Anti Immigration & Illegal Immigration Info - Ongoing Thread


New member
Jul 20, 2007
November 17, 2007

In U.S. Name Count, Garcias Are Catching Up With Joneses

Step aside Moore and Taylor. Welcome Garcia and Rodriguez.

Smith remains the most common surname in the United States, according to a new analysis released yesterday by the Census Bureau. But for the first time, two Hispanic surnames — Garcia and Rodriguez — are among the top 10 most common in the nation, and Martinez nearly edged out Wilson for 10th place.

The number of Hispanics living in the United States grew by 58 percent in the 1990s to nearly 13 percent of the total population, and cracking the list of top 10 names suggests just how pervasively the Latino migration has permeated everyday American culture.

Garcia moved to No. 8 in 2000, up from No. 18, and Rodriguez jumped to No. 9 from 22nd place. The number of Hispanic surnames among the top 25 doubled, to 6.

Compiling the rankings is a cumbersome task, in part because of confidentiality and accuracy issues, according to the Census Bureau, and it is only the second time it has prepared such a list. While the historical record is sketchy, several demographers said it was probably the first time that any non-Anglo name was among the 10 most common in the nation. “It’s difficult to say, but it’s probably likely,” said Robert A. Kominski, assistant chief of social characteristics for the census.

Luis Padilla, 48, a banker who has lived in Miami since he arrived from Colombia 14 years ago, greeted the ascendance of Hispanic surnames enthusiastically.

“It shows we’re getting stronger,” Mr. Padilla said. “If there’s that many of us to outnumber the Anglo names, it’s a great thing.”

Reinaldo M. Valdes, a board member of the Miami-based Spanish American League Against Discrimination, said the milestone “gives the Hispanic community a standing within the social structure of the country.”

“People of Hispanic descent who hardly speak Spanish are more eager to take their Hispanic last names,” he said. “Today, kids identify more with their roots than they did before.”

Demographers pointed to more than one factor in explaining the increase in Hispanic surnames.

Generations ago, immigration officials sometimes arbitrarily Anglicized or simplified names when foreigners arrived from Europe.

“The movie studios used to demand that their employees have standard Waspy names,” said Justin Kaplan, an historian and co-author of “The Language of Names.”

“Now, look at Renée Zellweger,” Mr. Kaplan said.

And because recent Hispanic and Asian immigrants might consider themselves more identifiable by their physical characteristics than Europeans do, they are less likely to change their surnames, though they often choose Anglicized first names for their children.

The latest surname count also signaled the growing number of Asians in America. The surname Lee ranked No. 22, with the number of Lees about equally divided between whites and Asians. Lee is a familiar name in China and Korea and in all its variations is described as the most common surname in the world.

Altogether, the census found six million surnames in the United States. Among those, 151,000 were shared by a hundred or more Americans. Four million were held by only one person.

“The names tell us that we’re a richly diverse culture,” Mr. Kominski said.

But the fact that about 1 in every 25 Americans is named Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller or Davis “suggests that there’s a durability in the family of man,” Mr. Kaplan, the author, said. A million Americans share each of those seven names. An additional 268 last names are common to 10,000 or more people. Together, those 275 names account for one in four Americans.

As the population of the United States ballooned by more than 30 million in the 1990s, more Murphys and Cohens were counted when the decade ended than when it began.

Smith — which would be even more common if all its variations, like Schmidt and Schmitt, were tallied — is among the names derived from occupations (Miller, which ranks No. 7, is another). Among the most famous early bearers of the name was Capt. John Smith, who helped establish the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown, Va., 400 years ago. As recently as 1950, more Americans were employed as blacksmiths than as psychotherapists.

In 1984, according to the Social Security Administration, nearly 3.4 million Smiths lived in the United States. In 1990, the census counted 2.5 million. By 2000, the Smith population had declined to fewer than 2.4 million. The durability of some of the most common names in American history may also have been perpetuated because slaves either adopted or retained the surnames of their owners. About one in five Smiths are black, as are about one in three Johnsons, Browns, and Joneses and nearly half the people named Williams.

The Census Bureau’s analysis found that some surnames were especially associated with race and ethnicity.

More than 96 percent of Yoders, Kruegers, Muellers, Kochs, Schwartzes, Schmitts and Novaks were white. Nearly 90 percent of the Washingtons were black, as were 75 percent of the Jeffersons, 66 percent of the Bookers, 54 percent of the Banks and 53 percent of the Mosleys.

Terry Aguayo contributed reporting from Miami.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
"In Mortal Danger" is authored by outspoken Congressman Tom Tancredo, famous for his efforts to reform our immigration policies and secure our borders. He lives up to his reputation of never being afraid to speak his mind in this sure-to-be controversial book.

Could there be a time in the not-too-distant future when schoolchildren around the world will study about the rise and fall of the United States?

Barring major cultural and societal shifts, at least one American lawmaker believes so. "In Mortal Danger" lays out the case that the hub of Western civilization, the United States, is on course to the dustbin of history. Like the great and mighty empires of the past—superpowers that once stretched from horizon to horizon—America is heading down the road to ruin.

English historian Edward Gibbon, in penning his classic "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (ironically published in the year America's Founding Fathers declared independence from Great Britain), theorized that Rome fell because it rotted from within. It succumbed to barbarian invasions because of a loss of civic virtue, its citizens became lazy and soft, hiring barbarian mercenaries to defend the empire because they were unwilling to defend it themselves. Congressman Tancredo thinks America is following in the tragic footsteps of Rome.

"Tom Tancredo is a rare breed in Washington who puts principle above ego and country above party. 'In Mortal Danger' is a clarion call for all good citizens to come to the aid of this great nation. Our borders, culture, history, and institutions are at risk. Tancredo’s lucid, passionate book shows the way to protect them."

---Michelle Malkin, best selling author of “Invasion”

Congressman Tancredo explains in cogent, rational detail how America is on a similar path. He believes that the incredible economic success and historical military prowess of the United States has transformed a nation founded on Christian principles of right and wrong into an overindulgent, self-deprecating, immoral cesspool of depravity.

Without strong, moral leadership, without a renewed sense of purpose, without a rededication to family and community, without shunning the race hustlers and pop-culture sham artists, without protecting our borders, language, and culture, the nation that once was the land of the free and home of the brave" and the "one last hope of mankind will repeat the catastrophic mistakes of the past. "In Mortal Danger" is his prescription for repairing the damage.

Tancredo’s motto of "I'm not going to Washington just to take up space. I'm going to make a difference" rings loud and clear in this book. This book will make a difference. Americans can't afford NOT to read this book!
Oct 30, 2006
I wrote a Letter to

I recently read a story in USAToday online about a McDonalds I forget where but US Immigration raided the restaurant & they found 40 Illegal aliens working in one of your franchise stores...What makes Illegal aliens any better workers than the pimple faced kid that got my order wrong?....There is a bill in Congress coming up called the Save act that will require all employers to use the E-Verify system to verify employment status in the USA...The site for more info is at It is going to pass overwhelmingly so how about McDonalds taking the lead & getting ahead of the game on employing Illegal aliens & thanks...Jim M.

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
So you decide to start the name calling then. You add little to ANY other thread other than your complete obsession with ONE subject, and instead of engaging others, you post some fucking blog/diary and waste a bunch of bandwith.

Maybe you haven't figured it out by now, but the whole group here thinks amnesty is a sham. Game set match. Geezus.

Notice, I didn't namecall.
Oct 30, 2006
Cussinit....Like I said before if you dont like the thread stay out of it...All I see from you is a bunch of smart ass remarks in other peoples threads...Go home.

New member
Jun 11, 2007
Super stuff road!

Tell that Joec wanna be clone cussinit clown he will not close the door to the invaders of our land.

Keep informimg us all!
Oct 30, 2006

Coming Soon


I am sorry but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in

Spanish - enough is enough. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish,

Irish (Celtic), German or any other language because of immigration.

It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word

the way it was written The news broadcasts even gave the translation --

not even close. Sorry if this offends anyone but this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT

IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP -- please pass this along.I am not against immigration -- just come through like everyone else. Get a

sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by

the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and


Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending

someone--YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM !!!! [FONT=Tah!]

[FONT=Tah!]It is Time for America to Speak up [/FONT]
If you agree -- pass this along; if you don't agree -- delete it!!

Yep, I passed it on!
Oct 30, 2006
Soue ews story blogs

UnnamedAssailant wrote: 7m ago

/> I don't know how everybody else feels about it, but to me I think Hispanic
/> people in this country, legally or illegally, made a huge public relations
/> mistake with their recent demonstrations.
/> I don't blame anybody in the world for wanting to come to the United States
/> of America, as it is a truly wonderful place.
/> But when the first thing you do when you set foot on American soil is
/> illegal it is flat out wrong and I don't care how many lala land left heads
/> come out of the woodwork and start trying to give me sensitivity lessons.
/> I don't need sensitivity lessons, in fact I don't have any-thing against
/> Mexicans! I just have something against criminals and anybody who comes into
/> this country illegally is a criminal and if you don't believe it try coming
/> into America from a foreign country without a passport and see how far you
/> get. What disturbs me about the demonstrations is that it's tanta-mount to
/> saying, "I am going to come into your country even if it means breaking your
/> laws and there's nothing you can do about it."
/> It's an "in your face" action and speaking just for me, I don't like it one
/> little bit and if there were a half dozen pairs of gonads in Washington
/> bigger than English peas it wouldn't be happening.
/> Where are you, you bunch of lily livered, panty waste, forked tongued, sorry
/> excuses for defenders of The Constitution? Have you been drinking the water
/> out of the Potomac again? And even if you pass a bill on immigration it will
/> probably be so pork laden and watered down that it won't mean anything
/> anyway. Besides, what good is another law going to do when you won't enforce
/> the ones on the books now?
/> And whatever happened to the polls, guys? I thought you folks were the
/> quintessential finger wetters. Well you sure ain't paying any attention to
/> the polls this time because somewhere around eighty percent of Americans
/> want some thing done about this mess, and mess it is and getting bigger
/> everyday.
/> This is no longer a problem, it is a dilemma and headed for being a tragedy.
/> Do you honestly think that what happened in France with the Muslims can't
/> happen here when the businesses who hire these people finally run out of
/> jobs and a few million disillusioned Hispanics take to the streets?
/> If you, Mr. President, Congressmen, and Senators, knuckle under on this and
/> refuse to do something meaningful, it means that you care nothing for the
/> kind of country your children and grandchildren will inherit. But I guess
/> that doesn't matter as long as you get re-elected. Shame on you.
/> One of the big problems in America today is that if you have the nerve to
/> say anything derogatory about any group of people (except Christians) you
/> are going to be screamed at by the media and called a racist, a bigot, and
/> anything else they can think of to call you.
/> Well I've been pounded by the media before and I'm still rockin' and rollin'
/> and when it comes to speaking the truth I fear not. And the truth is that
/> the gutless, gonadless, milksop politicians are just about to sell out the
/> United States of America because they don't have the intestinal fortitude to
/> stand up to face reality.
/> And reality is that we would never allow any other group of people to have
/> 12 million illegals in this country and turn around and say, "Oh it's ok,
/> ya'll can stay here if you'll just allow us to slap your wrist."
/> And I know that some of you who read this column are saying, "Well what's
/> wrong with that?" I'll tell you what's wrong with it. These people could be
/> from Mars as far as we know. We don't know who they are, where they are or
/> what they're up to and the way the Congress is going we're not going to.
/> Does this make sense? Labor force you say? We already subsidize corporate
/> agriculture as it is, must we subsidize their labor as well?
/> If these people were from Haiti would we be so fast to turn a blind eye to
/> them or if they were from Somalia or Afghanistan ? I think not.
/> All the media shows us are pictures of hard working Hispanics who have
/> crossed the border just to try to better their life. They don't show you
/> pictures of the Feds rounding up members of MS 13, the violent gang who came
/> across the same way the decent folks did. They don't tell you about the
/> living conditions of the Mexican illegals some fat cat hired to pick his
/> crop.
/> I want to make two predictions:
/> No. 1: This situation is going to grow and fester until it erupts in
/> violence on our streets while the wimps in Washington drag their toes in the
/> dirt and try to figure how many tons of political hay they can make to the
/> acre.
/> No 2: Somebody is going to cross that border with some kind of weapon of
/> mass destruction and set it off in a major American city after which there
/> will be a backlash such as this country has never experienced and the
/> Capitol building in Washington will probably tilt as Congressmen and
/> Senators rush to the other side of the issue.
/> I don't know about you but I would love to see just one major politician
/> stand up and say, "I don't care who I make mad and I don't care how many
/> votes I lose, this is a desperate situation and I'm going to lead the fight
/> to get it straightened out."
/> I don't blame anybody for wanting to come to America , but if you don't
/> respect our immigration laws why should you respect any others?
/> And by the way, this is America and our flag has stars and stripes. Please
/> get that other one out of my face.
/> God Bless America
/> Charlie Daniels

My family came here to be Americans! Period! More info:
Oct 30, 2006
Stolen from a usatoday news story blog

Illegal aliens threaten
U.S. medical system
Docs journal reports hospitals being closed, previously vanquished diseases being spread

Posted: March 13, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Cristobal Silverio emigrated illegally from Mexico to Stockton, Calif., in 1997 to work as a fruit picker.
He brought with him his wife, Felipa, and three children, 19, 12 and 8 all illegals. When Felipa gave birth to her fourth child, daughter Flor, the family had what is referred to as an "anchor baby" an American citizen by birth who provided the entire Silverio clan a ticket to remain in the U.S. permanently.
But Flor was born premature, spent three months in the neonatal incubator and cost the San Joaquin Hospital more than $300,000. Meanwhile, oldest daughter Lourdes married an illegal alien gave birth to a daughter, too. Her name is Esmeralda. And Felipa had yet another child, Cristian.
The two Silverio anchor babies generate $1,000 per month in public welfare funding for the family. Flor gets $600 a month for asthma. Healthy Cristian gets $400. While the Silverios earned $18,000 last year picking fruit, they picked up another $12,000 for their two "anchor babies."
While President Bush says the U.S. needs more "cheap labor" from south of the border to do jobs Americans aren't willing to do, the case of the Silverios shows there are indeed uncalculated costs involved in the importation of such labor public support and uninsured medical costs.
In fact, the increasing number of illegal aliens coming into the United States is forcing the closure of hospitals, spreading previously vanquished diseases and threatening to destroy America's prized health-care system, says a report in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.
"The influx of illegal aliens has serious hidden medical consequences," writes Madeleine Pelner Cosman, author of the report. "We judge reality primarily by what we see. But what we do not see can be more dangerous, more expensive, and more deadly than what is seen."
According to her study, 84 California hospitals are closing their doors as a direct result of the rising number of illegal aliens and their non-reimbursed tax on the system.
"Anchor babies," the author writes, "born to illegal aliens instantly qualify as citizens for welfare benefits and have caused enormous rises in Medicaid costs and stipends under Supplemental Security Income and Disability Income."
In addition, the report says, "many illegal aliens harbor fatal diseases that American medicine fought and vanquished long ago, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy, plague, polio, dengue, and Chagas disease."
While politicians often mention there are 43 million without health insurance in this country, the report estimates that at least 25 percent of those are illegal immigrants. The figure could be as high as 50 percent.
Not being insured does not mean they don't get medical care.
Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985, hospitals are obligated to treat the uninsured without reimbursement.
"Government imposes viciously stiff fines and penalties on any physician and any hospital refusing to treat any patient that a zealous prosecutor deems an emergency patient, even though the hospital or physician screened and declared the patent's illness or injury non-emergency," says the report. "But government pays neither hospital nor physician for treatments. In addition to the fiscal attack on medical facilities and personnel, EMTALA is a handy truncheon with which to pummel politically unpopular physicians by falsely accusing them of violating EMTALA."
According to the report, between 1993 and 2003, 60 California hospitals closed because half their services became unpaid. Another 24 California hospitals verge on closure, the author writes.
"American hospitals welcome 'anchor babies,'" says the report. "Illegal alien women come to the hospital in labor and drop their little anchors, each of whom pulls its illegal alien mother, father, and siblings into permanent residency simply by being born within our borders. Anchor babies are citizens, and instantly qualify for public welfare aid: Between 300,000 and 350,000 anchor babies annually become citizens because of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."
Among the organizations directing illegal aliens into America's medical systems, according to the report, are the Ford Foundation-funded Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Immigration Law Center, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the American Bar Association's Commission on Immigration Policy, Practice, and Pro Bono, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, the National Council of La Raza, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Migration Policy Institute, the National Network for Immigration and Refugee Rights and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Because drug addiction and alcoholism are classified as diseases and disabilities, the fiscal toll on the health-care system rises.
When Linda Torres was arrested in Bakersfield, Calif., with about $8,500 in small bills in a sack, the police originally thought it was stolen money, explained the report. It was her Social Security lump sum for her disability -- heroin addiction.
"Today, legal immigrants must demonstrate that they are free of communicable diseases and drug addiction to qualify for lawful permanent residency green cards," writes Cosman, a medical lawyer, who formerly taught medical students at the City University of New York. "Illegal aliens simply cross our borders medically unexamined, hiding in their bodies any number of communicable diseases."
Many illegals entering this country have tuberculosis, according to the report.
"That disease had largely disappeared from America, thanks to excellent hygiene and powerful modern drugs such as isoniazid and rifampin," says the report. "TB's swift, deadly return now is lethal for about 60 percent of those infected because of new Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Until recently MDR-TB was endemic to Mexico. This Mycobacterium tuberculosis is resistant to at least two major anti-tubercular drugs. Ordinary TB usually is cured in six months with four drugs that cost about $2,000. MDR-TB takes 24 months with many expensive drugs that cost around $250,000 with toxic side effects. Each illegal with MDR-TB coughs and infects 10 to 30 people, who will not show symptoms immediately. Latent disease explodes later.
TB was virtually absent in Virginia until in 2002, when it spiked a 17 percent increase, but Prince William County, just south of Washington, D.C., had a much larger rise of 188 percent. Public health officials blamed immigrants. In 2001 the Indiana School of Medicine studied an outbreak of MDR-TB, and traced it to Mexican illegal aliens. The Queens, New York, health department attributed 81 percent of new TB cases in 2001 to immigrants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ascribed 42 percent of all new TB cases to 'foreign born' people who have up to eight times higher incidences apparently, 66 percent of all TB cases coming to America originate in Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam."
Other health threats from illegals include, according to the report:
Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis or "kissing bug disease," is transmitted by the reduviid bug, which prefers to bite the lips and face. The protozoan parasite that it carries, Trypanosoma cruzi, infects 18 million people annually in Latin America and causes 50,000 deaths. The disease also infiltrates America's blood supply. Chagas affects blood transfusions and transplanted organs. No cure exists. Hundreds of blood recipients may be silently infected.
Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, was so rare in America that in 40 years only 900 people were afflicted. Suddenly, in the past three years America has more than 7,000 cases of leprosy. Leprosy now is endemic to northeastern states because illegal aliens and other immigrants brought leprosy from India, Brazil, the Caribbean and Mexico.
Dengue fever is exceptionally rare in America, though common in Ecuador, Peru, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Mexico. Recently, according to the report, there was a virulent outbreak of dengue fever in Webb County, Texas, which borders Mexico. Though dengue is usually not a fatal disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever routinely kills.
Polio was eradicated from America, but now reappears in illegal immigrants as do intestinal parasites, says the report.
Malaria was obliterated, but now is re-emerging in Texas.
The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons report includes a strong prescription for protecting the health of Americans:
Closing America's borders with fences, high-tech security devices and troops.
Rescinding the U.S. citizenship of "anchor babies."
Punishing the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens as a crime.
An end to amnesty programs.

New member
Jul 20, 2007

RR57 I think Pat Buchanan is on your side ???

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

by Patrick J. Buchanan

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

199 of 242 people found the following review helpful:
Bush and Rove need to read this now, August 24, 2006
By L. J Stewart "MiaMiaCamba" (Annapolis, MD) - See all my reviews

This review is from: State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America (Hardcover)
Awesome book. Exposes lots of myths: California used to be full of Mexicans. BS. Only about 3000 Mexicans / Spanairds in CA when US won it in war. Shows how Latin America is unloading its poor, unskilled and unwanted on the US - much like Castro did in the Mariel boatlift. Dispels the notion that every illegal alien is simply a simple honest campesino who wants a better life; a lot of illegals are criminals who are exporting their violent crime ridden culture to the US, e.g. MS-13, etc.

When you read this, you realize how utterly both Clinton but particularly Bush has failed the US people on this issue. Both have completely sold out to the latin and business vote. Ironically, most of the Legal latins I know are MORE concerned about this issue than ignorant Americans; they know what's coming over the border, and they don't like it.

Great book, easy read.

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188 of 229 people found the following review helpful:
Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind, August 24, 2006
By J. R. Mason (Houston, TX United States) - See all my reviews

This review is from: State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America (Hardcover)
In the run-up to the American entry into World War I, President Woodrow Wilson, who knew that Americans were a fair-minded, tolerant people, issued a warning: "Once lead this people into war and they'll forget there ever was such a thing as tolerance...the spirit of ruthless brutality will enter into every fiber of our national life."

This is the fire that the governing elites are playing with in refusing to stop the invasion of illegal aliens into this country. As Buchanan points out in Chapter 1: "In 1960, there were perhaps 5 million Asians and Hispanics in the United States. Today, there are 57 million...this is not immigration as America knew it...there are 36 million immigrants and their children in the United States today, almost as many as came to America between Jamestown in 1607 and the Kennedy election of 1960...this is an invasion, the greatest invasion in history."

"Against the will of a vast majority of Americans, America is being transformed. As our elites nervously avert their gaze or welcome the invasion, we are witness to one of the great tragedies in human history..."

The problem is that the invaders think all Americans are as committed to the death of the nation as it's ruling elites are. At the end of the first chapter, Buchanan writes, "What can be said for a man who would allow his home to be invaded by strangers who demanded that they be fed, clothed, housed and granted the rights of the firstborn? What can be said for a ruling elite that permits this to be done to the nation, and that celebrates it as a milestone of moral progress?"

The invaders think that those in the American heartland are as cowardly and as easily manipulated as are the ruling governors, Congressmen, Senators and other elites, who lost the will to resist ages ago. The popularity of this book, as well as the push-back that is only now beginning, will disabuse them of this notion.

As I say, the invaders and the ruling elites, so one in purpose, are SO WRONG. Neither group has a clue about the backlash that has already begun--as the Bible says, sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Comments (7) | Permalink | Was this review helpful to you? (Report this)

95 of 126 people found the following review helpful:
Outstanding, August 24, 2006
By C. Bartholomew "C. Bartholomew" (Edgewater, FL USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America (Hardcover)
long overdue. Well written and reasoned. Of course there will be a few open border types who will slam the book based on their socialist political views (probably without really reading it!). Those of us who desire to live in a safe, sovereign nation understand the difference between sensible immigration policies and racism. Calling Mr. Buchanan a racist and hiding your head in the sand will not solve this very serious and dangerous problem.

A must read for every caring American citizen.

From Booklist
In his wide-ranging argument about immigration, perennial wake-up-caller Buchanan finally seems a little despondent. The West is nearing death by drowning under a torrent of non-Westerners, the preponderance of whom, he insists, are just trying to earn more and live better than they did in their countries of origin. Some few are bad actors, but they would be manageable if the total number of immigrants were much smaller. Crucially exacerbating the crisis are attitudes fostered by original homelands and others neglected by host nations. For example, Mexico, with its permanent, inalienable citizenship and historic grudge against the U.S. for the latter's Mexican War-facilitated purchase of half of Mexico's original territory, actively discourages Mexicans in the U.S. from becoming U.S.-identified. Simultaneously, U.S. elites downplay "Americanization" in favor of transforming most of the populace into a low-wage workforce fragmented by linguistic and cultural differences. Look to Europe, which from Britain to Russia, Buchanan argues, is much nearer cultural collapse, to see the U.S. in 2050--or sooner. Ray Olson
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Book Description
"The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities," said Theodore Roosevelt. State of Emergency will demonstrate that this is exactly what is happening to America and may now be unstoppable.The United States of 1960 was a First World nation, 90% of whose people traced their ancestry to Europe, 97% of whom spoke English. We studied the same history and literature in school, went to the same movies, read the same books, listened to the same radio and TV, cherished the same heroes. We were one nation and one people.That America is dead and gone. The deconstruction of America -- along the lines of culture and values, language and faith, allegiance and loyalty -- has begun. By 2050, Americans of European descent will be a minority in the United States. One hundred million Hispanics with ties of language and loyalty to Mexico and Latin America will be living here, concentrated in the SouthwestIt is the thesis of State of Emergency that the Melting Pot is broken beyond repair, that assimilation and Americanization are not taking place, and that only action is to seal and secure America's borders to halt the flow of over a million legal and illegal immigrants a year, and to begin the Americanization of the tens of millions of aliens in our midst can save America. Our civilization cannot survive indefinitely what is going on. State of Emergency reveals who is doing this to us, why they are doing it, why this is our last chance, and how, if the will is there, we can yet save America from Balkanization and break-up.

From the Inside Flap

“Eminently worth reading and pondering.”
—The Washington Times

“[Buchanan] is a muscular writer, fully in command of the English language he feels is under siege. He is adept at linking history, statistics and the writings of philosophers and economists to proffer forceful arguments. His book crackles.”
—The Washington Post

“Mr. Buchanan, in this book, is positively fearless. He is also right.”
—Tony Blankley, The Washington Times

In this passionate best-seller, Patrick Buchanan documents the mortal peril America faces from massive, uncontrolled immigration from the third world.

Pat Buchanan is sounding the alarm. Since 9/11, more than four million illegal immigrants have crossed our borders—and more come in every day. Politicians in Washington either lack the political will or can’t agree on how to uphold the rule of law. The “melting pot” is cracked beyond repair, and the future of our nation is at stake.

State of Emergency reveals the frightening truth about the effects of uncontrolled immigration and warns of the end of our culture as we know it. With his trademark passion and eloquence, Buchanan details the roots of the crisis and lays out a practical plan for immigration reform and border security. With an estimated ten to fifteen million “illegals” already here and untold millions more poised to cross our borders, and with Congress seemingly paralyzed, few books could be as timely—or as important—as State of Emergency. It is essential reading for all Americans.
Oct 30, 2006
Frpm a Usatoday story blog

Disgusted wrote: 13h 32m ago
No matter how much liberal justification from these psuedo intellects touting the benefits of illegal immigration and open borders, one sentiment and one theme remains prevalent, dominant and constant: People are VERY angry with this illegal alien invasion, the statements made by Calderon in his State of The Union address in
September 2007 wherein he DEMANDED that the United States surrender its sovereignty to Mexico, as well as
the in-progress colonization of the United States by Mexicans and the Mexican Government to establish a
Mexican State within the borders of the United States, and the constant whining and hypocracy of groups such as La Raza, MEchA, Maldeff, Lulac, etc.. Americans -- by an OVERWHELMING MAJORITY are plain fed up.
SOMETHING is bound to happen. You can't ignore, stifle, trivialize or label as "racist xenophobia" the demands and the will of the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens. People are disgusted, angry, fed-up and feeling disinfranchized by the very Government sworn to uphold the law of the land and protect our borders and her
people. It'sd a very dangerous combination. I get the distinct feeling -- and I'm not alone on this -- that change is in the wind, and it is imminent
by one means or another. Either the Government corrects this problem, or We The People will. We can no longer
sit idly by while this Nation is overrun by 3rd world itinerants who's collective loyalties and allegience is to
Mexico, while they collectively continue to demonstrate not one iota of respect or gratitude to the United States,
her laws or her citizens. The fuse is lit, and the explosion is inevitable. It's no longer a matter of "if" but "when"
and "where." Thats my read on this situation.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
Let see what Pat says on the subject !!!

About the Author

PATRICK J. BUCHANAN, America’s leading populist conservative, was a senior adviser to three American presidents, ran twice for the Republican nomination (1992 and 1996), and was the Reform Party’s presidential candidate in 2000. The author of numerous best-sellers, he is a syndicated columnist and a founding member of three of America’s foremost public affairs shows, NBC's The McLaughlin Group, and CNN's The Capitol Gang and Crossfire. He lives in McLean, Virginia.

Excerpt from

State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America

Chapter 1

Civilizations, Arnold Toynbee believed, arose when “creative minorities” devised solutions to the great crisis of the age. They perished when they failed to resolve that crisis.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire and the barbarian invasions, Toynbee concluded, the Catholic Church had solved the crisis of the age: disunity and chaos. It had done so by creating a new religious community out of which grew a new civilization and culture.

Thus began the history of Christendom.

From the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries, the West wrote the history of the world. Out of the Christian countries of Europe came the explorers, the missionaries, the conquerors, the colonizers, who, by the twentieth century, ruled virtually the entire world. But the passing of the West had begun.

Spain’s empire was the first to fall. America delivered the coup de grâce in 1898. But it was the Thirty Years’ War of 1914–1945, the Civil War of Western Civilization, that inflicted the mortal wounds.

By 1918, the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian empires had collapsed. World War II bled and broke the British and French. One by one, after war’s end, the strategic outposts of empire—Suez, the Canal Zone, Rhodesia, South Africa, Hong Kong—began to fall. Within three decades, Europe’s headlong retreat from Asia and Africa was complete.

From 1989 to 1991, the Soviet Empire fell and the Soviet Union split into fifteen pieces, half a dozen of them Muslim nations that had never before existed. Now, the African, Asian, Islamic, and Hispanic peoples that the West once ruled are coming to repopulate the mother countries.

By the Toynbeean concept of challenge and response, the crisis of Western civilization consists of three imminent and mortal perils: dying populations, disintegrating cultures, and invasions unresisted.

History repeats itself. After the Roman republic spread out from the town on the Tiber to rule Italy and “the Middle Sea of Earth” from Spain to Jerusalem, from Carthage to Hadrian’s Wall, the conquered peoples made their way to the imperial capital. Rome became a polyglot city of all the creeds and cultures of the empire. But these alien peoples brought with them no reverence for Roman gods, no respect for Roman tradition, no love of Roman culture. And so, as Rome had conquered the barbarians, the barbarians conquered Rome. In the fifth century, beginning with Alaric and the Visigoths in 410, the northern tribes, one after another, invaded and sacked the Eternal City. And the Dark Ages descended.

And as Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.

In How the Irish Saved Civilization, Thomas Cahill writes: “To the Romans, the German tribes were riffraff; to the Germans, the Roman side of the river was the place to be. The nearest we can come to understanding this divide may be the southern border of the United States. There the spit-and-polish troops are immigration police; the hordes, the Mexicans, Haitians, and other dispossessed people seeking illegal entry.”3

In his Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians, Oxford’s Peter Heather challenges previous historians and attributes the fall of the empire to Rome’s refusal to block a great horde of refugees that arrived at its border late in the fourth century:

“In 376 a large band of Gothic refugees arrived at the Empire’s Danube frontier, asking for asylum. In a complete break with established Roman policy, they were allowed in, unsubdued. They revolted, and within two years had defeated and killed the emperor Valens—the one who had received them—along with two-thirds of his army, at the battle of Hadrianople.”4

At first, “this sudden surge of would-be Gothic immigrants wasn’t seen as a problem at all,” writes Heather. “On the contrary, Valens happily admitted them because he saw in this flood of displaced humanity a great opportunity.”5 The Roman historian Ammianus wrote of how warmly the Goths were welcomed: “The affair caused more joy than fear and educated flatterers immoderately praised the good fortune of the prince, which unexpectedly brought him so many young recruits from the ends of the earth. . . .”6

What Valens had done was the Christian thing to do, but it had never been the Roman thing to do. Valens has his modern counterpart in George W. Bush. For in May 2006, Republican senators at Bush’s urging joined Democrats to offer a blanket amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens and permit U.S. businesses to go abroad and bring in foreign workers. Senators had been shocked by the millions of Hispanics marching in America’s cities under Mexican flags. And as was the emperor Valens, President Bush was hailed for his compassion and vision.

Just as Rome’s time came, so today comes the time of the West. From Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, and the old French colonies of the sub-Sahara, they cross the Mediterranean. From the mandated lands Europe tore from the Ottomans, an Islamic invasion is mounted that is changing the character of the Old Continent. And the future the militant imams have in mind for Europe is not the same as that dreamed of by the bureaucrats of Brussels.

In 2005, there came a fire bell in the night. Children of Arab and African peoples France once ruled burned and looted the suburbs of Paris and three hundred cities. Prophets without honor had warned of what was coming.

In 2005, 750,000 more Russians disappeared from the face of the earth, bringing Russia’s population down to 143 million. Due to an anemic birth rate and early deaths, another 10 million will vanish in the next ten years. Meanwhile, Chinese workers and traders in the thousands annually cross the Amur and Ussuri rivers to work and live, slowly repossessing the lands lost to the czars and the world’s last great storehouse of natural resources: Siberia and the Russian Far East. In the Caucasus and Central Asia, holy warriors take up arms to drive Mother Russia back whence the Cossacks came centuries ago.

And, above all, it is happening here. In the eighteenth century, America began her restless, relentless drive to dominance from the Atlantic seaboard over the mountains to the great river. In the age of Jackson and Polk, the United States tore Florida away from Spain, and Texas, the Southwest, and California away from young Mexico. By century’s end, we had annexed Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. In 1900, U.S. Marines marched beside British imperial troops to Peking to crush the Boxer Rebellion. In the first half of the twentieth century, America invaded Mexico, built the Panama Canal, intervened in the Caribbean and Central America, smashed Japan’s empire, and conquered the Pacific and East Asia.

Now the tape has begun to run in reverse. In 1960, there were perhaps 5 million Asians and Hispanics in the United States. Today, there are 57 million. Between 10 percent and 20 percent of all Mexican, Central American, and Caribbean peoples have moved into the United States. One to 2 million enter every year and stay, half of them in defiance of America’s laws and disdain for America’s borders. No one knows how many illegal aliens are here. The estimates run from 12 to 20 million.

This is not immigration as America knew it, when men and women made a conscious choice to turn their backs on their native lands and cross the ocean to become Americans. This is an invasion, the greatest invasion in history. Nothing of this magnitude has ever happened in so short a span of time. There are 36 million immigrants and their children in the United States today, almost as many as came to America between Jamestown in 1607 and the Kennedy election of 1960. Nearly 90 percent of all immigrants now come from continents and countries whose peoples have never been assimilated fully into any Western country.

Against the will of a vast majority of Americans, America is being transformed. As our elites nervously avert their gaze or welcome the invasion, we are witness to one of the great tragedies in human history. From Gibbon to Spengler to Toynbee and the Durants, the symptoms of dying civilizations are well known: the death of faith, the degeneration of morals, contempt for the old values, collapse of the culture, paralysis of the will. But the two certain signs that a civilization has begun to die are a declining population and foreign invasions no longer resisted.

Europe, having embraced what Pope John Paul II called a “culture of death,” is far down the Roman road to ruin. For death has embraced Europe back. Not one European nation save Muslim Albania has a birth rate among its native-born that will enable it to survive the century in its present form. Birth rates below replacement levels have been the mark of all the great nations of Europe for decades. In many, the population has ceased to grow and begun to die.

Here in America, the self-delusion about what is happening and the paralysis in the face of the crisis have no precedent. What can be said for a man who would allow his home to be invaded by strangers who demanded they be fed, clothed, housed, and granted the rights of the firstborn? What can be said for a ruling elite that permits this to be done to the nation, and that celebrates it as a milestone of moral progress?

We are witnessing how nations perish. We are entered upon the final act of our civilization. The last scene is the deconstruction of the nations. The penultimate scene, now well underway, is

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