I am oddly, ummm, flattered(?) that you are this interested to take the time to check with your contacts, and investigate the selling price of the package on websites, and type out lengthy responses telling me I'm trying to rip people off and I have little to no chance to win.
We can agree to disagree that my initial investment in this tournament is $55. If you bought stock ABC for 50k and it is now valued at 100k, and now you were going to sell a 10% share of it, I'm pretty sure I know what you would charge and it isn't 5k. That is this situation. It doesn't matter what I bought into the satellite for, the bottom line is I have well over 750 invested in opportunity costs.
Anyway I almost didn't post this cause I knew the lion's share of the comments were going to be "what do you mean you can't swing this". Everyone at the RX is a baller, they all bang supermodels and wipe their asses with benjis.
Since you obviously are not interested, move along. Or why can't you just post "good luck" or something? I am trying to figure out if you are trying to be forum watchdog on this deal or what. It is not a big deal to me, I just threw the idea out there. I can assure you I'm not trying to screw people over and yes your posts come off like you are accusing me of that.
Yes I have won at a high rate in MTT's lately. I used that money to pay my book because I'm 1-32523432532 in college football so far.
I just won a $500 first prize in the rebuy tourney tonight, so I am a lot closer to being able to swing it myself anyway.
Thanks for all the concern though.
I was wondering when you would make this type of reply. You have taken this personally, while I have looked at it as nothing more than a possible business transaction or investment. Believe me I wouldn't be selling anyone any % of a stock investment that they could simply make themselves. When I have investments that profit, I sell and I keep all the profits, after all I invested all of the money. The stock market is a much different animal and I've made several posts in the forum and made others a lot of money for just following along without asking for any type of kick back and yes they were lengthy responses back to others. Communication between people is a great thing, no matter what anyone thinks.
I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn't ask others more in the know in this area than I. Due diligence is important to me as it should be to everyone before getting involved in any financial transaction.
I gave you the advice that was passed on to me and I added my own comments which if you go back and review, you'll see I said I hope you take it down.
As for being forum police in a thread, nahhh... thinking you're ripping people off, nahhhh..... Do I think it's a bad deal after speaking with people in the know? Based on their comments... yes.
Pocketrockets spelled it out a bit further about the type of players that will be in this tournament.
If you were rubbed the wrong way this easily, then I don't know what to tell you. I said I wasn't trying to bust balls and will say it again, if you enter the tournament, I hope you take it down.
One last thing, I didn't investigate selling prices on any website that's what my contacts advised me it was going for. Sorry for trying to give you helpful pertinent information.
Good luck!