be able to stay be surprised by responses like HC's, Dr.Pugulist's, The Falls and others, that you've gotten here.