Thanks for the input gentleman! I am not sure what I am going to do now. Luckily I will have some time to figure it out as the grass wont be growing crazy fast right now and there is a running (on its last legs though) craftsman with a 42" deck coming with the house. In the summer though when it is 95 degrees and mosquitoes everywhere, I am not going to want to spend 4 hours mowing every week.
I am all for the Mexicans, just not sure if they will be feasible where this place is located. We are talking county! After 5 years in the suburbs of St. Louis, I can not wait to get back to Florida and the country life!!
Mexicans, Hatians, white trash meth heads, ETC are everywhere....Florida for sure....thats where all the criminals move. Just talked to an associate near Bradenton who pays less than $75 per mow for about the same amount of land. He had estimates from $75-$300 per mow....eow