Why do you continue to respond to him? Seriously.
Ive provided so much real shit over the years about police here about systematic racism. About white privilege. All of it as fact. And y’all just want to argue it instead of accept it as real shit. But you refuse to accept it because it threatens the white mans culture who feels white power is slipping. That’s you guys. So it doesn’t really matter what I say.
I mean, did you not see what happened even in this thread? Lmfao. Trendz has an inability to accept anything besides white power....even though there isn’t a power struggle. It’s just people want to be treated fairly. But the guy asks me a question about gender and cop killings. I answer it thoroughly with two examples...and he comes back and ASKS THE SAME EXACT QUESTION
BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Do you really expect me to give you well thought out explanations now? Lmfao. you’re dumb as fuck I don’t have all day like you guys. Enflameo has taught you losers how to act I guess. Deny deny deny. Refuse refuse refuse.
So you think I’m going to play it straight up now? Hahahahahahahahahaha no