As McIrish pointed out, now that you've come to the forums, it may be harder to work out a deal with Casablanca. But just remember you have one last ace up your sleave. A number of us have the email addresses for betcbs's entire customer list. So if Dave isn't willing to talk to you, you might kindly remind him that while he may not care about the handful of customers who read the rx, if he doesn't deal fairly with you, it would be rather easy to email all his customers and tell them what happened.
Jim Ross,
I think you have ot ask yourself, whether 1) you want to leave in solidarity with Areeff, and 2) are you at all concerned that something like this could happen to you. Speaking only for myself, i've had very few problems with the books I've played at, And I've played at a lot including betcbs. And in general when i've seen complaints about books I liked, I would tend to side with a GM that I knew to be reasonable over a player I didn't know. In this case I don't Dave at all, though i had a good experience with his book. And i certainly don't know arreef. What i do know is that i am a line shopper, and because betcbs has that 5% rebate bonus, a scalp on a +600 line would have been too tempting to pass up. And I could just as easily been in Areeff's shoes. So knowing that, I would never feel comfortable playing there again.