Anti Immigration & Illegal Immigration Info - Ongoing Thread

Oct 30, 2006
Immigration Gradecards

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SUBJECT: Overall increases through immigration
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Click on the state of the delegation or Member of Congress whose grades you wish to inspect![/FONT]​

</TD><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=123><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=125 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ccff00>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]VIEW GRADES[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SUBJECT: Overall Increases Through Immigration[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By state delegation
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By Member name[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Career Ranking of 535 Members[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Recent Ranking of 535 Members[/FONT]

</B>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former Members [/FONT]
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ccff00>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ABOUT THE GRADES[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Understanding the grades
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]How the grades are figured
Credibility and nature of the grades NumbersUSA provides<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=125 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ccff00></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><MAP name=USAMAP><AREA shape=POLY coords=45,106,18,95,11,109,10,130,18,144,18,157,22,174,22,183,38,190,46,202,46,208,65,211,73,184,37,138 href="delegation.php3?District=CA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=88,117,45,105,36,137,72,189,80,168 href="delegation.php3?District=NV "><AREA shape=POLY coords=72,72,38,61,37,56,31,54,16,86,16,96,65,112,73,90,69,87,80,74,75,69 href="delegation.php3?District=OR "><AREA shape=POLY coords=83,39,48,30,48,38,43,42,44,35,36,31,32,54,37,57,38,63,77,70 href="delegation.php3?District=WA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=120,177,81,167,77,175,71,181,72,195,65,213,97,232,113,233 href="delegation.php3?District=AZ "><AREA shape=POLY coords=109,123,89,116,78,168,120,176,125,133,109,129 href="delegation.php3?District=UT "><AREA shape=POLY 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coords=241,217,214,215,194,207,193,189,170,186,164,232,137,231,151,246,154,261,164,263,171,254,180,255,192,272,197,280,200,289,221,295,217,283,228,269,239,263,250,256,252,242,248,232,248,221 href="delegation.php3?District=TX "><AREA shape=POLY coords=238,184,168,181,170,188,192,190,191,208,216,216,234,217,243,218 href="delegation.php3?District=OK "><AREA shape=POLY coords=231,153,179,150,178,180,237,182,239,161 href="delegation.php3?District=KS "><AREA shape=POLY coords=220,123,165,118,162,137,179,140,178,150,234,151 href="delegation.php3?District=NE "><AREA shape=POLY coords=219,91,169,87,164,119,222,122 href="delegation.php3?District=SD "><AREA shape=POLY coords=215,56,170,53,166,89,219,88 href="delegation.php3?District=ND "><AREA shape=POLY coords=262,143,227,143,237,159,239,186,281,185,287,175,274,165,278,161,272,160 href="delegation.php3?District=MO "><AREA shape=POLY coords=261,116,222,113,221,120,230,145,265,142,275,124 href="delegation.php3?District=ia "><AREA shape=POLY coords=280,190,275,190,278,185,240,187,241,217,248,224,273,223,273,214,282,193 href="delegation.php3?District=AR "><AREA shape=POLY coords=271,222,247,224,248,238,251,247,250,258,265,258,267,255,277,259,287,260,290,250,284,248,286,241,271,241 href="delegation.php3?District=LA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=297,199,279,199,270,215,273,224,267,240,285,244,284,252,299,245 href="delegation.php3?District=MS "><AREA shape=POLY coords=318,197,296,197,297,247,306,246,308,239,329,236,328,222 href="delegation.php3?District=AL "><AREA shape=POLY coords=360,234,333,237,329,236,306,240,306,246,316,244,330,248,337,243,351,251,353,264,366,279,365,283,371,288,380,287,381,272,374,259,369,250,360,237 href="delegation.php3?District=FL "><AREA shape=POLY coords=336,193,319,195,328,225,328,237,360,232,365,216 href="delegation.php3?District=GA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=335,176,347,162,338,155,321,152,313,164,293,169,286,180,285,182 href="delegation.php3?District=KY "><AREA shape=POLY coords=349,174,329,192,280,199,284,181 href="delegation.php3?District=tn "><AREA shape=POLY coords=335,194,353,186,360,190,368,187,379,194,365,217 href="delegation.php3?District=SC "><AREA shape=POLY coords=393,163,349,173,331,192,353,187,359,190,368,188,380,196,398,178 href="delegation.php3?District=NC "><AREA shape=POLY coords=372,140,382,142,382,146,392,149,392,161,338,175,344,166,359,162 href="delegation.php3?District=VA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=359,140,350,139,338,156,346,166,358,162,364,149,373,137,371,133 href="delegation.php3?District=WV "><AREA shape=POLY coords=315,129,294,128,298,159,294,167,314,163,319,151 href="delegation.php3?District=IN "><AREA shape=POLY coords=306,83,298,100,298,128,321,124,332,108,325,97,318,103,317,102,321,94,319,86 href="delegation.php3?District=MI "><AREA shape=POLY coords=251,83,251,97,266,122,288,120,289,95,287,87,262,76 href="delegation.php3?District=WI "><AREA shape=POLY coords=231,56,216,55,221,114,262,114,251,98,249,84,259,71,266,63,263,62,259,61 href="delegation.php3?District=MN "><AREA shape=POLY coords=346,115,316,125,318,154,339,156,352,135 href="delegation.php3?District=OH "><AREA shape=POLY coords=390,114,386,105,348,114,351,140,393,128 href="delegation.php3?District=PA "><AREA shape=RECT coords=432,157,452,171 href="delegation.php3?District=MD "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,142,453,155 href="delegation.php3?District=DE "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,125,452,138 href="delegation.php3?District=NJ "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,108,453,121 href="delegation.php3?District=CT "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,92,453,105 href="delegation.php3?District=RI "><AREA shape=RECT coords=431,76,454,91 href="delegation.php3?District=MA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=389,72,375,83,375,90,358,100,352,113,388,104,400,111,400,91,400,90,398,88 href="delegation.php3?District=NY "><AREA shape=POLY coords=404,67,391,71,400,94,408,62 href="delegation.php3?District=VT "><AREA 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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Immigration Gradecards are a project of NumbersUSA.[/FONT]</TD><TD vAlign=bottom align=right>
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Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left>
</TD><TD align=middle>Independents: Call Senators Obama and Biden about the Senate's job give-away scheme. </TD><TD align=right>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FORM id=theform name=theform action=/phones method=post><TABLE style="MARGIN-LEFT: 10px; WIDTH: 180px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 10px" align=right><TBODY><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>DC Office of Senator Barak Obama
Washington, DC
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>202-224-2854 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>Moline Office of Sen. Barack Obama
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>309-736-1217 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>DC Office of Senator Joseph Biden
Washington, DC
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>202-224-5042 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>Milford Office of Senator Joseph Biden
Milford, DE
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>302-424-8090 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT type=hidden value=6,4 name=selection> <INPUT type=hidden value=10710 name=ID> <INPUT type=hidden value=attend name=action> <INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=accept>
I can definitely commit to placing this call
I MIGHT be able to call-I'll tell you later

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Calling is easy. Simply state your name, where you are calling from, and tell the staffer that you:

(1) Are an independent voter;

(2) Would like to know whether Senators Obama and Biden support Senator Menendez's plan to either discard the job-protecting E-Verify program or give 550,000 additional American jobs away next year.

(3) Would like to see Senators Obama and Biden show some leadership by encouraging Majority Leader Reid to move a clean (no strings attached) E-Verify reauthorization bill to the floor before Congress recesses.

After you call their Senate offices (first priority), you might want to contact them via their campaign website.
We have provided additional talking points below.

Talking Points

Talking point: 592,000 Americans joined the official ranks of the unemployed in August. Neither they nor the other 9.4 million Americans who can't find a job should have to compete with illegal labor.

Talking point: Among those who will most benefit from a strong E-Verify and limited foreign worker plan are Hispanic women (8.7 percent unemployment rate) and Black American men (12.3 percent unemployment rate).

Last edited:
Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle>Reauthorize E-Verify: Don't let the Senate punt on enforcement </TD><TD align=right>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FORM id=theform name=theform action=/phones method=post><TABLE style="MARGIN-LEFT: 10px; WIDTH: 180px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 10px" align=right><TBODY><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>DC Office of Senator George Voinovich
Washington, DC
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>202-224-3353 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>Nelsonville Office of Sen. George Voinovich
Nelsonville, OH
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>740-441-6410 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>DC Office of Senator Sherrod Brown
Washington, DC
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>202-224-2315 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>Cincinnati Office of Sen. Sherrod Brown
Cincinnati, OH
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>513-684-1021 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT type=hidden value=0,5 name=selection> <INPUT type=hidden value=10712 name=ID> <INPUT type=hidden value=attend name=action> <INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=accept>
I can definitely commit to placing this call
I MIGHT be able to call-I'll tell you later
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Calling is easy. Simply state your name, where you are calling from, and tell the staffer that you:

1) demand nothing less than a 5-year extension of E-Verify before Congress recesses.

2) are outraged that the Senate would consider a six-month extension of E-Verify as part of a continuing resolution (CR) (H.R. 2638) instead of passing H.R. 6633.

3) believe it is not too much to ask the Senate for another 5 years of workplace enforcement to protect American jobs - does the Senate think that Americans only deserve another six months of job security?

We have provided additional talking points below.

Talking Points

Talking point: How can the Senate hold a bill (E-Verify reauthorization) hostage that benefits American workers in order to move a bill (550,000 visa increase) that betrays American workers?

Talking point: The House voted for a five-year reauthorization of E-Verify to help employers comply with our immigration laws and combat illegal hiring practices. The Senate should do the same - with no strings attached.

Last edited:
Oct 30, 2006
Act NOW or don't you dare BITCH later!

<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: separate" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=800 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=2>

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=800 bgColor=#ffffff>
September 29, 2008

Re: Sanctuary Policies: A Matter of Life and Death?

Dear friend,

Sanctuary policies for illegal aliens must end!

These illegal and misguided policies of many towns, counties, cities and even states that provide "sanctuary" to illegal aliens are taking a terrible toll on all law-abiding Americans.

If you have already signed our petition to Governors demanding that he or she work to abolish so-called "illegal alien sanctuary" policies at the state and local levels, then I encourage you to spread the word to others. If you haven't yet signed the petition, please do so now.

Whether we call it a crime wave, an epidemic or just plain bad, an illegal alien sanctuary policy in Denver, Colorado claimed the lives of three more innocent victims just a couple of weeks ago.

These killings expose the lie that sanctuary policies make our streets safer...

An illegal immigrant who had been arrested 16 times by seven different local police departments was allowed to remain in the U.S. long enough to allegedly murder two women and a toddler.

In this tragic case that mirrors far too many others nationwide, local authorities failed to collaborate with federal immigration officials to rid the public of a violent illegal immigrant who should have been deported years ago. This time, the negligence involved local police in at least one city -- Denver -- that officially and proudly provides sanctuary to illegal aliens.

The alleged killer (Francis Hernandez) has 11 aliases and a lengthy criminal record. He was a fugitive with multiple warrants for his arrest when he ran a red light and slammed his sports utility vehicle into a pickup truck occupied by two women. The violent impact pushed the truck more than 100 feet into a nearby ice cream shop. A 3-year-old boy, eating ice cream, was killed and so were the women in the pickup.

It took these brutal and senseless deaths of three innocent people to finally get U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to detain this illegal alien.

But innocent Americans just about everywhere continue to suffer... Have you had enough? If so, I urge you to do two things today:

Because where these illegal alien sanctuary policies exist, American citizens are being victimized by criminals who are allowed to stalk our streets.

Other recent cases underscore the problem...

In Newark New Jersey last year, illegal alien Jose Carranza was arrested and charged with raping a 5-year-old girl and aggravated assault and weapons violations. Had authorities contacted federal immigration officials he would have been deported. Instead Carranza was released on bail. Last August he was charged with the gruesome execution-style murders of three college-bound students, ages 18 to 20.

Judicial Watch recently launched an investigation into the arrest of Pedro Espinoza, the illegal alien gang member who murdered high school student Jamiel Shaw on March 2nd in Los Angeles. Espinoza had been released from a Culver City, California jail the day before the murder. Culver City, by the way, is also a sanctuary city.

This month, Judicial Watch obtained crucial records on another violent illegal immigrant gang banger who had been previously arrested by San Francisco's police department yet was released. He went on to murder man and his two sons following a traffic incident.

That's why I urge you to do two things today:

Shockingly, no one in government tracks the crimes committed by illegal aliens, so "official" figures are not available. However, in 2006, the U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO) conducted a study of crimes committed by illegal immigrants then in prison and reported to federal authorities. That number was 55,322.

Incredibly, these 55,322 illegal aliens averaged about 8 arrests each, and they were charged with about 700,000 offenses -- that's 13 per illegal alien! Twelve percent of those offenses were violent crimes (84,000) of "murder, robbery, assault, and sex-related crimes" -- and that was just among those who were both caught and reported!

Sadly, since 2006 things seem to have only gotten worse...

That's why I'm writing to ask you to join me and all law-abiding Americans in signing our petition to your governor, demanding that he or she work to abolish so-called "illegal alien sanctuary" policies at the state and local levels by requiring strict enforcement of all federal immigration laws.
These dangerous and illegal policies must be halted.

And for the past 3 years, Judicial Watch has made every effort to do just that. But it starts and ends, like all our work, with you...

Judicial Watch has legally challenged police department "don't-ask-don't tell" policies that have enabled hardcore criminals to victimize innocent Americans.

Judicial Watch has initiated legal actions against police departments with sanctuary policies in Los Angeles, Washington DC, and Chicago, while more cases are under active consideration by our team of investigators. We are doing work all over the country.

But the problem is massive and the need for action is critical.

So please sign this petition. Then help us increase our numbers by forwarding this urgent message to your friends, members of your church, family members -- everyone you feel might be with us in this great cause. Imagine your impact if at least half of them sign the petition... For example, when you forward this message to six (6) people and half of them sign, it's like tripling the impact of your signed petition. Just forward this message or use our Tell-a-Friend feature at the site. Tell them to:

And then to:

We cannot afford to wait for federal action. We must act at the state and local level now. Please sign our "No Sanctuary" petition to your state governor. Please, keep the attention focused on our efforts.

And, please, don't forget to spread the word!

Thank you,


Tom Fitton

P.S. I can't stress enough how important it is to generate a massive number of signatures on these petitions to state governors. It's one very important way we'll be heard where we need to be heard -- at the highest state and local levels.

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts.


Oct 30, 2006
Home > Hot Topics > Recent Blogs > September, 2008 > Bail-Out Crisis Holds Lessons for Delay in Immigration Solutions

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Bail-Out Crisis Holds Lessons for Delay in Immigration Solutions

By Roy Beck, Updated Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 12:45 AM
I just noticed something rather strange: Both the Hispanic Caucus and the Immigration Reform Caucus voted considerably higher against the bail-out in the House Monday than did the rest of the House.
These two groups tend to be on opposite sides. I'll give you the details below.
First, I want to share a couple of thoughts about this whole disaster in the nation's financial industry. It seems to me that the Bank Bail-Out Crisis should teach us two very important things relevant to the immigration debate:
(1) Not all economic growth is good (that is, it doesn't necessarily serve the public good). Economic growth that comes from an unhealthy addiction (to insecure mortgages or to foreign labor) is not sustainable. And lots of innocent people get hurt when the addiction gets out of control.
(2) It's a whole lot less painful to act when a problem is festering than after it becomes a full-blown crisis. That brings me quickly to a favorite hobby horse and that horse is the SAVE Act.
Our immigration system is not a full-blown crisis nationwide (although it is in many locales). But it could easily become one in the not-too-distant future. Some day, no matter what, this nation will have to take away the jobs magnet from illegal immigration. Even Sen. Menendez will agree that is true. So, why not start now with a phased in, moderate program of workplace verification as represented by H.R. 4088 of Rep. Shuler (D-N.C.)?
Just as our financial industry -- and economy in general -- became addicted to the overinflated housing industry and needed some air to be released from that bubble gradually over time before it exploded over all of us, we need to start weaning our economy from its addiction to illegal foreign labor.
But Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid absolutely refused to let Shuler's bill come up for a vote, even though it surely would have passed by large majorities -- far more support than the bail-out bill they rushed to the floor Monday.

Don9868 of Indiana responded to my first short posting before midnight with this:
"I have suggested to my Senators and Representative that they need to look into how much of the housing failure and resulting financial problems were due to homes being sold to illegal aliens.
"I think the american taxpayer and voters deserve nothing less than a factual accounting of these figures. All this needs to be made public and those that provided false documents to illegals and trumped up financial figures so these loans would be made held accountable. My elected members of congress need to know and be continually reminded that it is by their non-action on illegal and too high legal immigration that has caused a big part of this problem.Sadly they either don't learn or care by refusing to pass a clean e-verify or the SAVE act. Did any of Representative Tancredo's request make it into any of this legislation? He will be sadly missed. "
The aggressive efforts by banks and even federal institutions to give mortgages to illegal aliens is exemplary of the recklessness in the financial industry that led to this mess. Many of you pleaded with your own banks to stop risking money on illegal laiens, especially when they were given mortgages with no money down. Others of you have led lonely fights to stop your banks from giving large donations to the National Council of La Raza, helping it to fight for more and more illegal immigration.
Tom Tancredo has asked that there be guarantees that none of the bailout money be used to help people who are in this country illegally. I've heard no response (see our news story).

I honestly can't figure out a storyline to explain this yet.
When the votes for the Bail-Out had been tallied in the House Monday, 52.6% of the Members had voted NO.
But the opposition was much higher among these two large blocks of Members:
  • 63% NO in the Hispanic Caucus (12 of 19, all Democrats)
  • 80.4% NO in the Immigration Reform Caucus (90 of 112, mostly Republicans)
Both groups voted against their Party leadership. Both voted significantly differently from the rest of their Party.
I have a feeling the reason for the NO votes was quite different in each group. What do you think was going on?

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Rebecca8845 of OR
Tue, 09/30/2008 - 10:18pm
When I called Ron Wydens

When I called Ron Wydens office in DC this Monday, the staffer was very dismissive and arrogant about why E-verify had not been brought for a vote before the Senate.
he passed it onto Harry Reid.
you know it's really hard to get immigration information out to the public when no one will discuss the topic on the mainstream media.I mean the political shows and news media. The problem began when banks began taking matricula cards and bragged about giving home loans to illegals. Now we are supposed to help them out along with the illegals and their anchor babies?
Peter defazio of Oregon has a plan that wont cost the taxpayer any money. I have really come to Hate the Senate. I really do.
Why isnt e-verify being talked about?

Joan7336 of AZ
Tue, 09/30/2008 - 5:33pm
Re: Bail-Out Crisis Holds Lessons for Delay in Immigration Solut

I noticed the same thing about the Hispanic Caucus. I figured they were angry that the ACORN money had been taken out of the bill and are hoping for a second chance to get something for the pro-illegal organizations put back in. Have no thoughts on the Immigration Reform Caucus except that maybe they are the more conservative members and got scared into voting no by their constituents. Maybe there is no connection between the two and why they voted the way they did.

Gene1925 of IL
Tue, 09/30/2008 - 5:24pm
Roy: If and when (it

If and when (it probably will) the Bailout bill comes up again I'd like to see us at NumbersUSA, citizens at the Grassroots level, be mobilized to help give Tancredo's effort a boost in the bill, if it is to pass. Loans to Illegal's as a factor in this crisis has been almost totally ignored in the process. I am not in favor of the bill especially in it's present state; so lets see if we can help to make the bill as perfect as possible or let it go down again to a dramatic defeat of those self interested politicians whom would push there junk on the American public.
Lastly, I heard how Tancredo voted but I am not sure it is correct and if so that it makes sense either! That may help to make some sense of the other unexpalined voting patterns above! Any Idea what's going on?

Marsha7527 of MN
Tue, 09/30/2008 - 10:32am
Re: Bail-Out Crisis Holds Lessons for Delay in Immigration Solut

Hurray to anybody for opposing the bailout. To let the bailout go through would just encourage more reckless financing of all kinds. One would think that anybody looking for cheap credit (illegal aliens included) would favor the bailout so the logic is backwards. Wall Street wants the bailout to keep the party going and the false paper economy going. The false paper economy has choked on its own toilet paper and shut down. Now all the vultures are after the pickings. My guess is that the Wall Street "advisors" will be the first pigs at the trough.

Hessie8267 of MD
Tue, 09/30/2008 - 8:27am
I would venture that both

I would venture that both Caucuses believe that upheaval in the American economy would make cheap illegal immigrant labor attractive to US businesses. If any of them had a sense of history they would know how wrong they are. Such labor is only desired by Big Business when it yields a profit. In this economy, cheap labor will not translate into profits. Furthermore, an economic situation such as this is going to lead even higher unemployment for American citizens. Aside from the other many problems that will bring, it will mean consumer spending will be flat. Therefore, there will be very few to buy the corporations' products. This reminds me of the old saw "What if they gave a war and nobody came?"

Laurel6425 of IL
Mon, 09/29/2008 - 9:03pm
Re: Bail-Out Crisis Should Teach Us Dangers Of Delaying Immigrat

Michael Savage (San Francisco-based talk show host) is reporting that the doomed bailout contained money for "affordable housing" going to La Raza. Is this true? If so, it's terrific that it went down in flames. How much of the crisis is due to loans going to illegals, who defaulted? Several other internet sites speak of "schemes" whereby an illegal would buy a home, sell it to a relative (who would pocket the profit), then sell it to another, and so on, until everyone deserted the property and left town. Any truth to this?

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Oct 30, 2006
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<TABLE width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>E-Verify: Blast the Senate for punting on enforcement </TD><TD align=right>
Dear <SELECT onchange=CheckSelected() multiple size=2 name=recipients> <OPTION value=618:cong selected>Sen. Voinovich</OPTION> <OPTION value=642:cong selected>Sen. Brown</OPTION></SELECT> ,
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<TEXTAREA id=mission_text name=mission_text rows=5 readOnly>The Senate has set up yet another amnesty battle by failing to pass H.R. 6633.</TEXTAREA>
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<TEXTAREA onkeypress="return taCount(this,'myMESSAGE',6000);" id=body_text name=body_text rows=16>The dis-functional Senate has reared its ugly head again. The House of Representatives recognized how effective E-Verify has been in protecting American jobs, and how urgently Congress needed to protect American jobs during this economic crisis, and passed H.R. 6633 by nearly unanimous consent. Not surprisingly, only two Representatives out of 435 voted against the five-year extension. After all, E-Verify has helped employers comply with immigration and labor laws for over 12 years and is now over 99% accurate. There is nothing controversial about E-Verify.Nevertheless, the Senate has shown time and again that it cannot even bring a non-controversial immigration enforcement bill like H.R. 6633 to the floor without wringing your hands over the backlash from special interest groups that favor illegal immigration and cheap foreign workers. Unemployment is rising, wages are falling, and employers have more cheap labor than they can shake a stick at, yet the Senate will not even allow businesses who want to protect their American workforce use E-Verify beyond March of next year. Your failure is unforgivable. </TEXTAREA> You have 4875 characters remaining for the message. This is roughly 2 pages.
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Oct 30, 2006
Its a good story but not enough

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<TABLE id=topTools cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Border Patrol expands transportation checks</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--startclickprintexclude--><TABLE height=25 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=datestamp>Updated<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>document.write(niceDate('9/30/2008 11:47 PM'));</SCRIPT> 11h 16m ago | Comments290 | Recommend25</TD><TD align=right><!-- EdSysObj ID="SSI-B" FRAGMENTID="13417811" rberthol -->E-mail | Save | Print |<SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!--var tempshowReprintSSI = "";if(window.showReprintSSI){tempshowReprintSSI = showReprintSSI;} if ((navigator.os.indexOf("Mac")==1) && (navigator.type==2)) { // macIE if((document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value == "0") || (document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value=="2")) { if(document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value == "2"){ document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "0"; } else{ document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "1"; } if(tempshowReprintSSI == 'showReprintSSI'){ writeReprintLink(); } writeSubscribeToLink(); } else { document.forms.hiddenValForm.hiddenMacPrintValue.value = "2"; } } else {// non macIE - write top and bottom if(tempshowReprintSSI == 'showReprintSSI'){ writeReprintLink(); } writeSubscribeToLink(); } function writeReprintLink(){ document.write('Reprints & Permissions | '); } function writeSubscribeToLink(){ var url = document.location.toString(); var urlArray = url.split("/") var nurl = ""; for (i = 3; i < urlArray.length - 1; i++) { if(i<urlArray.length-2){ nurl += urlArray + "|"; } else { nurl += urlArray; } } document.write(' '); }//--> </SCRIPT> Reprints & Permissions | <!-- /EdSysObj --> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--endclickprintexclude-->

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BY THE NUMBERS</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=vaText colSpan=2>The Border Patrol is catching more illegal immigrants on buses and trains inside the country, but overall, apprehensions are down.
1,579,010 - Fiscal year '99
677,829 - Fiscal year '08 to date
Source: Border Patrol
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<SCRIPT src="" ____yb="1"></SCRIPT><!--endclickprintexclude--><!-- /EdSysObj -->By Emily Bazar, USA TODAY
Border Patrol agents are stepping up surprise inspections on domestic trains, buses and ferries, nabbing illegal immigrants far from the border.
In Vermont, Washington, Louisiana, New York and elsewhere, the agents, who have the authority to search any mode of transportation within 100 miles of the border, are working routes that don't cross into Canada or Mexico. Most checks are at bus and train stations and ferry terminals.
COMPLAINTS: Border Patrol criticized for inspection methods

"The first line of defense is on the immediate border," says Joe Giuliano, deputy chief in the patrol's Blaine, Wash., sector, which includes Alaska and Oregon. "We have to have a second line of defense."
In February, agents began checking passengers taking the ferry between Washington's San Juan Islands and the terminal in Anacortes, Wash. So far, Giuliano says, they have caught 59 illegal immigrants, two with criminal records, and eight U.S. citizens, most on drug violations.

The patrol started ferry checks after hiring more agents, he says. "To be honest, it's something we should have done for a long time," he says. "We were so short on resources."
Immigrant and civil liberties advocates argue that the agents focus more on certain passengers based on skin color and accent.
"They will see a white person and ask, 'Where were you born?' Then they will see a person of color and ask, 'Do you have ID?' " says Caroline Kim with the Detainment Task Force in Syracuse, which provides bail for some detained immigrants and helps them through the legal process.
The Border Patrol says it does not engage in racial profiling.
Giuliano believes the inspections deter illegal immigrants and may be scaring off potential terrorists. "They never know when we're going to show up and what form we're going to take," he says.
In the agency's Buffalo sector, which has about 400 miles of border, agents had arrested 1,786 illegal immigrants through transportation checks by the end of August, 11 months into the fiscal year, compared with 1,299 in all of last year, spokesman A.J. Price says.
Agents in the New Orleans sector, which covers seven states, have arrested 1,754 illegal immigrants on buses through Sept. 18. That's a 32% increase over all of the last fiscal year, says assistant chief Ronny Kastner.
Oct 30, 2006
More from NC Fire Coalition

Dear Jim,

I thought it was important that we send this information along to you. It is part of our mission ( mission to educate U.S. citizens. This is information you just won't see in the main stream media. I hope you're sitting down. Special thanks to Enos Schera of Immigration Control Florida (http://www.ImmigrationControlFlorida) for the information.

When you are done reading and want to vent your anger, come discuss this information in our forums at portunities-to-Home-Ownership-ReWall-Stcrisis.aspx

U.S.agreement with Mexico & Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership (Re-Wall St.crisis)

February 16, 2001, just three weeks after his inauguration, President Bush met with Vicente Fox, president of Mexico to discuss the terms of the Partnership for Prosperity Agreement (with Mexico) ( ).

The P4P agreement was signed on September 6, 2001.

On October 26, 2001, President Bush signed the USA Patriot Act of 2001. Contained in section 326(b) is a provision that allows US banks to accept Mexican Matricula Consular cards as valid ID for opening bank accounts. (NOTE: No Mexican banks accept their own government's Matricula Consular card as valid ID to open a bank account because the bearer's identity is virtually untraceable. In contrast, almost all US banks will accept it.)

As noted in the article, Bush held a press conference on June 17, 2002 to lay out his goal that by 2010 he wanted to to increase 'minority' home owners by 5.5 million. (See: President Calls for Expanding Opportunities to Home Ownership (

Here's how he described which 'minority' groups he wanted to help: Three-quarters of white America owns their homes. Less than 50 percent of African Americans are part of the homeownership in America. And less than 50 percent of the Hispanics who live here in this country own their home. And that has got to change for the good of the country. It just does. Bush also called for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase their 'commitment' to 'minority' markets by $440 billion. Here's what else he wanted to do to help Mexican illegal aliens:

This means they will purchase more loans made by banks after Americans, Hispanics and other minorities, which will encourage homeownership. Freddie Mac will launch 25 initiatives to eliminate homeownership barriers. Under one of these, consumers with poor credit will be able to get a mortgage with an interest rate that automatically goes down after a period of consistent payments.

Fannie Mae will establish 100 partnerships with faith-based organizations that will provide home buyer education and help increase homeownership for their congregations. I love the partnership. As an aside, how does one get a loan with an interest rate that goes down just because you've made your payments on time? Do you have a loan like this?

As part of the mandate in the P4P agreement, the NATF was launched in May 2003 by the Consulate General of Mexico in Chicago and the Chicago Office of the FDIC's Community Affairs Program in support of the U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity. The NATF is a broad-based coalition of 62 members, including the Mexican Consulate, 34 banks, community-based organizations, federal bank regulatory agencies, government agencies, and representatives from the secondary market and private mortgage insurance (PMI) companies. (See: New Alliance Task Force (

- Organized into four working groups that provide updates during the NATF's quarterly meetings.
- Financial Education—educates immigrants on the benefits and importance of holding accounts, the credit process, and mainstream banking.
- Bank Products and Services Working Group—encourages banks and thrifts to develop financial service products with remittance features as a strategy to reach the unbanked immigrant community.
- Mortgage Products—created the New Alliance Model Loan Product for potential homeowners who pay taxes using an ITIN.
· Social Projects—provides scholarship funds for immigrant students and fosters economic support for Plazas Comunitarias, a program that will give Mexican citizens an opportunity to finish their high school education. In 2004, Wells Fargo reported that between 2001 and 2004 they had opened 400,000 Matricula Consular accounts and at the time were opening over 22,000 new accounts a month. Note that this is just for Wells Fargo and does not include Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, Wachovia, WaMu, or the myriad of other local and regional banks who were also taking part in the program. This also does not take into account that the sub-prime market didn't really hit it's peak until 2005-2006.

The IRS says they've issued over 11 million ITINs since its inception. Mexico says it's issued over 5 million Matricula Consular cards.

Discuss this information in our forums at portunities-to-Home-Ownership-ReWall-Stcrisis.aspx

Keep up the fight!

Jason Mrochek
Co-founder & Executive Director
FIRE Coalition
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Oct 30, 2006
Immigration Gradecards by State-Click on your State

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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]VIEW GRADES[/FONT]​
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shape=POLY coords=405,65,404,93,420,83 href="delegation.php3?District=NH "><AREA shape=POLY coords=419,36,408,40,408,61,406,65,416,83,439,52 href="delegation.php3?District=ME "><AREA shape=POLY coords=173,282,136,273,126,277,111,287,123,297,116,298,108,300,112,307,122,304,122,310,114,313,111,321,115,329,119,327,120,335,132,335,110,355,111,358,142,334,146,325,155,324,171,328,184,335,188,335,199,353,203,348,198,339,188,328,175,325 href="delegation.php3?District=AK "><AREA shape=RECT coords=432,175,453,188 href="delegation.php3?District=DC "><AREA shape=POLY coords=290,122,295,130,296,161,288,177,278,164,281,158,275,158,264,145,279,119 href="delegation.php3?District=IL "><AREA shape=POLY coords=26,242,31,236,70,257,83,274,74,282,71,267,68,259 href="delegation.php3?District=HI "></MAP><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=620 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#000066><TD vAlign=bottom align=left>
</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]w w w . N u m b e r s U S A . c o m[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Immigration Gradecards are a project of NumbersUSA.[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Oct 30, 2006
"We the People"

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=620 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD bgColor=#000066>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><MAP name=Map><AREA shape=RECT coords=2,4,70,18 href=""><AREA shape=RECT coords=72,4,243,20 href=""><AREA shape=RECT coords=247,3,388,18 href=""><AREA shape=RECT coords=390,0,534,17 href=""><AREA shape=RECT coords=536,3,614,20 href=""></MAP><TABLE height=365 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=621 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#3366ff height=127>
<TABLE borderColor=#000066 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#000066>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]on immigration numbers
and forced population growth
</TD><TD bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=2 rowSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD borderColor=#000000 bgColor=#000066>
Chuck Baldwin (C)​

Email this page to a friend </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3>Candidates' positions on issues are fluid; expect changes. The information below reflects the best efforts of ABI thus far to reflect the true stances and past actions. If you see an error or have additional information, e-mail us as soon as possible.
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#6666ff><TD bgColor=#ccff00 colSpan=3>
Tell this candidate what you think of his immigration stance:​
</TD></TR><TR><TD width=394>
Campaign Website:
Contact Information: 717-390-1993
P.O. Box 131
Palmyra, NJ 08056-0131

</TD><TD width=197 bgColor=#ffff00>Watch Dr Baldwin
discuss immigration issues. 05- 22-2008
</TD><TD width=197 bgColor=#ffff00>Watch Dr Baldwin
Memorial day speech om illegal immigration. ......05- 26-2008
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=620 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ff0000>
Assessing Overall Candidate Promises
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ececec>
EDITOR'S NOTE: All of a candidates' actions and promises on immigration are considered in these three overarching categories --​
  • what do you do with the 12-20 million illegal aliens already here; <LI class=bodytext>what do you do to stop future illegal immigration, and
  • what do you do to protect American workers and communities from the current peak flood of foreign workers?
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD>
Amnesty & Attrition Through Enforcement
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=pleasesendinfo bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE on Amnesty/Legalization for illegal aliens and on Attrition Through Enforcement that pushes illegal aliens to go back home: There would be no “path to citizenship” given to any illegal alien. That means no amnesty. Not in any shape, manner, or form.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext>"Chuck says NO amnesty."

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext>"Anyone who overstays their visa or otherwise violates U.S. law is immediately deported."
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#000066>
Overall Policies on Future ILLEGAL Immigration
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffffff>EDITOR'S NOTE: See lower on this page for stances on 8 specific measures to stop illegal immigration. This section contains information about aspects not covered by those categories. The rating on this section found on the Presidential Grid is based on the 8 specific ratings and the information in this section.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext>Please email information.
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#000066>
Overall Stance on Permanent Legal Numbers
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffffff>EDITOR'S NOTE: Stances on specific legal immigration categories (Chain Migration, Lottery, Worker Importation & Birthright Citizenship) are shown lower on this page. This category contains additional comments, especially any positions about what the overall annual immigration number should be. The overall grade on legal numbers on the Grid is based on this section and the four specific categories.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE on reducing LEGAL immigration numbers: "Legal immigration would be suspended or vastly reduced until the present population of new immigrants can be stabilized."</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Please email information.
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ff0000>
Assessment of Past Immigration Actions
in Political Office
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000000><TD bgColor=#ffffff>EDITOR'S NOTE: Candidates who have served in Congress have an extensive record on federal immigration issues which have been weighed and graded. Other candidates have had less opportunity to deal with immigration at other levels of government.
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ff0000>
Assessing Specific Stances on LEGAL IMMIGRATION
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffffff>EDITOR'S NOTE: Unless the following four categories of legal immigration are changed, current policies will add 100 million additional people to the United States over the next few decades.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD>
Chain Migration
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: "Chain migration policies would be stopped immediately. Each relative must apply on their own merits, not just relationship."</TD></TR><TR><TD>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD height=39>
Visa Lottery
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: "Visa Lottery will be STOPPED."</TD></TR><TR><TD>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=center bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: "We oppose the abuse of the H-1B and L-1 visa provisions of the immigration act which are displacing American workers with foreign."</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=center>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD vAlign=center>
Citizenship for Births to illegal Aliens
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: Would end birthright citizenship for illegal aliens.</TD></TR><TR><TD>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ff0000>
Assessing Specific Stances on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ececec>EDITORS NOTE: Here are 8 very important steps needed to halt illegal immigration. Aspects not included in this section are included in the section above about Overall Policies on Future Illegal Immigration.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffff99 height=49>OFFICIAL STANCE: "Would promote and implement E-Verify to the fullest. Should states pass laws that would prohibit E-Verify (such as California is considering at this very moment), then Federal funds would be withheld until these laws are withdrawn or nullified."</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: Any employer who consciously hires illegal aliens would go to jail.</TD></TR><TR><TD>Please email information.
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: Cities will receive full Federal government support in the local enforcement of immigration laws.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodytext>"If the American people will aggressively communicate with their local and state officials and insist that they put their foot down on illegal immigration, they will respond!"
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#000066>
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE on implementation of entry/exit system to reduce illegal aliens who overstay visas: NONE

</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffffff>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD>
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE: We will utilize whatever force is necessary, including regular military personnel, to effectively secure our borders immediately.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffffff>"By sealing the borders and by cutting off the money supply to illegal aliens, the problem of illegal immigration would dry up"</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#000066>
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE on cities and states that forbid certain enforcement of immigration laws: "As President, Chuck Baldwin will apply pressure to reverse 'sanctuary' laws and will issue indictments against city councils and mayors who allow such laws to be on the books."

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
"Chuck would deport illegal alien invaders and financially punish entities that flaunt the law."
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#000066 height=38>
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE on allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses: "Absolutely no Driver's Licenses for illegal aliens, to include the withholding of Federal funds from States with such policies."

</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD class=bodytext bgColor=#ffffff>Please email information.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#000066><TD bgColor=#000066>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=pleasesendinfo bgColor=#ffff99>OFFICIAL STANCE on granting illegal aliens in-state tuition, scholarships and other assistance: . . Would not allow tax dollars to be used to pay for illegal aliens’ education, social services, or medical care.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=pleasesendinfo bgColor=#ffffff>
</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#cccccc><TD>GENERAL INFORMATION - Born on May 3, 1952, to Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Baldwin in La Porte, Indiana,_IndianaChuck's father, Ed Baldwin was a welder by trade and a converted alcoholic.
After graduating from La Porte High School in 1971 Chuck attended Midwestern Baptist College in Pontiac, Michigan, for two years. He then married and moved to Lynchburg, Virginia. He enrolled in the Thomas Road Bible Institute (now known as the Liberty Bible Institute at Liberty University) and graduated with his Bible Diploma. He then earned his Bachelor of Theology and Master of Theology degrees via external degree programs from Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Chuck received his first honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Christian Bible College. He received his second honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida. On this occasion Dr. Baldwin brought the Commencement Address to a crowd of over 5,000.
He is the founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. Dr. Baldwin and his wife met with four others on June 22, 1975, for the first meeting of the Crossroad Baptist Church. The church was organized in September of that year. Six acres of prime property were purchased in 1978. In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence. The church has gone through five building programs and has just move into its current 750-seat auditorium and office complex. The church plans to next construct a gymnasium/youth center. Some of the choice spiritual and political leaders of the nation have spoken in this pulpit including Liberty University Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Reform Party Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore.
He is also a radio talk show host of a lively, hard-hitting radio talk show called, "Chuck Baldwin Live." This is a daily, one hour long call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view. This program, which has been on the air for nearly seven years now, has been highly successful in helping to elect conservatives to local, state and national offices. "Chuck Baldwin Live" is regarded as perhaps the most influential voice in the Florida Panhandle for conservative, Christian principles. Thousands of concerned citizens are being informed and inspired to social and political activism as a direct result of this radio talk show. Chuck's guest list reads like a "Who's Who" from both the local and national scene. The program made its national debut in early May 2001 on the Genesis Communications Network.
From 1980-1984 Dr. Baldwin served as Pensacola Chairman, and then State Chairman of the Florida Moral Majority. Through these efforts many successful rallies and conferences were conducted. (One rally drew nearly 2,000 people during a driving rain storm.) Pro-family legislation was enacted, and Christians were educated as to moral-political information and involvement. Also, thousands of new conservative voters were generated.
Chuck has authored two books. The first is entitled "Subjects Seldom Spoken On" which contains eleven sermons not normally addressed. The second, "This Is The Life," is a verse-by-verse exposition of the Epistles of John. Numerous theological booklets have also been written by Dr. Baldwin, including the popular, "Let's Look at Legalism." Through his radio program Dr. Baldwin has edited and produced "The Freedom Documents." This volume contains over fifty of the most important and influential documents of American history. No where else that we know of can you find these great, historic documents under one title. Chuck also writes daily editorials that are sent to thousands of subscribers electronically. These editorial opinions are carried by several newspapers, newsletters, and Internet web sites around the country.
Chuck has appeared on virtually every local media outlet in the Pensacola, Florida area including television, radio, and newspaper. He has also appeared on national television networks, including CNN and MSNBC. ABC television news once filmed his radio broadcast for a feature story. He has appeared on prime time national news shows such as Scarborough Country on MSNBC and Anderson Cooper on CNN. He has also appeared on the German Radio Network, and the British Broadcasting Corporation's television network. Chuck has also been featured in national magazines and newspapers such as Esquire, The Miami Herald, and The Washington Times.
On May 2, 2004, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Michael Peroutka asked Dr. Baldwin to join him as his Vice Presidential running mate for the 2004 general election. The Constitution Party officially selected Michael Peroutka as its Presidential candidate and Dr. Chuck Baldwin as its Vice Presidential candidate at its national convention in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania on June 25th and 26th, 2004.
On April 26, 2008, state delegates of the Constitution Party elected Chuck Baldwin to be their Presidential candidate during their national nominating convention in Kansas City, Missouri. Chuck won the nomination with a percentage vote of 74% to 24% over Ambassador Alan Keyes.
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=620 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#000066><TD vAlign=bottom align=left>
</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]w w w . n u m b e r s u s a . c o m[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Oct 30, 2006
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Last Update: October 1, 2008 @ 11:03 am EDT
Illegal Alien Murders Homecoming Queen
American Corporations Continue to Betray Us
Illegal Education: Taxes Shouldn't Pay for State Projects
Illegals in Winston-Salem
Austrian Party in Favor of Stricter Immigration Gains Strength
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Illegal Aliens Barred from Alabama's Community Colleges
230,000 Illegal Koreans Living in the U.S.A.
Immigration Fraud
Who would've thought! Illegal Alien Caught in North Dakota
Border Patrol Takes Another Sex Offender into Custody
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"It's Not 'Immigration; and They're Not "Immgrants'"
FL: Jacksonville Sheriff Teams with ICE
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Geraldo Urges Pardon for Illegal Aliens
Must Read! What Happened to Indians Will Happen to U.S.
NumbersUSA Action Alert Buffet
Told Ya So! Political Correctness Killing Kids
Washington: Sign the Petition!
Action Alert! Tell Your Senators to Stop Giving Jobs to Illegals
Updated Weekly Video: Blogs for Borders(scroll down on page)
Video: Viral Video on Immigration Costs
Must Read!!!!!!!!Illegal Aliens Gang Rape American
Must See Video!
Illegal Alien Facts & Figures</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Oct 30, 2006
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