Anti Immigration & Illegal Immigration Info - Ongoing Thread

Oct 30, 2006
Thank the Department of Labor for investigating immigration law firms

The Department of Labor (DOL) is investigating immigration law firms that are using loopholes in immigration laws to help companies avoid hiring American workers.

Click here for the NumbersUSA blog to learn more.

It is not yet clear whether the actions taken by DOL will result in any concrete changes, but it does signal an awareness that could lead to more positive action in the future.

Please contact the Department of Labor and thank them for the investigations.

By phone: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time by calling, 1-866-4-USA-DOL, TTY: 1-877-889-5627.

By email.

By Mail

U.S. Department of Labor

200 Constitution Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20210
NumbersUSA: July 14, 2008 - -- by NumbersUSA
Read Norm Matloff's blog about the DOL investigations and use the contact information in the left column to encourage DOL to do more to protect American workers.
- Thank you for investigating Cohen & Grigsby and Fragomen, two law firms that have been working to exploit loopholes in our immigration laws in order to help employers avoid hiring American workers.
- Please widen the scope of your investigations. The current actions against Cohen & Grigsby and Fragomen will just scratch the surface of the larger problem of businesses using a faulty green card process to deprive American workers of jobs and wages.
- Immigration law firms are exploiting loopholes in our employment-based green card programs and American workers are suffering. Thank you for closely monitoring law firms whose main purpose is to help employers disenfranchise American workers.

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Oct 30, 2006
Tokens <> Not sure if this was right place to send a Thanks to the Dept of Labor but this E-mail address is for Chief Information Officer-Sounds good enough to me.

New member
May 14, 2008
How much do you have to hate this country to not enforce its laws and bring millions of illegals in?
Oct 30, 2006
Join the 650,000 strong 2day free-Donate if U can afford it.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD rowSpan=3> </TD><TD class=t1fromdatetext>From: Jennifer Magyari, Assistant to Roy Beck </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext>Date: 15 JULY 08 04:15 PM </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redunderbigheader>Roy's New Blog- In the Berkshires, Americans Do These Jobs </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1thinwhitespace> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1letterblock vAlign=top align=left>Dear Members,

I thought you would be interested in Roy's new blog, detailing his experience visiting the Berkshires in Massachusetts. He noticed that the jobs in the area are performed by American workers, disproving the argument that there are some jobs that only foreign workers will do.

Here is the link.

Please continue to check back for more and to leave your comments at the end of the blog.

Also, please link back to our blog to share it with others.

Jennifer Magyari
Assistant to Roy Beck

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redoversmallheader vAlign=top align=left>P.S. We can triple our membership quickly if our members email their friends about us and they in turn email theirs. Polls show that most Americans agree with NumbersUSA's positions but, despite our recent rapid growth, most American voters still have never heard of us. You can help change that by forwarding this email widely. (Note: depending on your email provider, you may need to send this as an "attachment.") </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redundersmallfooter vAlign=top align=left colSpan=2>This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=620 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
<MAP name=NavMap><AREA shape=RECT coords=78,0,236,21 href="index.php3"><AREA shape=RECT coords=5,2,68,22 href=""><AREA shape=RECT coords=541,2,616,19 href=""><AREA shape=RECT target=_parent coords=253,3,386,20 href=""><AREA shape=RECT target=_parent coords=396,2,531,26 href=""></MAP>[/FONT]​
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=8 width=620 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=1 vspace="0" hspace="0"><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle colSpan=3>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Report Card Locator Map
SUBJECT: Overall increases through immigration
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Click on the state of the delegation or Member of Congress whose grades you wish to inspect![/FONT]​

</TD><TD vAlign=top align=middle width=123><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=125 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ccff00>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]VIEW GRADES[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SUBJECT: Overall Increases Through Immigration[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By state delegation
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By Member name[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Career Ranking of 535 Members[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Recent Ranking of 535 Members[/FONT]

</B>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former Members [/FONT]
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ccff00>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ABOUT THE GRADES[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Understanding the grades
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]How the grades are figured
Credibility and nature of the grades ABI provides<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:p></O:p>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=125 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ccff00></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><MAP name=USAMAP><AREA shape=POLY coords=45,106,18,95,11,109,10,130,18,144,18,157,22,174,22,183,38,190,46,202,46,208,65,211,73,184,37,138 href="delegation.php3?District=CA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=88,117,45,105,36,137,72,189,80,168 href="delegation.php3?District=NV "><AREA shape=POLY coords=72,72,38,61,37,56,31,54,16,86,16,96,65,112,73,90,69,87,80,74,75,69 href="delegation.php3?District=OR "><AREA shape=POLY coords=83,39,48,30,48,38,43,42,44,35,36,31,32,54,37,57,38,63,77,70 href="delegation.php3?District=WA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=120,177,81,167,77,175,71,181,72,195,65,213,97,232,113,233 href="delegation.php3?District=AZ "><AREA shape=POLY coords=109,123,89,116,78,168,120,176,125,133,109,129 href="delegation.php3?District=UT "><AREA shape=POLY coords=91,42,83,41,73,69,79,77,68,87,72,91,65,111,110,119,115,93,101,96,95,80,93,81,97,68,89,50 href="delegation.php3?District=ID "><AREA shape=POLY coords=167,182,120,175,112,234,122,235,122,230,165,230 href="delegation.php3?District=NM "><AREA shape=POLY coords=178,141,125,135,118,176,175,181 href="delegation.php3?District=CO "><!--<AREA HREF="delegation.php3?District=PR " COORDS="397, 312, 398, 319, 307, 336, 306, 320, 297, 315, 273, 314, 259, 319, 256, 315, 287, 302, 293, 306, 321, 310, 334, 313, 354, 308, 373, 312" SHAPE="polygon">--><!--<AREA HREF="delegation.php3?District=vi " COORDS="418, 314, 409, 321, 422, 341, 428, 332" SHAPE="polygon">--><AREA shape=POLY coords=165,96,117,89,108,132,162,138 href="delegation.php3?District=WY "><AREA shape=POLY coords=169,56,91,41,88,50,95,68,91,81,96,82,101,93,114,93,115,89,165,94 href="delegation.php3?District=MT "><AREA shape=POLY coords=241,217,214,215,194,207,193,189,170,186,164,232,137,231,151,246,154,261,164,263,171,254,180,255,192,272,197,280,200,289,221,295,217,283,228,269,239,263,250,256,252,242,248,232,248,221 href="delegation.php3?District=TX "><AREA shape=POLY coords=238,184,168,181,170,188,192,190,191,208,216,216,234,217,243,218 href="delegation.php3?District=OK "><AREA shape=POLY coords=231,153,179,150,178,180,237,182,239,161 href="delegation.php3?District=KS "><AREA shape=POLY coords=220,123,165,118,162,137,179,140,178,150,234,151 href="delegation.php3?District=NE "><AREA shape=POLY coords=219,91,169,87,164,119,222,122 href="delegation.php3?District=SD "><AREA shape=POLY coords=215,56,170,53,166,89,219,88 href="delegation.php3?District=ND "><AREA shape=POLY coords=262,143,227,143,237,159,239,186,281,185,287,175,274,165,278,161,272,160 href="delegation.php3?District=MO "><AREA shape=POLY coords=261,116,222,113,221,120,230,145,265,142,275,124 href="delegation.php3?District=ia "><AREA shape=POLY coords=280,190,275,190,278,185,240,187,241,217,248,224,273,223,273,214,282,193 href="delegation.php3?District=AR "><AREA shape=POLY coords=271,222,247,224,248,238,251,247,250,258,265,258,267,255,277,259,287,260,290,250,284,248,286,241,271,241 href="delegation.php3?District=LA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=297,199,279,199,270,215,273,224,267,240,285,244,284,252,299,245 href="delegation.php3?District=MS "><AREA shape=POLY coords=318,197,296,197,297,247,306,246,308,239,329,236,328,222 href="delegation.php3?District=AL "><AREA shape=POLY coords=360,234,333,237,329,236,306,240,306,246,316,244,330,248,337,243,351,251,353,264,366,279,365,283,371,288,380,287,381,272,374,259,369,250,360,237 href="delegation.php3?District=FL "><AREA shape=POLY coords=336,193,319,195,328,225,328,237,360,232,365,216 href="delegation.php3?District=GA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=335,176,347,162,338,155,321,152,313,164,293,169,286,180,285,182 href="delegation.php3?District=KY "><AREA shape=POLY coords=349,174,329,192,280,199,284,181 href="delegation.php3?District=tn "><AREA shape=POLY coords=335,194,353,186,360,190,368,187,379,194,365,217 href="delegation.php3?District=SC "><AREA shape=POLY coords=393,163,349,173,331,192,353,187,359,190,368,188,380,196,398,178 href="delegation.php3?District=NC "><AREA shape=POLY coords=372,140,382,142,382,146,392,149,392,161,338,175,344,166,359,162 href="delegation.php3?District=VA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=359,140,350,139,338,156,346,166,358,162,364,149,373,137,371,133 href="delegation.php3?District=WV "><AREA shape=POLY coords=315,129,294,128,298,159,294,167,314,163,319,151 href="delegation.php3?District=IN "><AREA shape=POLY coords=306,83,298,100,298,128,321,124,332,108,325,97,318,103,317,102,321,94,319,86 href="delegation.php3?District=MI "><AREA shape=POLY coords=251,83,251,97,266,122,288,120,289,95,287,87,262,76 href="delegation.php3?District=WI "><AREA shape=POLY coords=231,56,216,55,221,114,262,114,251,98,249,84,259,71,266,63,263,62,259,61 href="delegation.php3?District=MN "><AREA shape=POLY coords=346,115,316,125,318,154,339,156,352,135 href="delegation.php3?District=OH "><AREA shape=POLY coords=390,114,386,105,348,114,351,140,393,128 href="delegation.php3?District=PA "><AREA shape=RECT coords=432,157,452,171 href="delegation.php3?District=MD "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,142,453,155 href="delegation.php3?District=DE "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,125,452,138 href="delegation.php3?District=NJ "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,108,453,121 href="delegation.php3?District=CT "><AREA shape=RECT coords=433,92,453,105 href="delegation.php3?District=RI "><AREA shape=RECT coords=431,76,454,91 href="delegation.php3?District=MA "><AREA shape=POLY coords=389,72,375,83,375,90,358,100,352,113,388,104,400,111,400,91,400,90,398,88 href="delegation.php3?District=NY "><AREA shape=POLY coords=404,67,391,71,400,94,408,62 href="delegation.php3?District=VT "><AREA shape=POLY coords=405,65,404,93,420,83 href="delegation.php3?District=NH "><AREA shape=POLY coords=419,36,408,40,408,61,406,65,416,83,439,52 href="delegation.php3?District=ME "><AREA shape=POLY coords=173,282,136,273,126,277,111,287,123,297,116,298,108,300,112,307,122,304,122,310,114,313,111,321,115,329,119,327,120,335,132,335,110,355,111,358,142,334,146,325,155,324,171,328,184,335,188,335,199,353,203,348,198,339,188,328,175,325 href="delegation.php3?District=AK "><AREA shape=RECT coords=432,175,453,188 href="delegation.php3?District=DC "><AREA shape=POLY coords=290,122,295,130,296,161,288,177,278,164,281,158,275,158,264,145,279,119 href="delegation.php3?District=IL "><AREA shape=POLY coords=26,242,31,236,70,257,83,274,74,282,71,267,68,259 href="delegation.php3?District=HI "></MAP><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=620 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#000066><TD vAlign=bottom align=left>
</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]w w w . C o n g r e s s G r a d e s . c o m[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Immigration Gradecards are a project of NumbersUSA (formerly a project of Americans for Better Immigration).[/FONT] </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Oct 30, 2006
Say enuf is enuf of this shit to Congress!

<TABLE class=glf-generaltext cellSpacing=5 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE height=50 width=650><TBODY><TR><TD width=127></TD><TD align=middle width=310 bgColor=#ff0000 xcomment="bordercolor=#CC0000">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Press Here To Donate [/SIZE][/FONT]</TD><TD width=131></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=650>[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Support Rebellion in House of Representatives to Eliminate Illegal Immigration[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Donations greatly needed this month![/SIZE][/FONT]​
Thursday, July 17, 2008, 3:00 p.m.


Did you realize we are just 28 signatures short of changing history?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There's a rebellion afoot in the U.S. House of Representatives. What kind of rebellion? A rebellion against . . .[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]. . . greed, indifference, and a House leadership uncaring of the plight of ordinary Americans. (It's about time there was a rebellion. New polling shows that only 18% of Americans are happy with Congress!)
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You've heard of the SAVE Act by now, haven't you? It should be called the "Solve Illegal Immigration Act," because that's what it will do.

Our champion, Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC), has written a masterful bill that would choke off illegal immigration at its ultimate source--jobs going to illegal aliens.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By requiring employers to verify the Social Security numbers presented by new employees with a simple government database, most illegal aliens can be found out and denied jobs.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]<TABLE height=50 width=650><TBODY><TR><TD width=132></TD><TD align=middle width=296 bgColor=#ff0000 xcomment="bordercolor=#CC0000">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Press Here To Donate [/SIZE][/FONT]</TD><TD width=140></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Added to the great additional border protections in the bill, shutting off the job magnet will gradually send most illegals packing for their home countries. For them, it will be too hard to get in with less gain in staying. [/FONT]
Now Shuler's brilliant bill has a real chance of becoming law. Our friends in Congress have launched an end-run against Nancy Pelosi and her House leadership.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A "discharge petition" effort has been launched. If a majority of the House members sign the discharge petition, Pelosi will be forced by House rules to schedule a vote on the bill. Passage would then be virtually guaranteed, since the majority are already on record supporting it. </STRONG>[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We are now only 28 signatures short of success in the petition. This is big news! Only about two dozen discharge petitions have ever succeeded, and we are close to achieving that.

Do you see now why Roy and Rosemary and the rest of the NumbersUSA team have pushed the SAVE Act discharge petition so forcefully? [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Yet for us to keep sending millions of your faxes to Congress, to keep the nation's finest lobbyists pressing our case on Capitol Hill, to keep this web site humming, we have an urgent need for more financial support this summer.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I'm very aware that times are very hard in the economy now. Gas prices are high. Food has risen. Jobs are scarce. Houses are being repossessed right here in my Northern Virginia neighborhood.

Many of our NumbersUSA members are having to take their belts in a notch. As a result, giving is off this summer to NumbersUSA.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Even though times are tough, we cannot stumble this close to victory. Members who can still give really need to step up, and pick up the burden from those who don't have jobs or money. Only if we pitch in together now can we hope to win. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]> > That's why, JIM, I need to ask you personally to press the big red button below and give whatever you can this month to NumbersUSA. Please give, even if you've given already this year. < <[/FONT]
<TABLE height=50 width=650><TBODY><TR><TD width=132></TD><TD align=middle width=296 bgColor=#ff0000 xcomment="bordercolor=#CC0000">[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Press Here To Donate [/SIZE][/FONT]</TD><TD width=140></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]2-for-1 Match Still in Force!![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Donors often ask us whether the 2-for-1 matching goal they heard about is still in force. Yes it is! We have not yet hit the limit this fiscal year of what our generous large donors are willing to match on a 2-for-1 basis. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For every $25 you give today, our large donors will give an additional $50 to NumbersUSA.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]For every $50 you contribute, the large donors will give $100.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Even $100, $200 and $500 donations will be double-matched!![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It's too good an offer to pass up. Where else can you leverage your giving to such a degree? So please give today.[/FONT]​
Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.

[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE width=650><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width="40%" ?>
Vice President, Operations
</TD><TD width="60%">
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209

Click this link to unsubscribe from this publication

Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 18px" width=420 bgColor=#ff0000 size="18px"> </TD><TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 18px" width=230 bgColor=#ff0000 rowSpan=2 size="18px"> </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=center width=420 bgColor=#cccccc>
[FONT=trebuchet ms,verdana]The Official FIRE Coalition Newsletter[/FONT]
<CENTER>7/15/2008</CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=20>
</TD><TD vAlign=top width=380>
In this issue....
A Message from FIRE....
Did You Know....
Upcoming Events Light a FIRE
In the Spotlight
Reports From the Field....
Illegal Immigration In the News....

A Message from FIRE....
[From ""The Palmetto Resolves"", authored by Jeff Lewis, National Director, FIRE Coalition]

We the descendants and posterity of the free men and women of the Pitt Association, residing in Pitt and neighboring Craven Counties, being deeply alarmed with the present condition of the state of North Carolina and all America, do resolve that we will pay all due allegiance to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America, and will endeavor to continue the succession of that great document and the sovereignty of this great country against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

At the same time we are determined to assert our rights as men and women, sensible that by the late actions of the President and 110th Congress the most valuable liberties and privileges of America are invaded and endeavor to be violated and destroyed by the proponents of the North American Union, and that under God the preservation of them depends on a firm non-partisan union of the citizens of North Carolina and the United States.

A sturdy, spirited observation of the resolutions of the United States Congress and the President, being shocked at the cruel scenes now acting out along our southwest border with Mexico, and in backroom dealings with racist groups that do not represent the interests or best interest of the legal citizenry, and determined to preserve the Union, never to be enslaved or impoverished by any power on Earth, do hereby agree and associate under all types of religion, honor, and regard for posterity and the preservation of the sovereignty of the United States that we will adhere and endeavor to execute the measures which the Congress, now sitting in Washington, D.C. conclude on for preserving our Constitution and opposing the execution of the several arbitrary illegal acts of the President and certain factions in Congress, and that we will readily observe the directions of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the just laws enacted from them for the purpose aforesaid, the preservation and good order and security of individuals and private property.

When Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, America was asleep, but awoke and arose on the backs of the ""greatest generation"" to protect and defend our liberties, our nation, and the world. On September 11, 2001, America was once again attacked, and in a single day lost twice as many Americans to a terrorist attack than we did at Pearl Harbor. Since that time, over the course of nearly six years, America has been the host of the largest invasion in the history of the world. At the same time, each year we are losing more Americans at the hands of illegal alien insurgents on American soil than in every conflict this great nation has weathered since the end of the Vietnam War COMBINED! The President says, ""Give us a chance to secure the border."" He's already had more time than it took Roosevelt and Truman to win World War II. Opponents of America's sovereignty and border security suggest our system is broken. What is broken is the will of the President and Congress to enforce our Constitution and the laws written from it. In an act of blackmail, hijacking and subverting both the Constitution and the will of the people, a bi-partisan band of traitors in the Senate, in backroom dealings with special interest groups, denied the people's voice to be heard, denied committee hearings, costs estimates from the Congressional Budget Office, and dangled $4 billion dollars for border security as 30 pieces of silver, a bribe, to entice a majority of the Senate to betray their oaths and duties of office.

Our President and 46 members of the U.S. Senate, despite the will of over 80% of the American people, despite an outcry that shut down the phone system on Capitol Hill, despite the alarming findings of their own Congressional reports, namely the ""A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at our Southwest Border"" report released last fall by the House Subcommittee on Investigations for Homeland Security, despite their sworn oaths of office to uphold and defend Article IV, Section 4, which reads, ""The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion...,"" and lacking the guttural passion and integrity of the American spirit, did willingly, and knowingly attempt to railroad our Constitution, and surrender to the invading forces and special interests, an act that is tantamount to treason by anyone's definition, or professional and Constitutional incompetence, or both.

Be it resolved, that the Constitution will be adhered to, and that ""we the people"" will no longer sit idly by while less than honorable men and women betray the American people. The logic of good fences making good neighbors notwithstanding, the Constitution and the rule of law demands that our borders be secured.

When Senators and the President attempt to hold the Constitution and the execution of their sworn duties hostage, demanding a ransom of over $2 TRILLION dollars from the American taxpayer and the reward of amnesty for millions of foreign citizens that broke our laws and invaded our country, there are truly unscrupulous and devious agendas in play.

In 1876, North Carolina's favorite son, Governor and later U.S. Senator Zebulon Baird Vance said, ""When you find you have scoundrels and scalawags in office, you need to turn them out, and you need to keep turning them out until you send honorable men to Washington.""

Benjamin Franklin warned us, ""A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges.""

President George (Bush) should learn from the mistakes of King George, and from the wisdoms of the first President George, the father of our nation, George Washington. He said,

""Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."" - President George Washington - 1796

Be it also resolved, that from the swamps of Palmetto, in the County of Craven, east of Rocky Mount, and westward towards, and from the steps of the Pitt County Courthouse, where the Pitt Resolves plaque still hangs, and beyond, that modern-day patriots, the sons and daughters of patriots-turned-watchdogs solemnly swear to endeavor with the dedication and fervor of our founding fathers to restore the hope, faith, and integrity of the governing bodies of this great republic, and to uphold and defend the Constitution at every turn, and to protect America against those enemies foreign and domestic that would undo her, so help us God.
<INPUT type=hidden value=10 name=messageid>

Did you know....
Taxpayers each year spend more than $7 billion to educate the children of illegal aliens, $1 billion for health care and emergency treatment, and nearly $3 billion to detain illegal aliens in state and local jails.
Source: Seper, Jerry, Aliens hiding in plain sight, The Washington Times, July 19, 2004 <INPUT type=hidden value=39 name=factid>

FIRE Coalition Announces 1st Annual National Security Convention
Join the FIRE Coalition, the American Legion, and Riders Against Illegal Aliens for a three day national security convention Thursday-Saturday, August 21-23, 2008 at American Legion Post 1111 in Denver suburb Broomfield, Colorado.
Full text of this annoucement can be read here.
For more info visit:; <A href="" target=_blank>
Contact via email:;

Hold Their Feet to The Fire 2008 Set for Sep. 10-11 in D.C.
September 10th and 11th will be the dates for the 2008 ""Hold Their Feet to the FIRE"" in Washington, D.C. Currently 20 radio hosts, led by Roger Hedgecock of KOGO San Diego, are confirmed to broadcast live from Radio Row with upwards of 50 to 75 others expected, thus doubling the size of the broadcast over previous years. In spring of 2007, 37 radio talk hosts attended Hold Their Feet to the Fire successfully helping defeat the Senate Amnesty Bill. Make your reservations now!
Full text of this annoucement can be read here.
For more info visit:;
Contact via email:;
Oct 30, 2006
Artical stolen from Spytheweb

Feds crack down on truckers who can't speak english
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->If you can't speak english, you shouldn't be driving at all, i say.

Feds look to tighten English law for truckers
Rule change will hit nation's fast-growing Spanish-speaking population

updated 6:44 a.m. MT, Thurs., July. 17, 2008

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. - Manuel Castillo was driving a truck through Alabama
hauling onions and left with a $500 ticket for something he didn't think
he was doing: speaking English poorly.

Castillo, who was stopped on his way back to California, said he knows
federal law requires him to be able to converse in English with an
officer but he thought his language skills were good enough to avoid a

Still, Castillo said he plans to pay the maximum fine of $500 rather than
return to Alabama to fight the ticket.

"It just doesn't seem fair to be ticketed if I wasn't doing anything
dangerous on the road," he said.

Federal law requires that anyone with a commercial drivers license speak
English well enough to talk with police. Authorities last year issued
25,230 tickets nationwide for violations. Now the federal government is
trying to tighten the English requirement, saying the change is needed
for safety reasons.

Most states let truckers and bus drivers take at least part of their
license tests in languages other than English. But the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Administration has proposed rules requiring anyone
applying for a commercial drivers license to speak English during their
road test and vehicle inspection. The agency wants to change its rules to
eliminate the use of interpreters, and congressional approval isn't

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated last year that more than 17
percent of the nation's 3.4 million truck drivers were Hispanic, as were
more than 11 percent of its 578,000 bus drivers. It's unknown how many
speak both Spanish and English.
Oct 30, 2006
McCain should pledge to Make English Official Language

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<!-- end article header -->At a recent Pennsylvania town hall meeting, a woman pointedly asked Republican presidential candidate John McCain: “Why as an American do I have to push a button to speak English?” The crowd roared with applause.
“I think you struck a nerve,” McCain replied, adding, “English must be learned by everybody.”
That common-sense sentiment is shared by a huge majority of Americans. A March 2006 Zogby poll found 84% of likely voters agreeing that English must be the official language for government operations. Ironically, that same poll indicated that most Americans mistakenly believe English already is our official tongue. By the way, 53 countries --located mostly in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean -- have made English an official language.
McCain would be well advised to take a position supporting official English in contrast to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, who has voted against such legislation in the past and is on record opposing it in this campaign. McCain could take a page from colleagues like Sen. James Inhofe (R.-Okla.), who introduced the S.I. Hayakawa Official English Act, named after the late senator from California, by saying:
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<HR SIZE=1>“Since our nation’s founding, countless millions of immigrants from every corner of the globe have forged proud new identities as Americans and succeeded in their new land by learning English and adopting our civic values and institutions. But today, in the midst of the largest wave of immigration in our history, there are troubling signs we are letting this priceless gift of unity, our common language, slip away.”
Among those “troubling signs” are data from the U.S. Census that found that the number of “linguistically isolated” households (Those where English is not spoken) soared by 65% between 1990 and 2000 to a whopping 11.9 million households. And a 2007 Migration Policy Institute study that found that an astounding 57% of all limited English-proficient adolescents in the U.S. are native born and 30% are third generation.
But despite the public’s well-founded concern about the need to protect our nation’s historic unity in the English language, government policy is aggressively tilting in the opposite direction.
For example, federal agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission routinely distort the definition of “national origin” to charge the Salvation Army and other employers with illegal discrimination for requiring employees to speak English at work. And state officials deliberately flaunt their own official-English laws to pursue a dangerous policy of letting people who do not speak English take driver’s license exams in their native language.
One of the worst is Alabama, where voters adopted a constitutional amendment making English the state’s official language by an overwhelming 9-to-1 margin in 1990. The amendment required state officials to “take all steps necessary to insure that the role of English as the common language of the state of Alabama is preserved and enhanced.” But Alabama state officials give the driver’s license tests in 13 languages, including Arabic, Russian, Thai, Farsi and Vietnamese and claim they are obeying the law.
Executive Order 13166 signed by President Clinton and enforced by President Bush requires federal agencies and federal fund recipients to provide translations and interpreters for non-English speakers in their native language -- at taxpayer expense. An Iranian immigrant in Oklahoma recently used the Executive Order as grounds for a complaint asking the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the state because it failed to give driver’s license exams in the Iranian national language, Farsi.
Passage of Sen. Inhofe’s official English legislation would end this mess.
Support for English as the official language of government is one of the few policy issues on which support crosses all partisan, ideological, and racial lines. It is a ready-made issue not just for McCain, but for anyone running for Congress or state legislative seats who wants to implement the wishes of the vast majority of the American people.
Oct 30, 2006
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[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Kerry welcomes HIV-infected immigrants [/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end head --><!-- deck -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Senator sponsors '$80-million' plan to lift U.S. ban against visa seekers with disease[/SIZE][/FONT]
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<HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: July 16, 2008
8:40 pm Eastern

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<!-- begin bodytext -->Immigrants infected with HIV may no longer be banned from living in the U.S. for the first time in more than 20 years.
A $50 billion Senate bill (SB 2731) intended to combat AIDS in Africa and other impoverished areas may effectively repeal a 1987 ban prohibiting travel and immigration for people infected with HIV. The U.S. is one of several countries to have such a rule, including Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Russia, the Associated Press reports.
Supporters of the proposal say the policy is dated and must be eliminated. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass, said even China has lifted its ban against travelers with the disease.
"[It's] time to move beyond an antiquated, knee-jerk reaction" to HIV-infected people, Kerry said. "There's no excuse for a law that stigmatizes a particular disease."
He said even immigrants with avian flu or Ebola virus have a smoother path to [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]citizenship[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] than those with HIV.
Kerry and Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., have stepped up efforts to revoke the ban and have piggybacked their plan to AIDS legislation expected to pass as early as this week.
According to the AP, while HIV-infected foreigners, students and tourists are allowed to apply for permission to visit for a short period of time, such waivers are difficult to come by, and permanent residency can be nearly impossible to for them to acquire.
(Story continues below)

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Kerry and Smith are proposing to make HIV, the only listed disease under immigration law, equal to other medical conditions subject to [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Health[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] and Human Service Department approval before a person will be admitted into the country. However, HIV-infected immigrants who intend to live in the U.S. permanently must show that they will not become a "public charge."
Allison Herwitt, legislative director of the Human Rights Campaign, a "gay" and lesbian rights organization, told the AP the U.S. has outgrown discriminatory travel restrictions.
The current ban was "adopted during a time of widespread fear and ignorance about the HIV virus," she said.
Nearly 160 health and AIDS organizations recently sent a petition to [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Congress[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] requesting removal of the immigration ban.
"Health care professionals, researchers and other exceptionally talented people have been blocked from the United States," it said. "Since 1993, the International Conference on AIDS has not been held on U.S. soil due to this policy."
While the proposal raises the cost of visitor's [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]visas[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] by $1 for three years and $2 for the next five years, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., estimates lifting the restriction could impose a financial burden of more than $80 million in 10 years.
"Most people just don't want to talk about that," he said. From:
Oct 30, 2006

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<HR noShade SIZE=1><!-- head -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Rattle those cages – louder, louder! [/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end head -->
<HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: July 14, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

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<!-- begin bodytext -->What a disgusting and fatuous week in presidential campaigning. John McCain is baited into commenting whether insurance should pay for male erectile drugs and female birth control pills.
If I were McCain, I'd have said, "Government, stay out." Insurance companies should not be required to cover drugs dealing with behavioral choices. Then again, I'm not running for office and pandering to voters.
Then [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Barack [/FONT][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Obama[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] spouted off about American's lack of ability to speak foreign languages. He criticizes us for only speaking English and claims we should teach our children Spanish.
Poor [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Obama[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], embarrassed by his country again. For someone who finds so many things about the United States to apologize for, or be ashamed of, it's a wonder he wants to associate with Americans by aiming to be their president.
It's also amazing how willing he is to accept political donations from people he finds so lacking in every other way.
Because politicians have such disdain for their constituents, it was beautiful last year when the voice of the people – to say nothing of the anger of the people – captured the full attention of D.C. politicians.
They couldn't avoid it.
[COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Congress[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] was considering the 2007 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, and members, along with the media, had already decided that it was needed and would become law. Regardless.
But then, our form of government took over and showed them a thing or two. It's called citizen power based on the Constitution.
Word spread, despite the media hype and talking points in favor of the bill. Talk radio informed people what was going on, and why, and who were the proponents. People learned the ramifications of such legislation on the country, now and in the future.
Dirty politics raised its head and anyone in disagreement was labeled "racist" as though that would change the facts of the bill.
The people heard, thought and reacted. They hated the proposed law and wanted it stopped. They saw clearly it wasn't [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]immigration[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] "reform" but flat-out amnesty for people who'd already broken federal immigration laws by crossing our border illegally.
They also worked, drove, attended school and siphoned public welfare illegally and yet, elected politicians wanted to "give" them [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]citizenship[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR].
For any sane, thinking person, it was an outrage and needed to be stopped. To the shock of Washington and state capitols across the country, it was – resoundingly, because citizens made their voices heard.
Phones rang, e-mail accounts crashed from the message load and even snail mail burdened the minions hired to handle the incoming missives from constituents – all, necessary evils of the business of politics.
(Column continues below)

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They're "necessary" because the people must continually light fires under their elected representatives to let them know what they want done in terms of laws and enforcement.
They're "evils" because politicians hate to have their preconceived notions shattered by the knowledge that the people they represent want nothing to do with proposed new laws.
It would be so much easier if the people would just stay out of it and let the elected ones work their will on everyone, and [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]public [/FONT][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]opinion[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] be damned.
Fortunately, if people do their part in government, they'll be sure every politician pays attention and does what's needed for a smooth-running society.
Those "anointed" ones who make laws for the rest of us according to their own personal agendas, have to deal with the plebeians "out there." They tolerate U.S. citizens, but only to the extent they can shuck and jive us. Beyond that, their arrogance becomes a visible and tangible part of their behavior and voting.
But when it gets bad enough, Election Day can be a measure of voter discontent. As many wags have said, "Vote the bastards out."
I'm for that, and with November fast approaching, our work is cut out for us. Not only can we vote out the bad guys, we can be certain to only vote in people who understand issues and put the United States first.
Candidates who ignore illegal aliens in this country and the continuing flow of illegals across the border daily, are playing with fire politically.
Because of years of Democrat tolerance and silent acquiescence by Republicans, the situation is out of control.
Why else do individual states, for example Oklahoma and Arizona, pass laws that duplicate existing federal laws.
There already are employer penalties for hiring illegals. The feds ignore it. The new state laws don't.
There are two bills planned for the Nevada legislature targeting the massive influx of illegals there with the accompanying enormous financial burden on schools, housing, welfare, [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]public [/FONT][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]services[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], medicine and law enforcement.
However, Illegals are wielding "power" with demonstrations and demands. They have that "power" because weak politicians and sympathetic media have decided their illegal status doesn't matter.
In Tucson last week "America's toughest sheriff," Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, was at a bookstore signing his new book, "Joe's Law."
Arpaio, son of legal [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]immigrants[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], enforces the law. He arrests illegals, fights gangs and drug runners, cooperates with ICE and the border patrol and does it 24/7. Two thousand prisoners are housed in tents, fed simple meals and wear pink underwear – men and women.
Arizona elected officials fight him every inch of the way. They don't want "certain" laws enforced.
Demonstrators at the signing attempted to shout Arpaio down.
An immigrant-rights spokesman was angry the bookstore offered "a platform for hatred in our community."
Another woman's shirt read: "Deport Joe Arpaio."
Message to Earth: Arpaio IS a citizen. You can't deport him."
A local newspaper said Joe's supporters were 60 or older, white and included many couples.
The protesting crowd was described as a mix of whites and Hispanics, teens to elderly and mostly women.
In November, Arpaio is running for re-election for his fifth, four-year term. He's doing something right.
Obama and McCain could learn from him.
Oct 30, 2006
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[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Texas to World Court: Execution still on![/SIZE][/FONT]
<!-- end head --><!-- deck -->[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Father of victim says U.N. body's order 'don't mean diddly'[/SIZE][/FONT]
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<HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: July 17, 2008
1:43 pm Eastern

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<!-- begin bodytext --><TABLE align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=190>

Jose Medellin</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Texas is refusing to bow to yesterday's World Court order to stay the Aug. 5 lethal injection of convicted rapist-killer and illegal alien Jose [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Medellin[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR].
The highest U.N. court insisted that five scheduled executions of Mexicans be immediately halted until the cases undergo further review. Mexico's government filed a petition with the court last month because it said the men had been deprived of assistance from their consulates following their arrests.
According to Geneva [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Convention[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] rules, illegal aliens must have access to their national consulates once they have been detained.
The U.N. court order echoes statements made by Mexico that "Texas has made clear that unless restrained, it will go forward with the execution without providing Mr. Medellin the mandated review and reconsideration," which will "irreparably" violate U.S. obligations to the World Court's 2004 directive, the [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Houston[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] Chronicle reported.
Citing "the paramount interest in human life," Mexico said it would "for forever be deprived of the opportunity to vindicate its rights and those of the nationals concerned" if Medellin's execution continues as scheduled.
(Story continues below)

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Texas Gov. Rick Perry's office rejected Mexico's complaint.
"The world court has no standing in Texas, and Texas is not bound by a ruling or edict from a foreign court," Perry spokesman Robert Black said. "It is easy to get caught up in discussions of [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]international [/FONT][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]law[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] and justice and treaties. It's very important to remember that these individuals are on death row for killing our citizens."
According to the Houston Chronicle, international law expert Sarah Cleveland warned if the U.S. ignores the U.N. court order, many other countries may follow its example.
"This can only come back to hurt U.S. citizens when they are detained abroad," she wrote in an e-mail to the newspaper. " ... When a global leader like the U.S. refuses to comply with its clear international legal obligations (and everyone agrees that this is a clear legal obligation), it undermines the willingness of other states to comply with their own obligations and it inspires them not to trust us to obey ours."
Randy Ertman, father of Jennifer, a 14-year-old girl Medellin raped and murdered, criticized the World Court for attempting to intervene.
"The world court don't mean diddly," he said. "This business belongs in the state of Texas. The people of the state of Texas support the execution. We thank them. The rest of them can go to h-ll."
Adolfo Peña, father of Elizabeth, a 16-year-old girl Medellin also raped and murdered, concurred with Ertman.
"I believe we've been through all the red tape we can go through," he told the Houston Chronicle. "It's time to rock and roll."
Oct 30, 2006

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a single cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls... But they are unable to locate 40 million illegal aliens wandering around our country... Maybe we should give each of them a cow...
Oct 30, 2006
New Fight Political Correctness Forum


Illegal Immigration (2 Viewing)
Illegal Aliens tied up YOUR streets and waved THEIR flag in attempt to steal your citizenship. America's drug trade is controlled by illegal aliens. 1 out of every 3 people in U.S. prisons is an illegal alien. Hospitals are closing down across the country from costs associated with treating Illegal Aliens. In today's politically correct world, if you voice your opposition to this, chances are you'll be labeled a "bigot"
Oct 30, 2006
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Oct 30, 2006

Nevada McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1 Million for Hiring Illegal Aliens

Thursday, July 17, 2008, 11:22 AM


A Reno McDonald's franchisee has been fined $1 million for giving illegal aliens false Social Security numbers so they could be hired.
Mack Associates filed guilty pleas to one count of conspiracy to encourage and induce an alien's unlawful residence in the United States and one count of aiding and abetting an alien to remain in the United States. Both are felony offenses.

According to the plea agreement filed in U.S. District Court in Nevada, Mack Associates hired individuals who were not legally able to work in the United States and gave them the names and Social Security numbers of individuals who were entitled to work in the United States. The director of operations and the former vice president of Mack Associates have pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting an alien to remain in the United States and face a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000.

The plea deal is a direct result of a Spetember ICE raid that caught 58 illegal aliens working in 11 Reno-area McDonalds owned by Mack Associates.
Clickhere to read more about this story. E-Verify Info:
Oct 30, 2006
A pleasant suprise

2 Pro-Enforcement Democratic Incumbents Handily Defeat Primary Challenges

By Roy Beck, Updated Friday, July 18, 2008, 2:18 PM
We have good results from Primary elections for two Democratic incumbent congressmen who bucked their Party leadership on immigration. Both faced vigorous Primary challenges from candidates backed by Democrats who said the incumbents were too centrist. We are well aware that Democrats who stand for reduced immigration levels will do better in the General elections, but we are particularly gratified to see that standing for sensible immigration also is a good political sell in Democratic Primaries.
And in the other Party, the Republican freshman who has earned the second best immigration grade of the entire 535-Member Congress beat back a Primary challenge from his District’s Party and business establishment. (More on Paul Broun below.)
SAVE Act Hero, Rep. Barrow, Wins In Georgia

I was especially excited to see Rep. John Barrow (D-Ga.) win his Savannah District Primary. Having narrowly been elected to Congress in 2004, he had immediately established himself on immigration issues as a friend of the common working man and woman and the middle-class taxpayers.
He has earned the 11th best immigration-reduction grade among all Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Barrow is one of only a dozen Democrats brave enough to buck House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and sign the Discharge Petition to force a vote on the SAVE Act (sponsored by another freshman Democrat Heath Shuler of North Carolina).
At a NumbersUSA event this spring, Barrow gave a stirring speech about the importance of standing up for true Democratic Party values in protecting the most vulnerable workers in society. He said if the Democratic leadership won’t stand for the principles of protecting American workers from unfair foreign labor importation, he will always be willing to oppose his Party for the sake of the voters of his District.
Not surprisingly, he faced Democratic opposition in the Primary to decide whether to nominate him for a third term in Congress. The Blue America Political Action Committee, founded by liberal bloggers in 2006 and supported by Hollywood media moguls, ran an ad campaign to try to convince Democratic voters that Barrow was standing on the wrong principles.
It didn’t work. The Georgia Democrats voted 76% for Barrow and just 34% for Georgia State Sen. Regina Thomas.
Best Immigration-Reduction Republican Will Face Barrow

The Savannah, Ga., District voters in both Primaries showed their preference for hard-hitting immigration reformers.
In the Republican Primary, only John E. Stone of the three candidates took our NumbersUSA survey. He answered every question perfectly. And he won the three-way race with 57% of the vote.
Stone is former Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director for both the late U.S. Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA10) and former U.S. Rep. Max Burns (R-GA12). He earlier was a news anchor and reporter for Augusta, Ga., TV.
In the General election in November, voters will have excellent immigration choices in both Stone and Barrow.
Democratic SAVE Co-Sponsor Survives Iowa Challenge

The winner in the Iowa Primary was centrist Democratic Rep. Leonard Boswell. While he is no champion for our cause, he stands with us more than against us. And his recent immigration-reduction grades are better than 191 of the Democrats in the U.S. House. He is a co-sponsor of the SAVE Act, which is the Democratic backbenchers’ challenge to the open-borders leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Thus, I was concerned when Ed Fallon, a former state legislator, tried to unseat Boswell. Congratulations to you Des Moines District Democrats for supporting the far better immigration candidate Boswell 61% over the 39% for Fallon.
I hope you Iowans will work on Rep. Boswell now to sign the Discharge Petition on the SAVE Act to show his full devotion to the workers of his District, and his disdain for the Pelosi-leadership preference for illegal foreign workers.
Top GOP Freshman Wins In Georgia

Freshman Rep. Paul Broun won his Primary race in 2006 in what many thought was a bit of a fluke. Knowing that he needed to act quickly to convince the voters of his District that he was doing what they most wanted him to do, Broun actively searched out all the ways he could help advance the immigration-reduction agenda.
Broun has not done ALL the things he might have done to help us in the last two years, but he came pretty darn close. His percentage rating in our NumbersUSA grading system is 98% (only Rep. Barrett, R-S.C., is higher at 99%).
For various reasons, the Georgia Republican establishment was reported to be backing Barry Fleming to unseat Broun. Bay Buchanan of the Team America PAC wrote this week: “Up until Election Day, all the papers were calling this race a toss-up. Even though he was an incumbent, Paul faced an uphill battle. His opponent Barry Fleming had more money, the support of the local media, and the backing of the Georgia Republican establishment.”
But in the end Rep. Broun was re-nominated with 71% of the vote.

Roy Beck is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA.

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Billy 6418 of LA
Fri, 07/18/2008 - 7:02pm
I think its great to see

I think its great to see people with at least some of our interests stand up and be counted. Thanks for the report..
Oct 30, 2006
Nevada McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1 Million for Hiring Illegal Aliens

Thursday, July 17, 2008, 11:22 AM


A Reno McDonald's franchisee has been fined $1 million for giving illegal aliens false Social Security numbers so they could be hired.
Mack Associates filed guilty pleas to one count of conspiracy to encourage and induce an alien's unlawful residence in the United States and one count of aiding and abetting an alien to remain in the United States. Both are felony offenses.

According to the plea agreement filed in U.S. District Court in Nevada, Mack Associates hired individuals who were not legally able to work in the United States and gave them the names and Social Security numbers of individuals who were entitled to work in the United States. The director of operations and the former vice president of Mack Associates have pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting an alien to remain in the United States and face a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000.

The plea deal is a direct result of a Spetember ICE raid that caught 58 illegal aliens working in 11 Reno-area McDonalds owned by Mack Associates.
Clickhere to read more about this story. E-Verify Info:

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