Anyone wonder what its really like in the neighborhoods of Detroit?


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
I don't know very much at all about Benton Harbor, only that it is either also going thru a bankruptcy, or are about to. Flint Michigan as well.

Not the first time I've been asked about Hardcore Pawn. Honestly, I just began watching episodes on the show. And although the clientele of the show looks about right, no way in hell ANYBODY walks into a business and acts as foolish as the people portrayed do on that show. If you guys don't know that's all staged or replayed for tv your just being nieve. The guy running that show is a cheap f@ck. Evidence by the show where he went and tried to purchase the employees weapons and tried to undercut the gun shop owner. Then acted like.....What's wrong with that guy???...He thru them all out of the store. I don't doubt this "Les" preys on those peoples misfortune everyday. But I DO enjoy the show now that I started watching it. I think that's what happens to your kids when you spoil them growing up. They turn out like his kids did.

Ex-RedWing Darren McCarty works at Hardcore Pawn.

Benton Harbor city gov is the same at Detroit's-years of decreasing revenues, embezzling, mismanagement, on and on.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn Bushay, you must be bored. I've never seen you post this often out of the hockey forum.

LOL! Im talking about my real strengths here.

I follow Detroit politics pretty closely. The whole friggin city is on the take. And are now being exposed. All the corruption is coming home to roost. And i'm loving every minute of it. This ex Mayor just fascinates me. When ever he's in the news, and that's a lot, he has my attention. He's like that Marion Barry from Washington DC. Only way smarter and more flamboyant. He could have been president and he thru it all away. But at the same time he will overcome all this. I'm sure of it. They removed him from office and put him in jail and he could possibly be re elected if he was given the chance. Those people loved him that much.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ex-RedWing Darren McCarty works at Hardcore Pawn.

Is he still there. I know they hired him and it made all the papers, but I haven't heard much about him since the original report. Cant believe he would stoop to living in that environment everyday. I know hes been down on his luck, alcohol, drugs, bankruptcy. Cant see him putting up with those idiots for very long. But you never know.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Even The Dead Are Leaving Detriot – No Wonder Housing Prices Are Dropping

Posted by Tom Royce on Aug 12, 2008 | Comments (5)
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Everyone knows that Detroit is having trouble keeping people in the city. Housing prices are below scrap costs, there are no jobs to speak of as the auto industry implodes, and the Mayor is in and out of jail.
But it is a surprise to me that the dead are even leaving the city. Over the past 6 years nearly 1,000 corpses have left the city to be interned elsewhere.
When the dead are leaving the city you know you can put a fork in it.
From 2002 through 2007, the remains of about 1,000 people have been disinterred and moved out of the city, according to permits stored in metal filing cabinets in the city’s department of health. Looked at in another way, for about every 30 living human beings who leave Detroit, one dead human being follows. Moreover, anecdotal evidence compiled by a Detroit professor suggests the figure may be twice as high, meaning city records may be incomplete and that thousands upon thousands of deceased people have been relocated from the city over the past 20 years. via Detroit News

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Someone Please Nuke Detroit…

Here’s som fun facts about Detroit:
1. According to recent reports, Detroit’s unemployment rate is between 30%-50%

2. Detroit has had 76 murders in the first 3 months of 2012. they only had 69 in all of 2011

3. Detroit has over 90,000 abandoned, condemned or vacant houses

4. There are an estimated 50,000 stray dogs and over 65,000 stray cats in Detroit

5. 237,000 people have moved out of Detroit in the past decade. That’s 25% of their total population

Ok, there facts alone are not worth nuking the city, although they strengthen my case. No, the reason I’ve given up on Detroit is the following news article:
“Plans Move Forward For Robocop Statue in Detroit”
yup. If you clicked on the article title, you read right. In a city were crime is rampant, the population is fleeing in record numbers, animals run in packs on city streets and thousands of houses lie deserted, the people have decided the best use of their time is to raise money to erect a ROBOCOP STATUE in their fine city. If this is their priority, we need to level the friggin city and start from scratch.
this kind of stupidity makes me sick…..


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New member
Sep 21, 2004
Detroit didn't have 69 murders in the entire year 2011. That is incorrect.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Detroit doesn't even have a walmart ! The place would get robbed blind....,+mi

They are about to get their first Chain supermarket in a long long time pretty soon at the corner of 8 mile and Woodward. A Meijers. Which is similar to a Walmart on a smaller scale here. It going to be a pretty big deal here when it opens and then they are going to tear that muther up!. It'll cost 3-4 times the amount to secure the store from theft and other various labor. But they will shop the shit out of that store. Black folks love to spend their money in a grocery store. Especially the first 10 + days of the month when the food stamps are distributed. Actually they are all on EBT cards they now call them. They put money on a credit card because they would sell their food stamps for real cash. At quite a discount. The store owners were the biggest culprits.
Its funny, but in the suburbs, while shopping and you change your mind about an item, they usually give the unwanted item to the cashier or put a refrigerated item back in a cooler even if its in the right spot. ...In the city, its nothing to go down the bread or soap Isle the next morning and find a pack of ribs or a pack of steaks, or ice cream right there on the shelf. Lot of times hidden a little, but not always. They just don't give a fuck. LOL It's not their job to put it back where it belongs! LOL

New member
May 22, 2012
.In the city, its nothing to go down the bread or soap Isle the next morning and find a pack of ribs or a pack of steaks, or ice cream right there on the shelf. Lot of times hidden a little, but not always. They just don't give a fuck. LOL It's not their job to put it back where it belongs! LOL

I'm ashamed to say I've done this lol

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not a real big issue for me if its not a refrigerated item. But something inside me says...". don't do it" when it's a cold item.
I guess when you see it enough, you feel a little differently.
In Detroit, The Chaldean s own almost every grocery store. They'll put it right back in the cooler the next morning. They could give 2 shits if someone eats it then. The're not taking the loss. And why I will never shop in one of their stores unless its an item without a sell by date.
I've had store owners show me how they will take an older, greying pack of hamburger that doesnt sell in time, put it back thru the meat grinder, add a little red food coloring, wrap it back up and back it goes right on the shelf cooler. No bullshit. It will turn your stomach.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Doug that is the Joe Louis fist.

Can you imagine what MLK would be thinking if he saw what a shithole Detroit has turned into. He did not march and risk everything and gave everything for these stupid black scumbags to destroy the very city they live in.

Detroit is a shithole Detroit will be a shithole until the white people move in and kick all the scum out.

They are all poor ass dumb people that breed like animals and they don't even try to get a better life. I feel sorry for the old UAW folks that worked hard all thier lives and now can't come out of their own houses at night. The houses are worthless and now they have no money to move.

I want Detroit to be better just so al those dumb black people don't move to my city

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I know it is the Joe Louis fist, but it tells what you should expect if you go to the wrong part of Detroit, which I guess is the entire city now. I've never heard of a big city where Walmart didn't even want a presence.

Bushay: I'm sure that stuff goes on all the time, esp. at smaller family owned stores, it would be hard to get employees to do it at a chain store. I'm sure restaurants are just as guilty. If a cook drops a $20 filet mignon on the's a lot easier to wash it off and cook it , than to tell the owner/ mgr what happened and maybe have to pay for it.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
well if we could switch it up and the scumbag and criminals lived in a very small condensed area Detroit would be just fine. I would try to live as close to the river as possible. You just can't build some of those homes that are down there.

Google Indian Village Detroit and you will see awesome homes and they are across the street from the river.

If white people were in charge of the whole area it would be much safer. Or if a repub was in charge of it it would be much better. detroit has already tried the liberal progressive way of thinking and it has been a disaster.

That is my proof that liberals are stupid people

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I just can't think of any reason to want to live there, but I like warm weather.

There can't be any work, it's unsafe, cold in winter hot in summer, far from the ocean.

I'd rather be homeless in San Diego instead of stuck in a worthless house I owned there.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
I just can't think of any reason to want to live there, but I like warm weather.

There can't be any work, it's unsafe, cold in winter hot in summer, far from the ocean.

I'd rather be homeless in San Diego instead of stuck in a worthless house I owned there.

I agree on all counts. But the houses would be half a mil if the white people move back in. Michigan is a great state. We have all the water we could ever want.

All Detroit proves is that liberals are stupid. The proof is in Flint, Benton Harbor, Detroit and anywhere else that black people run the whole city

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
It's all a product of ones environment. Black, white, yellow, purple, etc. Whatever you are raised in, for the most part, you will duplicate. There are some rough white areas too, but not to the extent of black. I have been to a few nice areas of Detroit, a FEW.

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