I remember once back in '93, I, my father, and a friend from NYC, went into LC to use Gene's bill counter to have some money counted on his machine, for a square-up with LV movers.
Well our friend from NYC's part of the count kept coming out wrong, as it turns out his wife's suntan lotion had busted in the suitcase on the way back from Hawaii, and even though he had wiped the bills endlessly with a towel at the hotel, they still continually stuck together in bunches, while Maday, though patient and genial, was not amused!..I had to eventually step out to the parking lot to keep a straight face.
Was he not also one of/if not the original Friday night half-point offerers?
The man played his cards close-to-the-vest, but quite a straight-up man also when put to a question..nothing but respect here.
P.S. Yes he was quite the MNF King, and also well connected, as the multi six-figure money for square-up was left with him for pick-up..Lou you must've done well getting those marks.