A leopard never changes its spots.
Asking vtard to stop lying and trolling is like asking...
- Jaguara to stop hating Jews
- Muslims to modernize and stop blowing things up
- Democrats to stop trotting out 'victims' to support their weak arguments and ideology
- Scott L to stop being funny
- Mantis to get off the fence
- the Prius Pussy to stop posting his lame-ass "nailed it" memes
- the Kenyan to produce his actual birth certificate
- Crooked Hillary to quit crime
The poker fraud won't change and I don't expect him to change.
Who said I would change? Not me...I knock out trolls and liars and that includes you. Nothing is gonna change that. I left you idiots alone for a week but you guys kept on trolling....just like I said you would.
Still a birtherointer: