Are there too many gambling forums? Is there a better forum than the Rx?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
gynecologist said:
I have noticed that most girls that are bi, are bi because it
is a trendy thing to be..

gyno did a chic steal your girl? :lolBIG:

just kidding bro:toast:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Budworth22 said:
100% of girls in my hot-tub are bi and hot, by rule.​

fair enough. fsu has hotter chicks.....not to say that UF has ugly chicks by any stretch of the imagination, UF is a close 2nd, but FSU has hotter, dumber'll find the best hookup of your life at FSU, and you'll find your wife at UF.....hell look at me! LMAO shhhhhhhh...shes sleeping

UF Girls - Smarter, goal-oriented, and hot, pornstar hot in small numbers, occasional absolute whorebag that is NAILS

FSU Girls - Super sluts, Girls Gone Wild Pornstars, HOT in massive numbers, Dumb as Rocks, occasional smart one
Jan 19, 2006
Romanowski said:
gyno did a chic steal your girl? :lolBIG:

just kidding bro:toast:

No it is cool. Never happened to me. I wouldn't get serious
with a chick if she told me she was bi. Just dont dig it. Seems
like every chick who claims to be bi has issues.

I had this one chick and she was hot also. We were together
for like 1 month and she told me she was bi. Never thought about
her the same after that. And this chick was hot, like too good
for me hott. She was like a 9.5 from 1-10 and I am like a 7

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
fair enough. fsu has hotter chicks.....not to say that UF has ugly chicks by any stretch of the imagination, UF is a close 2nd, but FSU has hotter, dumber'll find the best hookup of your life at FSU, and you'll find your wife at UF.....hell look at me! LMAO shhhhhhhh...shes sleeping

UF Girls - Smarter, goal-oriented, and hot, pornstar hot in small numbers, occasional absolute whorebag that is NAILS

FSU Girls - Super sluts, Girls Gone Wild Pornstars, HOT in massive numbers, Dumb as Rocks, occasional smart one

That, is a pretty damn good charecterization of the girls here. I do find it strange though that FSU has one GYM and UF has 2. Several of my friends got fake boobs for their 21st. I have a shirt, from a waltz (21st celebration).

It shows the girl's fake Id on the front, diagonally, and it says "FAKE" over top of it, and then it has the word "fake" over where both of her nips are. On the back it says "goodbye fake, hello fakes". :toast:

New member
Feb 4, 2003
too many forums? DEFINITELY

a bunch out there with very little interesting to read, very little activity, and a lot of "clone sites"

Is RX the top one? Depends on what you are looking for. Choice is really a personal one.

Great for advertisers, no doubt. Plenty of traffic here.

Myself, I prefer smaller forums. RX is a little TOO busy for my tastes. I post a lot less here than I used to, because by the time I see a thread there are usually already 20+ responses. Do I really have anything more to add that hasn't already been said? At some point it becomes redundant to post, and at some point it becomes redundant to read the same few responses, just reiterated by different people over pages and pages of threads.

To me, it is a little too cluttered, too many forums, and too many posts that aren't really woth reading (for me). I like my forums "streamlined" if possible.

but for newbies, RX is probably the best.
Jan 19, 2006
If you want responses to your questions go to therx. therx forum
just has an aura that no other forum can match.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
The funny thing is Roxy has been seen by many posters from here and from mvpsports101. Why this continuies is beyond me! I talk to her on the phone alot as well. Her and lakersfan use to hang out alot. Her and panther knew each other. Shrinks friends also saw her. Why the obsession about ehr anyways? She is a great person to all of you and has never harmed you in anyways! Box, you are a great guy man, why bother? Gyno, we are boys. Trust me, she is what she is on myspace. All the rest of whom I dont want to name is jsut plain silly! Im out! This silliness is for some yahoo chat room talk not the #1 forum on the planet!

Sep 20, 2004
I like Roxy, she brings a lot to the forum, and her popularity causes these questions...She should actually take this as a compliment all the buzz she has created.

Sep 20, 2004
gynecologist said:
If you want responses to your questions go to therx. therx forum
just has an aura that no other forum can match.

Obviously I am for the Rx , but you nailed it, this site has an aura like non of the other copy-cat sites.


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
C-LO said:
The funny thing is Roxy has been seen by many posters from here and from mvpsports101. Why this continuies is beyond me! I talk to her on the phone alot as well. Her and lakersfan use to hang out alot. Her and panther knew each other. Shrinks friends also saw her. Why the obsession about ehr anyways? She is a great person to all of you and has never harmed you in anyways! Box, you are a great guy man, why bother? Gyno, we are boys. Trust me, she is what she is on myspace. All the rest of whom I dont want to name is jsut plain silly! Im out! This silliness is for some yahoo chat room talk not the #1 forum on the planet!

C-LO, it's no disrespect to you here. I saw your myspace. You look like a great guy with a nice family. It's always cool seeing posters pictures.

You know what's consistent about your myspace that every other normal person has? You have pictures. You have pictures with your family at the beach. Pictures of you laying in bed. All close-ups. Thats what normal people have.

Roxy has 1 picture that is clear as day, practically taken by a professional photographer. It almost looks like a borderline glamour shot definitely grabbed off google.

Then all of the sudden, from a professional photo, she now has a blurry ass distant picture of her at the beach with a hat and sunglasses, that you cant tell what the hell you are looking at. In one picture she has curly hair, smaller boobs, different facial structure, and she looks in her late 20's, early 30's. In beach photo she has straight hair, huge boobs, and she looks like shes 23 years old.

She has 2 friends in the picture...that she calls Babette and something else. Neither of them have myspace accounts or are on her friends list, you know why? Because then their pictures on their myspace profiles would have to match that same beach photo, too. They dont exist.

She has 60 friends. 30 fake baseball players. 30 fake friends. All people she has met online. You click on a few profiles, it's Indiana, South Carolina, Florida, etc. All people that have no chance of ever seeing what she looks like. How does she have friends in all of these different states!!!!!! None of them have pictures of her. Not one isngle friend on her friends list has a picture that says "And heres me with my friend Roxy". They all met online!!!!!! They post on each other's walls just like internet penpals do. Nothing concrete. Not like..."It was great seeing you at the beach." "Thanks for stopping by the house." "Lets go check out that movie tonight." Nope. All internet penpal stuff.

"Thanks for the add, thanks for being my friend....*muah*"
"Thanks for the phone call last night, I hope we can talk again soon."
"Have a great day."

Once again. People have seen her. Yeah. Some radio host, who said Roxygurl is here. That can mean anything. It doesnt even have to be her. Do you know that "Roxygurl" is not a person, it's like a way of life. It's like calling me a RastaMan. Or calling some a redneck. "I got redneck here. I got roxygurl here. I got rastaman here." Do a search for roxygurl on google. You get all sorts of girls, from all different walks of life.

I'm telling you, hot girls like that, that are bi-sexual with great personalities are NOT sitting moderating message boards. They arent capping the WNBA. They just arent. They have far too many better things to do. And we all know from experience, sitting in frotn of a computer all day starts adding weight.

People have seen her...but not you..? PHONE conversations is all I ever hear. Well, so and so, saw her at this function thing, and the radio host announced roxygurl is here, and some guy panther who has a barber's friend saw her, and she has a myspace with a picture. It's just too much random rumors to not know everyone is having one pulled over on them.

There's no obsession. It was brought up by someone else, I responded. People dont like being lied to. People dont like having one pulled over on them. Posters at mvpsports have seen her? For all I know every single poster at that place is a roxygurl and C-Lo ghost. We have all used v-bulletin before. Not accusing you of that, just saying it's not exactly a neutral, reliable source.

Once again, I'm not out to get anyone. But what's right is right. And it doesnt take 4,000 clues to figure out roxygurl is pulling one over on everyone. And if I'm wrong, so be it. I'll put my foot in my mouth, apologize, and do a backflip for her, and everyone can laugh at me.

In the meantime, I got some better shit to do. I hope she has a long happy life acting like someone else. Whatever floats her boat.

Nov 13, 2005
Roxy say it aint I been asking to see man boobs this entire time. I will say this. If I am that hot and I am single, why am I on line 24-7, Friday and Satuday nights on sports forums and bla bla bla when I can and would be out gettting wined, dined and whatever for free. Looks shady to alot and its a shame that this has came out, maybe really it is JFS....say it aint so.

30 point quarters
Feb 28, 2006
roxy should just take a webcam picture with a piece of paper that says ROXYGURL... problem solved... but probably she will just ignore this post and any other post in this thread about the pictures

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Box...the bouncing ball don't bounce no more. If you ever want to become a PI, I'd hire you.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
BOX! "laying in bed," LOL Too ,uch info to be handing out bro! HAHA No harm, she is cool with it! She is a shy girl though to people she dont know though! Its all good, J-man, youre right! She brings good to all these forums! We love her to death. Lets all win some $ today! I lost my carcass last night!!!!!!!:103631605

Life is Good
Nov 21, 1999
What was that song by Styx???


To have 72 replies to this thread shows that many have exactly that. Who cares what an internet poster looks like? Or if they are lying?

These forums are for: handicapping sports, and shooting the shit about other topics. Why take everything to this level?


UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Heatwave said:
What was that song by Styx???


To have 72 replies to this thread shows that many have exactly that. Who cares what an internet poster looks like? Or if they are lying?

These forums are for: handicapping sports, and shooting the shit about other topics. Why take everything to this level?


My life is in the internet. I'm probably the closest thing you will find to an internet guru. I have to be for my business. From innovative web advertising, to Flash 8, to graphic design, photoshop, to media, advanced user interfaces, and innovative trends, this is what I do for a living and it involves my business.

It literally takes me 5-10 mins to click through myspace and see that people are frauds. I've been using it for a long time.

How do ou feel knowing that Brooklyn Worm, is only betting $15 parlays, giving you betting advice. If he's so good, his money should be bigger.

It's sort of like havin an obese man lecture you on motivation. If he was so motivated, why doesnt he get to the gym?

How does a lot of men on here feel that the girl that they probably fantasize about and talk to you, isnt who she says she is.

To some people, it makes a difference. And I had to say something.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Boxslayer, try to be nice to the girl, give her the benefit of the doubt...otherwise, she won't let you be a part of Roxy Nation! LOL!!! LMFAO!!! ROTFL!!!

:nohead: :modemman:

I fucking love those two icons. Appropriate for any post.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Boxslayer, try to be nice to the girl, give her the benefit of the doubt...otherwise, she won't let you be a part of Roxy Nation! LOL!!! LMFAO!!! ROTFL!!!

:nohead: :modemman:

I fucking love those two icons. Appropriate for any post.

Yeah, now I know why she calls it the Roxy Nation.

She has an obese bisexual internet pen-pal in every state pretending to be a hot chick. Roxy Nation all right.

Skisraj, you rock!!!!! *MUAH* BWHAHAHAHHAHAhAhAHHAHAHAhAAh

:modemman: :nohead: :pope:

New member
Jun 25, 2005
I could put an end to this one way or the other as I live in Seattle.

Roxygirl you are welcome to my home for dinner when your up here in September.

You will love my wife and two daughters,17 and 11

Of course I mention my lovely faimly so you;ll realize I have no other intentions than to have you over as good company!

September is probably the best time of year here in the great N.W.

Nov 13, 2005
It will never happen, she posted some crap at her place about bad mouthing her in an attempt to make her place look bad, or some dome shit. Better yet she said she graduated from Sandiego State, how about a gradution pick, compare the two? Two many if's have been exposed by Boxslayer. And yet again mvp forum takes hit, first JFS and then Roxyboy. Crap!

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