Anyone else ever have this problem with a particular woman? This is not good...


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Journey, all I have to say is this: if you are constantly doubting your feelings for her, constantly wondering just how strongly you feel and how much you care about being with her, then you shouldn't be with her. I mean, those feelings aren't gonna disappear just cuz you've made a decision to be with her for the sake of closure.

If/when I end up with a girl, it's gonna be because I KNOW I want to be with her forever, I KNOW I want to share my life with her and don't want to live another day without her.

Maybe that's asking too much or expecting too much, but I'm sure a lot of the happily married ppl on here feel that way about their wives. No matter how much they get on your nerves, how much you fight, etc. you can't stand to be apart.

And if you don't feel that strongly, you shouldn't be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. There's a girl that for some reason I can't fathom, REALLY wants to be with me(god knows why)...and this girl is sweet, nice, caring, hot, and most importantly, WANTS to be with me. She's completely unshallow and doesn't care in the least about my flaws. The most unshallow girl I've ever met. But as much as I WANT to feel the same way about her, I don't. It pisses me the fuck off that I don't feel the same way about her, but that's just the way it is. So as much as I want to want to be with her, I don't, so I'm not. It sucks, but you can't force that shit.

So my advice: keep gettin that ass till she realizes you don't want anything long-term and dumps you. Enjoy it while you can. Because as much as you might WISH you felt differently, the fact of the matter is you don't(that's what the uncertainty screams of to me, at least). The end.

Just my opinion, though...I'm retarded and never talk to girls, so yeah. haha GL though.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Damn Raj, I assumed when Ppeter and I met you at Nugget sportsbook during bash you were a pimp.

All of us are gamblers here.

When I was in Army, this guy gave me the most simple logic regarding women. 3 things can happen if you want to speak with her.

1. Yes

2. No

3. If you dont ask, its automatically going to be NO.

Next year, I suggest you take some time to observe CoachLT around the ladies. Im not talking about the time he is near Fishheads lady, but women in general during the nighttime. The guy has all the nerve and guts needed to talk to the ladies.


Tom Ace, Pet Detective
Nov 8, 2005
jm, from my experience, if she's got kids, get out. I was "daddy" for three years, fell tits over ass in love with the kids, and now that it went south with her, think about them everyday. VERY painful, for all involved. SInce Kornholio's giving our parents grandbabies, I think I might get a little snip-snip and be done with the deal.

but if you love her, go "balls deep" (ask Kornholio about it sometime...he'll think its hilarious) and don't look back.

"Love is biochemically no different than eating large quanities of chocolate." the devil's advocate

Sep 20, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Journey, all I have to say is this: if you are constantly doubting your feelings for her, constantly wondering just how strongly you feel and how much you care about being with her, then you shouldn't be with her. I mean, those feelings aren't gonna disappear just cuz you've made a decision to be with her for the sake of closure.

If/when I end up with a girl, it's gonna be because I KNOW I want to be with her forever, I KNOW I want to share my life with her and don't want to live another day without her.

Maybe that's asking too much or expecting too much, but I'm sure a lot of the happily married ppl on here feel that way about their wives. No matter how much they get on your nerves, how much you fight, etc. you can't stand to be apart.

And if you don't feel that strongly, you shouldn't be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. There's a girl that for some reason I can't fathom, REALLY wants to be with me(god knows why)...and this girl is sweet, nice, caring, hot, and most importantly, WANTS to be with me. She's completely unshallow and doesn't care in the least about my flaws. The most unshallow girl I've ever met. She doesn't like sports at all...I was watching the World Series at her house and I felt like I was offending her....she is athletic atleast,I just feel like I am too picky....the thing that really bothers me though is I cannot make up my mind....I have written her off 50 times, lol, I can't tell you how many times I have left her house and in my head planned on never coming back.

:nopityA:<!-- / message -->
So my advice: keep gettin that ass till she realizes you don't want anything long-term and dumps you. Enjoy it while you can. Because as much as you might WISH you felt differently, the fact of the matter is you don't(that's what the uncertainty screams of to me, at least). The end.

Wow, Raj, you sound just like me...especially this part

"She doesn't like sports at all...I was watching the World Series at her house and I felt like I was offending her....she is athletic atleast,I just feel like I am too picky....the thing that really bothers me though is I cannot make up my mind....I have written her off 50 times, lol, I can't tell you how many times I have left her house and in my head planned on never coming back."

I can't quite figure it out either. :icon_conf

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For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
What the fuck Journey...? What just happened...did you throw your quote in mine post or something? I'm completely lost. haha sorry. Cuz yeah I didn't have your quote in my post...

Dawoof, I tend to exaggerate a bit about the whole not talking to girls thing and all that other crap I say...all for laughs. I'm sure you've noticed my sense of humor is insulting in nature, and self-depricating. But it's all good. Shit, we're all pimps when we got that liquid courage in us, right? We all need to get fuckin wasted at the Bash this year, that's all I gotta say.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Skins, if I am in the country next August, I will be there. :drink: Your humor is funny away player.

J-man, maybe trying the 1/2 your age plus 7 years theory will produce some positive results. Helps if they dont have too much baggage.

I know you pain, as I am 35, but no kids here.

However, having taken two trips to Asia past 9 months...each time I return with a better perspective about life and women.

Find a woman mid/late 20s without the baggage. Better to be alone and content than with someone and miserable.

Cant see you with a woman that doesnt like baseball...IMHO.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004

I reccomend getting a girl like the one I got the other night :103631605:103631605

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I believe men and women are by nature, deceitful.

Neither can really believe the other.

A women can fake an orgasm, but a man can fake an entire relationship.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004

I feel ya bro

Was in a relationship pretty much the same way you are talking about for 4 years. This girl started out just all about me and she seemed like she loved me from day 1. It got me worried and I broke up with her about 6 months after. Then I missed her and got her back. Then she left me, but came back. Then we were together for like 8 months, but I am just like you. I never let myself go for her like fully out, the way I would when she wasn't mine anymore. When she wasn't mine I would take her out to movies and dinner, but then I would fuck up again.

ANYWAYS, the point is I lost her. She is gone now and though we still talk we'll never be together.

So I guess what I am trying to say is you gotta make up your mind. If you think you can love her then take her out to dinner tomorrow night and tell her. Do something nice for her and be good to her. Because if you let her go again you may never get her back. Nothings worse then losing what may have been because you couldn't commit.

New member
Dec 7, 2005
Sounds like someting Leykis 101 might have a comment on.
Go Leykis.

Striving towards handicapping perfection...
Oct 16, 2004
Wow, do I want to throw my 2 cents in here or not?...Dunno, because if you get me started, I will go on forever about my situation and just start railing the shit out of women, because I don't care what anyone says, you cannot trust them...CANNOT...Period...End of story...Maybe, just maybe, there is .001 of 1% of women out there who are actually trustworthy, but that is being WAY too optimistic, IMHO...

J-Man, I read through the "She farted, after first night of sex!", and laughed my ass off every step of the way...Blue Edwards had me just about rolling on the floor...

But a quote from RobFunk rang true:

I agree. I think it is impossible to find a quality chic from the net. They are all self centered POS's who are good for banging a few times, and cant make up their minds about anything in life. None of them can effectively cope with the 'excitement' of the internet. which really is'nt all that exciting. .And this is becuase women are irrational by nature, so the scientifical behavior makes a clear demonstation of the involvement of putting thoughts into text and getting a reaction to it almost everytime, when they are seeking it subconciously or not when combined with the said irrational propertys of the female thought process. This in turn dampens their good natured will towards others and respect for effective relations, regardless of the importance there of.

You are wasting your time if you think you can actually find an honest woman who will be a "keeper" on the Internet...


Who would've ever thought that women's lib would've turned out like this, but it is official people:

Women are more disgusting than men...

They cheat more, they lie more, they deceive more, they are bigger pigs nowadays than men ever were...At the very least, they are JUST AS BAD as the biggest male pigs that ever existed in prior decades...

I can honestly say that I have never met or dated any women from the Internet, but can cite example after example of lying, whoring pieces of trash who call themselves "women" who disgust me to no end...No morals, No ethics, No values, Nothing redeeming about these women unless you consider giving head to any scumbag that comes along a "redeeming characteristic"...I am not sure if a female who will drop to her knees to suck a scumbags' cock at the drop of a hat can actually be called a "woman", because that is an insult to any real women who don't act like this...

These slimy, good-for-nothing whores get themselves all hot and excited over strangers on the Internet and actually meet them at hotels, etc, for sex...Or even if they are married, all it takes is to run into any guy, anywhere who smiles at them or talks smoothly to them and pays them any attention, and hey, it is time to whisk this guy back to a hotel room or the nearest room available to let him have their way with her...

I can cite example after example from friends and family alike...Lots of stories...

I did not meet my wife (soon to be ex, as we are separated) on the Internet, but she is the same way...And she gets her advice on men/relationships from a piece of trailer-park trash co-worker who already has 3 failed marriages and is failing in a fourth...A whore who admits to my ex that she has met guys on the Internet at hotels for sex behind her husband's back...And my ex was also getting the same types of masterful advice about men/relationships from a few other whores who she has never met in person, but met at some women's forum on the Net (for relationships), and these women she has met on the Net sleep around with other guys like there is no tomorrow, nevermind the fact that they are married or in other relationships...

Geez, is it any wonder my (ex) wife thinks it's ok to be the way she is?...Everyone she gets advice from is the same way...

Before I ramble on any further, J-Man, I would probably have to say that maybe it is a blessing that you just cannot find the ability to commit to any woman out there, because IMHO, what fucking female out there is really worth commiting to?...

My soon-to-be-my-ex's father called my wife a "Trashy 90s woman" to her face while we were dating and my wife could not believe he would call her that...Well, heck, I HATED the FUCKING PRICK, but let me tell you he had her pegged a ways before I was able to peg her like that...I suspected it, but after dating her for 4+ years, I felt that she "outgrew" that trashy behavior from her "youth", but boy was I wrong...

So J-Man, consider yourself LUCKY to be the way you are on the commitment (or lack thereof) issue...Because all I ever did was worship my (soon to be ex) wife 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, just handed her my paycheck to her every 2 weeks to do with what she pleased, and where the fuck did that get me??...

Yeah, I'll stop here for now, because I could go on forever about where the fuck that got me with my slimy, lying piece of female garbage ex...:nopityA:

And don't misunderstand my tone here, as I am actually GLAD AS ALL HELL to be rid of this piece of trailer park trash, but, in all honesty, just hearing all the stories from male friends and relatives and even family members, plus living through it first-hand, has definitely soured me on women, because the latest couple of generations of women that are being spit out into this world these days are looking for one thing and one thing only:

A sugardaddy who will marry them and "take care" of them...

And these bitches will do ANYTHING to get their slimy, grimy hands on THESE men...And they don't even plan on keeping them, just get married to them, have a kid or 2, and BAM, they got the guy by the balls because now they not only have alimony when they find someone else they want to be with, they also have child support coming their way...


Gotta tell one story then off to bed...

A female friend of mine (early 40s) is married to a lawyer, he is 48, and he just announced to my friend a few weeks ago that he is leaving her and he has told her that he has been having an affair behind her back and is leaving his wife (my friend) for this tramp...The tramp is 29 and my friend has seen her and said she dresses like a bimbo and may as well be a "streetwalker" dressing like that...So this tramp doesn't give a flying fuck about the marriage she has just destroyed, she, like 99.99% of the women out there these days is out for HERSELF, doing "whatever it takes" to steal this schmuck lawyer (who apparently is having a mid-life crisis) away from his wife because she then knows she'll be living the "good life"...She'll undoubtedly get pregnant within months of moving in with him, which will force him to marry her and then she has got the poor bastard by the balls...I give them 4 or 5 years, TOPS...

J-Man, I agree with SkinsRaj28:

Just fuck that bitch your with as long as she'll let you and then move on to the next whore...

Don't overthink it...

99.99% of women today simply are not looking for a man to spend the rest of their life with and grow old with...They are out to "have a good time" and they don't care who they hurt along the way...It's all about them...

Women: Fuck them...

And I mean literally...Sorry to say it, but that's all they seem to be good for these days...

Someone PayPal me 2 cents and I'll tell the story about how my (soon to be) ex announced to me that she was divorcing me...:lolBIG: about your :finger23: ...

Women: :finger: :finger: :finger:

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Sep 20, 2000
women: they cost money, they take time, and they lead to heartache.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Journeyman said:
Chris you're a good guy...I am not normal, or typical....I wish I was, I have never had any kind of addictions thank God, but this here problem of committing is probably my biggest problem....I have known her since last summer.

I will sit there and think 'ok I can stick with her, she is cool etc' then a couple hours later I will think ' but what will i do next time I see an attractive woman I am interested in'? I am not getting any younger either.

I know other guys have this problem...then i see guys like you, Blue Edwards , G Money, Dante say they have been happy with the same woman for years etc.


JMAN. its not without its challenges its not easy but you learn to give and take as everyone changes over time.....but it can be done you get to the point in your life where you can not live without the other its a deeper kind of love then what love is when its NEW and no commitments..sure there are temptations to stray.... we would not be men if we did not have that but when your "committed" its a different thing
best of luck

New member
Oct 10, 2005
Journeyman , I was in your situation just recently, cept she had a small daughter, she offered me everything i wanted, but i had the same feelings you had, and after a while i realized it wasnt fair to her to put her thru all this when I obviously wasnt in love with her, she deserved a man who loved her and thought about her all the time, not some guy who has ANY fear of being close like i did. so I got out of it, and ultimately it was the RIGHT thing to do. u can find love at 18 you can find love at 81, the point is you will meet sum1 that u find urself thinking about all the time and wanting to do things and with, and it will all seem so easy and RIGHT.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
As I`m Older Than 99%

of the guys here I`ll act as the "Old Man"! Brewer if you`re this cynical re. all of life I pity you. If God made anything better than women he saved it for himself. Yes in my 60 plus yrs I`ve met em all, tramps, queens, pigs, angels. 2 of my biggest regrets not marrying one, and marrying the other. I too married one who loved me but I was ambivalent about. She persisted I gave in and was miserable for 17 yrs. The best & hardest thing to find is one who loves you as much as you love them. That my friends is key, all else will fall into place. I lost one like that and will never forget her. (My fault) J if you`re in doubt, she`s NOT for you. Wait, THE RIGHT ONE is out there.

Pump n Dump
Sep 21, 2002
Presto said:
Sounds like someting Leykis 101 might have a comment on.
Go Leykis.


Gotta stay away from the single mothers, trouble for most everyone.

For more dating tips try:

That's a very good site for the single guy; as is the radio show.

Last thing we need is some broad messin with you during baseball season, gotta get this stuff cleared up before opening pitch.



Nov 16, 2004

We all have good stories but as men its how you handle them.
I am 45, self employed, recently divorced after 18 years with 2 beautiful boys. THEY are my life now and that is all I have time for....but that is me.

Its funny how the x has been with 4 since I have been gone and daily asks me to come back now. Grass isnt greener bitch. Remember that saying? Although lost about 300k and physical things are no where near the same, I am happy in a smaller house, no bitchin, and allot less needless things.

What this taught me is stay true to who you are, do not rush into anything, relationship wise, and take care of those near you, no matter who it is. You will live longer, happier, and with less stress.

Best advice my dad ever gave me which I use to this day

"Dont let the wrong head do the thinking for you"

Kid44 out

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