Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Yeah, Camile needs to go. I don't care for the red headed John Stevens, but the guy can actually sing that "Big Band" stuff, and is actually good at it, if you like that stuff. Thats the only reason Stevens should get to stay and Camile go, because Stevens actually is consistent at something, while Camile has been inconsistent in even her own style.........

New member
Jan 1, 2001
How can someone not like John Stevens? I mean, yeah his style is different and he seems to sing stuff that was hip 100 years ago but the fvcker has a great voice and has his own little style, which most of the others dont even have.

Hudson is horrible, oh God I want to smack her.....and no, I said, smack, I wouldnt hit it.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I don't necessarily dislike Fantasia herself, but I can't stand her voice. Also, I think she's become too arrogant and cocky.And after 3 years now, Ive finally tired on Paula Abdul;instead of one of the singers, I think she should be the one voted off next!
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Randy and Paula's criticizing and complimenting "pattern" for certain people continue.Very clear, I hope not only to me, what's going on there. Also, I still like my girl Diana DeGarmo.........

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
bottom line is the only person who might sell any albums is latoya.

i cant see anybody going to the record store and spending money on any of the others.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Your right King.Fox has been trying to build and keep ratings by claiming that this is the best group theyve had since the show's existence. That claim is so ridiculous it's hilarious. This group is a complete joke compared to last years.

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -SLIM-:
How can someone not like John Stevens? I mean, yeah his style is different and he seems to sing stuff that was hip 100 years ago but the fvcker has a great voice and has his own little style, which most of the others dont even have.

Hudson is horrible, oh God I want to smack her.....and no, I said, smack, I wouldnt hit it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

wow slim, u must have watched a different show then me tonight, i thought Jennifer Hudson was the best, followed by my favorite Fantasia, who i think just has "it"...

I also disagreed with the judges on John Stevens, i thought he showed much more tonight...And while he cant dance well, i thought he FINALLY showed personality, and there is no doubt the kid has a voice, he just needs to find his niche.....being a crooner like him, you couldnt have picked 4 worse themes for him to have to start with....I dont think Ozzy could sing country, nor would i want to hear Reba McIntire sing acid rock...People have their niche, and his is crooning, love songs, etc....I think he could have picked a better song to sing tonight, a ballad, and been safer, but i think he felt he HAD to do something different......I also think by far the George Huff is the most improved singer in the competition...

Camille was by far the worst tonight, followed by John Peter Parker Stevenson Lewis whatever....

Overall, not a great night for the singers....

And i love Elton John's music....

I was surprised no one sang Can U Feel the Love Tonight? or Sad Songs Say So Much, or I Guess that Why They call it The Blues...

Those are the first 3 songs i thought of when i heard the theme, thought some of the singers could have done those well....

I didnt think anyone would try Crocodile Rock or Im Still Standing..

New member
Dec 20, 2002
Let's cut the crap, boys.

The two male caucasians were absolutely dreadful, and always have been. Camille wasn't a whole lot better.

They should give the punt to all three of them this week - why prolong the agony ?
Tonight's performances:

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4:

Also Rans:
*John & John

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Halifax:
Let's cut the crap, boys.

The two male caucasians were absolutely dreadful, and always have been. Camille wasn't a whole lot better.

They should give the punt to all three of them this week - why prolong the agony ?
Tonight's performances:

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4:

Also Rans:
*John & John<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Neither Latoya or George were better than Fantasia tonight...

I agree on Jennifer....she was STRONG tonight, and she knew it...

New member
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Neither Latoya or George were better than Fantasia tonight...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fantasia ... annoying personality a la Macy Gray; annoying voice a la Macy Gray.

But at least Macy Gray's got a couple of good songs.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Time for the TiVo blow-by-blow brought to you by Green Doberman. It's a WWF theme for the review this week.

Corey Koskie just hit a walk-off homer for the marathon win, so I can relax and watch with a helping of Chipotle chips and salsa. (sorry folks, the burrito was gone a long time ago)

The intro, Seacrest, judges.
Cheesy contestant montage where Simon introduces Elton John to them. Camile is crying, John S. has that deer in the headlights look. Could this be a precursor of things to come>

First up is Fantasia. The only analogy I can make is this is like batting Wade "Chicken Man" Boggs leadoff.
Fantasia pulls an "Edge" and enters through the crowd.(Jim Ross should be announcing this, "The stage is EMPTY, the stage is EMPTY, where is she King? Good god it's Tasia, in the crowd TASIA!!"
As far as her performance, well, I can see why Macy Gray doesn't do Elton covers. But her performance is still a showstopper and she stays the chalk. Simon as usual is the only honest one, and luckily for her she maintains composure (well, for her). Still you can't help but see the distance between her and LaToya in the class category. (I keep having this dream that her and LaToya are the finalists and before they announce the winner LaToya goes to shake hands and 'Tasia gives her a steel chair shot, but hey that's just me).

The dogs outside are howling so it must be JPL time. The Church of the Latter Day Saints pinup boy will be singing "Rocket Man". Well, at least we don't have to hear his "Tiny Dancer" travesty again.
He hits the first few notes, but then goes off into the JPL strut, which bears a strange resemblance to Evil Vince McMahon's "cock of the walk" strut. As soon as he starts moving, his singing starts dying. Way off key...again. The crowd goes BYU. Otherwise, this was brutal.
Uh oh, Randy starts off with "Yo,yo,yo", that's never a good sign. The only way JPL escapes the bottom 3 this week is if 20 million TVs simultaneously went on mute. This "Rocket Man" crashes and burns.

"America's Sweetheart" Jasmine Trias is next. She's the Miss Elizaeth of the competition. "Don't let the Sun go Down on me" seems suited to her voice. She opens up slowly, then lets it all go. Wow, she's the most soulful sounding 16-year old I've ever heard! A couple off-key notes for the "flower child" but overall solid enough to keep her alive.
Jazz blows kisses to the crowd and flashes her million-dollar smile. The judges are dead-on in their criticisms, however. It was a little underkey and she did go for too much power and came off like a Jennifer. However, that being said, if she goes and JPL stays that would be the worst decision since making David Arquette WCW champ (remember that debacle?).

Conan O'Brien, nay, Dean Martin, nay Frank Sinatra, oh hell, John Stevens is next. The trademark finger snap is back and the "deer in headlights" look is gone. John's gambling this week with an uptempo "Crocodile Rock". He at least remembers all his words and seems energetic. But he sounds the EXACT same as the last 27 weeks we have suffered through his "Rat Pack" imitation. It's like Stone Cold match you can see the finish from miles away, Punch, punch, kick, stunner.
If this were a coffin match, John would have been buried alive.
Randy proceeds to bury him, then Paula gives a 2-minute stumbling lecture trying to find something good about it. It's never good when Simon uses the word "excruciating" to describe your singing. Well, at least the deer in headlights look is back.

Green has turned the AC up in the room, that could only mean one thing... CAMILE TIME. "The lovely Camile" or otherwise knows as TLC needs a big performance tonight. Please, please, please, turn it up Hawaiian girl. TLC needs her own theme music, like when Sable used to come out and the crwod would go nuts. (Come to think of it a Camile-Jasmine catfight would probably sell out Aloha Stadium for Wrestlemania 25).

Camile is from Haiku so here's a little inspiration Green Doberman style:

Beautiful Island
Bring us a lovely singing star
Rasta girl do it.

Ok, so poetry is not my strong suit. Well, I'm a big Camile fan, but ugh, bad song choice, and sounded terrible. Simon may be right, as lovely as TLC is, this is goodbye yellow brick road for her.

The Huff-man is up. Hope he loses the Tigger bounce this week. George is gaining steam and a strong performance this week certainly would strengthen his status.

George is soulful as usual, not bringing down the house like last week and yes that Tigger bounce is omnipresent. (It's kinda like when you flip Nature Boy into the turnbuckle and you know he's gonna give the flip onto the apron and get clotheslined, it's cool at first, but you wish he'd do something different).
Anyway, George is soulful, smiley, and likeable. The judges like it, even surly Simon. George's star is shining brightly yet again.

Here come the perky wind-up Barbie, Diana. Someone tell her it's not Mr. Elton John, it's Sir to you young lady. She'll be doing "I'm Still Standing", gee, who woulda thunk.
Did I just change to Star Search or is this the Miss Georgia Peach competition? Little Miss Windup is even more grating than last week. Luckily, she is following three tragedies in JPL, John, and Camile. Her worst performance yet.
She's so bland and lifeless, it's like watching someone go through the motions. The judges notice she was pretty lame as well. If the fan bases of JPL, John, and Camile are worried and vote heavily, Miss Junior Sparky could be in trouble.

"Once, twice, three time a lady" LaToya is up. She can wrest the frontrunner status from Fantasia like Wendi Richter shocked Moolah with a strong performance.
OK, damn this girl is good. Elegant, classy, with a voice to match. If it wasn't a home run, it was surely a ground rule double. She may even be a little too nice (a la Jasmine). But if she's in the bottom three this week, she should call out America and turn heel.

A break and we'll return with Jennifer. Crucial, crucial night for the Jenster. With several weak performances before her, she merely needs to be good to stay alive. Right now, it's her and Camile in a "loser leaves town" match.
BTW, is any one thing more synonymous with the shallowness of America than "The Swan". God, that show looks AWFUL.
Chicago's cruise ship star takes the stage. She brings those powerful pipes and gives us another vintage Jen performance(powerful vocals, oversinging. I think I could hear her sing one song, but after three I'd be confessing spy secrets to the Viet Cong. Still, she was solid and deserves not to leave the island. An improvement and positive comments, now it's up to her fan base.

That's it folks, summary to follow.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Halifax, dead on in your assesment, although I'd put Camile with the two white boys. I'm a big Camile supporter, but she deserves to go with that performance. A little studio tweaking will help her sound, but I'm afraid it's back to the pancakes.

As I said last week, the show is clearly divided between the haves and have nots. The next three weeks should be dedicated to saying goodbye to Camile, JPL, and John S. After that, Diana needs to go. Previously, I would have said Jennifer, but tonight leaves her in the game.

Pick to go: Camile
Should go: Camile, JPL, or John S. (anyone else would be a shame)

Surprise in bottom 3: Diana (if you consider that a surprise anymore).

Top Contenders:

Moving up:

Moving down:

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
Updated odds at the imaginary Green Doberman book.

To win:
Fantasia EVEN
LaToya 9-5
George 3-1
Jennifer 12-1
Jasmine 13-1
Diana 20-1
Jon Peter 100-1
John S. 250-1
Camile 1000-1

Sep 20, 2004
George is the man. Reminds me of the late David Ruffin from the Temptations. I haven't heard anything close to his style in contemporary music. He's a throwback... and if given the right material, he could revive an entire genre. It doesn't matter if he win's or loses American Idol. That cat is about to go big over this next year. Mark my words

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
George is definitely looking strong, and he seems to keep getting better every week. I also think he has a big advantage in that he has virtually ZERO competition with other males as the two Johns are not in his league. This alone should keep him until the top 3 minimum. All those girls are fighting it out amongst each other and I think eventually it is gonna cost Fantasia, LaToya, or Jennifer and possibly Camile/Jasmine as they are in the same ethnic groups and have similar sounds.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The point is this group stinks and cannot stand up to last years by a long shot. Almost every one of the singers from last years top 10 were better than any thats left right now this year.......

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
for what my opinion is worth on this topic, mark my words. latoya will be the only one you ever hear about when this brutal display is over. whether she wins the thing or not.

she looks good, she can sing and shows some class.

somebody else might win but she is the only possible star out of that lousy bunch.

its almost like the voters are turning it into a joke. it the bottom 3 this week arent the red head, jpl and camile then its a joke.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
last week the red head sucked,,, and the little Guy from the LORD of the Rings sucked worse,,, they werent up,,,, My giess is that only 1 of them will be up for dismissal today,,
they almost lost the black chick with the big forehead last week,,,,, so tey had to "TALK HER UP" this week,,, the masses will be SWayed by their words,,,,,,,, she wont be in this last 3 this week,,,

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