Are there too many gambling forums? Is there a better forum than the Rx?


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
duplicate..i dont know how it triple posted...i only hit submit once...sorry about that

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
applepicks said:
The bar has been set so high by the RX that no other forum will reach these heights. This is bar none the largest and most active forum around. Without the RX no one would know about all the other forums. RX is a well run ship with a occasional wave to take. Love this place.

Very kind words and hope you continue to enjoy TheRX.


RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
ohh here we go again.why the fascination with me? ive done everything i ever had to do to put this to rest. i cant call 24,000 people or go on tv and why would i? i dont give a damn who any of you are and no one should put so much energy into picking me apart. i showed up in vegas and sat in front of the host of the stardust handicapping contest john kelly 1 week before the shrink appeared and i spoke with JK and sat there front row the entire show then we spoke after the show. JK announced my presence during the show and it was confirmed twice the same night.

i then hung out waiting for anyone who heard my name and wanted to meet but no one was john kelly and ask him. say what you want. believe what you want.i really dont care. i used too.come to mvp or dont i could care less.i love the rx but that feeling weakens more and more when crap like this comes up. but things said here in this thread seals the deal for me.i have a life,its very real,the pics are real,but some of you who talk like you know me are as phony as they come. how do you know the a-rod,damon,letterman,etc are fakes? have you had contact with them?dont speak unless you know for certain. cuz a few are very out. this has been fun but i have more important things to do and hanging with some of you isnt a high priority. carry on.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Roxygurl said:
ohh here we go again.why the fascination with me? ive done everything i ever had to do to put this to rest. i cant call 24,000 people or go on tv and why would i? i dont give a damn who any of you are and no one should put so much energy into picking me apart. i showed up in vegas and sat in front of the host of the stardust handicapping contest john kelly 1 week before the shrink appeared and i spoke with JK and sat there front row the entire show then we spoke after the show. JK announced my presence during the show and it was confirmed twice the same night.

i then hung out waiting for anyone who heard my name and wanted to meet but no one was john kelly and ask him. say what you want. believe what you want.i really dont care. i used too.come to mvp or dont i could care less.i love the rx but that feeling weakens more and more when crap like this comes up. but things said here in this thread seals the deal for me.i have a life,its very real,the pics are real,but some of you who talk like you know me are as phony as they come. how do you know the a-rod,damon,letterman,etc are fakes? have you had contact with them?dont speak unless you know for certain. cuz a few are very out. this has been fun but i have more important things to do and hanging with some of you isnt a high priority. carry on.

Funniest thing Ive read in awhile.

Thanks for the laugh.

Call 24,000 myspace penpals...that have never seen you, but trust you??? That youve had internet sex with? Nah....I'll pass

1) You linked me to 2 threads about radio. Once again, has ANYBODY seen you in person, including your "employer", or radio host...? Please, anyone? No, phone sex doesnt count. Roxygurl might have been in attendance. And Roxygurl might have weighed in at a deuce and a half. Thats not worth mentioning over radio. Radio hosts WILL mention hot chicks though. I saw no mention. Trust me, in the real world...this is radio chat...

"We're here at HOT 97 with jams all night. We got RoxyGurl in attendance...shes worth the visit guys, come check it out..."


"We're at hot97 guys, we got roxygurl here....yes shes mexican, 6'5" 265, and she makes ray lewis look like mugsy bogues"

No wonder why he just mentioned "Roxygurl"

2) I'm not asking for a miracle here. I'm asking for 4 or 5 pics of you doing normal shit. This isnt too much to ask for. Is your name Gina? Probably. Yeah. I'm just saying, you have shown sketchy behavior from day 1. For someone who moderates a message board, and spends all day online by the computer, it should take less than 20 seconds to upload 5 pics of you doing different things. I have 150 friends on my myspace buddy list and every single one of them has at least 5 close-up pics of themselves with friends, and all friends on their buddy list have friends with different pics linking back to them, except you. Hmmmm. Even your closest friends on your myspace have 0 pictures linking back to you, and all seem to be internet penpal relationships. Pretty strange for a great personality that is as hot as you are.

3) I'm not trying to act like a know-it-all. If you really are who you say you are, my requests are minor. I will happily apologize. Prove me wrong, shove it in my face, tell me to fuck off. I'll deserve it all. Just add a few more close-up pics to your myspace. No blurry, BS. No distant shots. Just Close-ups. Not a big deal is it? You already have a myspace, you already have pics. You've "revealed" your identity. Keep 'em coming. What's the big deal? I promise I'll bow down and apologize. I'm not here to hate.

I'm gonna take a stab at our response here.

1) "No no no no, why should I? Im roxygurl."
2) I cant believe this. So many times. Ask so and so. They "HEARD" me. Ask this guy "He knows IM NOT FAKE, we spoke on the phone." ............."Ask so and so....she ate me out.....ONLINE."

Hey, if you post unique pictures, I'll be right back here apologizing. I'm not ashamed....are you?
Jan 19, 2006
boxslayer you should be a lawyer. Roxy I asked you for some pics
2 months ago and you kept changing the subj, that was clue
#. I strongly doubt anyone here believes that pic of "Gina" is you.

I knew 2 secs after seeing that pic that it wasn't you. It is
just common sense to know that isn't you. The pic looked
fake and there was only one. I would of respected you more
if you would of posted a pic of your real self, not some fake
pic of a girl that could be a model. C'mon Roxy.. I was disappointed when I
read that. box is just saying what everyone else was afraid
to say including even me.

30 point quarters
Feb 28, 2006
gynecologist said:
Roxy I asked you for some pics
2 months ago and you kept changing the subj,

Isn't that what she did when 2 posters offered to pay for HER WHOLE TRIP INCLUDING AIRFARE to the bash? oh wait no she didn't change the subject, she just blatanly ignored those posts while somehow thanking other posters (that posted after the offer) for their support

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004

being a moderator of a messsage board requires time and dedication.

Time and dedication of sitting on your ass, posting, posting, posting. Starting BS thread, after BS thread, after BS thread. Youve turned that place into a joke. Every post is created by Roxygurl. I've heard of starting conversation and getting posts rolling, but come on. Nobody wants to be swarmed by Roxygurl.

Damn, to maintain that hot ass figure? You need to be up out and running.

Working out, staying active.

I have skipped the gym and my diet for the past 3 months and I have put on 15 pounds. I'm up to 200 pounds. I cant imagine what I would look like moderating a message board. I cant imagine what you look like.

Damn, the more I look at your myspace, the more I realize not 1 single person on your friends list is a "real person". And by "real person" I mean, they know you personally, they are your friend, they went to high school with you, they have pictures of you, you have pictures of them, normal girl shit, they went to the bar with you 100 times. Every single one of them is an internet penpal. Every single one of them is bisexual and every single one of them wants internet sex, besides the fake Derek Jeter and AROD of course.

It's really weird actually. A bunch of fake pictures of hot ass girls from Indiana, Massachussetts, San Diego, wherever, all acting like they are someone else, posting unrealistic pictures of hot girls to get off in their computer chair. Yuck.

Its sick. You need mental help. There is more to life than sitting at your computer. I have a few friends uncomfortable with their personal appearance. You obviously have a great personality. You need to get out though. Sitting at home pretending to be someone else is unhealthy.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004

Also, refer to the the apparent height discrepancy in the myspace picture with her two friends.

No WAY she is 5'2". that makes her friend about 4'11, and their body styles don't appear to be that short.

Myspace is stupid anyways. Do you have to be reminded who your friends are?

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Budworth22 said:


Also, refer to the the apparent height discrepancy in the myspace picture with her two friends.​

Myspace is stupid anyways. Do you have to be reminded who your friends are?​

Dude, being a UF alum, and knowing the quality of box that the Florida State University holds, I will assume that you know that any girl looking like Roxygurl in that photo of hers is not capping the WNBA. LMAO. This is common sense. It really, truly would be a first.
Jan 19, 2006
Funny thing is when a girl is as fine as the one Roxy wishes
she was they have like 100s of pics of them. She only posted
2 on there. It would take Roxygurl 3 mins to prove us wrong.

the fact that she hasn't already confirms boxslayers statements.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
gynecologist said:
Funny thing is when a girl is as fine as the one Roxy wishes
she was they have like 100s of pics of them. She only posted
2 on there. It would take Roxygurl 3 mins to prove us wrong.

the fact that she hasn't already confirms boxslayers statements.

Even though the LSAT is over, I feel compelled to say..

Your argument is flawed, as it confuses a lack of evidence disproving a point as justification for proving that point.

Just wrote an 8 page paper for my summer class. Hello KetelOne.

O/U on Roxy...241 lbs. -115 both sides, BoDog style Pricing.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
if roxygurl came out and said...."ok guys insecure...i did such and such"

....thats fine....shit happens....and roxygurl wouldnt be the first to be 200+ pounds.

at least she is honest. but when you are 200+ pounds and a liar, that sucks.

and wow, gyno, is that ever right....
im gonna link you to a couple of friends of mine from UF, that are girls that are hot, and they seriously have 200 pics of themselves...

its ridiculous.

okay roxygurl is diffrent? she doesnt post 200 pics of herself? fine...

can i at leats get 3 pics of the same hats, no distant blurry shots....just straight up close-ups.

pic 1) Normal
pic 2) with friends
pic 3) crossing arms, in an "x" pattern for the "RX"...., or blowing kisses, or doing anything away from the norm

is this really that hard??? we already know roxy created a myspace....she is obviously not ashamed in who she is

she has posted pictures...she is not computer illiterate

she is a moderator on a message she is always be a cpu

whats the hold up?

she lives on the west coast....she is always on at night....she responded to this she disappears.....

"ahhh fucked..gotta google my ass off now....gotta call my neice.....gotta call my neighbor"


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
... Finally, the "bi" thing. I dont know if you noticed, but most overweight, unattractive females are bi...

disagree here, I actually dated a UF alum, class of 1999 who was bi and hot :lolBIG:

agree with the rest of your statement though, and this was off topic...carry on:toast:
Jan 19, 2006
WC Bias said: noticed I said "sort of" in my original post for this one point Roxy posted an Avatar here at the Rx for a very brief period and claimed it was her....It is not the same person pictured at the referenced site.

Is this true?? I missed this post??

Roxygurl just admit that chick isn't you.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Romanowski said:
disagree here, I actually dated a UF alum, class of 1999 who was bi and hot :lolBIG:

agree with the rest of your statement though, and this was off topic...carry on:toast:

LMAO. Sorry Romo. Good point. :toast:

You know my grandfather smoked heater's every day since 16 years old...never got lung cancer....obviously cigarettes dont cause lung know what I mean? LOL.

(Tongue in cheek)

Just because you're a lucky SOB banging hot UF bisexual alums, and I've seen my share of them, cant discredit that overweight unattractive girls eat each other out because they have no other option, in terms of cock and balls. Thanks, I'll be here all night. :pope:
Jan 19, 2006
I have noticed that most girls that are bi, are bi because it
is a trendy thing to be. And it seems like alot of lesbians(DIKES)
are lesbians(DIKES) cause no guy wants em anyway.

Dikes always have the same story.

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