The Major said:
Peteep, good post.
The reason I am defending them is for the very reason I would be defending you if they did not pay you by breaking a rule. Lets say that you hit a 10 team parlay and the payout is supposed to be 1000-1 ACCORDING TO THEIR RULES. Then they said to you, "ya but its not fair, I know we have a rule but we arent gonna follow it.
Thats why.
Rules are the only thing we as players have to go by in this unregulated business. If you feel that they are wrong. Dont post up with them.
Never under any circumstances expect the book to do the "right" thing given a choice. That is few and far between , somewhere around the teacup ride at disney I suspect. Just like books never expect the players to do the right thing. It is what it is.
Be well
this situation could never occur. According to your interpretation of BCN rules, BCN could simply cancel the wager. In fact the way you interpret the right to refuse a wager at any time, it doens't even seem like it should matter whether the game was completed at the time the wager was cancelled. If I am understanding you correctly, this isn't even neccesarily an issue of a :bad line". This could simply be BCN deciding that they don't want the action.
Let me ask this to all who believe that BCN has the right to simply cancel wagers at will. What if I were to bet on the redskins now vs the eagles. And between now and game time Mcnabb is injured. SO their is a huge line movement in my favor. Could BCN simply decide that they no longer want my wager and cancel it. And if you believe they have that right, why should anyone in thier right mind play wiht them. This isn't horse racing. You expect that when you place a bet on a fair line, your bet is locked in.
Regardless of what BCN does, it seems obvious that there is zero reason to play with them. As many posters have said time and again, the way to make money is by shopping for the best line. CLearly any time BCN is shoiwng the best line, you have to wonder whether you bet will be cancelled or not. ANd I don't care how good thier line might be, its never worth placing a bet, if you don't know if it will be honored.
BCN made a lot of mistakes here
1) they cancelled awager that should never have been cancelled. Even if they felt the line was a mistake, they should take it out on the clerk who posted it, not the customer.
2) When they emailed the customer, they should have sent the email with return reciept requested. That way, they would have known whether the cusotmer recieved the email before gametime.
3) THey should have put a note in the cusomters account, so again they would be able to check thier logs and see wehther the customer new befroe gametime that the wager was cancelled.
4) Any time there is a question about a money line wager, the wager should never be cancelled outright. What should be done is change the wager to reflect the correct odds, contact the customer, let them know of the change and give them the option of simply canceling the wager, or taking the wager with the new odds. That way, if thier is a dispute, the dollar amount will be much less.
I thought once BCN got rid of Chaz things would get better. But it seems to me, that it is a well funded but poorly run business. ANd if they don't get thier act together, it shouldn't take long before they become both poorly fund and poorly run.