rx mods why was my thread betwwts merged yesterday
I posted this yesterday,maybe there was a good reason for it to have been merged with another thread.,what is going ojn.I got out because I read this letter and I still believe betwwts is still a solid book. But what is happening here?
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looks like big news on wwwts
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->has anyone read this.I hate posting from another forum but this is pretty big. betwwts was one of the best out there.
important announcement concerning betWWTS.com
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Very important announcement concerning betWWTS.com
Guys - BetCorp who owns betWWTS, betbet, BetHoldem, etc will be pulling out of the US Market.
I need to make a few things clear.
1. The betWWTS banners will remain up until the end of October because we are contractually obligated.
2. I have learned from some very trustworthy sources that betbet and WWTS will be sold off from BetCORP and will go private so they can remain, however that will not be the first thing that happens but will hopefully be the end result.
3. BetCORP is a public traded company and I have explained that all public companies have more risk and because of the board of directors have to look out for the stockholders - they all follow each other.
BetCORP has ZERO debt on the books, unlike Leisure, Party Gaming, etc. Your money will be safe and money in not an issue.
BetCORP will be pulling from the US presumably tomorrow (when Bush signs bill). They will not accept any more US depositers after this time. They may continue to accept active US bettors wagers but they will make another announcement on Monday, most likely
The bottom line until they are sold off - WWTS will no longer be a viable option for US players
I have left some money in there but I have requested to pull some of it?
No, this is not BoS. This is a company that will do anything they can do remain a profitable company. They will pay off their debts
This is a decision for you to make. I believe you will have time ragrdless if they make an announcement or not, however it's your money and I wanted to let you know ASAP in case you are not comfortable. You will not get screwed but I do not recommend leaving a lot of money in there. If anyone has any problems - email me and I will try and help.
BetHoldem software provider has also pulled out. Until they find a new software provider I would classify them in the same boat.
The most important thing is - I wanted everyone to know.
I can promise you that NO reputable private held company is pulling out. Bet Jamaica, Greek, Cris, Pinny, etc all will be remaining as is.
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10-12-2006, 12:25 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right>#
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<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Well that message from whatever forum is flawed. First off BetHoldem's software provider has made the statement that they ARENT pulling out. Prima Network is the network it is on and Microgaming is the software provider. Where the hell do people get this info to make up this shit? ENough scare tactics. The sky is falling run run run!!!
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10-12-2006, 02:21 PM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right>#
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<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->That letter really wasnt a sky is falling type thing,just important for people who have accounts with betwwts to know this info.. betwwts was and is a great book and hopefully this all doesnt come to pass,but I lost alot of money with bos and I am not taking any chances even though betwwts is miles above bos.I had no problem today withdrawing my money and I loved my time at betwwts.great customer service
this may get sent to the dump for being a link to another forum but here is a link to a good thread and its important people with accounts read this and make their own decision.
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