People are getting restless
“[FONT="] The REALITY, millions of people are out of work, wondering how they are going to feed themselves and prevent going homeless and succumbing to poverty, while millions of others are succumbing to mental health issues from being held prisoner in their own homes and wondering when they will ever be set free. So, the REALITY is this, things are going to open back, while you continue to search for your breakthrough...we're not staying locked down UNTIL you find your breakthrough.
There's an old term that was used all the time....'life goes on...', and that showed that no matter what tragedy befell us, 'life went on'. This may be the first time in history that something has happened to our species, and we have made a decision that 'life will NOT go on!'...instead, we will stop living life and imprison ourselves till TPTB say we can come out and start living our lives again. Hate to break it to you, but that will simply not work long term. We're at our limit on that response, as we are at a breaking point of the well being of the economy, of poverty becoming more dangerous than the virus, and the mental implications becoming worse than the virus.
Bottom line, you doctors can keep doing what your doing in your labs, but meanwhile, we have NO CHOICE but to open things back up and let folks get back to work and earn a paycheck. There may still be guidelines all through summer, but those guidelines will be put in place at workplaces that are reopened and stores that are reopened. Bottom line is life must go on, virus or no virus. If you're not being allowed to actually live your life, then what's the real point i me, many out there are getting to the point where they are asking themselves that question.”[/FONT]