Are there too many gambling forums? Is there a better forum than the Rx?


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Not out to expose any forums, you know? Got nothing against people trying to go out and make a quick buck.

Just a chick that is lying like crazy.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
Yeah, now I know why she calls it the Roxy Nation.

She has an obese bisexual internet pen-pal in every state pretending to be a hot chick. Roxy Nation all right.

Skisraj, you rock!!!!! *MUAH* BWHAHAHAHHAHAhAhAHHAHAHAhAAh

:modemman: :nohead: :pope:

Fuck, I forgot "MUAH." You gay internet chatroom expert bastard.


I just remembered one that you missed.



New member
Feb 20, 2005
BadCo said:
I could put an end to this one way or the other as I live in Seattle.

Roxygirl you are welcome to my home for dinner when your up here in September.

You will love my wife and two daughters,17 and 11

Of course I mention my lovely faimly so you;ll realize I have no other intentions than to have you over as good company!

September is probably the best time of year here in the great N.W.

fat chance she makes it up there in Sept. the cover story is already planted, the excuse has been made.....from her forums...

omg that would rock,it really dying to meet as many people as possible but i cant this year. im commited to get to seattle in september and after buying my new car in january i gave up both my phone and cable service to get down payment money. as we sit here today this seattle trip is beginning to concern me. saving for that on top of a huge monthly car payment and increased car insurance has me wondering what was i thinking??? but we honestly need to get something commited for next summer. next football season

see. i'd love to meet all of you but i can't. i told you all i would be in seattle in sept. but with this new car it might not happen. :lolBIG:
maybe next year, until i come up with another cover story. :missingte


Jan 15, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
Then all of the sudden, from a professional photo, she now has a blurry ass distant picture of her at the beach with a hat and sunglasses, that you cant tell what the hell you are looking at. In one picture she has curly hair, smaller boobs, different facial structure, and she looks in her late 20's, early 30's. In beach photo she has straight hair, huge boobs, and she looks like shes 23 years old.


Jan 19, 2006
C-LO said:
The funny thing is Roxy has been seen by many posters from here and from mvpsports101. Why this continuies is beyond me! I talk to her on the phone alot as well. Her and lakersfan use to hang out alot. Her and panther knew each other. Shrinks friends also saw her. Why the obsession about ehr anyways? She is a great person to all of you and has never harmed you in anyways! Box, you are a great guy man, why bother? Gyno, we are boys. Trust me, she is what she is on myspace. All the rest of whom I dont want to name is jsut plain silly! Im out! This silliness is for some yahoo chat room talk not the #1 forum on the planet!

Who has seen Roxy? And yes C-LO we are boys. I am sorry for
bringing bad attention to Roxy but you have to admit it is more
Roxy's fault than it is mine. I get annoyed when people play
the part. Sorry it is a just like a pet peeve or something.

Again I like MVP and everyone there, I even like Roxy. I just
don't like her trying to be something she is not.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
You people are freakin hilarious!

More RoxyGurl controversy.

Every freaking guy on here and on any other gambling forum or any other forum wants to believe the female they are talking to is some hot, supermodel, nympho, that wants Julio Franco type 24-7 sex, and watch and gamble on sports while not knockin boots, and afterwards, or during, eat pizza, chicken wings, and beer.

I remember the controversy before with some guy calling "her" out and said "well, call me on the phone right now", and "she" waited some time before calling and made all kinds of excuses why she could not.

She could have easily refuted all of this but does not or tries to do so in a well planned and obscure manner.

Its a joke.

I really do not care if she is a man, women, or :realtongu or both.

She has been exposed plenty of times.

She may be a female and if she is there is a high chance there is some serious PCOS going on. That is POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME where they get facial hair, obese, and some infertility. That or some serious chromosomal abnormalities (i.e. Turners Syndrome).
Jan 19, 2006

You are a phony if I have ever seen one. You just banned me from MVP
and lied about me sending you evil spirited PMs. When in fact I sent
you a PM telling you I would not comment on this no more and I
respect C-LO alot and am sorry for any negativity this may of caused.

Roxy I take my apology back and know I see who the real you is. You
twist shit around and lie. I have no respect for you at all. You are
trash as far as I am concerned for doing what just did. Sorry you
have lost all creditibilty but please don't try to bring anyone down
with you.

You are a sick chick. And sorry for your demise.
Jan 19, 2006
I am sure you are going to say something to get the subject off of
you. But just know Roxy, 80-90% of people reading this don't believe
a word you say.

You have had all the chance in the world to prove us liars and
all you did was ignore it and hide behind the computer.

This is a lesson to everyone: Don't pose as someone you are not.

Learn from your mistakes Roxy. Oh yeah, please avoid proving us
wrong and take shit about me now. Guaranteed thats what your
going to do. I am not fraud here you are. dont get mad at me for
believing the obvious. Sick chick

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Dude this Roxygurl is photoshoppin like a MO FO right now.

Next Gyn I really wanna call you out as a liar. There is no way Roxygurl banned you from that other forum. If so, then she would have lost 33.3333% of the total signups up the site. Out of 3 people losing 1 is a pretty big deal. :pope:

Ok all that was a joke. I will be here all week.

At least the pope liked it and thats all that matters.
Jan 19, 2006
Roxygurl banned me and now is responding to threads that
I posted on the site. Great Technique ban me then reply
to my threads w/o the possibility of me responding back.

Great Move Roxy you are just digging your grave deeper.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gyno...are you serious? Man they are busy over there...hiding links (in more than one thread)...starting posts about people saying shit here...It's pretty damn funny now. A can of worms that will not close.

Any he/she's over at EOG or MW that need to be exposed? Sic Boxslayer on 'em, he's the master internet PI.

I don't care what anyone says. That chick in Roxy's fake add is fucking hot! I think I read somewhere that Winky hooked up with her.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Good Gawd :monsters-

This thread went ALL TO HELL in less than a day :nohead:

New member
Jan 15, 2005
ego74 said:
Good Gawd :monsters-

This thread went ALL TO HELL in less than a day :nohead:

Tis sad bro! Tis sad! It always has to come from this place too! How? Why? does this all come up when we are all here to post about sports? Ego, you and I need to become preachers and teach all the youngans what it is to be involved in a sports forum. We will get old man ted as the deacon, jman on the mic, wil can be the guy that you see at your church with all the $ that really makes the decisions instead of the board, Ttinco can be an usher and keep up with the $. We can do this guys! O.F. can be the lil boy thats always running around jumping on pews, coldweather can be the old guy that holds his hands up and yells during singing!!!!!!!
Jan 19, 2006
gynecologist said:
Yes I see it and I have nothing against Roxy either. I asked Roxy
numerous times for a pic and everytime she replied she never
acknowledged my request. Then she is supposedly "Gina" on
myspace. C'mon anyone with 0.0001% of common sense realizes
that is not Roxygurl. She will never ever attempt to prove us wrong.

Again I like Roxy a helluva alot she is a good person. But I agree
with everything boxslayer mentioned in this post. Box you and
I are cut from the same cloth brother. I always find myself agreeing'
with you and impressed with your intelligence. Good job brother!!

Thank you for having the balls to post this!!


New member
Jan 15, 2005
gynecologist said:
C-LO so you approve of me being banned?? This should be good?

No this shouldnt be good so you shouldnt talk like that! I pm'd you back bro. Im a down to earth guy man, look at myspace! Fuck, im an original family man! I HATE drama! Things will work out, lets jsut not think about it right now and get to gambling! I need some $ back tonight dude! This is such a great site but all these forums even the promos should be wiped out! I even use them too! Im talking with her and I sent you that message as well. We actually have alot of bases action going on over there so im trying to get some stuff done for some contest, you know how it is! We will talk later im sure, jsut get out of this and lets win! Fuck, even the braves are winning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
C-LO said:
Tis sad bro! Tis sad! It always has to come from this place too! How? Why? does this all come up when we are all here to post about sports?

C-lo, I have no issues with you, Roxy, or MVP. But I see more non-sports related threads over at MVP than sports are we really all here to post about sports? There are more threads at MVP than here, and considering the difference in the volume of do the math. If it was a deliberate hoax to gain new members, doesn't look good for MVP, at least in my eyes.

I could give a hoot if Roxy is not who/what she says she is, but I do have issues with false advertising, and that would obviously be the case if what some are saying is true. It would make Roxy, YOU, and anyone that has fed the LIE, if it is one, well for lack of a better word, liars. Who gains from that?

I know for a fact Roxy has used at least two different pictures of different women claiming it was her, and now I hear there is a 3rd? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
C-lo, all is good sir with what you're saying, but PLEASE, don't use this as a promotional tool for MVP. Learn from the past C-lo, learn from the past!!!!

New member
Jan 15, 2005
I 100% agree with you on the non related sports things! The thing is though I have alot of friends on there that love the articles not the gambling. They hate bashers so they come there as well. Bro, I hear it all the time but thats the way we want to be! Our bases is hot right now with great cappers! You dont see any nonsense posts in their with people talking smack about ones plays. Thats why some of the good cappers come there. Hell, we have a bedroom thread there but some of the guys love it! Its jsut a huge forum wrapped up in one! I focus mainly on the sports forums along with greg and Roxy takes care of the rest plus sports too! Its jsut a good place to chill out. YES< weve been known to have touts but we allowed them their cause they never hurt us, after they did, they were gone like jfs. Its an ongoing situtation in all these places. Its like that here but its hard to notice cause its bigger. We have like 800 members and about 20 each day that posts plays during the week. We have an avereage of 150 at a time but you know what> it takes away from the cursing and bad mouthing people talk about each other! Peace man Peace! LOL Me and Lawrence use to have it in for each other but were cool now, me and wildemu use to hate each other but now he is a member! Its all good bro!

Gyno: youre not banned man! Talk to me in the PM world first though!

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