Anyone wonder what its really like in the neighborhoods of Detroit?


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
maybe we should do something like this with every SHIT city in the USA ?

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Illinois GOP Proposal Would Make Chicago Own State

Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011 12:10 PM
By Tom O'Connell



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Illinois Republican lawmakers are calling for the Land of Lincoln to be split, with Chicago essentially becoming its own state, reports the Decatur Tribune.

State Reps. Bill Mitchell and Adam Brown introduced a resolution authorizing a statewide vote on separating Cook County from the state’s other 101 counties.

“When I talk to constituents, one of the biggest things I hear is, ‘Chicago should be its own state,’” Mitchell said. “Downstate families are tired of Chicago dictating its views to the rest of us. You only have to look at the election results from last year’s governor’s race to see the problem . . . Our voters’ voices were drowned out by Chicago.”

Chicago Democrats have long wielded the majority of power in the state, notes the newspaper. The GOP lawmakers take issue not just with political control, but also moral issues they say are handed down from Chicago Democrats.

“Our downstate values are being overshadowed by Chicago’s influence over the legislative process,” Brown said. “The 2010 election swept a number of downstate Republicans into office, but the lame-duck Democrats passed a 67 percent income tax increase, along with civil unions and the abolition of the death penalty in Illinois. These liberal policies are an insult to the traditional values of downstate families.”

“It’s time to look at a two-state solution,” Brown said. “Downstate deserves to have its voice heard.”

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New member
Sep 21, 2004
Detroit is a city that has been run unfettered and unhindered by blacks and democrats for decades, and that is the result, quite frankly while it's certainly sad, it's not surprising, and guess what...the corrupt mayor bing will be re-elected. Few decent citizens, equals no money, no cops, no hope...but there are thousands of liquor stores still in the city.

This is such an uninformed response. It's one thing to chime in and pile on but you have no clue about this city. Dave Bing, a very successful businessman after his pro ballplayer days, was brought in to help right the city. And he's done an ok job, but his hands are very much tied with an ignorant city council,an unbelievable deficit, and no tax base what so ever. Hopefully you meant Mayor Kilpatrick, who went to prison, was guilty of terrible cronyism and shook down every last business in the entire city. And is up on RICO charges as we speak. Every single facet of city government was not only on the take, but littererly filtering every excess nickel they could get their hands on. Including the school system. The auto industry was very lucrative for all here. When it took the hit, it took the entire city down with it. Not denying the people in charge mismanaged it, but there was so much more to it than that.

But thanks for checking in.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
They are one day going to make a major movie about this guy, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. And when they do, I can promise you it will be one of the most interesting movies you'll ever watch. The guy was, and still is a genius. He had the world by the balls. He had the charisma to one day win the presidential election. And I believe that. He was smart as hell about running an empire like a major urban city. I likened him to Saddam Hussein. Where he had all his family running every major department. He had his finger on everything. He was an attorney and he new the law about what he could and could not do. Like I said, his whole operation is up on RICO charges right now. He has a multi million dollar lawsuit with an extremly successful attorney out of Florida about him being removed from offices because of his text message scandal. A guy who has won just these kind of cases in the past. I wouldn't doubt it if he won. He's like the Teflon Don. Only better.

If you ever get a chance to read up on his whole story I highly recommend it. I'm not a guy who is impressed easily, but this guy is just fascinating about what he as able to accomplish in a short period of time. He does have a felony on his record now, but you are going to read about this guy feats in the future. And I don't mean his incarceration.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yea. Thats Amy Lange. She's had my eye for quite some time now. In fact, the news crews here are loaded with talent. She's actually sorta plain jane compared to a a few others. Great eye candy reporting the depression here.

Feb 10, 2009
They are one day going to make a major movie about this guy, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. And when they do, I can promise you it will be one of the most interesting movies you'll ever watch. The guy was, and still is a genius. He had the world by the balls. He had the charisma to one day win the presidential election. And I believe that. He was smart as hell about running an empire like a major urban city. I likened him to Saddam Hussein. Where he had all his family running every major department. He had his finger on everything. He was an attorney and he new the law about what he could and could not do. Like I said, his whole operation is up on RICO charges right now. He has a multi million dollar lawsuit with an extremly successful attorney out of Florida about him being removed from offices because of his text message scandal. A guy who has won just these kind of cases in the past. I wouldn't doubt it if he won. He's like the Teflon Don. Only better.

If you ever get a chance to read up on his whole story I highly recommend it. I'm not a guy who is impressed easily, but this guy is just fascinating about what he as able to accomplish in a short period of time. He does have a felony on his record now, but you are going to read about this guy feats in the future. And I don't mean his incarceration.

enjoying your intelligent input on these matters.... I've never even been close to Detroit so no idea.... Has a book been written about this guy yet? I would be interested

New member
Sep 21, 2004
enjoying your intelligent input on these matters.... I've never even been close to Detroit so no idea.... Has a book been written about this guy yet? I would be interested


But i'm not sure this one would tell the whole unbiased story. It was written by him or, his camp. There will diffidently be more and better recaps in the future. Including a major movie one day. I'm sure of it. And he will further profit.

I'll try and find a link in the local papers recapping the whole take.

Heres another example of his tenor.

He had a party at his house allegedly , with strippers. His wife came home early, and beat one of the stripper with the leg of a coffee table. She ran from the house, and called the police and ambulance. Then taken to a nearby Detroit hospital where she was treated and released. She came forward with her story and an investigation ensued. About 6 months later she was gunned down in a drive by. Her complete trip to the hospital was erased from any hospital records including videos of her entering the hospital. Doctors were silenced. They were all under the gun to cooperate. And they did. Numerous Witnesses came forward to collaborate the story and were all shot down. Other prominent county executives were supposedly at the party. All denied. The story was written off as "Urban Legend". A hit man later confessed to the hit and retracted.

He spoke at Democratic conventions nationally and was at the same time involved in this sort of activity. I could go on and on and you'd never tire of the allegations.
He owes the city a million dollars in restitution and pays less than his cable tv bill each month. Rides in Escalades and lives in Texas now in a multi million dollar home. He must have filthy money in bank accounts out of the country.


Mar 31, 2012
This is such an uninformed response. It's one thing to chime in and pile on but you have no clue about this city. Dave Bing, a very successful businessman after his pro ballplayer days, was brought in to help right the city. And he's done an ok job, but his hands are very much tied with an ignorant city council,an unbelievable deficit, and no tax base what so ever. Hopefully you meant Mayor Kilpatrick, who went to prison, was guilty of terrible cronyism and shook down every last business in the entire city. And is up on RICO charges as we speak. Every single facet of city government was not only on the take, but littererly filtering every excess nickel they could get their hands on. Including the school system. The auto industry was very lucrative for all here. When it took the hit, it took the entire city down with it. Not denying the people in charge mismanaged it, but there was so much more to it than that.

But thanks for checking in.

'm aware that Bing isn't near as bad as some of his predesessors, but correct me if I'm wrong, his plan(if you call it that) is to tear down tens of thousands of abandoned houses, maybe 4-5000 a year. Wow, that's quite a recovery plan, empty block after empty block, how about cleaning out the trash? And I'm not talking about garbage, I'm talking about human trash, not one mention of that, how about closing down the liquor stores and becoming a dry city?

No chance of that, and we know why, Bing would say "are you insane, we cant close down the liquor stores, there would be rioting in the streets, they'd burn the city to the ground", guess what, it's already being burned to the ground, a few houses at a time, each and every night.

Anyway, thanks for sticking up for Bing and the city, if you're right things will no doubt get better...are you predicting that?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Well, you would think it could only get better, but the city is days/weeks/months away from bankruptcy. It really would be the greatest thing for the best chance at a turnaround. But the idiot civilians are going to court with every legal idea they have to block it. Including the race card. they do not want to give up control of their city even if it means living like this forever. It's really a sad scenario .

Tearing down the building is something that's long over do. Kids are being raped in abandon houses on their way to school. Squatters are living in them dealing drugs as well as the only place to do their thing. They are a complete eyesore as well as a major reason for the property values being so low. [Who would buy a house with 9 stripped, abandoned houses on your block.? ] With no money, the crime is beyond level red. They are forced to cut the police force on top of what little they have now.

Just leave Bing out of the problem, he was brought in to try and fix what he could because of his success in the business world. Not the basketball court. He just cant do much with a lame city council that vetoes every logical move he tries to make to help cause it breaks off another piece of ownership the black community has acquired over the years. They just arnt giving in without an all out war. and it's sad for the people who want, need, desire a better life. It's almost a catch 22. The state doesn't want to come in and help without some assurance it wont go back to the way it was. Cause they've played that help game a hundred times. And always has the same ending. This Governor may one day be nominated to the presidency. He's very smart and at the same time fair. But he's also a Republican dealing with the city of Detroit. It's like oil and water.

The liquor stores are bringing in much needed tax revenue. Closing them is not going to happen. Logically or legally.

One of the other posters said it best. You have better hope it doesn't spread to a city near you. Cause it damn near an incurable cancer.

This city was so great at one time. And being only 53, I don't even know the half of it.

The concert venues, the bars and clubs. Tiger Stadium...their all gone. With little money or investors to rebuild.

Mar 31, 2012
If you cant identify the problem, you cant fix it. The rest of the country can see the problem in a snap, you guys apparently cant.
You talk or tax base , that is not the problem - the real problem caused the tax base issue.
You talk of race card, there aint no race card - the city is almost all black, even the hmongs are moving out. I work with several and they go back to the detroit area and come back and say it's just amazing(they've pretty much all left for the suburbs or here in MN. They say that the blacks are trying to force out the hmongs and whites so they can have it "all to themselves" I ask, is there a more idiotic concept in the history of the world?

You say they cant legally close the liquor stores, well large parts of the US are still dry, sure it's a desperate move, but if you dry out the city, you make it less desirable for the scum.

detroit doesn't need programs, they dont need to bulldoze whole sections of the city, they dont need pity, and they certainly dont need more charity, they need to clean up the scum...that scum includes a fair chunk of the population, most of the police, almost all the politicians.

Detroit deserves whats become of it, the people deserve it, the police deserve it, the mayor and city council deserve it, you reap what you sow, the seeds that have been planted for the last 40 years are now a tangled forest a mile high, I could go on and on, but why bother.

I have a message for the citizens of Detoit from the rest of america, no one cares about you, why should we, you obviously dont care about yourselves.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Listen, instead of insulting your intelligence. I'm just going to end my back and forth with you. You obviously are a real problem solver and are better suited for this type of work than those who are trying to figure this out logically. Fixing the mechanics of the auto capitol of the world is not only good for Detroit, the suburbs and Michigan, but the entire country as well. As much as you'd enjoy dropping a bomb on the problem, that really doesn't fix anything now does it?

Good luck with your plays tonight? Who you got anyways? Really like to know! :)

Mar 31, 2012
Listen, instead of insulting your intelligence. I'm just going to end my back and forth with you. You obviously are a real problem solver and are better suited for this type of work than those who are trying to figure this out logically. Fixing the mechanics of the auto capitol of the world is not only good for Detroit, the suburbs and Michigan, but the entire country as well. As much as you'd enjoy dropping a bomb on the problem, that really doesn't fix anything now does it?

Good luck with your plays tonight? Who you got anyways? Really like to know! :)
Stop living in the past, detroit is not the auto capital anymore, those days are over, never, ever to return. I dont advocate dropping a bomb on anything, but drastic measures need to be taken...if you really want to solve the problem that is.
You started the thread, you posted the video, you apparently live in or near detroit, it's your problem. And it's pretty clear you're still in denial, good luck to the former city of Detroit is all I can say. Maybe bulldozing everything is the answer?

Mar 31, 2012
By the way, is the general population, as portrayed on "Hard Core Pawn" a fair portrait of the city?

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Pizza Franchise Creates ‘Not After Dark’ Delivery Rule In Detroit After Driver Shot

August 17, 2012 11:21 AM

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Reporting Charlie Langton

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Charlie Langrton, Christy Strawser, Detroit after dark, Jet's Pizza, Joan McKenna Jet's Pizza, pizza shooting, Tim McKenna

DETROIT (Talk Radio 1270) Has it come to this? Yes it has, according to Joan McKenna, whose son Tim McKenna, 19, was shot while delivering pizza in Detroit.
In the wake of the shooting, a Jets Pizza franchise in Dearborn ruled it will no longer deliver to Detroit after dark. Before the shooting, they sent two drivers to every nighttime Detroit delivery, one of whom was armed, Joan McKenna said.
“They usually send somebody with a guy … who carries a gun,” she said. “Usually they have two go into Detroit after dark, if they have a delivery … One guy has a legal, he can carry a gun. That night, Timmy was the only one left, they had this one run to do, he said ‘yeah, I’ll do it.’ He’s a kid, he doesn’t think anything’s going to happen to him.”
Tim McKenna was shot in the ribs, and the bullet hit a lung, but he survived and plans to return in the fall to Adrian College, where he plays football. Pizza delivery was his summer job.
“He can’t play football right now, he’s on the team at Adrian, it’s really hard … It went right in the chest, this guy shot him right in the chest,” Joan McKenna said, adding, “It was a robbery, the guy wanted his money, he hit the gas and the guy went ‘pop pop’ and he was shot in the chest.”
Her son had about $35 on him, which is what the drivers carry, McKenna said.
“I had no idea he was in this kind of danger, I really didn’t,” McKenna said. She and her husband returned to the neighborhood to hand out fliers listing a reward for whoever turns in the shooter, but even in daylight they were too afraid they would get shot driving around, McKenna said.
“I realize this is a terrible situation, it is tragic, but some people say it’s racist, we’re eliminating Detroit, we’re sectioning Detroit off from the rest of the world,” Langton said during his show on Talk Radio 1270, adding, “Some people will say ‘ Why should we let the acts of one stupid gun person, make a whole policy that alienates a city?’”

But Joan McKenna thinks any claims of racism are hogwash.
“You want to talk about racism? This has nothing to do with color, it has to do with people who are not willing to get up, plug in the coffee maker, and go to work … Come on, get a job, we’re not talking race here,” Joan McKenna said.
The shooter has not been caught and the McKennas are agitating Detroit police to keep searching, worrying it’s “awful low on their priority list.” “I need help because it’s not going to happen with the police,” Joan McKenna said.
She said police told her: “We’ll never catch this guy, literally, that’s what they said.”
Langton said the shooter, whoever he is, should face attempted murder charges. “You shoot a gun, nearly point blank at somebody, that’s attempted murder,” Langton said.
“When you want a pizza, you live in Detroit, you want it delivered after dark, thank the guy who shot my son, thank that guy,” McKenna said.
John from Chesterfield called in and said, “This is not racist, this is a high probability risk assessment. I was in the military … If you’re going to go into Detroit after dark the risk assessment is you’re going to be robbed, shot or mugged … There are people in Detroit who don’t want to go out after dark either, it’s crazy, but that’s it.”
Ryan, a resident of southwest Detroit where the shooting happened, said he would “never let his wife outside after dark.” Would he go outside himself after dark? “Yeah, I would, but I’m armed,” Ryan said.
He added that many delivery companies in Detroit won’t go to addresses they don’t already know.
Mike, a U.S. Post Office manager, said he had a part-time carrier who moonlighted in that area as a pizza delivery man, and he was also attacked. “The guy jumped out of the bushes and basically attacked him, pulled out a gun … It’s very dangerous over there. I’m black, I’m from the city, but that’s the highest crime area I staffed. I can’t blame the pizza owner for doing that. He has to look at those employees every day.”

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New member
Sep 9, 2005
Bushay..........Why are you avoiding the real reason Detroit is out of control. Also remember you can not tell me anything about Detroit. I have seen it all. I have been shot at 3 times in that shit city.

So here's the honest truth of what is wrong with Detroit.


its that fucking simple. I had hope for Bong but he is a dickhead also. Plays nice with the state than gets infront of NAACP and starts all the hate whitey shit. Typical dumb black Detroiter.

Detroiter's (blacks) are very very stupid humans. They keep it real, lol they breed like animals and wonder why they are still poor. They have their handout at every turn. They think the state should just give them money with no say so.


The truth will set you free.

Am I a racist???????????????? Hell maybe but the facts are BLACK PEOPLE RUINED DETROIT

New member
Sep 21, 2004
They don't have enough money to pay me what it would take to deliver pizzas there. I find it hard to believe anyone still does. Jets pizza is the hottest pizza joint in metro Detroit. They practilly print money at those franchises. A jets just closed last year on 7 mile in Detroit. Unheard of.

Mar 31, 2012
Bushay..........Why are you avoiding the real reason Detroit is out of control. Also remember you can not tell me anything about Detroit. I have seen it all. I have been shot at 3 times in that shit city.

So here's the honest truth of what is wrong with Detroit.


its that fucking simple. I had hope for Bong but he is a dickhead also. Plays nice with the state than gets infront of NAACP and starts all the hate whitey shit. Typical dumb black Detroiter.

Detroiter's (blacks) are very very stupid humans. They keep it real, lol they breed like animals and wonder why they are still poor. They have their handout at every turn. They think the state should just give them money with no say so.


The truth will set you free.

Am I a racist???????????????? Hell maybe but the facts are BLACK PEOPLE RUINED DETROIT

Highly unlikely he'll ever admit to the real problem, You hit the nail on the head when you said they are stupid, pure and simple. I dont really think its because they are black though, although when you think about it, stupid white people dont act that way, nor do stupid mexicans or asians.

Like I said, close down the liquor stores, as well as just say flat out, no one in the city will get welfare or food stamps anymore, along with requiring all city officials to live right smack in the cities worst neighborhoods(should be plenty of houses for them, they can live free of charge even).. The handouts end, the party ends, watch the city empty out in a hurry and then maybe decent people can move back in.

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